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/lit/ - Literature

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6479091 No.6479091 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. What is the most depressing book you have ever read?

>> No.6479094

ur biography

>> No.6479097

The bible, because so many people have been deluded by it.

>> No.6479098

top kek m8

>> No.6479101

>this is what tippers really believe

>> No.6479111

>>The Boy In the Striped Jammies

>>Inb4 /pol/ redpill me on how the holocaust never happened

>> No.6479115

>I'm an agnostic/atheist myself but I have been literally brainwashed by memes from /pol/ and reddit
>Please don't call me edgy, I will begin to sob

>> No.6479119

The Dark Tower series fucked me up.
When Susan died on the fire thinking about Roland I died on the inside a little, cried like a bitch.

>> No.6479121

The Road, I suppose.

>> No.6479124

What's wrong, don't you want to be more attractive to white feminists with diversity in hair color?

>> No.6479129

jude the obscure

>> No.6479133

I don't know how you took my comment or how I'm supposed to interpret this one so I guess good job

>> No.6479137

Looking for Alaska

>> No.6479146

Pretty sad. I'll have to agree with you.

>> No.6479360

This. I cried.

Also, even though it's a comedy (maybe because it's a comedy), Pnin makes me very sad.

>> No.6479377

Journey to the End of the Night. Made me briefly contemplate suicide.

>> No.6479462

I guess this doesn't count because it is a short story, but Good Old Neon made me pretty sad.

>> No.6479544

>Anonymous 04/30/15(Thu)19:54:32 No.6
The grey life by Ramon Ribeyro, its only 3 pages long but its incredibley depressing

>> No.6479576

A Garden of Earthly Delights by Joyce Carol Oates
It's pretty fucking grim.

>> No.6479723

I don't understand how people think this book is sad.
I only found humor and liberation from it.

>> No.6479738
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This is the most depressing book, I dare someone to argue against me.

Hunger by Knut Hamsun. The whole book feels like you're trapped in a Edvard Munch painting.

>> No.6479745

I know, I don't get it either, he even spells it out for you in one of the most famous passages, "You have to choose, lies or death. I've never been able to kill myself."

>> No.6479751


watch the film 'edvard munch' by peter watkins. you are exactly the kind of person who needs to watch it if you haven't already.

plus it's basically the greatest film ever made about a painter, so it has that going for it too.

>> No.6479753

Why are french people so salty? Was it the 2 world wars?

>> No.6479858

They aren't, though. Half of French literature is laughing at people's flaws, the other half is celebrating them.

>> No.6479918

I found it very funny but it was also still very depressing.

>> No.6479956

The Crossing.

>> No.6479982

the setting sun by osamu dazai

>> No.6479992

whatever by houellebecq

>> No.6480000
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>> No.6480029

Nobody's Boy - Malot, Hector

>> No.6480031

The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rilke
Suicide by Levé
The Crossing by McCarthy

>> No.6480158

Just barely finished chapter 8 in Stoner tonight. I had to put it down and now am being crushed in the wake of poor Williams dilemma.

I don't think I've hated anyone in literature as much as I've hated his wife.

>> No.6480199

His wife is a cunt. Probably the character that I've hated the most in all the books I've read.

>> No.6480201


who doesnt?

>> No.6480219


>> No.6480262 [DELETED] 

Masterfully memed :DDDD

>> No.6481488

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.6481553

There's a thread defending his wife and saying how John Stoner is at fault right now lol

>> No.6482927
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In a nihilistic/no hope for humanity kind of way

>> No.6482936

Has /Pol/ left yet?

>> No.6482962

Hopscotch. When I first read it at 16 I thought it was a Romantic pseudo intellectual masterpiece. I read it again, two years later, and realized it was basically the literary lifestyle, debunked. Hit me pretty hard in a lot of places. Repeatedly.

>> No.6483673

Something Happened

>> No.6483727
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>When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me

>> No.6483741


>I reasoned like a child

And you just demonstrated you still do

>> No.6483902

>when pnin tries to give the football to victor then throws it away
>the ending when he drives away into the sunset up along the gold road into the mountains

>> No.6483905

>the boy too lightweight from starvation to be hanged properly, taking hours to die

>> No.6483910
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>I moved past silly, childlike atheism after I read the superior and witty apologetics of CS Lewis.

>> No.6483914

I nearly cried at the end of Heart of Darkness, but I think that was an over reaction. I was not in a good place when I read that.

>> No.6484139

Don Quijote

>> No.6484146

The ending of 1984 was tragic. I also found "A Beautiful Mind" to be depressing.

>> No.6484154

The only book I've ever cried at was The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.6484161

No longer human

>> No.6484163

his wife and Lomax

>> No.6484172

>where the red fern grows
>call of the wild
tfw when the based eskimo guy who saves the dog gets eaten by a bear

>> No.6484183

The Idiot.

>> No.6484195

The undoubt master of the genre is Mika Waltari, and especially The Egyptian. The Roman is cruelest tragicomedy I have ever witnessed.

