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6491333 No.6491333 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too aware of social constructs
>tfw Ideology seems tangible at this point
>tfw conscious that my personality is nothing but an edifice of conditioned responses to particular set of experiences
>tfw cultural relativist to the point where my own cultural values seem weak and abstract
>tfw you see society around you with the same detached, clinical lens of an anthropologist studying an ancient one
>tfw the humanities left me jaded to anything human
>tfw would do anything to become a conservative simpleton again

>> No.6491386
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We always fear death when it is mysterious and far away. But when we come closer and are aware of the secrets of life; we long for it.

>> No.6491404
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>> No.6491415

>conscious that my personality is nothing but an edifice of conditioned responses to particular set of experiences

Lol, nice try. You wish this were true, because otherwise you'd have to face the fact that, in the moment, you *choose* to play the default record of conditioned response rather than do what you actually want to do (which probably feels too risky).

>> No.6491445

>tfw conscious that my personality is nothing but an edifice of conditioned responses to particular set of experiences
This is why we're all the same as everybody else. You're no one and everyone at the same time. It's the secret to the great virtue of compassion.

>> No.6491549

>This is why we're all the same as everybody else. You're no one and everyone at the same time. It's the secret to the great virtue of compassion.

I don't disagree with that

>> No.6491561

>tfw never sure if these feelings are shared by everyone but go unspoken or if we're just a small collective of individuals
>Can't talk about it because it just sounds edgy and pretentious

>> No.6491677

If this is what you're willing to admit, lord knows what else you might believe

>> No.6491702


>> No.6491708
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Reactionaries are paper tigers.

>> No.6491722

>using reactionary as a pejorative
>implying there is anything 'good', in a monist nietzschean way, about modern bourgeois sensibilities

>> No.6491728


>Doesn't know the phrase "Reactionaries are paper tigers."

>> No.6491746

Does reacting to reactionaries serve a higher purpose?

>> No.6491750


Yes. Preventing their spread in any capacity. It's the standard.

>> No.6491762

> get in car
>don't put on seat belt
>drive 80mph into a wall

>> No.6491770
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hilarious thread OP.

i was just thinking, though, how vast the timeline of a species is and how vast the universe is and I just feel so small and insignificant, like a mindless bacteria that's just trying to spread out into the galaxy by means of reproduction. too aware of the STEM to socialize anymore. i'm like your opposite twin.

>yfw dawkins was right.

>> No.6491785

Why would you want to prevent their spread?

>> No.6491794
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Because they suck ass. It is standard that they must be stopped at all costs.

>> No.6491803
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that's funny because we're really all just made of stars, look in your right hand, there's a star. look at your left hand, there's another star. stars died for you. go forth and carpe diem. don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not a star. you're two.

>> No.6492003

Can you imagine someone who does both. Nigga must be dead inside.

>> No.6492007


who is that old fart?

>> No.6492012
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>loathing in your depression instead of trying to be productive and improve the world around you

>> No.6492062

>tfw conscious that my personality is nothing but an edifice of conditioned responses to particular set of experiences

that's what you think, though when was the last time you disciplined yourself and put yourself through a new set of circumstances that you've never "responded" too

>> No.6492135

Same OP

You just gotta find a girl to love

>> No.6492164

pastor richard dawkins of New Atheism®

>> No.6492173


>> No.6492392

>tfw we are all totally and completely unique individuals
>tfw you can never truly know another person and they can never truly know you
>tfw have given up on any kind of intimate human connection
shits been fucking me up for a while now tbh, can you guys suggest some books/authors to point me in the right direction?

>> No.6492998

>tfw committed to critical theory and psychoanalytics
>tfw language is everything
>tfw terrified that if we were to remove each and every chain of oppressive or dogmatic discourses we would find that the chains were just tangled up with other chains under the delusion of being a single and coherent self

>> No.6493008

Honestly, if you feel in any way obligated to find an earth female to love you've already failed.

>> No.6493011


Try LSD or meditate and become enlightened.

>> No.6493013


>> No.6493098

So do I win if I feel obligated to have sex with alien cuties?

>> No.6493118
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>being ''self aware'' is a bad thing
it does not make for a good society if everyone is self aware as you describe
thats why they used to burn books and put the authors to death before the people were contaminated by them

>> No.6493129

I remember that feeling from high school, then I read Notes from Underground and realised I was just giving christposters fodder.

>> No.6493156

and i can't confess feeling suicidal because its too edgy/attention seeking/emotionally manipulative. even anonymously

>> No.6493159


>> No.6493164
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I already found her and she makes me not care that life is pointless and I stop thinking about how society works for two seconds when I'm with her.

That's why I think OP could use it. I don't care if love is brain chemicals, she justifies my existence

>> No.6493190
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>achieve this state of non achievement myself
>it's fun as fuck
What are you doing m8? Start with the Chinese, you're only halfway there. Specifically Zen and Taoists.

>> No.6493285
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>tfw can never feel authentic because I'm too deceptive

>> No.6493302

She doesn't justify your existence at all. She only makes your existence bearable.

Hey op, try running. Run every day and see if anything changes

>> No.6493354

I remember the day I stopped running, sometimes choice is a bad thing.

>> No.6493404

As much as I think that doing stuff like that helps and you should do it, I also think that looking for something cathartic might alienate you guys from the logical outcome of your situation

I hate to use such old terminology, but "historical task" describes this outcome pretty well. You need to be hyperaware of the mechanics through which society operates to pull the strings that lead to its improvement. I'm my opinion, to place everything into a wider context of social, economic, historical and psychological conditioning should become something like our second nature

Btw is there a term for this? >>6493164

There has to be a weird german word for this feeling of being aware that there's no 'free will' behind your choice of doing something, but enjoying doing it regardless

>> No.6493412

How in the world were any of those replies "reactionary"? Are you stupid enough to think that disagreeing with OP has anything to do with politics?

>> No.6493420

It's okay, OP. You'll settle down by senior year.

>> No.6493441
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based Zapffe

>> No.6493450

Your trips convey your pain. Here, have some mysticism;
