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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.11 MB, 1278x1862, rejected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6457926 No.6457926 [Reply] [Original]

Share your rejection letters /lit/.

Here's my one and only, and they don't even address me by name.

>> No.6457947

hahahahahahahahhahahaha thats gotta be embarrassing as fuck. the one still has braces. I don't write but if my shit got rejected and some chinky teenager won the grand prize I would probably never share any of my work to any human being again. Kudos OP and thanks for the larf.

>> No.6457957

well op they're all wimmins so maybe it was affirmative action as a response to the hugo thing

>> No.6457975

It's just women dominating the literary scene once again.

Also, more horny sci-fi guys might come if there are pubescent girls there aka "the finalists".

>> No.6457978

How does it feel to be BTFO'd by a bunch of kiddies, OP? You writing truly must be shit. Congratulations on wasting money on lifetime on your shitty degree.

>> No.6457982

What can I say, it's all totally 100% my fault right?

>> No.6457985

One on the left is fuckable, are you OP? maybe that's why you fail.

>> No.6457993

Ask them for their evaluations on your story.

>> No.6458007

Most of mine are just basically "Thanks, but no thanks," if they even bother to write that much.

My latest one was a little different:

Dear xxx,

Thank you for your email. I appreciate the opportunity to consider your work for possible representation, but I’m afraid I have decided to pass. Of course this is only one response, and tastes vary widely among agents. I wish you the best of luck finding the right home for your work.


It's always hard to tell if it's just a basic form, or if they're actually trying to tell you something. But whatever, a rejection is still a rejection.

>> No.6458010

the very left is very very fuckable, 9/10, easily

>> No.6458018

the three to the left are all qt as fuck

>> No.6458030

Well done OP, you got a rejection letter. That means you're writing and you're putting it out there.

Keep writing, get more. That's the job.

Try not to take it too personally, try not to lose faith.

You're not a loser at all, you actually did something towards becoming a writer one day, unlike pretty much every basement dweller in this retarded place.

So like I said, well done.

>> No.6458035


>voice of albert wesker

How is he a judge of anything??

>> No.6458040

Not gonna fucken happen m8.

I'm done with this shit. I'm going to become uber underground, and my works will be precious and extremely hard to get, made from the finest materials, and signed by yours truly.

>> No.6458043


>Can't get anywhere unless you're a teenage girl or minority.

That's it, we're finished.

>> No.6458046

I don't worry about it. Hell, every modern writer out there has written something about how hard it was for them to get published initially. Most get rejected several hundred times before breaking in.

>> No.6458051

Nobody professional is going to evaluate your story. Unless you pay them.

>> No.6458053

speaking as a sexually enlightened patrician I can say honestly I would fuck everyone in that picture except Anna Maria Horsford who I would make watch.

>> No.6458055

I mean, maybe the voice of Albert Wesker will. That counts for something, right?

>> No.6458056

Thank you for your submission to the Bellwether Review. We had a record number of wonderful submissions this year and unfortunately we could not find a place for your work in this issue.

We wish you the best of luck with your future creative pursuits.

All best,
The Bellwether Review Editors

First time submitting a short story. They took some of my poetry this year, but guess my story doesn't fly for whatever reason.

>> No.6458066

Well at least you aren't being a passive/aggressive crybaby bitch about it.

Oddly enough, OP is the biggest teenage girl in this entire scenario.

>> No.6458071

Yes. Stop sucking shit,

>> No.6458073

Hence why I applied to become a welder.

Fuck the "arts".

>> No.6458078

Perhaps you should post the story here, since you're quite certain that you *should* have won. It must be pretty good. Right?


>> No.6458091


>> No.6458094

Next time just submit a photo of some qt asian tween and say it's you

>> No.6458100

I second this, OP sounds entitled

>> No.6458102

Think what you will, I know my shit smells good.

>> No.6458108

Uh huh. So explain why you lost the contest and got a form rejection letter.

>> No.6458110

Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you have talent. It is entirely possible those girls wrote better submissions than you did.

I say post story or shut the fuck up.

