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File: 834 KB, 731x691, Ulysses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6481107 No.6481107 [Reply] [Original]

Hey boys. What version of Ulysses should I get? I bought bottom right and its a pile of shit.

>> No.6481118

The 1961 edition

>> No.6481222

Bottom left is crap. The top left is the one I have and its pretty good.

>> No.6481230

I have the top middle.
Mommy and Daddy bought it for me.

>> No.6481234

>Gabler edition


>> No.6481322

I read the ugly ass purple/yellow/red one and it seemed fine

>> No.6481346

Top-Middle is meant to be good

>> No.6481349

I recently bought bottom middle. Is it good?

>> No.6481944

Why is bottom left crap. I picked it up at my local bookshop on a whim and I need to know.

>> No.6481972
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>> No.6481981

I use the Oxford World Classics version and it's pretty good.

>> No.6482020

Are there really major differences? Wasn''t it written in English?

>> No.6482027

>not reading Joyce's original manuscript


>> No.6482036

My one kind of looks like top-middle but greyish brown instead of blue and with a red spine

>> No.6482040

Some of them have notes and shit or weird layouts. And of course the cover.

>> No.6482063


Maybe it's shit because Ulysses is shit? Just throwin' that out there.

>> No.6482067


I have the lower middle one. Haven't read it entirely yet but I skimmed the first few pages and it seems fine.

>> No.6482068

It isn't crap at all. Reading the cover gives away the final lines of the book though so that's dumb.

>> No.6482077


>> No.6482088

ebooks@adelaide usually gives its mobi/epub a nicer formatting, while gutenberg often just dumps the txt

>> No.6482096

The one with the fedora because you sound like one.

>> No.6482102
File: 26 KB, 261x400, 9780141197418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penguin makes an annotated one with decent sized font and large margins. It made it a lot easier to read and was fun learning about the references and Irish history. For example except for the most immediate kin, women did not attend funerals in fin de siecle Ireland. Neat details like that that I would have had no idea of without the notes.

>> No.6482114

reccing this

>> No.6482115

Is the top middle good?
It has the best cover.

>> No.6482294

is top mid illustrated?

>> No.6482472

Eat a dick.

Well its subjective, but I find the print to small and the book doesn't really feel well to hold.

>> No.6482489

what's the best annotated version?

>> No.6482499

>implying it matters if its in english

>> No.6482529

obviously you know jack shit about ulysses

>> No.6483944

I bought that seagreen coloured one that looks like the title was written partially with a sharpie. Haven't opened it yet just got it last week did I fuck up?

>> No.6483948

Thinking about ordering the Vintage one, is it good?

>> No.6483954

You're the pleb reading it in translation.

>> No.6484055

I heard that was one of the best ones

>> No.6484095

Is it okay to just read the Public Domain epub? Or is it imperative to have an edition with some intros and notes?

>> No.6484102

Penguin student edition is serving me well.
I cut the notes off the end and keep them propped open as I read, with my phone ready to Google things not included.

>> No.6484298

Does anyone known the difference between the Odyssey Press edition (currently published by Alma Classics) and the more common Bodley Head/Random House edition?

>> No.6484312

It's fine so long as you're prepared to look a shit-ton of things up for yourself.

>> No.6485363
File: 20 KB, 228x346, 51EXQEAKQTL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody got the "Reader's Edition"?

It claims to be the ultimate version of the text...

>> No.6485373

Every other one claims to be the most complete or ultimate or unabridged or etc... version. Don't pay too much attention to the editorial hype the publishers try to sell their editions on.

>> No.6485482

Yeah, thought it would be hype. Funnily enough the introduction talks about how "there could be no definitive edition".

Which would you recommend?

>> No.6485650

Different anon but I love the 1922 text from Oxford. It has annotations at the end for each chapter as well, if you want to just check out meanings of phrases in other languages/references/allusions or go deeper into critics' analysis (I didn't)

>> No.6485741
File: 156 KB, 597x900, Ulysses Oxford Worlds Classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6485764

>not time travelling and using your telepathy to listen to Joyce's thoughts as he wrote Ulysses
Mega-plebs detected

>> No.6486354

That's the Danis Rose version. It alters the text and adds punctuation. If you enjoy annoying Joyce fanbois it could be worth a try.

>> No.6486360
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Master race comin' through.

>> No.6486379
File: 35 KB, 313x500, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have quit while they were ahead.

>> No.6486389


>> No.6486390

I always see a bunch of their covers in shit cover threads yet I've never seen any of their books IRL. Are they even a real thing?

