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File: 27 KB, 333x500, dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6492702 No.6492702 [Reply] [Original]

is dune really as great as everyone makes it out to be

>> No.6492706

why don't you read it and find out

>> No.6492707

totally forgot I bought that shit

>> No.6492732



>> No.6492734

Not quite. See it as a not as good version of sf lotr

>> No.6492738

No, it's not. That doesn't mean it's terrible either though.

World building is interesting, some of the other concepts are important for the time, but the overall writing style and plot are both weak.

>> No.6492743

>sand niggers in space OP

>> No.6492746

im going too and im sure ill like it but it seems pretty hyped up to me

>> No.6492749
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>> No.6492764

Update: Read like 20 pages. Pretty interesting so far.

>> No.6492772

update: no one gives a shit

>> No.6492804


>> No.6492829

No. It's very good, but most of the people here who gush over it have read very little sci-fi.

>> No.6492835

Dune is a book of cliches that it created

>> No.6492843

Seconding what >>6492835 said.

It's good, but not mind-blowing. The sci-fi and world get more interesting in the sequels, but the writing remains just as dry if not even drier.

If you want to get into science-fiction its pretty much essential beginner's reading but if sci-fi doesn't interest you then you aren't really missing out.

>> No.6493114

>writing remains just as dry

>> No.6493133

As far as SF goes it was one of the best books written in the genre at the time it was written. It did important things for the genre. The story is iconic, the imagery is cool, the monomyth is almost painfully present, etc.

>> No.6493143
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like most science fiction
it's an adolescent boy's fantasy
e.g., the hero conquers the enemy while riding a giant worm
calling Dr. Freud

>> No.6493158

there's nothing wrong with children's fantasies, especially when they presented in a way adults can understand and admire.

>> No.6494104

High or low functioning autism?

>> No.6494133
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When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

- King James Bible

>> No.6494157

It created many cliches. Many sci-fi franchises are based on Dune, like Star Wars.

>> No.6494184
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I enjoyed this more than the book or the film

>> No.6494209

I've read quite a moderate amount of Science Fiction. I attempted to read Dune twice, a second attempt due it to being of so high a praise I assumed I maybe missed something, and I could not finish it due to how dry and dull the writing is. Concepts are amazing, world-building skills top bananas, but the story has no force too it and I failed to give a damn about anything that was happening.

>> No.6494631

I was the same. it seemed good but it was also like starting a story in the middle. no idea what was going on. I did enjoy it better after I read the prequels though. it seemed to make a lot more sense

>> No.6495414


Y-you don't mean those Brian Herbert books, right?

Good ideas, mostly crappy execution (except the fight scenes).

>> No.6495454

where can i get a sandworm fleshlight

>> No.6495463

just watch the movie instead

>> No.6495513

I just can't take thopters seriously

>> No.6495523
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Make your own. The official ones were made in the eighties.

>> No.6495528
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>> No.6495533

I think the concept is brilliant. The books themselves kinda suck. Herbert is not a very talented writer.

The story is still cool, i really liked the sci-fi channel's dune series.

>> No.6495536
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Pic related was made by a redditor.

>> No.6495549

Saying a book "sucks" isn't very helpful because it doesn't tell us why they suck. Please give an example.

I really liked the first three or four Dune book, but I will admit this: the novel's larger themes about religion and politics are not smoothly integrated into the text. The characters often launch into heavy-handed Ayn Rand / Metal Gear Solid-style lectures at the slightest suggestion. I wouldn't mind if it was only for a couple long-winded characters, but nearly everyone does it.

>> No.6495622

Sandworm penis-sleeve?

>> No.6495941
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>> No.6495950

>Please give an example.
Alright, it sucks because your mom is in it, sucking off sand niggers, that's why.

>> No.6495963

God dammit Feyd-Rautha or whoever the second Harkonnen from the left is, stop turning me gay

>> No.6495997
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Your questions betrays your ignorance.

Seriously though, I didn't like it because I thought the writing was godawful. The way Herbert italicizes the constant interior monologues of every character reminds me of voice overs in a soap opera parody. It lacks any subtlety.

I've forgiven Philip K Dick for his clunky writing but I just can't do it for Herbert. If you're really into world-building and very pulpy writing you might enjoy it.

>> No.6495999

>I outgrew my humanity
Back at you, uberman

>> No.6496025

He also uses the word "Presently" way too much.

>> No.6496098

It betrays his bad writing.

>> No.6496160

The first book is essential sci-fi reading
The next two are nice additions, but not so excellent

>> No.6497100

and god emperor is the best one

>> No.6497120


>> No.6497257
File: 41 KB, 578x598, 1419758218515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing in a book that takes place on a desert planet is dry
i never would have guessed