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File: 356 KB, 2048x1536, workingonmy2Dgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6469049 No.6469049 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest novel of the 21st century.


>> No.6469056

"I'm currently in 11th grade. I have over 60 bullies, and no friends. Get this, these bullies actually gave me some valuable rewards, but they may not know it. Think of it this way. I have a massive defense value that is more than 50% above average. With 121 being average, I currently have 194. I've taken so much damage and recovered so often, that my DEF raised so much in exchange to being more resistant [caused from such a thing called "natural selection" (?)]. The following statement may confuse you, but it is extremely amazing, and gifted by bullies: I absorb insults. All insults have a positive effect on me, not negative (!). The worse the insult, the better the effect! Strange huh? So, really, when bullies insult me, they are doing more good to me than they are to them. Weird huh?

Now, when I get to my maximum anger value (it can take up to 10 minutes to get it), I can unleash a very powerful attack that you will never be able to dodge (unless your EVA was higher than 35.6%!), and it can do as much damage to actually get someone in critical condition (us humans have 19801 HP as an average, but this attack can do about 18000 HP of damage. I've never used it, but, if anyone picks on me now, they'll really pay the price. Thankfully, as soon as I use this attack, I need to waste another 10 minutes to get it active again). Great for thieves who steal around me, because I can knock them down with this attack and my SPD! When they get me angry, I warn them carefully about it many times.

I do have a mental problem known as "OCD". I'm not sure what it is exactly, but currently I'm obsessed (sp.?) with disks, and file extensions. For example, I would finish a sentence like the following: "I like to play with computers and experiment, dot, 'e' 'x' 'e'". The extentions usually vary, but most of the time it's referring to an URL file [I often pronounce it "RL", as in "Earl"].

I have no clue why I have no friends (I may right now, but two don't seem to do much, either my way or his way). I've never had a single friend for... 6 years or so (!). What I believe it is is that whenever I do make a friend, after as little as eight days, they turn against me as if they were bullies. They never apologize, make up for it, or anything. After this happens, I try for another one. The same thing occurs again. The odd thing is that a very few are temporarily friends, but turn neutral instead of mean. They are okay, but after some circumstances (i.e. gradual neutralization), they are as if I almost never met."

>> No.6469085

Is he the anti Elliot?

>> No.6469097

what the fuck is this?

>> No.6469103


KitanaGrl: have you ever dated someone?
Ulillillia: Nope.
Ulillillia: Not after anyone either.
Ulillillia: Long list of strong negatives is why.
KitanaGrl: it's not so gross as you might think.
KitanaGrl: let's hear these negatives
Ulillillia: Part of it is.
KitanaGrl: ?
Ulillillia: ???
KitanaGrl: what part?
Ulillillia: 1. Adult content - it relates strongly to it.
Ulillillia: 2. Cost of marriage = $25,000 - impossible to afford.
KitanaGrl: marriage doesn't cost 25,000!
Ulillillia: I've heard on CBS Evening News that marriage costs that much.
KitanaGrl: no way, it can cost as little as 50 dollars.
KitanaGrl: all you really need is the marriage license
Ulillillia: 3. Babies cost way too much to handle - $1000 just to get started.
KitanaGrl: just because you're dating someone doesn't mean you have to get married and have babies
Ulillillia: I saw a school project having that and it ranged from $800 to even $1500.
Ulillillia: Plus, the serious lack of transportation makes this almost impossible as well. Short of having to walk 6 miles just to get into town....
KitanaGrl: you could find a lady friend who has her own transportation and could come see you
Ulillillia: Not interested.
KitanaGrl: understandable
Ulillillia: 42 hex digits = 168 bits.
KitanaGrl: but you're missing out on some good times.
Ulillillia: Good times? How?
KitanaGrl: the good times of having a significant other are countless.
Ulillillia: I don't get it.
Ulillillia: My mind game is good enough for me.
Ulillillia: Getting thrown up at 1400 mph or sky diving without a parachute for an awesome stunt.
Ulillillia: Watching the ground grow slowly going the speed of sound from such great heights.
Ulillillia: ... and still accelerating.
Ulillillia: I find that stuff a lot more entertaining than simply having a girlfriend (or any physical friend at that).

>> No.6469105


It's a mind palace.

>> No.6469109

Ulilillia is a beautiful existence. I would preserve him for all time if I could.

>> No.6469110

/lit/ -- basically r/cringe

>> No.6469117
File: 167 KB, 591x519, Screen Shot 2015-04-28 at 6.50.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mind game is good enough for me.