>> No.6484241

The Hours

>> No.6484269 [DELETED] 
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Miga Waldari :DDDDDDD
ebin history :DDD
dhe ebintyan :D
dank nihilism :DDDD

>> No.6484356

You know that's a bible verse right?

>> No.6484372

Not depressing, but there are some lines from the Bible that make me cry.

th-thanks Jesus

>> No.6484840
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Not just depressing. Painful.

>> No.6484865

The book of disquiet

>> No.6484959


you're a faaaag

>> No.6485010

Tie between The Mysterious Stranger and What is Man?, both by Mark Twain.

>> No.6485129

I don't think it's depressing at all. It's beautiful. It made me appreciate life more.

>> No.6485148


Oblomov hit me pretty hard.

>> No.6487036

Journey to the end of the night.

>> No.6487069

Ethan Frome.

>> No.6487449

Can't remember.

From recent reads it's Of Mice and Men.

>> No.6487480

Acceptable, but not the saddest of Holocaust literature.

>> No.6487490

Oblomov is perhaps the most tragic characters in all of literature. His only flaw is his crippling morals.

>> No.6487525

Me too. I read it cover to cover and realized that I didn't get it and that it wasn't worth the time. I now exist in a state of confusion over whether or not people actually enjoy this book, or I am just too stupid to.

>> No.6487534
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Honestly? Flowers for Algernon.

>> No.6487542

Stinking Lizaveta from the brothers karamazov was a pretty depressing short story.

>> No.6488037

Stoner & No Longer Human

>> No.6488096

The Leopard

>> No.6488156

Same, but I cried because of how I realised that I was an asshole and I'd been living my life completely wrong, it was life changing for me. (I related to Fyodor Karamazov and basically realised that Zosima was totally right)

>> No.6488749

fuck i dont usually cry at all but the ending of flowers for algernon made me tear up

>> No.6488764


>the feels...

>> No.6488771


>> No.6488816


Nope nigga, Orwel didn't make me sad at all.
1984 is just terrifying

>> No.6488826

By the way, the saddest book I ever read is Poor Folk from Dostoyevsky. Damn, their life is just a big bag full of fails and douchebags

>> No.6488827

It was depressing. It's a shit society where poor Winston gets fucked all day.

>> No.6488830


Maybe, for me, that book was just fear

>> No.6488846

Night, or The Glass Castle

>> No.6489055


>> No.6489116

This book could have been written by almost anyone I know. It's absolutely crude and realist. I loved it too.

>> No.6489120

This made me contemplate infinite suffering. -Wouldn't look again.

>> No.6489330
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This was by far the most depressing, dark book I've ever read.

>> No.6490338
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Carlo Michelstaedter - Persuasion and Rhetoric

>> No.6490364

Norwegian Wood is so sad from start to finish that there were times I had to put it down and try and focus on something less melancholy.

>> No.6490373
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The movie also

>> No.6490390
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>my face when people say "The Kite Runner" made them cry or that they got sad reading it

nigga I fapped to that shit for days

>> No.6490396

I remember I was really depressed by the ending of Animal Farm.

>> No.6490423
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Anyone else read 1982 Janine by Alasdair Gray? I found that absolutely unrelenting, but was surprised at the positive tone of the ending.

Basically the thoughts of an alcoholic sitting in a hotel room, reminiscing on his youth, interrupted by elaborate sexual fantasies.

>> No.6490440
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50 shades when i think about all the money the author made with bad fanfiction.

>> No.6490452

>only briefly contemplating suicide

top kek

>> No.6490477

The French were ruined WAY before the World Wars. Whatever they say, people may not remember, they have ALWAYS been ignorant pricks due to conflicts caused by themselves and no outside forces. They just fucking suck.

>> No.6490492

>apologetics require religion and god

Understand the idiocy that is religion now?

>> No.6490500

>A Beautiful Mind

Yeah, once you find out that a paranoid schizo is the creator of all modern FBI/NSA spy algorithms.

I mean...fucking really.

>> No.6490507

If This Is A Man

>> No.6490513

Death of a salesmen, although it's a play I read the book.

>> No.6490521

Come on anon he didn't create them. He merely made a huge contribution towards building the tools that allowed their creations. There's a difference, you know.

>> No.6490536


t. high schooler

>> No.6490562


>> No.6490677

there's hope in the end gunslinger

>> No.6490695
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>> No.6490700


>> No.6490704


I found Sanshiro by him even more depressing. But still really enjoyable.

>> No.6491038

Yeah, I forgot about that one. Good choice.

>> No.6491059
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If you want a truly bleak, depressing book, try this one.

>> No.6491092


>I found Sanshiro by him even more depressing


>> No.6491123

How so? The tragic tales of the German soldiers in guessing? Or are you implying the fall of the Wehrmacht is depressing? Kek

>> No.6491349

Just the miserable existence of defeated soldiers in an utterly destroyed wasteland (the Russian Front) subject to all the irrationality of a totalitarian government. Either the enemy will kill you or your own government will kill you. You have no way out of the hell you're in except death.