>> No.6486391


most definitely.

>> No.6486399

No, they're the cheapest in the market for a reason.

>> No.6486416

I assumed their quality was shit if they existed, but my question was more "Do they actually print books with those covers or is the whole thing a meme?" rather than "Are they worth buying?" since the answer to the second question would obviously be no.

>> No.6486428

>Do they actually print books with those covers


>> No.6486430

Thanks, it has a cool cover too.

>> No.6486617

> would obviously be no

Actually you'd be surprised, they're not awful despite their covers. As long as you stay away from the works that needed translations, they can be actually A-OK. I've got this Edgar Allan Poe collection from Wordsworth and it's a really neat anthology. My concern would be the thin paper, but other than that, it's cool.

>> No.6486727

Why are there so many different editions?

>> No.6486729


>> No.6486751

Even if they can be acceptable, I'd still pay full price for something better and if I was really completely broke I'd either go to the library or pirate.

>> No.6486753

follow your heart

>> No.6486756

I took a Joyce seminar and the professor had us use the Gabler. He claimed it more faithful to Joyce's original than earlier versions ("it's go the big black dot at the end of Ithaca!"), but according to wikipedia, that's untrue.

I don't know, but the Gabler edition has a cool cover and nice wide margins.

>> No.6486760

>>6481107 doesnt matter as long as you can read english they are all the same

>> No.6486766

>the professor had us use the Gabler
>He claimed it more faithful to Joyce's original than
>but according to wikipedia, that's untrueearlier versions

>> No.6486778
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It 8NT B8, M8.

I'm not sure what part of my post you think is bait, or why.

>> No.6486808

also, there's a pdf of >>6485741 in there

>> No.6486839

Mine too !!!

>> No.6486866

Many reasons.

For starters, Joyce made thousands of revisions while the novel was going to print and even after it came out. In any given passage, there might be several contradicting versions that Joyce had revised at different times. Furthermore, the editors and printers made several hundred errors, so the original 1922 version is far from "definitive" or "what Joyce intended" and he spent years trying to correct all its mistakes.

Too add to all this, Ulysses was banned in pretty much every major country when it first came out, and for a long time all that was available were pirated versions of the novel smuggled across borders. These of course were of terrible quality and full of mistakes.

To sum up, basically it was a combination of the novel's inherently unconventional prose, spelling, and formatting, Joyce's fussiness as a writer, the difficult circumstances surrounding Ulysses' publication, and years of unauthorized copies confusing things any more. Some editions are better than others, but there will never be a definitive one.

>> No.6487002



You should probably read something better suited to your intellectual abilities. The Very Hungry Caterpillar might be a good place to start.

>> No.6487243

Gabler edition is the worst edition, if you have one, throw it out immediately

>> No.6487249

This is the one I have, would recommend

>> No.6487257

Is it good, and is it annoted?
I like the cover of that one the most.

>> No.6487284

You're mean!

>> No.6487476

Nice b8

>> No.6487706

This book sucks. Stop trying to be try hard lit professors and suck it up and admit. Did you honestly enjoy being punished through chapters and chapters of prose bullshit. If you did you are a lying pretentious douche bag

>> No.6487710

>punished through chapters and chapters of prose bullshit
Goodreads pls go

>> No.6487713

>Did you honestly enjoy being punished

>he didn't enjoy it
top pleb

>> No.6487716
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Is it worth buying Ulysses translated I don't think my English is good enough to read it in original. It costs a fucking fortune, too.

>> No.6487717

Cool justify yourself by insinuating I have a Goodreads account. YOU ARE THE PRETENTIOUS DOUCHEBAG. btw no sophisticated woman is ever going to come into you house "Oh What's this anon did you read Ulysses??!?, You are so sexc" You dumb fuck.

>> No.6487768

The majority of the book is basically Joyce lubing himself up with the English language and masturbating furiously. I can't imagine it translating very well.

Maybe revisit it when you're older and you've read a bit more.

>> No.6487782

Damn. I have his stories and A Portrait translated, but I'm not buying Ulysses any time soon. Thank you.

>> No.6488903
File: 158 KB, 1366x768, chad ulysses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Chad.

>> No.6488950

It's the original 1922 printing, so it's rife with typos and errors, but personally I enjoyed it.

>> No.6488969

I fucking burst out laughing at "like with the IRA" hahahaha chad my darling

>> No.6488974


>> No.6489202
File: 33 KB, 310x310, 0670068810[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i picked up this hardcover version from chapters because it was cheap. can an any canadafags tell me if i fucked up or not?