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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 269 KB, 567x960, 1429298316418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6449732 No.6449732 [Reply] [Original]

You could be reading right now

>> No.6449767

Nah, I'm at work right now.

>> No.6449783
File: 2.94 MB, 1440x1080, you just got memed trilbydance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could be reading a PDF right now

>> No.6449810

Actually, yes. Thanks.

>> No.6449813

You could be having sex right now.

>> No.6449815

Look at the back of the girl. Wtf?

>> No.6449816

Well, i am reading your faggy posts OP.

>> No.6449819

You could be enlightened by your own intelligence right now.

>> No.6449825

i could be, but i am not, and i don't see anything wrong with that. sometimes i'm in the mood to read, sometimes i'm not.

>> No.6449833
File: 9 KB, 200x300, 15935Trapeziusmuscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she just has well developed traps

>> No.6449870

head is cloudy from the liquid demon, read a hundred pages of The Castle today. Will read the last thirty tomorrow, and then start on Infinite Jest. Wallace seems like a strong voice, I hope he proves worthy to the praise you lot heap on him. Intro line was sexy as fuck

>> No.6449912
File: 2.50 MB, 301x224, Oh yeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished reading a long ass book on Monday
>Taking the rest of the month off of reading

Feels good

>> No.6449988

I'm too busy laughing at Marxists getting BTFO

>> No.6450049

Ain't nothing on my well-developed trap beats *breaks glass*

>> No.6450053

Just finished an hour long reading session. Going back for more after a 10 minute /lit/ break

>> No.6450059
File: 64 KB, 499x499, MK-PEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading.

>> No.6450067
File: 1.99 MB, 400x240, hehehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 minute

>> No.6450081

Is his post a book?

>> No.6450091
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>> No.6450099
File: 81 KB, 496x499, Goldlion Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP didn't say anything about reading a book.

>> No.6450125
File: 34 KB, 640x360, dog face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on term paper. Flipping back and fourth between microsoft word & /lit/. I suppose you're right though.

>> No.6450143

tru. thx u op

>> No.6450170

I was just finishing part one of gravity's rainbow, shit is so dense I have to take a break.

>> No.6450363
File: 183 KB, 960x576, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or I could be writing. Someone snapped a fucking pic and I found it by accident. Look Way Back to the left by the window. Other people's are playing magics

>> No.6450378
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6450392

is the guy in the front incredibly good looking and he's ashamed that other handsome men will think lesser of him if they see him there?

>> No.6450405

Actually no. He's a fucKing gangly neckbeard. Who thinks the whole "au naturale, I look like I could join ISIS" look is striking to the one female that shows up from time to time

>> No.6450450

She's just a well endowed trap

>> No.6450685


The rarest dubs gonna land us all in trubs

>> No.6450697

I'm reading right now.

>> No.6450704

I'm reading AND having a beer

>> No.6450713

I wish. I would take sex over reading any day. Too bad the only girl I know right now who would sleep with me lives 3 hrs drive away. We talk about literature too, and when I'm with her after we fuck I can pretend I'm a character in a novel.

>> No.6450714

listening to audiobooks and posting dank memes. fuck you.

>> No.6450719

how embarassing

>> No.6450724
File: 7 KB, 198x255, Dalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you already read over 200 pages today
feels good man

>> No.6450734

god damn that place looks fucking sad.

>> No.6450761

A bunch of people are socializing and doing something they enjoy, how is that sad?

>> No.6450772


It's because he thinks they spend all their time thinking on how to get laid just as him

protip: most neckbeards who don't give a shit and are social already got laid

>> No.6450783
File: 922 KB, 496x372, 1364603765064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to turn my computer off right now and get some coffee.

>> No.6450790


200 pages is smalltime, hotshot

step it up

>> No.6450805

there grown men playing a childrens game

>> No.6450811

I spent the whole day reading the Logic. I just wanna browse this place and cringe at the obliviousness of most of the content of it.

>> No.6450856

It's a slow night but this store has one of the highest turnouts for weekly tournaments in the country. My best friend plays and wins 9 times out of 10. We hang out I between rounds.I go because there's free wifi to soak up and the owner doesn't care if I sit in the back and write since I usually buy a drink or snack. I make the tongue in cheek joke that I write sci fi in the back of a comic book store on Friday nights during magic tournaments but still have enough to fall to walk by the table where the people are playing D&D and think "pfft.. Geeks." I can't write at home because my wife won't stop coming into the spare room where I write and break my concentration. Also it gives me a chance to hang out with my best friend. He won the regional invitational last year and walked out with 1500 bucks. I'm serious he doesn't lose. He's been playing on store credit for years

>> No.6451322

What kind of sci-fi, hard stuff?

>> No.6451329

Are you overweight ? Please answer sincerely.

>> No.6451381

There's a picture of him in this thread.

