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/lit/ - Literature

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6476284 No.6476284 [Reply] [Original]

I hate everyone and everything. People piss me the fuck off with their inanity, insipidness, and dishonesty. I went from a passive sort of Buddhist nihilism to extreme and utter disgust with humanity and the 8 billion head count 21st century nightmare our existence has culminated into. I am on the verge of wrecking and destroying things. Serious adult anger syndrome going on here.

Recommend me some of the most highest esteemed and well regarded literature concerning vengeance, bloodlust, rage, destruction, and being all-around pissed the fuck off.

>> No.6476296

Read The Pickwick Papers by Dickens

>> No.6476302

u mad

>> No.6476303

My Twisted World by Elliot Rodger

>> No.6476312

Old Testament, my man.

>> No.6476322

>Buddhist nihilism

>> No.6476382
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I was Nihilist in knowing that humanity will never outcompete itself in senselessness and futility, but I was Buddhist because I wanted to affirm what existence we do possess through a concentrated attention and discipline on the most minimal and basic requisites for life, wisdom, and what I attempted to uphold as compassion.

But I realize that the other fuckers have been having their cake and eating it too and its about time I watched their fat, indulgent faces twist in horror, agony, and pain as the greatest punishment for what they have neglected is inflicted upon them to the most harrowingly and delightfully painful degree.

>> No.6476391

The Count of Monte Cristo
The Iliad and

It's very enlightening how petty and vengeful the old testament god is

>> No.6476404

You need some fucking chillwave and a beach or something

>> No.6476419

I found the God of the Old Testament to be very refreshing at times.

>> No.6476424

you might find something of interest in sinuhe egyptian

>> No.6476429

just kill urself my man

>> No.6476441
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Im not looking for no romantic pussy bitch shit, I'm talking straight up using literature as a weapon and inciting feelings of redemptive violence and liberation through the infliction of pain.

>> No.6476445

Take a cold shower bro.

Thank me later.

>> No.6476477

This looks like your kind of thing anon


>> No.6476513
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Read pic related, it's basically Black Metal: The Book.

>In this arid wilderness of steel and stone I raise up my voice
>that you may hear.
>To the East and to the West I beckon. To the North and to
>the South I show a sign —
>Proclaiming, "Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong."
>Open your eyes that you may hear, O! men of mildewed
>minds and listen to me, ye laborious millions!
>For I stand forth to challenge the wisdom of the world; to
>interrogate the "laws" of man and of "God."
>I request reasons for your Golden Rule and ask the why and
>wherefore of your ten Commands.
>Before none of your printed idols do I bend in acquiescence
>and he who saith "thou shalt" to me is my mortal foe.
>I demand proof over all things, and accept (with
>reservations) even that which is true.
>I dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent
>mad-redeemer (your Divine Democrat— your Hebrew Madman)
>and write over his thorn-torn brow, "The true Prince of Evil —the
>King of the Slaves!"

>> No.6476523
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>No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me — no cult or dogma shall encramp my pen.
>I break away from all conventions. Alone, untrammeled. I raise up in stern invasion the
>standard of Strong.
>I gaze into the glassy eye of your fearsome Jehovah, and pluck him by the beard — I uplift
>a broad-axe and split open his worm-eaten skull.

>I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophic whited
>sepulchres and laugh with sardonic wrath.

>Then reaching up the festering and varnished facades of
>your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing
>scorn: — "Lo and behold, all this is fraud!"

>> No.6476526

tbh anon's right Garland's The Beach is all that with the bonus of it happening to hippy scum

>> No.6476542

[erection intensifies]

>> No.6476571

When you're feeling misanthropic always remember how horrible life is and how people are all in a torturous death trap. Maybe watch the news for a bit.

Then be happy that mankind is already being punished by mere existence at that existence itself will end soon enough.