>> No.6458117

>m-m-muh white male discrimination!
>pretty girls can't write, only greasy male neckbeards!

>> No.6458123

It's good to see another such enlightened anon on /lit/ my friend. I can't stand the queerphobia most anons have about taking it up the butt. when will they learn it's all part of the literary lifestyle?

>> No.6458126

Now fellas, lets remember we're dealing with a filthy sci-fi writer here, don't expect much of anything.

>> No.6458134
File: 193 KB, 720x344, laughterofthegiants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize the judges are all normie plebs, right? Are you seriously going to be butthurt by the opinion of the writer of Resident Evil? Are you actually feeling BTFO by the tastes of masses? Do you know how many Star Wars paperbacks are sold every year? Do you know the ratings Scandal gets?

Hahaha, holy kek. If it was Philip Dick or Arthur Clarke saying you suck balls, maybe I'd understand your rustles. But this panel of judges isn't even /lit/. It's /gaiman/.

>> No.6458139

Try kickstarter campaign for your new book and publish one you have now as a free demo.

>> No.6458145

>five women

No bias here

>> No.6458151

>five people under the height of 6'
no bias here

>> No.6458152

Because everything is a vast conspiracy designed to excuse your lack of talent.

>> No.6458155
File: 41 KB, 460x307, 50shades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this picture make you feel?

>> No.6458161

>five people with natural brown hair
>five people not wearing a hat
>five people looking at the camera
no bias here

>> No.6458162

its a conspiracy of manlets!

>> No.6458165

>Young girls

My bet goes to the obviously feminist queer girl on the left. Don't do jury-type events and if you do them make sure that you say that you are in some kind of minority. If you win you can just say "Hey, is that supposed to matter?"

>> No.6458167

>five Americans

Keine Voreingenommenheit hier.

>> No.6458170

Why are they positioned left to right in order of hotness?

>> No.6458174

thing is - teenagers and your regular <100 IQ female are the biggest market for popular literature right now, the money are there. And it is sexist market, those girls want to read shitty, romance/fantasy shit written by FEMALES and FEMALES only. That's all. Male mases play vidya and fap to porn on the other hand.

>> No.6458175


seriously amused. can you imagine PAYING for erotica, and substandard erotica at that? do women not know what the internet is for?

>> No.6458178

You can't be sexist against men, fuccboi.

>> No.6458180

>by FEMALES and FEMALES only.

>who is John motherfucking meme Green
>who is Stephen Chbosky
>who is Markus Zusak
>who is Rick Riordan

>> No.6458181

>science fiction

you deserve your misery

>> No.6458183

So the jury for a SCI-FI contest are actors from shitty crime shows. And normie looking teenager girls won, wow,

>> No.6458191

nice post. just kidding, it isnt good

>> No.6458194

They are females, just look at the meaningless awfully prosed shit they write

>> No.6458196

>hurr durr women
>hurr durr the judges

Guys, it could just be that his story sucks.

>> No.6458202

That's why we want OP to post it but he's too much of a pussy to go through with it.
Down with OP I say!

>They are females, just look at the meaningless awfully prosed shit they write
What is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.6458203


>> No.6458205

It means he's a virgin ;)

>> No.6458214

You know its done by alphabetical order of last names right?

>> No.6458217
File: 29 KB, 406x359, 2583.0.570.359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else going to share their rejection letters or is this all going to be about OP and straight hetero male discrimination?

>> No.6458228

>Is anyone else going to share their rejection letters

If OP would've just posted the letter, this thread would've continued. But he had to imply that it's some kind of gender-bla and now we want to see the story. Until then no letters shall be posted.

Thus I decree

>> No.6458237

I'm just going to guess that your story was too contrived/high concept, when you should have been aiming for emotional or human appeal. Girls tend to be more inclined to write/share emotions so they tend to have an edge. It kind of sucks that they included photo submissions in the decision process though.

>> No.6458243
File: 294 KB, 800x711, god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your story is so great post it.

>> No.6458252

Well I can tell you now that there has been a mistake.

OP entered the Roswell Short-Fiction contest, but mistakenly looked at the finalists for a different short-story writing contest (The Tomorrow contest, open to LA highschool students).

