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6461594 No.6461594 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I not capable of deep thinking anymore? I used to interested in stuff like philosophy (existentialism, presentism, etc.) and have had many existential crises. But suddenly I feel dumber after communicating with 'dumb' people. I've become much more accepting with stupid trends than I used to. I no longer can think about the universe deeply anymore. What gives?

>> No.6461605

What book do you guys think the person on the far right is holding?

>> No.6461610

Interest has to be honed and a cutting edge
If you don't put the effort in developing it it will naturally dull
You just like "stupid" things more or rather they are more accessible

>> No.6461611

The Holy Bible

>> No.6461616

Nothing wrong with stupid things.

I'm listening to Ariana Grande right now.

Life is good.

>> No.6461617

it happens to me too. when I'm working retail over the summer I find it difficult to read philosophy which I could read like children's fiction during the semester

>> No.6461618

Your pineal gland is calcified by the fluoride in tap water.

>> No.6461620

I get like that too when I'm forced to work normie jobs and be around normie people. Suddenly philosophy and politics just seems really silly and the idea of wanting to be a writer seems ridiculous at the working class level.

It is PURE ideology.

>> No.6461622

Science and Sanity

>> No.6461625
File: 65 KB, 499x499, 1429240858230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright kid, here's what you do

First things first, quit the job, dumo the girlfriend, tell the parents you're a commie. We need to get you isolated and fast

After you're alone and proper, you need to get some quality LSD, just hop on the deep web and find the closest thing to a reputable seller you see. Now find a room you can be alone in, stock up on beans and lock the door.

You're gonna want to drop 300µg and take out your copy of Phenomenology of Spirit (don't have a copy? well go beg your disenfranchised parents for money to go back to the used book store you quit to purchase a copy). Keep reading until the gnosis flows through you like the beans surely will.

>> No.6461626

Phenomenology of Spirit, or an adventure for the ages to come.

>> No.6461627

The Doors of Perception

>> No.6461633
File: 24 KB, 331x334, 1429307433387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ego and Its Own is the only correct answer

>> No.6461636

Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

>> No.6461637

How to become a shitstain on humanity: the post

>> No.6461640

Alright guys, now what book is the person in the middle holding? A bit harder question eh?

>> No.6461641

I watched Zizek's films during an AL-LAD trip one time, was that a good way to warm up?

>> No.6461645


>> No.6461648

Conspiracy against the human race

>> No.6461649

Get outta here Renee

>> No.6461650

Also sprach

>> No.6461693

The thing is, I used to seek for knowledge everything I had a chance on the Internet. Learning makes my brain feel good, sort of like orgasm. That was when I stayed up late frequently. Does staying up late really make you smarter?

FYI, I'm left-handed, mildly autistic, was bullied a lot at school.

>> No.6461708


>> No.6461735

That's not really learning though that's dilettantism, to seek merely for amusement

>> No.6461755

Anything written by Russell

>> No.6461770
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To that image op, I reply Harold Bloom's face.

>> No.6461847

It's called "growing up".

>> No.6461851

PURE ideology. you are the last man, congrats.

>> No.6461853


As you grow older you develop a grip on reality, and thus, thinking deeply about it becomes more and more terrifying, producing an (un)conscious impulse against deep thought

>> No.6461858

Plato's Republic, it's a pretty obvious visual metaphor imo.

>> No.6461860

>there's anything wrong with being the last man
Now THAT'S what I call "spooks".

>> No.6462438

This so much.
At some point the questioning of reality will lead to serious psychic problems. So I always stop myself from doing so and try to accept some premises that help me in everyday life.

I guess this doesn't count for Übermenschen though.