>> No.6476629

Dr Fischer of Geneva, Graham Greene
Hangover Square, Patrick Hamilton
La Reine Margot, Dumas Pere (to add to the Comte de Monte Cristo above)
The Art of Joy, Goliarda Sapienza

Under Milk Wood, Dylan Thomas (since this is probably further than you'll sublimate your rage to, but honest)
Duchess of Malfi, John Webster (try to see it performed at the new Blackfriars, beautiful closet drama)
Phaedra's Love, Sarah Kane (most of Kane could go here)

>> No.6476644 [DELETED] 

Dumb frog poster

>> No.6476653

I'm not sure you know what any of those things mean. A nihilist that values buddhist values? This must be the dumbest shit I ever heard.

Stop giving in to feels and read more books.

>> No.6476662

Sounds like the general premise for "American Psycho," OP. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned it.

>> No.6476677

Edgiest thread on the board this week. Go join IS or something.

>> No.6476679

>People piss me the fuck off with their inanity, insipidness, and dishonesty
The Idiot, Dostoyevsky

>> No.6476693

>adult anger

I doubt it.

>> No.6476776

You should do psilocybin.

>> No.6476989

>you sound pretty murderous, why don't you try some chemically induced psychosis

>> No.6476995

>whatever you are, be a good one
I don't think honest Abe would lie about life advice

>> No.6477010

Yeah puberty was shit for me too anon.

>> No.6477017

Read the lyrics to Crawling in my skin by Linkin Park

>> No.6477022

>buddhist nihlism
>pick 1

>> No.6477037


Coming from a guy with some pretty heavy anger management issues, a modest two gram dose of Psilosibe Cubensis put me into a state wherein I was so detatched from my usual state of mind that I recognised my anger as being unnecessary and ultimately impotent, and ssimply found something more interetsing to do than being angry.

Of course it didn't stick permanently, as we all return to the mundane world and our usual conventions of thought sooner or later, but it did give me a bit of a perspective shift.

>> No.6477042

Go to

and blame women, jews, blacks, feminists, liberals, socialists, communists, marxists, SJWs, etc. etc.

>> No.6477051

Nietzsche? Maybe Stirner? Humanity is a spook m8

>> No.6477056

Please think before posting in the future.

>> No.6477061

That's what I do when I can't get laid and feel like a prospectless loser.

It works really well.

>> No.6477095

Thomas Bernhard (Woodcutters, Old Masters, Gathering Evidence/My Prizes)
Léon Bloy (Exégèse des lieux communs)
Louis-Ferdinand Céline (Voyage au bout de la nuit, la trilogie allemande)
Arthur Schopenhauer (anything he's written about hegelianism and post-kantian philosophy in general)
August Strindberg (By the open sea, Black flags, Getting married)

I hope you get the catharsis you need OP.

>> No.6477379


>> No.6477423
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>I hate everyone and everything.

No you don't. You hate a thought of your own construction. You are the one who erects the barriers others destroy. The annoyance is created by you, not the source of your annoyance.

>> No.6477427

This notion that anger is immature is perpetuated by spineless people. Anger is a healthy and valuable emotion and if you think its a bad thing to feel angry you have an emotional defect.

>> No.6477465

It's not a bad thing to feel angry and frustrated, what's bad is how you deal with that anger.

Read the OP and tell me that looks like a mature way to deal with anger.

>> No.6477466
File: 25 KB, 277x296, the andromida sperg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely curious frogposter-kun, what event and unfortunate things actually happened to you in your life to lead you to this state of mind? Do you you have a plan to carry out?

captcha: shota

>> No.6477479

Crime and Punishment. Your sin is the same as Raskalnikov's; you've forgotten love.

>> No.6477492
File: 126 KB, 801x1000, Sdurrner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6477509

This actually makes me feel better.

Thank you strange anon for this gem of wisdom.

>> No.6477631

That one Elliot Rodger book.

>> No.6477668

Reading is an immature way to deal with anger?

What's they're looking for is no different then listening to a song that correlates with the mood you're in. OP is just looking for a release. It's fine.

>> No.6477670

Ingratitude, disloyalty, resentment, rancor define the plebeian soul in every age and characterize this century.