All a big misunderstanding.

Also, the Roswell Award finalists apparently haven't been named yet (or the information is not out there).

>> No.6458254

Looking at the contest's page, you didn't have to submit a photo:


Maybe they just asked the finalists for a pic.

It wasn't anonymous though (name in the doc-file), which I would prefer for contests.

>> No.6458257
File: 172 KB, 440x700, 1422568869186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? yes, almost certainly, barring possible, unavoidable brain damage which impacted your writing skill

unless you had to submit a headshot with your lit, the judges were blind to how ugly you probably are comparable to the finalists. maybe Xiaodong Fang is a more attractive name to have under the title than Steve Stevenson, but not so much that the former can submit trash and be selected over the latter's quality work

normally i tell people who get rejected to keep trying, that they'll get their work out there, but my lack of faith for you is as absolute as my desire to see you fail

>> No.6458262
File: 37 KB, 939x285, tier-rejection-newyorker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got tier-rejected by The New Yorker on my first try. This is supposedly quite a feat for a no-name author without a publisher or previously published work.

>> No.6458290

Goddamit OP you absolute retard.

Anon, you are correct, OP confused the finalists.

Furthermore, he ALSO confused the judges - his 5 pictures are the "professional actors who are going to read the story", NOT THE JUDGES.


In conclusion: Everything OP has posted is wrong.

>> No.6458298
File: 36 KB, 540x376, matissepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6458305
File: 1.14 MB, 680x1671, 397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6458306


>> No.6458317

ceci nest pas une magritte

>> No.6458318


lol what the fuck this is so funny hahahaha

whiny manbaby fedoralords btfo yet again

>> No.6458319



That's the kind of intelligent memes I expect out of /lit/

>> No.6458326

Nice. OP doesn't even know which award he applied for.

>> No.6458344

>Ben Garrison stamp
Not so fast, book nerd. That there meme is property of the /pol/ Reich.

And post your fucking story, OP

>> No.6458346

I've never been rejected but I've only applied to 3 universities

None of them are elite. One is college that happens to have "university" in its name

>> No.6458363

Calling a /pol/ meme, a /lit/ meme. Now that is what I'd expect out of /lit/.

>> No.6458370

I assume this is the US? How does that work?

In Germany, you don't really have to "apply" - your final HS grade is taken into account and that's it. For really "popular" courses like psychology you need 1.0 (A), but you can just wait - if you have 1.4 IIRC they take off 0.2 per semester, so after waiting for two semesters your grade becomes 1.0

>> No.6458390
File: 156 KB, 1101x1117, Harvard College.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to Cornell :')

>> No.6458424

Anyone else think this board would be about a billion times better if its users had to be at least a senior in college?

>> No.6458429

Probably be worse, honestly.

>> No.6458433

This is why you were not accepted.

>> No.6458448

I'm a community college communications major. I enter these kinds of contests for fun all the time and get shot the fuck down hard. It wouldn't hurt my pride so much if the people who where considered better writers weren't sophomores in high school. Maybe they write with a certain whim that doesn't come naturally to us adults trying to produce professional looking literature. Maybe we just suck at writing.

Either way I know that feel OP, and I empathize

>> No.6458460

Not accepted where? I'm midway through a Phd.
People are always dipshits, at every level. Sitting through university doesn't make you enlightened. It makes you patient and at least functional.

>> No.6458465

>trying to produce professional looking literature
And there is the linchpin of failure for nearly every writer.

>> No.6458477

not who you where replying to but if it where exclusive to seniors in college then the place would be riddled with shitlords. 3-4 years in college =/= intelligent people. This would just fill the place with self important post teenagers who think they have a profound understanding of lit.

>> No.6458639

Can you imagine PAYING for erotica that started as twilight fanfiction?

>> No.6458657

it's your fault OP.
Stop blaming others for your mistakes.

>> No.6458664

OP you must be really mad to spend hours in paint to do a pic like that just to show everyone your story is so shitty that a bunch of highschool students beat you.

Why don't you post your story here?