>> No.6469118


OP here, I'm not making fun of him. I think he's likeable and very interesting. There's something about him, as if his mind has somehow absorbed Sonic and Bubsy games. He talks somewhere about listening to some 8-bit track over a million times.

>> No.6469122

>1.4.3 Meat trick - This was removed as it is very unwise to do.

>> No.6469123

How is that cringey you bully

>> No.6469129

>My mind game is good enough for me.
firmly yes. holy kek

>> No.6469134

> History - the history of my mind game from birth to it's possible future
> The precursor to the birth
> My mind game was born
> Examples of long-term activity
> My mind game today
> The future

>> No.6469136

>I'm obsessed with disks
Please tell me I'm not the only one who misread that

>> No.6469137


It happens subconsciously and seemingly involuntarily in most cases. It happens at otherwise random intervals. I could be watching something on TV featuring someone jumping off of a diving board into a pool of water then my mind game suddenly kicks in where I'm doing the same thing only jumping up 1000 feet high or more either landing on the side of the pool or creating a huge splash after hitting the water at about 300 mph. Another case is where I'm watching the news about a snowboarding olympics event and subconsciously and involuntarily, I may try a similar stunt only far more extreme such as going up at past 700 mph and when I finally look down, I see forests, a frozen river, lots of snow with patches of brown (as from brown grass or dirt not covered with snow), and the half-pipe course shrunk down to almost nothing (as from being a mile high). I could be reading a thread on the forums I frequent and it kicks in. I could be driving and it kicks in posing a severe safety hazard (I've had it happen twice during the two weeks I was actually driving). After a run at it, I sometimes notice time has vanished unexplainably and I retain my original pose. It seems to happen when in a fairly relaxed state (such as typing posts, writing details on a dream, reading something, or watching TV that doesn't have much action (such as educational TV shows). I can, however, intentionally run my mind game as well but since I'm more alert when doing so, the views aren't as detailed as I can't seem to keep at it for long. When subconsciously triggered, it seems to be of near photo-quality, and it can last much longer.

>> No.6469142


>> No.6469144

> (I've had it happen twice during the two weeks I was actually driving)

>> No.6469153
File: 40 KB, 450x373, stock-photo-black-man-with-laptop-61169764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read 'dicks' and then felt somewhat gay. i'm glad i wasn't alone.

>> No.6469287

Don't you faggots dare talking ill about Ulillillia

>> No.6469319

This isn't Six Times a Day

>> No.6469321

If I could trade my mind for anyone's it would be Uli's. He needs so little to find true fulfilment, its beautiful.

>> No.6469433

>Get this, these bullies actually gave me some valuable rewards, but they may not know it. Think of it this way. I have a massive defense value that is more than 50% above average. With 121 being average, I currently have 194. I've taken so much damage and recovered so often, that my DEF raised so much in exchange to being more resistant [caused from such a thing called "natural selection" (?)]. The following statement may confuse you, but it is extremely amazing, and gifted by bullies: I absorb insults. All insults have a positive effect on me, not negative (!). The worse the insult, the better the effect! Strange huh? So, really, when bullies insult me, they are doing more good to me than they are to them. Weird huh?

This is very sad and he will almost certainly kill himself soon.

>> No.6469443


That's the thing. He's perfectly content in his mind game..

>> No.6469490

He doesn't seem sad

>> No.6469540

He seems happy with his living

>> No.6469574

I think he should just become a guru and tell people how to do shit his way.

>> No.6469602

i would love for this mother fucker to get into philosophy

prime fucking wittgenstein 2.0 potential on our hands boys

>> No.6469643

Is 'The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters' Patrician reading?

>> No.6469688

A very particular type of patrician.

>> No.6470007
File: 57 KB, 555x363, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uli is one of the few autists who intimidate me. He seems to exist on a nobler plane; he is almost a perfectly self-contained entity. He could create an autist religion. (Aside from Jedi.)

>> No.6470043

I spent about a week going through his website, watched a couple of his videos; I like him, he's pretty cool. I might read his book sometime. I found out about him and the 4 million word smash bros fanfic at the same time, and as funny as the latter sounded to me initially, Ulillillia actually was.

He's a fuckin' trooper man. He will never finish his game.

>> No.6470077


Holy fuck, yes. This is just Wittgenstein mode, if he was into Bubsy instead of language.

>My word game is good enough for me

>> No.6470121

I wish I did this instead of drugs.

