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6451340 No.6451340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Christianity becoming trendy part of new sincerity?

>> No.6451343
File: 148 KB, 1023x681, Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it is?

>> No.6451349
File: 231 KB, 1024x683, Lutheran_service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-just curious

>> No.6451350

Without a doubt. "Young" Christians are the most sincere people I know.

>> No.6451353



>> No.6451355
File: 1.37 MB, 2502x1650, Faith Walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Christian is great tbh.

>> No.6451357

nah, just some people online are brainwashed by memes and believe it's not overwhelmingly dying in the west.

>> No.6451358

Something can be trendy and dying.

>> No.6451359
File: 638 KB, 966x1212, teresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least be a real christian

>> No.6451362

OP pic is a Catholic ecumenical service, bright boy.

>> No.6451371

really? You thought I was referring to OP?

>> No.6451373

What's the best church for an atheist Jew boy?

>> No.6451380

Like abusing meth

>> No.6451384

Go with God

>> No.6451387

Catholicism. You'll fall into the rhythm of the rituals soon enough.

>> No.6451391
File: 101 KB, 500x375, b4a965fc02ffe8369b9cb259b538daf7f2715bc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451392


>> No.6451395

These two have pretty much the same rituals, btw

>> No.6451396

Why do you say Catholicism, and are you a Catholic?
Why do you say [Anglican], and are you an [Anglican]?

>> No.6451397

A LES deli.

>> No.6451404

>Why do you say [Anglican], and are you an [Anglican]?
Because you wanted a denomination even though you don't believe in God (yet?). Anglicans are extremely liberal theologically, and very traditional with ceremony and so on. But they also allow traditional theology, such as with Anglo-Catholics, who often pray to saints.


>> No.6451407

I hate post-modern weaklings like this

>> No.6451409

Yeah, haha, nothing like that was said before WWII

>> No.6451411

It was said, yes, by heretics.

>> No.6451412

>I hate seeing intelligent men of faith

>> No.6451415

>man of faith
>using atheist rhetoric

>> No.6451424
File: 40 KB, 480x353, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6451431

What the fuck, this dude is making Francis sound like Benedict.

Also Postmodernism is a mental disorder.

>> No.6451442
File: 35 KB, 416x301, 87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing particularly postmodern about heresy though.

>> No.6451445


>intelligent men of faith

the ride never ends

>> No.6451447

Well, you're absolutely right about that.

This guy sounds like a pantheist, almost. Why hasn't the Archbishop of Canterbury taken him to task?

>> No.6451457

What's the appeal of Christianity for an atheist Jew?

>> No.6451460

Have you considered that maybe he realized that Jesus Christ is the messiah and Christianity is the one, true, good faith?

>> No.6451463

I very much admire Jesus as a figure, I also enjoy learning church history and Christian theology.

Just because I'm an atheist Jew doesn't mean I'm not interested in this stuff.

>> No.6451473

It's post-modernism. People are left without direction and thus start having nostalgia for things they were never even a part of.

>> No.6451481

He got in a dispute with Rowan Williams, but the Archbishop doesn't have total power. Matthew Parker's problems controlling the Church is sort of a precedent for that.

>> No.6451484

>the English fucked up religion like they fucked up everything else not related to poems, pudding, and pig iron


>> No.6451489

It's nothing but a backlash to the growing prominence of atheism.

>> No.6451491

no, it's just people converting and people leaving the Church, like it always has been

>> No.6451494

Nah, the Anglican communion is intentionally open to a wide range. You got Anglo-Catholics and even Anglo-Papists on one end, who use the Anglican Missal or even often have their Mass in Latin and pray for saints to join in prayer, and on the other you have near Lutherans. I prefer it that way.

>> No.6451502

How do you not see how fucking retarded that is?

>> No.6451504


>> No.6451509

You think Christianity is becoming trendy only because you are getting older and people tend to start getting religious in their twenties or later after a period of not caring or being smugly atheist in their youth. Christianity is not really becoming a trend. The only thing trendy right now is apathy about organized religion and not taking your own beliefs too seriously. Being too Christian is actually very untrendy right now.

>> No.6451515

I don't. If you want to believe in Purgatory, go ahead. If you don't, go ahead.. One is right, one is wrong, but you're going to be saved either way, and calling discrepancy on this point "heresy" is what waters down the term and makes it so laughable to outsiders. Keep certain traditional structure and doctrine, stay prima scriptura, and let individual congregations add or not to that as they will so long as they don't take it to a point that it conflicts with the basis of the Church

>> No.6452082

Daily reminder that Catholic threads are /pol/itics and not literature.

Only Literature/Scripture (ie Protestantism) will be allowed on /lit/.

Back to >>>/pol/itically incorrect.

>> No.6452114

Neither of these view points are "post-modern" you retards. There are Christians as far back as the middle-ages who professed views like this (secretly) in various mystic doctrines.

>> No.6452186

Messianic judaism

>> No.6452194

Hence why it's becoming popular on 4chan.

>> No.6452199

>Wanting to join a thinly veiled fascist club

>> No.6452288

Only in specific countries/on the internet.

In Bongland christianity is barely even an acknowledged phenomenon (outside of the occasional nutjob preaching on street corners). There are christians and there are non-christians, and noone significant really cares either way.

>> No.6452297

What exactly would make Christianity trendy?

>> No.6452383

Because fedoras are making atheism untrendy, and 4chan posters are disgusting bandwagon hoppers

>> No.6452386

So instead of being less edgy they start pretending to be Christian? That makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.6452401


Don't want to be another fedora-tipper new atheist, but how can you believe this parade is sincere?

>> No.6452580

holy shit it's spock

>> No.6452589

I think it's mostly that a lot of us are getting older and changing. I myself found it very tiring living life with ironic distance to everything and denying any sort of "irrational" spiritual/emotional aspect to life.

>> No.6452595

That makes much more sense than Christianity becoming the new hipster.

>> No.6452604

It's a fairly natural direction to be at least a little curious about as you get to that stage in life.

>> No.6452632

Ask Marx.

>> No.6452948

Can confirm. I go to a large southern university and you can't take two steps without knocking over a protestant mouth breather undergoing one of their jesus seizures