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/lit/ - Literature

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6455902 No.6455902 [Reply] [Original]

Literature Romance Thread

Post stories you have that are related to books and romance.

i.e. that one time you were reading a book and some qt librarian started chatting you up about Thoreau's ideologies

Anything goes. Missed connections, old girl/boyfriends, spouse, crushes etc.

I'll get this going with one of my own:

>Sophomore year of highschool
>Read M. Butterfly
>It's an 80s play by David Henry Wang inspired by Madama Butterfly
>We are standing in front of the class and reading the play aloud in english
>I read the parts of the main character, Rene Gallimard
>Basically I'm a french civil servant who's a bit delusional
>Anyway I go to China and see an opera
>Instantly fall for a girl named Song in the opera
>Have sex with her
>Turns out she's a boy
>Wife leaves me when she finds out
>Live with Song for years in denial
>Imprsioned for treason
>Commit seppuku because how could my perfect woman be a man?
>Anyway, we had a boy play the part of Song, obviously
>We get to the kiss part
>Haha, we're just going to hug
>He whispers in my ear
>Instant boner
>He kisses me on the cheek
>I blush harder than I have ever
>Class gets a kick out of it
>"yeah... hahhaaahhaha......"
>Look him up and down
>Super muscular, tall, dark hair, pronounced jaw line
>Be sexually confused for the rest of my life

>> No.6455990
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Shameless self bump

>> No.6455995


>> No.6456011

>go to book store to buy blood meridian
>pick up girl who rings me up
>fuck her a couple days later
>next morning
>not as cute as I thought
>make up some shit about having an std to get her to leave
>she wants to hang out an check out my books
>give her blood meridian get make her get out faster

mfw when a year later she texts me and wants to talk about it

>> No.6456035

Did you get a chance to read the book at least?

>> No.6456063

Yeah I'd already read it lol an ex gf actually stole my first copy but I wanted to read it again.

>> No.6456155

>last year of high school
>girl in the class into literature, slightly patrish
>is obviously infatuated with me
>not very attractive
>other girl in the class
>likes YA, shitty pop, The Big Bang Theory
>stupendously attractive petite blonde
>crushing on me too
>seduce her away from her boyfriend
>other girl is heartbroken
>relationship goes nowhere since we have nothing in common, plus she was kind of a bitch

Standard feels. I'm trying to write a novel about it.

>> No.6456157

Here's another one
>go to university library
>see qt indian girl from my math class
>smile and say hi
>sit down across from her
>pull out textbook, plan on helping her with homework
>furiously erase two sentences from one of my pages
>knock off pencil onto ground
>bend down to pick it up
>holy shit is this the fucking movies?
>get so hot and bothered that I can't focus on the math
>be of absolutely no help
>she gets frustrated and leaves
>never talks to me again
>oh well, fapped to that image of her panties for weeks

>> No.6456171

I'm fucking someone whose most attractive trait is how much they've read

Does that count?
I can't post the whole story because he's /lit/erate

>> No.6456184
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>Senior at good (top 20) U.S. uni
>Over the past few years worked my way from autismo hayseed Jesus freak from the South to become a reasonably cool guy.
>Varsity athlete and sort of a douche, but love literature.
>Have two fwb who both critique my work
>A beautiful Chinese field hockey player and an insanely smart premed
>Meet a new girl while out running
>She's a couple years older, works at a nearby medical school
>10/10, half Japanese, tall and a natural athlete
>Also reads voraciously in Japanese, English, Mandarin and French
>Immediately ditch the FWBs, start dating new girl
>I'm madly in love, want her to be my wife
>She reads my work too
>She gives most useful critiques of anyone I know
>She cooks incredible Japanese food and is the epitome of a tender, loving woman.
>Her faith in me inspires me to pursue my writing more seriously than before.
>I want to be a professional now.
>Every night I bring what I wrote of my novel for her to read.
>She loses faith in me, begins to say she worries I'm too American, not cosmopolitan like her Ivy League friends.
>Her friends are all rich kids from global cities, in medical school and high-powered consulting firms.
>Knowing she's comparing me to them cuts to the bone.
>She calls me on Valentines day while I'm cooking dinner for us and dumps me.
>Start fugging a dancer from my writing workshop and a ballerina from a nearby school.
>Still just want that bitch back so we can work on my novel together again.
>Feel like a fool for letting her touch my art so directly.