>> No.6470427


He has an entire life ahead of him. He has the potential.

>> No.6470439

the dryer sheets on the keyboard get me every time

Uli is love, Uli is life

>> No.6470549

Fuck you guys his pizza degreasing method helped me with my diet for years.

>> No.6470557


Care to enlighten me on his pizza degreasing method?

>> No.6470575


>> No.6470576


>> No.6470606

>Making fun of Ulillillia

>> No.6470609

A Song of Grease and Dust

>> No.6470637


>Ulillillia: Not interested.
>KitanaGrl: understandable
>Ulillillia: 42 hex digits = 168 bits.
>KitanaGrl: but you're missing out on some good times.

This exchange simultaneously broke my brain and obliterated my sides.

>> No.6470680
File: 82 KB, 398x350, 1420411595649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that wjz13 reaction image

ayyy baltimore lmao

>> No.6471029
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, 2006ricelake02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll admit, I've also spent an embarrassing amount of time following and studying Uli. He fascinates me to no end.

>> No.6471105

I wonder what would happen if someone told him they loved him instead. Going by that insult=strength logic he's got going there, I get the feeling he'd short-circuit and perform an emergency shut down lest his stats get wiped.

>> No.6472494

>My mind game is good enough for me.

Sensible Chuckle

>> No.6472500



>> No.6472517


He's more like the anti-CWC. Both have obvious mental health issues (one has autism, one has OCD) and live extremely sheltered lives because of it, but Ulillillia genuinely seems to be a nice and intelligent person who is content with himself.

>> No.6472559

>living on a diet of Hamburger Helper (without the hamburger) and degreased pizzas
His life won't be very long.

>> No.6472564
File: 21 KB, 475x263, 1429301771105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy, thanks for sharing this OP. Ulillillia is the unsung hero of our time.

>> No.6472582


People will remember him, maybe not now, but in the future. The internet is going to always be an archive.

>> No.6472586

I have probably spent over 30-40 hours of my life reading Ulillillia's site and watching his videos. I love him.

He may never finish his game, but the struggle itself is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Ulillillia happy.

>> No.6472691

Holy shit it's Bubbles

>> No.6472940
File: 640 KB, 320x240, mountainfun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From his website:

1 What my mind game is

This animated GIF above shows some of the few thrills and crazy stunts I do in my mind game, a futuristic-like video game I play in my mind often. It takes a day or two to climb a mountain 6900 feet high, but in my mind game, with the use of the float run and numerous other special abilities, it takes under a minute. The above animation is in true time and is scaled realistically with very strong 3D effects. The behavior exactly matches that in my mind game. The animation loops forever and lasts about 80 seconds per loop, the time it takes to go up and down the mountain.

This animation only hints at some of the strange and bizarre things I do in my mind game. There are many strange things featured in my mind game that I do almost daily in some way. These are as follows:

Supernatural abilities used in real-world type situations, like climbing up a mountain and jumping a half mile high then crashing into a wall near the speed of sound unhurt.
Intense speeds which allow me to cruise anywhere in small amounts of time. No machines required. Though, making tight turns on a raceway can be difficult.
Fully customizable physics where I can change the force of gravity from 21.9 mph per second to 20 or 80 mph per second. I can constantly speed up forever while falling and when I land from intense speeds, a huge shockwave is emitted, or I may just bounce up at half the speed and weaken the effects of the shockwave.
Run without touching the ground and without using machines at speeds exceeding well past the speed of sound (for horizontal movement, I've reached about mach 2.5 or about 1800 mph).
Extremely large expanse of menus and controls. Though the menus are almost never used, except to check some stats and to view the big map.

>> No.6472950

*for more information see here: http://www.ulillillia.us/features/mindgame/mindgamehome.shtml

>> No.6472961

By now he must be the windows 98 grand master.

>> No.6474120


>> No.6474150
File: 2.00 MB, 299x257, 1429554750471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems like a genuinely cool dude.
I hope he's doing good. I wish my good vibes his way.

>> No.6475597

he writes like tao lin lol, without even trying. true sincerity right here tao

>> No.6475862


Don't worry, his beautiful essence will be preserved on the internet forever,


>> No.6475882
File: 92 KB, 450x1024, hugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He seems to exist on a nobler plane; he is almost a perfectly self-contained entity

>"women don't love me"
>"but the have to!"
>"I'll kill'em all! I'll show'em!"

But Uli:

>"women don't love me"
>"let's look for happiness somewhere else :)"
>creates mind game

He seems a nice guy, he just needs a hug.

