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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 338x450, Aldous+Huxley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6467778 No.6467778 [Reply] [Original]

>believed in dianetics
>believed in ESP
>believed in diagnosing all illnesses via radio waves
>believed the serum in BNW was actually probable
>wrote a book where a man kills himself because society is so pleb
>wrote a dystopian novel where introversion is looked down upon

Why does a single person care about this hack? His book is shit and he was a retard

>> No.6467786

He was also a plagiarist.

>> No.6467808


>> No.6467864


got a source for all this info?

>> No.6467879


>> No.6467886

Read The Perennial Philosophy and weep, you pleb

>> No.6467905


>> No.6467912

Stay ignorant then, it's your prerogative

>> No.6467917

so, he belongs to a religion you dont like, that automatically makes him a bad person?
We are sorry for not believing in what you believe oh you omnipotent flawless OP

>> No.6467918

Wow, why haven't you read L Ron Hubbard yet? Stay ignorant, it's your prerogative

>> No.6467920


Hack writing of the "ooo~ muh Eastern mysticism~" variety. Literally Evola-tier.

>> No.6467926

Nothing to do with religion, everything to do with him being a complete and utter dummy.

Could you be more sarcastic, too?

>> No.6467930


Drugs combined with an interest in mysticism, or how to be a hack.

>> No.6467934

>wrote the doors of perception which inspired the band the doors and engendered a wave of acid burnouts
Literally the only reason plebs like him

>> No.6467935

But I read it and it was shit!
>"ooo~ muh Eastern mysticism~"
Care to explain what is that?

>> No.6467940

You probably believe in things that sound to me as stupid as his sound to you, guess what?, it is universal. So you are not making a point by stating his believes.
Fernando Pessoa, the best portuguese poet of the 20th century was a Mason, strange extravagant (stupid you may call them) irrational sincere beliefs are actually a mark of artistic greatness

>> No.6467945

>>wrote a dystopian novel where introversion is looked down upon

You pleb

>> No.6467950

>But I read it and it was shit!
Then why not read Albert Abram's radiology? Or any of the millions of hacks who have published? Stay ignorant of ALL of them, pleb.

>> No.6467951

do you actually know enough metaphysics and theology to judge the quality of that book?
or are you actually ignorant of those fields beyond your prejudices?

>> No.6467959

-pleb, 2015

>> No.6467963
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>> No.6467968

Oh, making a point I see. What I was trying to say is that beyond his fiction he is very enjoyable. None of OP's statements have any influence in the quality of a writer

>> No.6467975
File: 19 KB, 300x354, headache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guy who believed ridiculous and false things
>he's still a good nonfiction writer!

>> No.6467983
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>> No.6467992

So no book about mysticism is good?

>> No.6467998
File: 845 KB, 850x675, lit christposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora* m'lord

>> No.6468002

>Anything else
Thinking is too hard?, you want to be right but you dont actually know how?
Just pretend you know something the others dont know, let them sense your superior intellect, let them wonder about how tired you are from reading thousands of volumes on the theme that you dont even need to create an argument to be right about it anymore!!!!!11!!

>> No.6468003

depends on the specifics

>> No.6468006

so, just like any other book in any other subject basically?

>> No.6468011
File: 763 KB, 603x800, rustle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do have a superior intellect, stay rustled you acid freak loser.

>> No.6468016
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>> No.6468018

rinse and repeat

>> No.6468023


>> No.6468027
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1396111579644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally have nothing to add, you're just buttblasted because I don't worship your favorite author. Get over yourself and get over Huxley, you mad little child.

>> No.6468033

Wow, that is low in a way I haven't seen in a while on /lit/. Did you unironically used the term "rustled"?

>> No.6468035

rinse and repeat

>> No.6468039

it seems we had a meme master among us all along guys!

>> No.6468040

>implying "irony the kid" Johnson can perform unironical acts

>> No.6468049

Yes, have you read how buttmad he is about this whole thing? He's not even defending Huxley, he's just nerdraging and vomiting his autism on the floor.

>> No.6468053

>wrote a dystopian novel where introversion is looked down upon

What do you even mean by this? It's looked down upon in the society of BNW, but that's part of why it's a dystopia. What's the problem?

>> No.6468062

I think he was against Huxley anon. Quality thread I guess

>> No.6468063

em, man, you are pretty autist and nerdraging yourself, i mean, think about it, who else responds to autism and nerdraging except, you know, autist and nerdragers?

>> No.6468064

w2c glasses

>> No.6468067

Because it's literally implying that introverts are superior. It's ressentiment; like Eliot Rodgers tier shit. "Women who go out and sleep around and drink are all strumpets, I'm a superior intellectual male". The whole of BNW reeks of this implicit dialogue.

>> No.6468069


>> No.6468070
File: 2.01 MB, 300x220, 1428029014008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xD the ol' you-too-switcharoo

>> No.6468071
File: 400 KB, 530x345, frown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because it's literally implying that introverts are superior.

>> No.6468074

underrated post

>> No.6468079

yeah, pretty much how you are reacting right now
absolutely nonverbal
you assume others feel the same way you feel, that is why you assume others feel angry when they show concern to you
you need love in your life and to see a doctor, this is sincere advice

>> No.6468080

overrated post

>> No.6468083

May I remind all of you this is, in fact, 4chan, shelter, producer and re-producer of autism and nerdraging

>> No.6468085

>i don't have an actual reply so let's greentext with a goofy reaction image

>> No.6468089

yeah, but when some guy with obvious autism calls out other autist, i dont know man, feels bad, like if you saw two animals attacking each other

>> No.6468091

>wrote a book where a man kills himself because society is so pleb
>wrote a dystopian novel where introversion is looked down upon
is this b8? it's pty fkn accurate, happens all the time.

