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6488587 No.6488587 [Reply] [Original]

>365 days since last update

It's ogre, the basedest modern philosopher of our time is dead

>> No.6488590


>> No.6488596

You are shit, TLP is Zizek meets Stirner meets Wittgenstein meets Jesus

>Intelligent people, like racists, are fluent in describing themselves in opposition to what they are not, but ask them to define themselves by what they are, tell you what they do believe in, and they're lost. They have opinions on issues, sure, but ask for an overarching ideology and their face botoxes. Overarching ideology? Only people with manifestos have ideologies, not having an ideology is the whole point of being independent, the only thing they deal in is "facts" or "reality", and gun to head if they believe in anything it's "science." Not physics or chemistry, but evolution. You know, whatever ideologues hate.

>> No.6488604

trite shite

>> No.6488612


>> No.6488613

How many ways can Alone say capitalism breeds narcissism?

>> No.6488615


>> No.6488644

>Justifying your laziness this hard

I am against every ideology and constricted thinking guise, I only have enemies like da Frankfurt Skool

>> No.6488934
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But OP, everything you need to become a better person has already been said by TLP. If you're waiting on his articles like a TV show, then you're missing the point. Go live your life.


>> No.6488962

This is so fucking standard haha

>> No.6489097
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>if you're waiting on his articles like a TV show, then you're missing the point. Go live your life.

>> No.6489109


Into the trash it goes

>> No.6489161

Evidently he didn't ask me.

>> No.6489164


Emotional immaturity tbh.

>> No.6489373

>So assblasted that True Detective wasnt the deep tv show he was deconstructing it as, he has to leave the internet forever

TLP is a hack

>> No.6489792

Just read Partial Objects, OP.

>> No.6489847

But TLP was the only decent contributor to that site, and it died even sooner than he did

>> No.6489879

I don't get people who say that he's "Nietzschean." His whole blog is full of moralizing. He laments the loss of guilt (where shame has replaced it), which is exactly counter to Nietzsche's immoralism.

If there's anything Nietzschean about him, it's that his blog kind of functions like an "ascetic priest", meaning one who redirects the ressentiment of the Last Men back toward themselves. Meanwhile, alphas gonna alpha, narcissism or not.

>> No.6489899

I copypaste quotes from his essays into my short fiction tbh

Doubt I am alone in that.

>> No.6490812

He name drops Nietzsche and the last man in his based Michael Bay "interview"

>> No.6490847
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literally who

>> No.6490877

the last psychiatrist

>> No.6490906


>> No.6490928

five minutes appart

>> No.6491070

This guy is really not very good as a writer. I'm willing to give it a shot but I'm not particularly interested in any of the posts I see.

What exactly is his angle? What's his best post?

>> No.6491159

His writings on narcissism are his main draw

>> No.6491193

Hipster on food stamp is pretty good.

>> No.6491197

Yeah, I know he namedrops him, and I know the title of the blog is a reference to the Last Man, but like I said, I don't think he's an immoralist a la Nietzsche, I think he's more along the lines of the "ascetic priest" (if you've ever read Genealogy of Morals, I think this is the subject of the second essay, maybe the third).

People on this board always whine about how he's a bad writer, but I think it's combination of the fact that most of his posts are in a kind of "rant" style and that his writing purposely avoids a lot of the "intellectual cues" like jargon, fluff words, etc.

>> No.6493211

thanks for introducing me to tlp niggers, really fun and interesting posts :^)

>> No.6494814

I like his caffeine-fueled erratic style, honestly. The creepy alcoholic pirate psychiatrist persona is a really appealing one, just as far as entertainment value goes.

>> No.6495230

aren't you a bit old to still be reading maddox?