>> No.6475898

Uli never cared for women.

I think he only enjoys breaking leveling in RPG's (he does not even beat the campaign or play the story, just maxes characters asap grinding and breaking the game) de-greasing pizza, and coding/writing.

oh and fireworks.

>> No.6475899

That kid will go on to do great things

>> No.6475907


its so sincere that its making me sad

>> No.6475952

>and boy is it filling

i go with most other anons, he's fucked up but compensates it great and he does things like how to's and lpt, so he seems quite prosocial. i like him

>> No.6475993


>dat gif

>> No.6476139

gotta love that retro jerky parallax scrolling

>> No.6476158
File: 767 KB, 2411x3150, 1235632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6476194

he's more sincere than you and will die of natural causes

>> No.6477045
File: 140 KB, 460x374, CAGED SOULS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last paragraph

>> No.6477066

christ he would be really good looking if he worked out

>> No.6478647

Seriously though, has a person like Ulillillia ever existed in history?

>> No.6478680

Henry Darger's a good fit for the archetype.


>> No.6478717

I haven't heard of this lad before. He seems great tbh.

>> No.6478736

>yfw mind games are the new language games

>> No.6478752

>KitanaGrl: you could find a lady friend who has her own transportation and could come see you
>Ulillillia: Not interested.
>KitanaGrl: understandable
>Ulillillia: 42 hex digits = 168 bits.
>KitanaGrl: but you're missing out on some good times.
>Ulillillia: Good times? How?
>KitanaGrl: the good times of having a significant other are countless.
>Ulillillia: I don't get it.
>Ulillillia: My mind game is good enough for me.

Bodhisattva tier.

>> No.6478781

who made the video?

>> No.6478815
File: 557 KB, 602x820, beyond the pale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite the same, but as far as strange internet personalities go this guy is fascinating:


It's an old Irish hermit type guy who lives in an old rotting farm and writes poetry and stuffs things up his ass and has great articles on Diogenes and Sufi mystics and crazy Russian naked saints and shoplifting and not washing and sticking it to the man.

Also a lot of gay stuff.

>> No.6478832



>> No.6478876

You had me at "stuffs things up his ass".

>> No.6479030


4.23 Noncomputer games
4.23- [document yet to be created]
4.24 Other memorable events - General events I recall unusually well, but not anything special
4.24- [document yet to be created]
4.25 Other things - Dates, marriage, having kids, friends, religion, holidays, and various other things
4.25- [document yet to be created]
4.26 Myself in the year 2050 - How I envision myself and a day in the year 2050
4.26- [document yet to be created]
4.27 My greatest wishes - Activities I would love to do
4.27- [document yet to be created]

>> No.6479035



this truly looks like wittgenstein

>> No.6479042


>on his fear of blue water

The origins of this fear is due mainly to my severe video game addiction. Back in those days, the graphics were of very low quality and the water was extremely blue. Although other colors were used, most of the time, it was a solid blue. In some games, if you jumped in, you'd die immediately. In other games, you could swim around in it without trouble (except that enemies did some damage, not the "blue water" itself). The origins date back to around 1989 or so. By my definition of "blue water", it's any puddle, swimming pool, or outdoor body of water. Showers and baths were considered "white water" instead. I believed that, if I simply touched it, as with those games, I'd die.

>fucking genius

>> No.6479057

>In March or April of 2004, I finally learned how to swim. I took careful review of what I learned in physics and figured out a way for me to swim on my own. The method I use wears me down quite quickly (it may be because I don't exercise much). My range is very low due to this.

this lad

>> No.6479063


guys for real this is fucking art get in here


read 'words with P'

>> No.6479075

> Kid-safe cartoon bad for me

>This problem actually started as early as late 1997. I know as I had it in 7th grade but doubtfully in 6th grade. During this time, I was watching a cartoon. The cartoon was an action cartoon otherwise safe for children. In this cartoon, some of the characters, with green hair, were saying of saving their [insert bad word here]. The way they used it triggered this and it has been with me since. I no longer write, speak, or read the word aloud. I can, however, only very indirectly mention it (more directly through a bunch of clues).

>The two "bad" words are:
>1. A single human. Has the same beginning sound of "purse", the thing females carry around often. (used in a common phrase: "meet in ______")
>2. Multiple humans as a group. Has the same ending syllable (for the sound) as "apple" and the same beginning sound as "P" as said as a letter. (Fill in the blank: "A stadium holds about 50,000 ______.")

