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File: 14 KB, 299x497, The-road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6476003 No.6476003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In this novel, the author considers the future of humanity if women continue to be oppressed. The conclusion is that male dominated societies will turn in on themselves. The only way to prevent such a fate is for our culture to accept that women are meant to lead. Men act out violent fantasies of their youth. Women ensure the peace and profitability of the world.

>> No.6476022

I really don't see where the stereotype of women being peaceful nonviolent buddhas came from, they're really no different than men

>> No.6476032

Women have been orced to be housewives throughout history, which meant men did all the fighting. Over time people just started saying women are more peaceful because we start all the wars.

It's bullshit but there you go.

>> No.6476639

>only fully fleshed female character in the book abandons her child to a life of suffering with one less parent to support him
>the book is somehow a feminist wet dream

>> No.6476659

>this thread again

>> No.6476694

Exactly. She's willing to kill herself rather than perpetuate the traditional gender role of women as nothing more than a nurturing caregiver.

The bleak hopelessness of The Road is reflected in the fact that this gender role follows her into death, as she lives on in the memory of those who knew her as nothing more than the stereotype she sought to escape.

>> No.6476700

Boo... hoo?

>> No.6476752

So her act of betrayal is justified because it serves her own self validation?

Sounds like something somebody would say to deride the male ego, dunnit?

>> No.6476771

I've always thought that some of the more extreme feminist thought celebrates women who embrace what society thinks of as the worst traits of men

>> No.6476780

It's justified because The Boy is male and will therefore grow up to be a man.

She's killing herself before he grows up to rape her.

>> No.6476783

We have reached the point of destruction with this thought.

>> No.6476801

Sorry, I'm not very good at this.

I didn't start the thread, but I was happier with my bit about eschewing gender roles being reasonable justification for child abandonment.

>> No.6477093

I saw this book at a lost and found recently. Should I have picked it up, /lit/?

>not taking things that aren't yours from a lost and found box

>> No.6477359


>> No.6477467

This book is awful
His only good book is Blood Meridian

>> No.6477507

you forgot the main fact that, as a whole, women suck ass at fighting compared to men.

>> No.6477513

Chemically, we are very different.
Men are much more prone to violence.

>> No.6477537

As long as a woman recognizes I wear the pants, the belt that holds those pants doesn't have to come off.

>> No.6477541
File: 23 KB, 480x600, 1403679576274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6477587

True, that never even crossed my mind when I was typing that to be honest.

>> No.6477608

How do you guys reach these conclusions?

>> No.6477618

Read it again, mate. Slowly.