Guess I'll finish that novel anyway, but it won't be the same without her. Has any author of note put a diss in the dedication of one of his works?

>> No.6456193

That's the way it always seems to go anon. Maybe someday we'll break the cycle, but damn. Why do those girls have to be so hot? And why do they have to have such shit tastes? And why can't the wallflowers just be cute?

Hearing someone talk about a book that they are passionate about is so sexy.

>> No.6456199

i'm sweating because it might be me

>> No.6456209

>tfw no /lit/erati gf to go on funposting sprees with

>> No.6456220

I know ee cummings had a No Thanks dedication as opposed to a Thanks dedication

>> No.6456230

>She loses faith in me, begins to say she worries I'm too American, not cosmopolitan like her Ivy League friends.

Wow, what a fucking cunt. You deserve better, anon.

>> No.6457640


>> No.6457823
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You fugged up by not becoming the premed's trophy husband. What better way to write full time than to be supported financially by the same person who empties your nuts?

>> No.6458575
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>> No.6458642

Okay buddy

>> No.6459078

I'm not your buddy, pal.

>> No.6459201
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>gf spoke irish, french, english, german, and russian
>she looked like a young donna tartt somewhat
>she read the hunger games, fifty shades of grey, childish detective stories, and other young adult works clearly intended for little girls
>made her bisexual, encouraged her piss fetish and interest in bdsm, and took every form of her virginity
>she kept discussing family life, the house she always wanted, what country we will vacation in, and all kinds of other shit
>she realized i wasn't interested in anything long term despite everything i said in the past
>i wanted to end the relationship

i met a gay dude on craigslist and planned everything so i was getting fucked in the ass by the time she came home from school, but she never came back, and an hour later or so police showed up and i learned she actually killed herself on the way home. feels terrible

>> No.6459222

You don't deserve to live.

>> No.6459245

don't worry. i decided to not seek treatment for my breast cancer, so i'll be dying soon enough

>> No.6459253

>have female best friend in high school
>have an absolutely huge crush on her, but she's dating my other best friend
>split up after college, don't see each other and barely talk for 3 years
>shoot her an email out of the blue asking what's up
>she turned out to be a russian literature major, I'm a french literature major
>we start corresponding, making the occasional trip to see each other
>sexy times occur, I am absolutely in love with her
>distance keeps us apart and only see each other a handful of times a year when we go on roadtrips together
>mail each other books and keep up our relationship by emailing back and forth about what the other recommended

still in this relationship, the distance keeps us apart and prevents us from having a real relationship, but I'm trying to hold it together with books

>> No.6459265

>entirely straight, all the time, have no particular sexual or romantic feelings towards men at all
>however if someone's intelligent and well read and charming enough then it's almost as if their gender doesn't matter
>consider myself straight, but have got off with 3 different guys, all of whom were intimidatingly genius-tier intelligent

Not sure what to make of this. I'm definitely not gay in the 'regular' sense but it's a very /it/ feel

Anyone else find intelligence the most attractive factor in a person?

>> No.6459267


>> No.6459287

I'm not your pal, bro.

>> No.6459300

Keep doing so, man. That sounds amazing

>> No.6459328

>meet up with old female friend
>talk about books, we have similar tastes
>tell her about book of the new sun
>we meet up again so I can lend it to her
>end up having sex
You heard it folks, the book of the new sun will get you laid

What the fuck

>> No.6459337

No seriously what the fuck. There are many ways to end a relationship but who in their right mind thinks "what if I invited a gay dude to may place so she'd see me getting fucked in the ass upon arrival"?