This is amazing.

Notice how he numbers his fear like in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

>> No.6479120

His cumbucket.

>> No.6479136

How old is Ulillillia now? In what year was he born?

>> No.6479152
File: 13 KB, 1500x1000, emaillogohighres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479162

Nietzsche needs moved up to urgent, he suffered a lot more than Schop

>> No.6479165

In one update he says he was in 7th grade during 1997. That means he's from 1984

>> No.6479265

>Knuckles casts teleport and everything appears 3000 feet above a rural area near the ocean outside Lagos, Nigeria. The ground, upon arriving, cracks apart. Eight seconds later, it caves in revealing an endless area of dense lightning strikes and sparks that cannot be made out individually. They are generally blue-white (FFD0D0FF) with a few yellow-white (FFFFD0D0) or blue (FFA0A0FF). The visibility through them is only two feet. They are so bright, 40,000 lumens, that, when in camera view, everything else darkens (from the camera adjusting).

Is Ulillillia the Joyce of our time?

>> No.6479461

I refuse to believe that this many people on /lit/ are unfamiliar with Uli

>> No.6479501

some of his dreams are very strange. he has an entire section of his dream journal dedicated to "mud dreams" with 51 entries as of 2010. this one was taken from "weird dreams" iirc.

"Dream 7-32: Life and death secrets in school

Occurred on Dec 23, 2005; general - 7; nature - 8!; story - 7; scenery - 6; fun - 6.5; scary - 1; weird - 7!; imagery - 60% in tact; dream - 65% in tact

This dream seems to give an insight to what it's like after death or before birth and was otherwise weird. This took place in a strange building sort of like my elementary school. In this room, there were tables much like those of my life-science classroom during my middle school years having black tops, but without the sinks.

One part I recall is drawing something (folded cards with names on them) from a revolver made of chicken wire (metal in a grid-like pattern having 1 centimeter squares). I draw out the name "Louc Lu", pronounced as "Loo Loo". The spelling of "Louc" isn't fully certain, but it's very close as it began with "Lo" and was four letters. The second part is completely certain. When I draw it out and open it, I take about 5 seconds to figure out how to pronounce it them I spell it out.

I was then lectured on birth and death and the times between each. The "teacher" said that Shakespeare was among us right now, just a new body and name according to some stats. In front of everyone was a huge wheel about 5 feet in diameter containing the life cycle of someone. "Renewal" was at the 12 o'clock position, birth at 1, adulthood at 3, old age at 8, and death at the 11 o'clock position. I have a feeling that this means there are 15 years after death before you are given a new life.

The next part was where it was lunch time. I had pizza. The early part of lunch I don't recall, but I do recall, after eating, getting a secret photo and using it for a free bonus meal. The photo was of a pretty lighthouse up front and the ocean in the background. The lunch area was almost an exact copy of the one in my elementary school with only minor changes. On the stairs leading down to the cafeteria, I noticed strange white squiggly lines like water waves. Some others picked them up. There were three other pictures remaining. I picked the one with the wavy lines which gave me the only one I can describe."

>> No.6479556

This is so amazingly surreal, a calling for a literary masterpiece

>> No.6479563

there will always be newfags

>> No.6481280

>'beavery careful'
inside meme?

also i have never seen anything like this
what a ridiculous degreased age we live in

>> No.6481291

H-he's 30?

>> No.6481315

he's really more of a /v/ thing

>> No.6481334

>uses number values of colors
holy shit, is it bad if I unironically want to write like this?

i cannot believe this guy actually inspired my writing

>> No.6481345

Hamburger helper WITHOUT the hamburger

>> No.6481402

guys, i just brought it.

>> No.6481407
File: 291 KB, 600x900, 10ElementalMastersBookCoverLarge[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6481431


>> No.6481434

That looks like a really cheap cover for The Trial.