>> No.6458690

>writer of Resident Evil
He is just voice actor.
>hating on complete global masturbation guy
Cmon now.

>> No.6458697

>I graduated from a "world famous school" therefore I should be chosen over thousands of other people

>> No.6458711
File: 95 KB, 978x598, laughing good friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides are in orbit
Sorry OP, even if you were on the best university according to all rankings, you are shit at writing literature.

>> No.6458713

Now you know OP. Thankfully for me, I use a middle-eastern female pseudonym for my writing. When it comes time to submit to publishing we will see how things work out compared to when I used my regular, straight white male self.

If they want a photo of me, that's why I have a Lebanese gf with no social media presence (well that isn't the reason, but point still stands). Gonna get my shit-tier stories published.

>> No.6458720

hi OP
it's funny how you still blame others despite you are shit at writing
how long until you start a blog complaining about how the feminists and libruls are shitting the world?

>> No.6458728

why do you retards keep posting this shit even after op was exposed as a literal goddamn buffoon

>> No.6458752

Oh my goodness this thread.

>> No.6458754
File: 61 KB, 510x345, 1421655861273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man /lit/ is really filled with fedora tippers. I mean it's been 91 posts and you guys still haven't found out the core reason why OP didn't win. First off OP you probably pulled some DFW shit that flew right over the judges' heads. I mean look at them, they're all famous but what credentials do they have? Resident Evil, for christ sakes. They're looking for pleb shit, OP. They're looking for Stephen King, not fucking Dostoevsky. Also, the judges definitely don't care about this contest. They have better things to do, like act and make money and do drugs. They probably just got asked to do this by some autistic librarian (like you) and felt bad so they accepted. The way they see it, they're just giving money away as sort of a friendly prize, this isn't some balls to the wall "BEST SCI-FI WRITING EVER JUDGED BY THE MOST QUALIFIED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD" award. And who would they rather give the awards to, some weirdo creep who sits in his basement studying the technical aspects of writing just trying to make a buck or some nice school girls going through puberty blues who would actually appreciate this kind of prize? The way you responded to this rejection shows that you are book smart but you don't have any common sense. Know your audience and know thyself OP. Greetings from /fit/

>> No.6458774

Our reading committee has taken a look at your manuscript [novel], and I'm afraid we have disappointing news for you: we have decided not to accept this book for publication. We made this decision with some reluctance, as we found the writing engaging and the conversations true to life. On the other hand, the readers did feel that the plot relied a little too much on coincidence and contrivance to entirely work. We are a small regional literary press, and we are limited in the number of manuscripts that we can take on. We wish you the best in finding a publisher better suited to this manuscript's needs—and indeed, in all your future literary endeavours.

We've narrowed our 405 applicants down to a shortlist of 14, and I'm afraid you haven't quite made the cut. I don't usually take the time to contact people who aren't shortlisted, but I just wanted you to know that your application had a rare bit of magic that not many others had. You had my full attention until I was finished with it. It made me smile. You're a natural storyteller. I always look for those intangibles, and out of all our applicants there were probably fewer than 10 who had it going on. This is all just to say that you should keep up with the writing. If you do, I suspect you'll do well and might get a much closer look next time around.

Thank you for your query and submission of [novel] to [publishing co]. We read your submission with interest and you show some definite promise as a writer. Unfortunately, it is not quite right for our list at this time and I’m afraid we are going to have to decline the opportunity to pursue it further. I wish you success in placing your manuscript with another publisher, and I thank you for thinking of [publishing co].

tldr; you suck, but you're not the worst I guess.

>> No.6458819

It was a contest for high schoolers..

>> No.6458886




>> No.6458909

Yeah people have been showing us how self-aware and cynically badass they are by pointing this out for the duration of the thread
Haha us 4channers right? The problem is always to be found in the individual, that way we don't have to take any risk by blaming an organization, we can sit in our basements and just shit on OP

>> No.6458986

Does anyone want to make a new thread in which we actually do post our rejection letters, or is there just not enough interest for that?

>> No.6459273

Or... y'know...just bost your rejegtion letter here.

