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/lit/ - Literature

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6453257 No.6453257 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who wishes there was some combination board of /fit/ and /lit/?

Where are all the warrior poets? Healthy body/healthy mind. I feel that these two subjects are inherently linked together.

Maybe this is that thread? Fitness and literature discussion thread?

My favorite thing is going for long bike rides into the woods and then throwing myself onto a bouncy bed of grass to read.

>> No.6453261

Sounds like you wanna do the whole ''break the mold/stereotype'' thing and get the benefits of two completely distinct social habitus that are largely incompatible for a reason

Look, just fit into a god damn role, will you? Life will be easier, trust me

>> No.6453266

kill thyself

>> No.6453267

>distinct social habitus that are largely incompatible

Do you really believe this?

>> No.6453268

>hurr bdurr fitness and intellectual pursuits are largely incompatible!

I'm a fat fuck and I don't even try to justify myself this way

>> No.6453271


>> No.6453272

I lurk both, this is a nice idea

>> No.6453274
File: 54 KB, 560x314, socrates-quote-physical-training[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking nigger

>> No.6453293

>why be a poseur and a fraud in just one field? branch off into another, too!

You make me laugh, OP. Post CBP.

>> No.6453294

"Franz Kafka was a fanatical Müller follower. He would do the movements, fully naked, in his window, twice each day, whirling his arms and twisting this way and that, practicing the same hops and isolations advocated with similar vigor by my family. Indeed, My System became an integral piece of Kafka's obsession with the body. When Müller's women's pamphlet was published, in 1913, Kafka sent a copy to his fiancée, Felice Bauer, recommending she pick up a daily practice as well. 'If they bore you, it shows you are not doing them properly,' he wrote."

>> No.6453317
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Really payed off.

>> No.6453323

Agreed op. Not sure why the link is there but it is. I often read aloud and gesticulate. Do aggressive tribal dancing with javelin and/or kaba knife before writing, read in yoga positions etc.

>> No.6453328

He looks in shape

>> No.6453329

Reading mantains a healthy mind. Of course, it all depends on how willing you are to change the course of your thoughts. Most people on /fit/ are not healthy, though.

>> No.6453330

That sounds really feasible if you're in high school

>> No.6453340

Op if you are into the warrior poet thing see archilochus. Also wotan/woden/odin.

>> No.6453346


He's a skeleton.

>> No.6453362

>muh SS

He could probably outrun you, faggot.

>> No.6453381

Hes thin. He wouldnt slay mad pussy on tinder, but hell feel good enough to write great literature.

>> No.6453395

>Sounds like you wanna do the whole ''break the mold/stereotype'' thing and get the benefits of two completely distinct social habitus

I was with you on this. The kid is just another special snowflake. zomg i lift and take care of my appearance but also study STEM and read litearture! Okay, pal, join the club.

But then you said:

>are largely incompatible for a reason

And totally justified this dork's belief that he is a special snowflake.

>> No.6453401

Will look into this thanks.

>> No.6453406

Thanks for the troll post to help this thread along.

No one can possibly believe what you're saying.

>> No.6454336

Where are my warrior poets?

>> No.6454362
File: 148 KB, 492x541, 1299014470581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risking bodily injury so you can show off to other neanderthals how well you pick up a metal bar with black weights

>> No.6454373

>that are largely incompatible for a reason

lel, Jesus christ

>> No.6454465

>Risking bodily injury

Most of your favourite writers were most likely smokers or alcoholics.

>> No.6454476

Honestly /fit/ is largely masturbatory and unnecessary.

So is /lit/, but there is the occasional good thread where you can get some recs

>> No.6454496

Not that guy but I disapprove of smokaholism too

>> No.6454525

There's also the fact that people who lift are much less susceptible to bodily injury later in life than those who don't.