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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 42 KB, 346x522, SimonedeBeauvoir-The-Second-Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6448996 No.6448996 [Reply] [Original]

Are the mods secretly Nazis? If I want to discuss Beauvoir's critique of the public and private distinction I'm going to be relegated to a board full of the Holocaust deniers? Are you kidding me?

I want to scream!!!

>> No.6448998

>If I want to discuss Beauvoir's critique of the public and private distinction
Tip: if you want to start a discussion thread, post a brief excerpt of the text and state your thoughts/position on it so that the rest of us can participate

>> No.6449001

No, we're cool with talking about female pedos, but Sexton had a way better grasp on language and lots more incest. How did you like She Came to Stay, anyway? Loved the end when she gas cooked that loli

>> No.6449003

>i don't read, so bring the text to me

>> No.6449012

>I expect everyone else to spend their time on the exact same literary interests as I do.

>I can't fathom the idea of using critical thought on a text unfamiliar to me.

>> No.6449014


I don't read so I can't post the text. :^)

>> No.6449022

Hey asshole, there are a million books out there. If you want me to be interested in your book, give me a sample.

One of the problems with having a literature board is that there are only a small number of people around who are familiar with 'obscure' books like this, let alone who have read it.

If you want a discussion, you can't start a thread the way OP did.

>> No.6449024

Mods are killing this board.

>> No.6449025

Is this a meme?

>> No.6449031

Don't be silly anonkun, they've never deleted us for loli discussion yet. They know Nabokov is the god of greentext, and they respect those who dabble in his subject matter of choice, be it little girls or butterflies.

>> No.6449032

Oh yes, because the 600 daily threads arguing about SJWs and Christianity didn't kill /lit/ a long time ago

>> No.6449033

find somewhere other than 4chan. if the thread stayed up most of the replies youd get would be horrible anyway

here's what lies ahead:
>lol women
>anti sjw circlejerk
>mosts posts made by people who haven't even read beauvoir
>semantic argument between two anons completely derails discussion

>> No.6449036
File: 45 KB, 409x409, (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De Bourgeois molested children and was a Nazi herself

>> No.6449037

The point is that if I discuss it will be deleted, because its politics.

The whole black and white separation of public and private, literature and politics is what allows women to be subjugated in the first place.

Mods banning threads that are political is a slippery slope to reinscribing the worst forms of patriarchy.

I won't be silenced.

>> No.6449041

You're just being hysterical

>> No.6449046

Beauvoir was paranoid like this about her loli stealing Sartre's wandering eye. Don't worry, I'm sure you work out what to do, crazy lady.

>> No.6449060

Do you know the etymology and connotative history of that word? It's exactlynwhat I'm talking about.

Women are hysterical and relegated to the domestic. They are silenced because they are not in the polis. Political discussion being banned is basically banning all of women's voices.

>> No.6449072

If you wanted to be part of the symposia and make your mark on the polis you should have become hetaira not a housewife. Your choice to be veiled and maintain the mystery of the Other, and Simone would be disappoint in you.

>> No.6449105

Put patriarchy is an idea exercised and reinforced by both genders. The term itself is a meme that holds nothing but a nebulous meaning that changes according to who is saying it and under what context they want to express it in.

Women have taken active roles in securing power for themselves throughout history, often using male dominated power structures to their advantage. We all subjugate ourselves to eachother in order to make our lives better. To your boss, to your government, to your annoying friends who you still want around. Everyone does.

Meanwhile, men have had a much more straightforward path to power, wealth, and prosperity in the social order. But consider intersectionality, and that men must often still subjugate themselves to authority to do this.

It has never been an issue of subjugation, it's an issue of exclusion.

>> No.6449137

your opinions are most likely boring

>> No.6449143

>Mods banning threads that are political is a slippery slope to reinscribing the worst forms of patriarchy.
why are you guys falling for this

>> No.6449147

Because OP leaves when we tell them what the book is actually about. Plus, She Came to Stay is some seriously good psychobiddy lit

>> No.6449163

And mods will start excluding women from discussions and thread making because what they say isn't literature with a capital L.