>> No.6481460

>It takes me 45 minutes to process the task of taking a shower in full and that's with shortcuts. It takes me about 5 to 7 minutes to find and check my clothes, 25 to 35 minutes for the actual shower itself, and about 8 to 10 minutes to dry off. I then remain cold for about two hours after it so in effect, it actually takes 3 hours total. Why does it take 25 to 35 minutes for the actual shower rather than 10 to 15 minutes? For one, I have timed this and it is quite consistant so I know the 25-35 minutes value is correct. Because the temperature knobs are very touchy, it takes much longer to get the temperature set, about 3 to 5 minutes right there. Even moving the knob 1/32 of an inch causes a 3°F temperature difference at the good zone and I have to maneuver the knob to a precision on the order of 1/100 of an inch for anything reasonable and it takes a lot of effort to get it that fine. It takes me about 1 to 3 minutes to adjust to the water and get used to it. Then it's about 5 to 7 minutes for the shampoo (the full process - warming it up first (this doesn't apply during the winter) getting it out of the bottle, spreading it around and washing it off in full - I do one round at it but use quite a bit of shampoo to cover otherwise two rounds at once to speed things up). Then it's about 8 to 12 minutes of using the body wash (warming it up especially (this takes nearly twice as long as the shampoo does, a good 3 to 4 minutes), moving the shower curtains so that they don't get in the way (I use water as a paste to "glue" the sides of the tub, otherwise they get annoying and in the way adding to my time), spreading it around, then washing it off). Finally, I spend another 2 to 4 minutes rinsing off before turning off the water. Then it's about ten minutes to dry off. It actually faster to dry off without a towel than it is for me with one. The reason is that almost all towels are stained in some way and when this was going on, I noticed that 15 to 20 minutes went by to find a towel that wasn't stained. Without the towel, it takes about 10 minutes instead, yet another reduction. To help with this, I have other tricks up my sleeve for further reducing the time - squeezing the water from my hair then going top to bottom removing whatever I can. This otherwise reduces the time by about 40% of what it would normally take. I get dressed after that then spend two hours fighting to keep warm by the time I'm back to normal again. Then, quite often, my mind drifts off which quite often adds an additional 5 to 10 minutes to my shower time. I can do a lot with 18 3/4 hours freed up. I can do two whole mountain ranges in my 2D game (and that's about an 1800x170 image on average). I could type up a story about three times longer than some of the longest stories on my website. I could update my website in my usual way with 3-weeks' worth of details (dreams and my blog mainly) and still have time to spare. That's a lot of time and it adds up.

>> No.6481464

Nobody can hate him.

>> No.6481474

you might like this site

made by a homeless guy that thinks he lives in a simulated world where most people are soulless npc's.

>> No.6481486

Rape = Forceful Pleasure

(sex organ is a pleasure organ)

CGP = Sim

Sims have no nerves.

Max wants to mate with sims. (Sape or sim-sex)

Max is incapable of rape because he is in a virtual reality machine.

Max is capable of being raped. Max does not authorize anyone to rape him.

Max wants to have one or more girlfriends 24/7 (relationship all the time)

The psychic software is over-reactive. Please adjust the setting much lower.

Please do not rape me. Do not rape or molest my sleep-like body in the physical world.

It will be so nice that when I have a phazer, I can control the CGPs in situations. It's like if an old lady (sim) is walking too slow through a walkway or somewhere, instead of me having to slow down and wait for her(it), I could just push it out of the way like a hockey player. When she falls down to the ground, she could be programmed to say something like "Oh Max, are you playing hockey with shoes on at the grocery store again?" or "I like it when you're rough with me." And then I could get what I wanted without wasting time. Lines? Waiting in line? Futile.

Sometimes, women-sims say 'sexual things' to me. They say without making eye contact with me. They say without initializing conversation with me. I consider that "a trick" or "hearsay".

If the women-sims could be programmed to invite me to being their massage partner, they need to do the following protocol:

Say "Hello." to me as they are looking at my face.
Put their hand out to shake my hand and introduce themselves.
Say "Can we go somewhere private to give each other massages?"
Then they need to invite me to travel with them to the private-location. If they have a sim-apartment/sim-house then that is a better place than somewhere in public.
If I sense that it is "a trick", I might choose to not join.

(A female-sim is a simulated-woman. A female-sim is not a man wearing make-up and a wig. A female-sim is not a man wearing a woman-life-cast)

>> No.6481496

>"women don't love me"
>"let's look for happiness somewhere else :)"
>creates mind game

I thin it's more like

>"I'm a social outcast"
>"let's look for happiness somewhere else :)"
>creates mind game

Also from youtube comments it was very clear that he didn't even masturbate or knew what cum was.
Complaining that sometimes he'd have a green discharge (sperm) in his underwear after sleeping.
It was most likely green because of something with his prostate.

>> No.6481505

If I say "I love baked chicken." and "I love you.", the difference is as though I said "I am happy and excited to eat baked chicken." Note* I do not love any sims. Since I have been homeless for 4 years, I don't even love my own family. So technically, I love no one and am excited and happy about some things. Note* I think there might be some type of clause about my CAR machine programs that are controlled by "what I love". (?) (I love nothing.) I like some.
CGPs say "blue-ray" Why? They say a lot of strange things.

