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/lit/ - Literature

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6476551 No.6476551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Loving someone who is way out of your league, knowing you're never going to be with them. How did you cope, /lit/? By writing?

>> No.6476578

Getting someone better and becoming self reliant

>> No.6476580

shut the fuck up

>> No.6476587

If they're "way out of your league", I'm going to assume don't travel in the same circles. If you don't travel in the same circles, I'm going to assume you don't really know each other. If you don't really know each other and you think you're in love, I'm going to assume you're fifteen; either emotionally or literally. Either way, advice is the same, grow the fuck up and stop being a mincey faggot.

>> No.6476604

I've filled a three-ring binder with ventings about an unobtainable person I felt incredibly in love with. I'd pour shit into this book. Occasionally frustrations about other areas of life would go into it, too. It was very cathartic.

I haven't written in this book in two years.

>> No.6476633

I wrote that bitch a sonnet.
Bitches love sonnets.

>> No.6476637

This nigga knows what's up, even his doubles are in couplets

>> No.6476658

By nutting the fuck up and loving nothing.

>> No.6476715

I've come to realise that women are totally into me for the first six months, but that their love for me eventually wanes.

I dealt with it by accepting my course and just dedicating my life to smashing box so hard that one day I'll be pounding a chick so hard I'll get an aneurysm and in death relinquish the crippling loneliness of sexual hedonism.

>> No.6476742

You've got better shelf life than me anon.
Women are into me for about fifteen minutes, then we're no longer on speaking terms.

I must be either very ugly, or very rude. probably both.

>> No.6476744

stop projecting all your desires in life onto some dumb girl

>> No.6476754

They will not stop until they learn to transcend from loneliness into solitude.

>> No.6476770

>going from friendly to no longer on speaking terms in less time than it takes to deliver a pizza
Are you Elliott Rodgers or something

>> No.6478609 [DELETED] 
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I feel you Anon.

>> No.6478783


I can't even remember the last time a woman was into me.

>> No.6478788

That's though because in my native language "solitude" and "loneliness" are the same word.

>> No.6478797

But you can clearly understand english and the difference between both feelings.

>> No.6478940

Problem is that same word in my language is also "solitude". So I'm left confused.

I heard that only solitude gives advices, but is that "solitude" or "loneliness" ? No way to know.

>sudoku intensifies

>> No.6479078

>out of your league
Just fucking try you luck or enjoy fat plebian whores for the rest of your life.

>> No.6479086

>out of your league

watch THIS


>> No.6479088

This has nothing to do with /lit/ you fucking moron.
You can't just mention literature at the end of your post to make it relevant to this board.
Fuck off back to /r9k/.