>> No.6451410

This drunk? Nope.

>> No.6452134
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, 1427742207339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not immediately picking up another book

>> No.6452135
File: 18 KB, 349x321, 1400157237051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got drunk off of my fucking face last night while reading Huckleberry Finn and playing a shitload of Postal 2

Too hung over and exhausted to even give a fuck

>> No.6452158
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1423615467372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't.

>> No.6452167

killing all normies great friggin book op

>> No.6452178
File: 90 KB, 409x687, 1340122241653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading litrashure when you could be shit posting

>> No.6452183

im reading this thread.

>> No.6452241
File: 835 KB, 1183x1200, Harold-Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading the same book at least twice more to make sure you will remember and fully understand the text

>> No.6452277


You now realise that this is how normies see people who read novels

>> No.6452281
File: 9 KB, 350x490, 1340200352403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to read a book more than once in order to remember and fully understand it
sure is /neolit/ here

>> No.6452285

You're right. I've recently been on a binge of Gore Vidal lately, would recommend his Julian to anyone and everyone. I'm going to return to Lincoln now, it's the same mix of entertaining and fascinating that I keep finding in Vidal's works, I haven't felt that about an author in a very long time.

>> No.6452321
File: 243 KB, 590x572, 1427496792956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me the overall plot and your understanding of the last 5 texts you read.

>> No.6452521

Nope. 6'4 180

>> No.6452524

Editing my softer sci fantasy stuff but writing harder stuff

>> No.6452710

is this a communal basement?

>> No.6452734

They front as a "comic book" shops.

They hook the younger patrons into these after hour sessions of D&D and the like.

>> No.6453518

Job and Satan?

>> No.6453580

Comic book store in Frankfort ky

>> No.6453620

how do you 'find' an image? was this posted elsewhere, and you were like, hey, or something, which of course means, as is also indicated by the magic cards near you, that you participate in playing magic, and that you read up on magic, which is NOT READING, ANON

>> No.6454315

Those are my friends cards. He leaves them next to my laptop so no one walks off with them. I was writing the whole time. I checked my Facebook feed and found the pic. Do you even Internet, bro?

>> No.6454555

on it boss!
See you schmucks l8r

>> No.6456056


>> No.6456062


>> No.6456161

you look autistic

>> No.6456265

Daily reminder

>> No.6456267

This thread should be on /lit/ at all times

>> No.6456328

Never Forget

>> No.6456329

This is my favorite thread. Sticky this

>> No.6456332

this thread will replace oxygen as the thing we need in order to live

underrated thread

best thread ever

>> No.6456365


You're right. Bye.

>> No.6456383

I'll consider it after I get my glasses

>> No.6456405

Good thread. Have a bump

>> No.6456466

B-but I'm writing p-poems i-instead

>> No.6456472

new sticky please, official board motto, etc

>> No.6456520


>> No.6456614

ersatz sticky

>> No.6456703

This and the original sticky are the only threads you need

>> No.6456724

But what if it gives foundation to my opinions? How will I fit in?

>> No.6456763

I love you, thread. I would drink hot cocoa and read books quietly with you, the only sound to interrupt our warm comfortable silence the occasional crackle of wet wood on the fire and the soft shrrrup of pages turning.

>> No.6456827

Page 2!? This needs to be page one

>> No.6457490


>> No.6457603

>not exclusively using the catalogue

>> No.6457617

*glass breaks*

>> No.6457628

y'know Buddy Glass pulled 400k a day, y'know?


>> No.6457910


>> No.6457953

>tfw impotent

>> No.6457989

I sexed myself out when I was 18. I had a smokin' hot girlfriend who had sex with my almost twice a day every day for 6 years straight, that I desensitized myself to sex. It just started to feel mechanical, like I was doing it more for her than to make me feel good.

I'd rather beat off and read a good story anyday.

People will probably not believe me, but it's true. Too much of a good thing makes it not such a good thing anymore.

>> No.6458017

Meditate, clear your mind of all you have learned before you come unto /lit/. Then once your mind is clear, spout with the same ignorance you always have.

That way the board retains its image, and you are a nice individual.

>> No.6458045


>tfw no libido

>> No.6458054

You can't make out my face. You sound autistic for mentioning such a thing

>> No.6458492

Nice Ornstein Pepe, a keeper

>> No.6458636

nigga there's like 4 days left in the month

>> No.6459196

I'm in my film phase. I seem to switch month to month on which medium I obsess over, though I'm going to finish my re-read of Kafka's Collected Stories tonight.

>> No.6459370

Why are the flags changing?

>> No.6459883


>> No.6459926

Bloom's read Blood Meridian like 20 times even though he has it memorized, plen

>> No.6460526

I have no idea.

>> No.6460661

>using bloom as an argument against his plebhood