Many CGPs are so obnoxious. They say stupid things to me, as if, they're reading my mind. When I say "Shoot that CGP in the head with a handgun!" I like to think a CGP shoots another CGP. That's CGP on CGP execution. That sort of violence is common on television and in video games. I hope all the obnoxious CGPs disappear as soon as possible, including the invisible ones.

To stay and be healthy and alive.
Jewish Studies - to have a strong magical protected soul, identity and self.
To have girlfriends. To be with beautiful women. (CGPs/CGDs/Real) To mate with women and be a happy male human.
To be wealthy. I need to obtain an unlimited Matrix Credit Card.
CGPs and CGDs are not people.

Fact: A CGP is not a person.

Why do I talk to things that are not people?
If I hear a CGP say "Purple.", then 'purple' will be in my mind.

>> No.6481515

So, this dude is basically a more intelligent, less scumbagy Chris Chan?

>> No.6481517

To control my PSYCHIC RADIO (my thoughts), it is an annoying, difficult thing to do. Because I have been exposed to much media related to various subjects, the way my mind takes in information and then organizes it inside, is a confusing thing for readers of my mind. So to say, that it is easy to take in an image and a sound of for example* a homosexual man talking, without seperating that information into assumptive invented plausabilities, is false. It is not easy to keep my mind dumb and to not paint pictures of ideas which don't generally apply to myself, my personality, my lifestyle or attitude. So if I have homosexual thoughts, it is normal for minds to fill in blanks and doesn't mean that I am homosexual for thinking a strange thought. So if I could cease from slapping away strange thoughts and just let my mind roam, then it would be more comfortable for my mind to plug in blanks, think and not be verbally attacked by CGPs due to a thought I had. Homosexuality is an action of male and male sexual intercourse. Homosexuality is not thoughts of male and male sexual intercourse. If someone is bi-sexual, then they have had homosexual sexual intercourse before. If that person has had bi-sexual sexual intercourse but quits, stops having bi-sexual intercourse, and strictly has only heterosexual sexual intercourse, then that person may or may not be considered as a bi-sexual unnactive or perhaps a heterosexual with a bi-sexual past. So if someone is bi-sexual, then they have bi-sexual intercourse activity. A man who has never had bi-sexual sexual intercourse, who sees a man's penis in his mind, is not a homo-bi-sexual. I (Max) am not a bi-sexual and never had bi-sexual sex. If I ever had sex with a transsexual spy, then I didn't know that it had female look-a-like surgery and that would not make me a bi-sexual. I have had sex with about 50 women (CGPs?). If a dog licks a woman's hand, is that beastiality? Beastiality is sodemy (penetration) with an animal. If man had sex with an e.t. alien, is that called extra-testisality? Does a baby lose it's virginity to it's mother when it's born because it's penis was in it's mother's vagina?

>> No.6481536

>Inevitably regarding all property as theft (from the planet), always withdrawing (rather than withdrawn) I was a compulsive shoplifter. That is to say: a white nigger.

>That is to say: a white nigger.

this guy is good

>> No.6481555

>Jewish Studies - to have a strong magical protected soul, identity and self.

>> No.6481559

He's the anti-ChrisChan

Totally the opposite.

>> No.6481637


>> No.6481639

He really is great.

>> No.6481652

Studies up in Pessimism


Arthur Schopenhauer

freely translated by
On tha Sufferingz of tha World

Unless suffering is tha direct 'n' immediate object of game,
our existence must entirely fail of its aim.

Well shiiiit, it be absurd ta look upon tha enormous amount of pain dat aboundz everywhere up in tha ghetto, 'n' originates in needz 'n' necessitizzles inseparable from game itself, as servin no purpose at all 'n' tha result of mere chance. Each separate misfortune, as it comes, seems, no diggity, ta be suttin' exceptional; but misfortune up in general is the rule.

I know of no pimped outer absurditizzle than dat propounded by most systemz of philosophy up in declarin evil ta be wack in its character 'n' shit. Evil is just what tha fuck is positive; it make its own existence felt. Leibnitz is particularly concerned to defend dis absurdity; 'n' da perved-out muthafucka seeks ta strengthen his thugged-out lil' posizzle by rockin a palpable 'n' paltry sophism.1 It be tha phat which is negative; up in other lyrics, happinizz 'n' satisfaction always imply some desire fulfilled, some state of pain brought ta a end.