>> No.6459313
File: 250 KB, 600x600, 1429656151212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for submitting your work to us. >Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your work for our next issue.


>Foliate Oak Literary Magazine Editors

It hurts

>> No.6459326
File: 486 KB, 300x169, 9x8G2W0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature is a crooked market mah fran, it's time to learn a trade.

>> No.6460052

>He thinks highschool girls are capable of writing anything worthwhile or even passable

>> No.6460060

More capable than you, sperg.

>> No.6460084


>> No.6460108
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, 1425570187195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You whiny little-
They have 300 submissions. Did you not read that? 300 people applied, you think they were gonna learn everyone's name? Quit wasting time on rejection, read more books and have life experiences that make you a better writer. \
Go. Now. Gogogo.

>> No.6460111
File: 65 KB, 424x600, donna_tartt_2003_06_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donna Tartt has been doing it since she was 11.

>> No.6460112

John Green? He's got a young boy, unless you mean to imply he's somehow a cuck, and his wife has somehow drugged / hypnotized him to believe he's fucked her when he hasn't, but I'm pretty sure ol' JG had some sexy fun times at his boarding school in Alabama, given the events of Looking for Alaska, and all

> he's read Looking for Alaska
> he knows the guy's life story
well excuse me, I was a silly teen in the naughties, my friend

>> No.6460115

>he thinks these competitions are for awarding great writing

>> No.6460116

as in, those near the front are the hottest then?
gonna go find me a girl with initials AAA, stat

captcha: Dadit

>> No.6460118

She needs to get blacked

>> No.6460134

Don't worry OP, this is really an Umbrella Corp. plot.

>> No.6460147

Damn son, Madison is a qt.

>> No.6460156

they try to write genuinely w/ heart-felt feeling in the vein of New Sincerity that comes naturally to the teenagers born in the late nineties and naughties. you don't.

>> No.6460159

You need to get therapied.

>> No.6460160

Oh, never mind, I take it back. I thought you were just some worthless neckbeard whos only accomplishment is getting out of bed without straining your flabby, atrophied body.

I must be mistaken. In that case, can you post some of your excellent and--even if it goes without saying--well received work? I'd really like to learn a thing or two, and I think you might be the master to teach me.

>> No.6460241

>Those judge credentials

>> No.6460255


Hey Wesker seems like a pretty intelligent judge.

>> No.6460280

Did your story take more than SEVEN MINUTES to read?

>> No.6460283

Thats the Achilles Heel of all writers. People place words that stick out b/c they try to sound smart and it just ends up looking stupid. Like "He stoically drank the water." They try to sound profound and deep, like they have a huge vocabulary exclusive to them, and end up sounding like faggots.

>> No.6460289
File: 17 KB, 314x315, 1371522606926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw non-white
I'm gonna make it, boys.

>> No.6460292

Pretty much. Unfucking yourself of those habits is basically what separates writers from people aspiring to be writers.

Gotta find your own voice, and the odds of that voice sounding exactly like Dickens with a thesaurus and an inferiority complex is probably pretty goddamn slim.

>> No.6460318


>> No.6460339

I'm glad someone agrees. I have a class full of people who use these words that stick out and the professor praises them for it. Says their "diction is impressive". I just wanna speak out and highlight the fact that they're just thesaurus jockeys. They stick these words in there and think they're fucking geniuses, when they're really just coming off as children parading around in adult clothes. They don't know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.6460350

>OP shares his disdain with writing competitions
>gets told to go to /pol/

Enjoy your summer here, friend.

>> No.6460360

Have to consider the source. College professors are failed writers who probably never grew out of that hack shit themselves. If there was a single writer of note who wrote like that, it would make sense, but who the hell are these people even emulating? Even popshit like Stephen King doesn't pull that stuff.

>> No.6460389

Holy shit you're a bitter faggot

>> No.6460400

I remember my first time doing a creative writing contest, I was obsessed with the Age of Exploration and the Golden Age of Piracy, so I wrote this really generic Pirate short story, I let an English teacher check it before I submitted it, she said it was too cliche because of the cannons broadsides, boarding actions and mayhem on deck. I told her I'd change it but I secretly submitted it as it was.