>> No.6468093
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concern trolling

dude, you're too much man

>> No.6468102
File: 68 KB, 800x602, 1405925545243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverts develop a superiority complex and cuss out women for being whores? Yes, that happens to everyone like Eliot Rodgers and Aldous Huxley.

>> No.6468108
File: 26 KB, 199x200, 1428375585975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying extroverts aren't privileged in western society

>> No.6468110

To add some actually literature into this thread, I recently read 'Island'.

What a piece of shit.

Awfully indulgent, didactic shit. Why try to build a novel over what should be an essay? Probably because no one bother to read it. Anyways, when I started reading the book I felt an odd sense that I was reading a book, the prose felt like it was written by a high-schooler attempting to write 'purple prose'. As I read on it improved, or maybe I became adjusted to it. But it was just such indulgent shit. He just name drops cultural figures which is disruptive and makes seem more like an attempt to impress the readers than anyway to aid the anything. What Betrand Russell said about him ("You could always tell by his conversation which volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica he'd been reading. One day it would be Alps, Andes and Apennines, and the next it would be the Himalayas and the Hippocratic Oath.") was quite clearly true.

And I just love every fuckwit who tries to sound clever by bringing up the fact that the Doors named themselves after The Doors of Perception, without realizing that The Doors of Perception was taken from a Blake poem

>> No.6468112

There's no need to make an actual reply. You're making a blatantly unsupported statement, namely that BNW claims the superiority of introversion, and then going off on some nonsensical tangent about Elliot Rodger. What can a man do but frown at such stupidity?

>> No.6468115
File: 45 KB, 640x400, ac2740f4d3dad0ef65152094b7b083b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 'society' does this
>implying extroversion isn't a social advantage by definition

yes, being outgoing and talkative works to your favor in many situations.

>> No.6468124

This post is redditcore tier trolling.

>> No.6468128


>> No.6468136

That sounds similar to my impression of BNW, and also Fahrenheit 451. The namedrops to classical authors comes across really pretentious and ">muh generation sucks"

>> No.6468138
File: 57 KB, 600x600, fwef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread people, proud of you!

>> No.6468142

>You're making a blatantly unsupported statement

It's directly stated in the text, about our hero the protagonist, that it's "weird" for him to want to be alone. It's literally undeniably a part of the theme.

Did you not read that part of the book?

>> No.6468145

What? BNW isn't written like a didactic essay at all, and where are the namedrops?

>> No.6468147

I did, but the way this post is formed makes it smell like reddit nonetheless

Why bring up elliot rodgers not to mention that his name has been dropped like 10 times b4 in the thread for no reason


>> No.6468161

I haven't read BNW in a while and I'm worried to do so because all the Shakespeare quotes might come off as gimmicky

>> No.6468163

I'm just speaking hyperbolically. You can't seriously deny that pushing away a woman and calling her strumpet is anything but pure autism, and the book smells of Huxley's ressentiment toward society. His version of the dystopia is one where his feelings of alienation from culture is increased. It's all right there in the text, maybe if you reread it past your angsty teen years it would be more apparent

>> No.6468168

He namedrops Shakespeare pretty hard, and of course our protagonist is just soooo confused that all the alpha plebs around him don't find a quote as beautiful as he does.

>> No.6468169

>It's directly stated in the text, about our hero the protagonist, that it's "weird" for him to want to be alone.

That's correct. Introversion is frowned upon in this brave new world. Now tell me, how does it follow that the author thinks introversion is superior? Have you ever considered that he thinks it should simply be acceptable? Your conclusion is based on faulty assumptions.

>> No.6468171

>anything but pure autism
you know, autism is an actual disorder, I'm not sure it has to do with how we name stuff.

>Huxley's ressentiment toward society.
big word. take it easy.

>if you reread it past your angsty teen years it would be more apparent
le ebin ad hominem my friend, definitely validates your opinion

>> No.6468178

That's a blind guy

>> No.6468180

>Now tell me, how does it follow that the author thinks introversion is superior? Have you ever considered that he thinks it should simply be acceptable? Your conclusion is based on faulty assumptions.
The book is dystopian. Obviously the ways in which the society differs from ours is meant to be a part of said dystopia.

It's not a faulty assumption at all, it very neatly follows. Why you're denying it is confusing

>> No.6468184

Oh yeah? Well, yours is Hitler-tier intolerant.

>> No.6468186

>le ebin ad hominem my friend, definitely validates your opinion
Just try it.

>> No.6468187

Because the title of the book is taken from Shakespeare and it makes a few references to him? Maybe I didn't notice because I hadn't read much Shake back then

>> No.6468196

Try... being super edgy on 4chan?

Ok, lemme try.

Here, I think you're a big pleb! Say more, I think you're probably underage xDDDDD

>> No.6468218

Yes, the BNW society differs from ours in that there, introversion is utterly unacceptable. Do you think watching TV is acceptable and should be considered so by society at large? Apparently, by your own logic, it very neatly follows that you consider people who watch TV superior.

>> No.6468244

Your existence makes no sense. It is probably very clear for people around you that your life is already ruined and that chances for happiness in the future are small. Your mom probably looks at you in silence when you are talking and wishes you had it better, maybe she blames herself a little, but in the end there's nothing but an emptiness left in her. Your dad gave up on you long ago, he doesn't feel much for you, maybe he is even nice to you, something he found easier after emotionally disengaging from you.
Your friends dislike you and is very likely that every breeding moment in your future will be a bit worse than the previous. There are no answers for you down the road, your existence is gratuitous and you resources too limited to realize anything of worth about this life.

>> No.6468277

>His book
He wrote dozens of books and articles, plep.

>> No.6468313

I don't think any of that is true.