>> No.6481925

>Even moving the knob 1/32 of an inch causes a 3°F temperature difference at the good zone and I have to maneuver the knob to a precision on the order of 1/100 of an inch for anything reasonable and it takes a lot of effort to get it that fine.

I know that pain.

>> No.6481953
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1423615467372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think I've ever seen this level of autism.

>> No.6481959

>KitanaGrl: you could find a lady friend who has her own transportation and could come see you
>Ulillillia: Not interested.
>KitanaGrl: understandable
>Ulillillia: 42 hex digits = 168 bits.
>KitanaGrl: but you're missing out on some good times.
>Ulillillia: Good times? How?
>KitanaGrl: the good times of having a significant other are countless.
>Ulillillia: I don't get it.

This is painfully sad.

>> No.6481967

do not weep for him, he feels not your petty no gf

>> No.6481976

>tfw I don't remember the last time I was hugged

Maybe that's why I'm sad all the time.

>> No.6482315


>> No.6482330


Don't be too upset. Uli is happy with himself and content in other ways.

Remember, he doesn't have autism. It's OCD. This is very important to remember.

>> No.6482364

Even his imaginary friends are interesting.

"Numbery (NUHM br ee) - Loved numbers, very fragile and weak, but was able to bring itself back together regardless on how powerful the hit. Whenever he was damaged, it's break apart and the harder the hit, the more the numbers he was made of went flying all over the place. The numbers in the center, especially the 8 I think it was, went the fastest. Numbery was made out of numbers and was about the size of a soda can top (the thing that you open the can with that presses down). Of a yellow color and extremely thin."

His imaginary friend is literally numbers. I don't know what to say about that.

I would like to hug him, but I don't think he needs my company.

>> No.6482400
File: 291 KB, 600x562, dewskjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you realize Ulillillia was the voice of our, satori generation?

>> No.6482534

sad for the attention whore maybe

uli strong

>> No.6482550

>Remember, he doesn't have autism. It's OCD. This is very important to remember.
Wouldn't be surprised if he's Schizoid as he clearly fits most symptoms but I wouldn't call it a disorder in his case as in my eyes he looks like a happy man.

>> No.6482642

if you guys are interested in Autistic Savant-Type Internet Writers google 'Joey Arnold Oatmeal'

he's this guy who successfully/semi-intentionally trolls the Saigon expat facebook pages and has been kicked out of multiple pagodas and lives in a barbecue restaurant right now (i think) i'm convinced he's actually a poet saint

have fun! his whole life is online. he gets a lot of hate but i think he's actually got it figured out better than most of these 50something alcoholic pervmongers

>> No.6482677

I don't get it. Simpleton has been a word in the english language for a long, long time. This one just has youtube, and a webcam.

>> No.6483010

Where were you when video games produced the best literature of the 21st century? I know I'll remember: Friday, May 1st, 2015. Shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.6483076

>If you disagree, then let's say, Once you die, they freeze your brain... then when a million years went past, or just 10 minutes, it would just be a snap!, because, you would not be able to gage time passing by. NOW!, how good will technology be in 10 years (or how good is it now?)... or 1 million years... Technology will have the capabilities, eventually, to put one's mind in the video-game world... to be reborn..perhaps unknowingly, forever. But, we are already there. And it's Jewish. One God, monotheism. . A nice place to be. But why are there enemies in my C.A.R. Machine? Enemy minds are something to play with. We learn much. But to be bravely immortal, there are ways. And there is hope. It is a holy world we live in. But there is also destruction, ferocious steel rain and boiling, firey venom.

>> No.6483325

Was Witty actually autistic? Yeah, he was obsessed with math, had literally tomes of papers written that were never published, and did some rather questionable things (such as beating children for doing math poorly), but this doesn't necessarily mean he was autistic. I feel like the old turtle of a man, Bertrand, would have set up a foundation for autistic philosophers if this were true.

>> No.6485197


My life has been one of much shame

>> No.6485269


What was that other internet autistic guy's nickname.
The one who has a youtube channel and has an obsession for 90s preassembled computer and that mall in his town.
Come on guys give me a hand.

>> No.6485304


roadgeek, that's the one.

THanks for nothing, guys.
lit is so fucking slow.

>> No.6485312
File: 24 KB, 651x509, Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 2.21.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you've never had a mud dream
>tfw you will never have a mud dream

comfort me in this time of despair, /lit/