Didn't even get a reply even after the contest. Still like the story though.

>> No.6460419

>(Voice of Albert Wesker)

>> No.6460429


Look at that fucking VA too. He has that Wesker glint in his eye.

>> No.6460445
File: 34 KB, 449x332, Wrestling Spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chick on the far left though. For real, she has life on easy mode and deserves it. I'd let her jack me off.

>> No.6460454
File: 696 KB, 929x700, Dollary Doos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do Ameritards apply four year in advance? What??

>> No.6460456
File: 252 KB, 297x416, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1429415675024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her name literally means Woman Woman

No wonder she gets published, huh?

>> No.6460470


His villainous masterplans are on the level of a five year old kid.

>> No.6460473


That rejection letter is so nice that it's almost condescending.

>> No.6460484

same question

>> No.6460486


I'm not him, but I think 2019 is the (projected) year of graduation.

>> No.6460493

why feminism is trendy, has been for a few years, and will be for a few more generations

>> No.6460494

good god.
admission to the class of 2019, as in they would graduate in 2019, assuming average time of being in the uni about four years, for a bachelor's, which is typical. this is standard construction. fagtrons

>> No.6460495

It's obviously a mass letter they made to send out to all the losers. That's the biggest fuck you to the contestants; the fact that you're reading this "thanks for participating, it was a great story" when you know they hardly gave it the time of day.

>> No.6460505

I've submitted lists and other things to McSweeney's Internet Tendency and actually gotten back highly personal notes of rejection. They were very close-but-no-cigar.

>> No.6460517

I began to write about how fucking stupid you are but halfway through I realized that you wouldn't understand what I'm trying to say because you clearly have just recently learned how to use a keyboard.

>> No.6460520

Honestly, sometimes it just feels like young guys are just cattle.

>> No.6460522

Fuuuuck, it is. They usually just don't respond.

>> No.6460527

>This post has been approved by the Elliot Rodger Foundation for Self Pity

>> No.6460530

All that just to say they're rejecting you to make their school look more competitive/exclusive.

>> No.6460705

Yeah, Kevin is a total DILF would fug

>> No.6460857

Is your poetry about New York

>> No.6460896

I wan't Kevin to hold me in his big burly arms and read little girls doctor who fanfiction to me while I struggle to get away but he won't let me and then he'll roll me over and put his lips to my bare belly and blow as hard as his overworked lungs can and I'll laugh and say that tickles.

>> No.6460933

Lmao you fucking inbred backwoods hicks using ethnic slurs and trying to fit the writer identity to justify your alcohol addiction? Aaahahahahaha

>> No.6461152

congrats on admission to Cornell

you will do well

>> No.6461291

If you want to be a writer, learn that quotation marks go outside the sentence-ending punctuation. I bet your shit just got instatossed because of poor formatting.

>> No.6461299

if you can't see in the OP pic all the reasons that feminine civilisation or feminine achievement are oxymorons then you're blind

feelings before merit, every single time

>> No.6461309
File: 27 KB, 801x534, 1415420745296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some /lit/ard's shitty short story got rejected by Albert Wesker

>> No.6461588

Nope, not at all. I'm not even from the US or an english speaking country.

>> No.6461765

>no, i'n not bitter. not at all.
>he didn't want the jury pussy

>> No.6461824

Lol, that's you've got talent but that one manuscript isn't up to scratch.

>> No.6462097

>I'm incompetent

>> No.6462103

I have never submitted anything for publication nor have I ever been rejected (unless you count that I write for an online magazine and they asked for a writing sample)

>> No.6462185

John Green's son isn't his, his wife had the child in her previous marriage. We ain't joking when we say he's a cuck

>> No.6462194

Sue your school and ask for your money back.

>> No.6462238


Don't let this get you down, i know it's frustrating, but just keep submitting work, and keep writing. I've been involved in projects where the most banal work got prime pick over any story that was fresh, funny, or insightful. Hell just look at how popular The Egg is, a complete waste of 'ink' and it's praised to the roof by plebs.

