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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 468x560, littlepynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6486854 No.6486854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have kidnapped your son (pic related) I know you frequent this website, if you do not reveal your identity publicly by midnight in Hawaii time I will be forced to take drastic action.

>> No.6486902

>reveal [my] identity
How would someone do that?

>> No.6486907

Post you face with timestamp and shoe on head and ID then call tmz and tell them you wanna do a press conference.

>> No.6486910
File: 487 KB, 2000x1333, 1392223913357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6486921

then little jackson is gonna get my "bleeding edge" if you follow my drift

>> No.6486935

okay dude

>> No.6486940 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 630x386, 324357986734my son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6486941

He stopped posting here a couple years ago.

He realized imageboards are a psy-op but he still wanted to see what it was all about for research for Bleeding Edge.

So he came here, chatted up about Joyce, bad mouthed Woolf and Blood Meridian and then said, It's OK to be a luddite.


>> No.6486948
File: 37 KB, 819x460, cormac mccarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chatted up about Joyce, bad mouthed Blood Meridian
I didn't realize I had so much in common with Pinecone.

>> No.6486957


Wait, pinecone really posted on lit? What the shit

>> No.6486961

He said it was written as if McCarthy had "his scabby cock in one hand and a Roget's [thesaurus] in the other."

Assuming it really was Pinecone and not that faggot Steve Erickson.

>> No.6486965

Andy Kaufman posts here too

>> No.6486971

And Laurie Penny

>> No.6486973

Shut up, Laurie.

>> No.6486984

And Tao Lin

>> No.6486985

Someone made some posts that were a really damn good impression of the Ruggles. Plus he left all these weird clues that /lit/ later traced connections to Pynchon and to Joyce.

For example, Prince Lucio Rimanez, a character in a D.W Griffith film, who was played by a Cornell alumni (Pynchon's uni), based on a novel by a writer that Joyce (Marie Corelli) liked and this actor's mother, Nora, was Irish, with the maiden name Joyce. Coincidence? Sure, probably, but what if it's not?

Anyway, he told us to write Pynchon letters but none of us did it cause we're losers with nothing to say.

There's also a rumour that he posted on the Pynchon mailing list way back under the pseudonym Martin Scribner or something, and basically just told everyone on the forum to STFU and read more.

>> No.6486990

>and basically just told everyone on the forum to STFU and read more.
I would like to be cursed by Thomas Pynchon, that would be fucking awesome.

>> No.6486995

Talkin bout this: >>/lit/thread/S667543

There's other stories told which use trips as vessels too.

>> No.6487001

>just like Pale Fire expects you to work out the puzzle that the crown jewels are hidden in Kobaltana
There's no way to tell from Pale Fire that the crown jewels were hidden in Kobaltana.

>> No.6487007

; )))))))))))))

>> No.6487058
File: 11 KB, 819x460, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if that was him or not but it was a fun read either way.

Also, for some reason, it made me feel like a jackass for not querying that complete manuscript I've been sitting on for nearly a month now. I think I'll go edit out the typos and more glaring errors I missed the first time around and give it a go.

>> No.6487062

>caring about authors
What year do you think this is?
Furthermore, what universe are you in?

>> No.6487075

>Le Buddha meme.png

>> No.6487160
File: 34 KB, 490x736, 23-thomas-pynchon-AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this a /pyn/ topic, I'll share my story.

I was reading V. on a train in Brooklyn once, and I noticed someone's eyes on me. It was this old guy sitting across from me. When he saw that I saw him he just closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

I noticed he looked vaguely similar to the age progressed version of his old photo (pic related). It was obviously just some random old white dude who looked similar to that picture, but I did find the idea of running into someone who could pass for Pinecone while reading one of his books to be amusing in and of itself.

>> No.6487169

did he kiss your dad, bro?

>> No.6487311

damn that anon sounds really cool
wish they'd post again