>> No.6459448

What's with the salty attitude about that story? The characters are interesting even from minimal description and the romance is directly linked to writing.

>> No.6459484

>realize I don't have any tissues on hand
>can't crawl out from under my parents bed because they're still going at it
>end up pulling a copy of "Bone Clocks" out from their nightstand sneakily and ripping out a few pages to clean myself up
>later that evening

>> No.6459647

have you never behaved outrageously?

>> No.6459849

sounds like every single slavic immigrant woman I know. Yes, they have all committed suicide because I'm only interested in sexy times and not in their impersonations of what is considered western-lady-like behavior in the Isengard Oblast of Siberia. And no, I don't feel bad about it because of my nihilist God-manhood.

>> No.6459899
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>> No.6459901

should have stopped after the fourth line. there was no going up from there.

>> No.6459907
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>Valentine's day, Junior year of highschool
>dating an incredibly hot casual reader of commercial fiction/ new-agey tripe
>thinks I'm super deep because I started with the Greeks
>also my first gf
>end up fingerfucking her on my livingroom couch to Beach House - Bloom while my folks are away
>inexperienced and nervous, so I decide to fill the air with the only theatre I'd memorized up to that point
>recite Hamlet's "to be or not to be" soliloquy in time with muh probing
>mfw I say "What dreams may CUM?"

We broke up a month later

>> No.6459974

The worst part is I helped her get into medical school, as in edited and helped organize her applications and then had a cousin of mine vouch for her at the only school she got into. Real country bumpkin stuff. She dumped me right after she got in to that school.

>> No.6460150

>entirely straight
>fucked 3 different guys

yeah, no. you're a full blown faggot in my book

>> No.6460163

yeah it's really tough though.

because of the distance we've decided not to be exclusive. it really hurts me, i'm not seeing anyone else but I know she's fucking other guys. i feel like a total cuck. we don't see each other nearly as often as i'd like to.

>> No.6460191

fuck other chicks then dude

>> No.6460215

You are a total cuck then. You need to let go and block contact with her. It's just hurting yourself otherwise.

>> No.6460373

I do try, but I live in a really shitty small town.

>You need to let go and block contact with her. It's just hurting yourself otherwise
I know. It really hurts when you think you've found your soulmate, but the other person doesn't reciprocate in the same way. I know that she still wants to be friends with me no matter what, and understands how this could hurt me and complicate our relationship. I've just never met anyone that I can talk to like I can talk to her, and I think our sexual chemistry is really fantastic too.

>> No.6460377

bumpity bump

>> No.6461324

any other stories?

>> No.6461532

I'm sorry but I laughed dude.

>invite girl from class over
>asks me what I'm into
>murders and executions mostly
>tell her to read American psycho
>she says ok
>she was kinda autistic so just bear with me
>promise her a great time next week if she reads it
>next week comes
>we sit down to watch the movie
>get a hard on from Christian bale in the opening shower scene
>she thinks it's for her
>start making out, she leads me to my room
>I mean I'm not that into her but my dick is ready
>she starts to undress
>ask her if she actually read the book
>she said no
>I don't respond but as I'm taking my clothes off I make up that I hear my parents coming so I tell her to hide in my closet
>leave out clothes back on and continue watching the movie
>she eventually gets out and leaves
>never can make eye contact again
>masturbated furiously to the scene where he has the three some and looks in the mirror

>> No.6462663
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>> No.6462669

used you like a tool buddy

i know that feel

>> No.6462969

You might be bi. Or not, all those labels are for tumblrinas. You do you.

>> No.6463633
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Book. /lit/. Lol.

>> No.6463655


>> No.6463675
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No, around Boston.

>> No.6464037

Damn that's a beautiful view