>> No.6462247

>ITT: bad writers getting BTFOed

>> No.6462262

I entered a few poems of mine into a contest a few weeks ago. The deadline was the 31.03., the "award" will be given out at some point in September.

When I entered the poems via email, the contact lady said that I "have quite some interesting words there".
I guess I can't do much more than waiting now, but I think I've got good chances, especially since the contest is for unpublished writers between the age of 20 and 40, and I am just 21.

>> No.6462266

Maybe you just have a shit taste in literature

>> No.6462283

maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that picks so often feel less worthy than the runners up, and it just feels like a compromise win by the judges.

>> No.6462295


Again, because you neckbeards don't read the thread - OP's pic is completely wrong.

The kids are finalists from a DIFFERENT contest - one for LA high school students only!

The supposed judges are actors who are going to read the finalists' stories live at the convention, NOT THE JUDGES

Everything OP posted is wrong and you guys are getting riled up over it


>> No.6462298

Better link:


OP submitted to the Roswell Award, all the pictures are from the Tomorrow Prize

>> No.6462314
File: 56 KB, 975x611, Rejection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one I just recently got back. It was nice to get such detailed feedback.

The short-story itself isn't that great, though there is maybe about 10% of it that shows talent, so I wasn't upset to have it rejected.

>> No.6462325

>clubbing and trying to seduce women
I hope you didn't write about Chad

>> No.6462342

>The short-story itself isn't that great

Why send a sub-par story and waste everyone's time?

>> No.6462358

The rejection wiki is pretty useful. Even divides responses into tiers by magazine.

>> No.6462361

The way to go underground nowadays is to make some flashy/weird website with no information about the website, just stories.

Make them edgy as fuck.

Spread the link around small art forums and such, pretending you just found it and are like lolitssorandom.

Wait for hipsters to spread it around, soon you are on stumbleupon.

Now you are an underground author.

>> No.6462366

At the time I thought it was pretty good. Looking back on it it's fairly flawed, but it has potential.

>> No.6462369

Where t he fuck is your story OP?

>> No.6462370

You should always leave the story for a few days after finishing. Then read it again and prepare to cringe your arse off.

>> No.6462380

>remus and romulus

What is it about exactly?

>> No.6462402

u fukn wot m8

I am pretty sure he did.

An ellaborate guess, a character who stood for Romulus cucked the weaker Remus, and founded the town Rome rather than Reme. By fucking the chicke he was into.
Reme is pretty close to meme.

>> No.6462414

I did, bro. Reading it again six months later, it's a different story. I've edited it tonight into something much better than what it was.
It uses mythology to comment on the formation of social roles, mainly masculinity. The main character is mentally split between being Remus (the twin that died), and being Romulus (the ideal archetype). It also plays with narrative influencing narrative, and is generally pretty busy for a thousand word short.

>> No.6462421

Lol that's pretty much what I do for a living minus stumbleupon. Rent doesn't pay itself...

>> No.6462467

>Rent doesn't pay itself...
What shithole do you live in?

>> No.6462798

>not liking based Douglas

>> No.6462850

do another draft ffs

>> No.6463300

>you're in the top 10
>but not in the top 14 tough luck

>> No.6463345

There we go.

>> No.6463359

>name's on the manuscript
>you literally have to type in the guys email address to write the reply, but you can't even add his name to the form
It also breaks two centuries of established letter etiquette.

>> No.6463366

>no one even checks OP's troll story
Jesus, the level of discourse has really slumped.

Their website is really shit.
>Our finalists:
>Grandma's Sex Robot by William Hawkins
>Saving Seeds by Donna Glee Williams
>Cardiopulmonary Arrest by Melissa Yuan-Innes
>RN2399 / 2037 by Liam Hogan
>Inside by T. Lucas Earle
>Heaven Scent by John McCollum


>> No.6463373

To elucidate further, the con has a separate prize for KIDS. This is what OP linked his Finalists/Judges to. The rejection letter directly addresses a different contest.


