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/lit/ - Literature

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6481330 No.6481330 [Reply] [Original]

Pic/filename related. What kind of stuff do you hate about the English language?

>> No.6481343
File: 14 KB, 480x360, grammer nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dangling participles

>> No.6481347
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only redeemable aspects of the english language are ebonics and that scene with the priest from Hunger

>> No.6481380

The knuckle dragging niggers that can't speak it properly

>> No.6481387

>The knuckle dragging niggers

hey, watch your mouth when you're talking about the scottish

>> No.6481389

>Spanish language thread on /lit/
>Portuguese language thread on /lit/
>followed by an anti-English language thread on /lit/

Why are spics so salty?

>> No.6481399

English really is a gross, barbaric tongue

you'd have to be monolingual to think otherwise

>> No.6481416
File: 25 KB, 448x412, 1397053360078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...still waiting on that predicate, anon...

>> No.6481424

Yet you're posting here.

>> No.6481471

>What kind of stuff do you hate about the English language?

OP using it.

>> No.6481500

> capitalizing the first person pronoun

This is why we can't have nice community.

>> No.6481541

>ITT: Esoteric Features of the English Language That I Don't Understand Suck

>> No.6481616

English, in its modern form, is derived from more outside influences than any other language. Additionally, English has produced more great literature than any other language. Borges himself acknowledged this fact.

>> No.6481624

that's why i dont

>> No.6481682

>yfw an English speaker is inherently a polyglot

>> No.6481724


>> No.6481769


>> No.6481777

It's sad that its most influential work is still a translation.

But sort of becoming, considering the nature of english itself.

>> No.6481793

I don't dislike the English language, but how in the holy fuck am I supposed to pronounce words ending in -ths like "months" without sounding retarded?

>> No.6481799


Sure lol.... fuck French, Italian, german... my goodness....


>> No.6481807

>English has produced more great literature than any other language

Haha, no. That would be French, mon ami.

>> No.6481926

bro, for those just pronounce the 'th' like a 't'. So instead of pronouncing it 'munths' just say 'munts'. You'll sound like a Jersey guido, but that's better than sounding like a retarded Swede.

>> No.6481932
File: 26 KB, 740x218, consecutive_vowels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6481939

>not a hack

>> No.6481980

The predicate copulative. (It is I or It's me)
The dying who/whom distinction.
No contraction for "I am not"
Dying use of the subjunctive ("if I were you")

>> No.6481994

H-how did you know I was Swedish?

>> No.6482003

Native anglophoner here

I don't even say the 'th'. I just say "muns" with a hard "S" at the end like in the beginning of 'sounds'

>> No.6482022

>comments bashing the Scottish
>is ignored
>southern English cunting wanker detected

>> No.6482121

Those are bison, not buffallo.

>> No.6482142

I assume what you're having trouble with is the transition from "n" to "th." For the "n" sound, don't put your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you usually would, but instead put the tip against the edges of your front teeth (this produces a slightly different "n" sound than the regular one, but in a word like "months" it doesn't sound out of place -- in fact it's supposed to sound like that, it's how native speakers do it). That way you can smoothly transition from it to the "th" sound.

>> No.6482232


just because a lot of people speak it doesn't mean it's a good language

If English,as one of the top languages DIDN'T produce a ton of great writers then it'd be the language of gibbering retards

It's a chopped up language that was glued together with shit

>> No.6482238

The syntax is really restrictive, but other than that it's great.

>> No.6482244

>stupid comma splicing rules

Fuck you, English

>> No.6482285

The only metric of a spoken language is how many people speak it, the only metric of a written language is how many great works of literature are written in it.

Complaining that a language is hard to understand to people who didn't grow up speaking it (Surprise, they all are) or because it's spelling/grammar rules are inconsistent (surprise, all languages are the result of hundreds or thousands of years of blind evolution) is beyond retarded.

>> No.6482385

Lucky guess. You're question implied you were not a native English speaker. However, your writing style seemed very natural, like how a native speaker would write. 9 times out of 10 that indicates the poster is a Scandinavian, and there seem to be a lot more Swedes on here than Norwegians, so there you go.


>> No.6482627

>he hasn't even written a three page long sentence in english

>> No.6482634

Yes, but if we were going to be reasonable people that would make it really hard to act superior and pretentious.

>> No.6482653

krasznahorkai pls go

>> No.6483035

the orthography is abysmal. no excuse for this shit, really. Does an 'a' mean anything else than an 'a' sound in any other language?

>> No.6483042

Homonyms. Especially when you keep running into natives who still can't differentiate shit like:

It's / Its

You're / Your

Then / Than

Lose / Loose

>> No.6483046


>> No.6483049

Your point? The plural is spelled correctly.


>> No.6483087

from your link
>In non-technical contexts, the term "homonym" may be used (somewhat confusingly) to refer to words that are either homographs or homophones

dont be confuse, pal, write it correctly :^)

>> No.6483108

The in-periodic spelling and pronunciation rules.

>> No.6483110

Yeah. I was a vocal advocate of spelling reform until a professor showed me how many fucking words would be the same if we modeled the alphabet to be phonetic (shavian alphabet for example). It would turn english into a very difficult language to read, because it has so many homonyms and homophones. It'd put learning to read english on the level of Chinese

>> No.6483145
File: 573 KB, 465x1000, blakmage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>t hen than
>lose loose
>pronounced the same


>> No.6483162

Spanish is uglier than English.

>> No.6483166



>> No.6483175

la ortografía es abismal. no hay excusa para esta mierda, de verdad. ¿Tiene una 'y' quiere decir nada más que un sonido 'y' en cualquier otro idioma?

>> No.6483180

>thinking you're clever
Plenty of writers have done that.

>> No.6483183

Because I live in SoCal.
If I went to Spain or Argentina I might change my mind but as it stands the local Spanish is some of the worst shit I've ever heard.

>> No.6483188


English is the shittiest language ever
I live in Detroit and the local English is some of the worst shit I have ever heard

>> No.6483195

>all these people making these ridiculous claims when they don't know shit about linguistics nor have they taken a single linguistic class

Embarrassing. Thread: hidden

>> No.6483200


How desperate can you get?

>> No.6483209

Is English the only language with a CCCVCCC word?

>> No.6483373

Colombian & Cuban are the best...Spanish from Spain & Argentina are abominations. But yes, Mexican Spanish is plebian as fuck.

>> No.6483387

>mfw im the only based mandarin speaker that can read this "shi"t

>> No.6483393

>American Eng
>progress [praw-gres]
>progression [pro-gre-shun]
fuck this shit...no rules to pronunciation whatsoever.

>> No.6483396

"å" means river in danish

>> No.6483435




>> No.6483453

Other Germanic languages have them (eg. German spritzt, Norwegian sprelsk)

>> No.6483488

No, e.g. german "Schacht" (shaft, duct) and french "stricts" (m. pl. of strict)
And those are only the languages I happen to know

>> No.6483522

Y is the vowel you retard.

>> No.6483886

Isn't that CCVCC?
The reason I asked is because someone on /int/ said that non-Indo-Europeans have trouble with Indo-European languages because of high vowel concentrations or something.

>> No.6483913

>English has produced more great literature than any other language
Well English is spoken by 3 important countries (UK, Ireland, US) so that's quite logical

>> No.6483918

>thinking you're clever
The same could be said about your first comment

>> No.6483924


>> No.6483936

>Swift, Yeats, Beckett, Joyce, Wilde, Sterne
>not important
Kill yourself

>> No.6483963

Sorry, I thought you meant in a geopolitical context. On /lit/.

>> No.6485074

>t hen than

That's just Americans, all their vowels sound the same.