>tfw you enter the kids contest
>tfw they feel sorry for you and enter you into the correct age group
>tfw you still lose

>> No.6463395


>> No.6463426

Reminder that it's absolutely impossible for bias of judges to render unfair outcomes in any literary competition.

Authority in the literary scene is always right and if you dare question any of it you are simply a conspiracy neckbeard.

>> No.6463427

Start on the web, then zines/local papers and mags, then statewide papers/mags, then go for the big stuff.

>> No.6463435

that doesn't negate the fact that most people in this thread were defending the judges as infallible with the assumption of what OP was saying was right.

If you are willing to call out OP for not being a faggot and not everyone else then you are scum.

>> No.6463460

but we know for a fact that OP is a faggot.

>> No.6463461
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x986, ulysses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.6463481

Back in my day when someone posted bait we verified the legitimacy of his bait before we even framed our reply. You kids are all just in a rush to post and move on, that's your problem.

>> No.6463485


the world needs more pirate stories without johnny depp

good on you anon

>> No.6463493

Reminder than OP's pic is grounded on false claims seeing as the judges aren't actually judges and the winners aren't from the contest he applied to.

Apply yourself before you start playing the sarcastic challenger of narratives.

>> No.6463506
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1417890501182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on 4chan of all places?!
>must be a bunch of backwoods hicks

>> No.6464296

Pepe is a man for fuck's sake.

>> No.6464337

>quotation marks go outside the sentence-ending punctuation
no they don't, they only go around the punctuation if the punctuation is part of the quote


John asked "Where is your key?"

>> No.6464480
File: 70 KB, 635x357, 1419895139472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6464505
File: 1.21 MB, 1440x1862, rejected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I have an update.

>> No.6464519

How's it feeling to have this much egg on your face?

>> No.6464525

I'm an idiot, but an entertaining idiot. What do you want from me?

>> No.6464741

to stop looking for praise from the acclaimed screenwriter of Nicholas Masterpiece "Face Off" and just fucking write

>> No.6464754
File: 51 KB, 447x335, 1386632739129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's got a young boy

He's a cuck m8 the kid isn't his

>> No.6464778

I may write a sonnet before bed...

I'll do it right now...but ahhh...what be the subject?

My sexual frustrations?
My lost connections?
My getting older?
My working a menial job?
My broken dreams of being a playwright?
Or how about cursing fortuna?
Or wishing I was a higher being?

So many ego-centric things to write sonnets of...

>> No.6464864

Submit two essays to see if it is a generic reply.

>> No.6464891

Dear [name],
The Committee on Admissions has completed its review of applicants to the Class of 2019 at Georgetown University. Following a careful consideration of your application, I am sorry to inform you that it will not be possible to offer you a place in the first-year class.
Admissions Committees considered over 19,000 candidates for an entering class of 1,580 first-year students. As a result of this high level of competition, only 16% of the many well-qualified candidates were offered admission. Please be assured that the faculty, staff and student members of the Admissions Committee thoroughly reviewed the credentials and recommendations submitted with your application and were disappointed that you could not be included among the admitted class.
The interest you have shown in Georgetown is deeply appreciated. We wish you every success with your further education.
Charles A. Deacon
Dean of Undergraduate Admissions

I'm going to UVA instead.

>> No.6465175

The finalist in the middle is qt.

>> No.6465339
File: 63 KB, 720x960, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rejected by Harvard.

>> No.6466023

why dont you stop being a whiny bitch and post your story here
You seem so sure it is better than any of the ones picked so im sure lit will love it

>> No.6466042

would fuck 1, marry 3, kill the rest

>> No.6466068


You. fucking. moron. They are being saintly by giving you feedback.

>> No.6466072

Sounds horribly opaque and misogynistic.

>> No.6466075

Wow is your name Ed G. er sumthing xD

>> No.6466124

>call out bitter assholes who try to seem above it all
>"y-you're jaded"
nah fuck off cunt

>> No.6466169

Fuck it. I'm changing my name to that of a nonwhite female. I can't stand this shit.

>> No.6467628

>being butthurt that disgusting plebs with no knowledge of literiture dislike your work