>> No.6449172

>being so new you don't know this board is retired female legbutts and one gay
Anon, your normalfag is showing all over.

>> No.6449175

There are lots of places on the internet for discussing politics. Find the one you like better than /pol/ and stay there.

>> No.6449186

>Implying I'm not a just dude who's sick of a lack of objectivity in interest groups like 4th wave feminism.

Anyways there's a thread about what writers somebody wants in their squad and it's dangerously tangential. Be a good little anon and get on it.

>> No.6449196

>>Implying I'm not a just dude who's sick of a lack of objectivity in interest groups like 4th wave feminism.
Why didn't you say? Have you read Vilar yet? What about Fourier? Fourier should be more popular with current trends, since his cheapest work in English at the moment is all about cuckoldry, just in time to ride the wave, but /pol/ does not read or know what it is missing.

>> No.6449217

I'm honestly as entry level as it gets. Haven't read in years but I'm interested in it now.

I'm probably just gonna check the sticky, I think about this shit in depth but I can only go so far with secondhand drivel from tumblr and 4chan.

I'll look those two up, at least.

>> No.6449242

Charles Fourier and Esther Vilar. Vilar's Manipulated Man is very easy to find PDFs of and more modern. Fourier invented the term feminism, but he viewed society as a matriarchy, and his Theory of the Four Movements is massive, but, like I said, his Hierarchies of Cuckoldry and Bankruptcy is small and cheap. It's basically a listing of the different ways in which women make men cuckolds and bankrupts, so if you want something meatier than a catalogue, you'll have to spend or read French. Very influential on modern thought, and he got a resurgence from the surrealists because he can be pretty wacky at times.

>> No.6449261

>mfw this changing of the guard

Feminists and Marxists getting btfo for good

>> No.6449263

>so new

>> No.6449268

Report all femiposting

>> No.6449270


Nigger I've been here since day one. You faggots have polluted this board for long enough. It will never be anywhere near good, but at least with most of the retards gone we can stay on topic.

>> No.6449276

So you know Vilar used be posted weekly for years. Good, I don't have to show you how to count the hits in the archive

>> No.6449280

>too political for /lit/
>too not retarded for /pol/

>> No.6449281

Yall niggas posting in a troll thread

>> No.6449287


hell yeah. Evolas gang is taking over

>> No.6449292

I mean it's so obvious

>I want to scream!!!

It's blatant tumblr rhetoric, what's with you people?

>> No.6449293

Evolakid you have no friends.

>> No.6449301 [DELETED] 

Just start threads with relevant book titles and hope the mods are too busy jacking off to notice the inevitable political discussion.

/lit/ doesn't have the motivation to revolt.

>> No.6449303

I'm not going to be as hysterical about it as OP, but I don't really know why the mods suddenly decided to come down so hard on politics threads.

They could have gotten rid of the (un)ironic christposting threads, or the art threads, but they decided politics had to go?

>> No.6449313


Because everyone here is sick and tired of the daily Marxism circlejerks and muh patriarchy bullshit

>> No.6449315


Closing the divide between the personal and political, and the public and the private is exactly what the Nazi's did though. The hallmark of Fascism is that the individual's life is bound up with the state, and that his personal life has immense effect on all of society and ought to be relegated.

If modern Feminists get their say in being able to spread their doctrine from the political sphere to the personal sphere it means that things like the banning of books which depict women in any way that Feminists don't like, women being "rescued" from regular monogamous relationships with men they love because the relationship was "patriarchal", and the arbitrary jailing of men because they hurt a woman's feelings in debate, which is "sexist".

This idea being acted upon in our modern context is literally the road to Totalitarianism.

>> No.6449317

It's not that hard to imagine that someone is new to 4chan and still completely freaked out by /pol/ rather than jaded and desensitized.

>> No.6449340

They are the some of the most active threads, and while heated they actually often use the most information garnered from books.

>> No.6449366


Yes active like a chatroom, which is exactly what 4chan is NOT supposed to be. Daily generals produce stale, repetitive dialog; tripfags start cropping up more and more; the conversation becomes insular and hostile to outsiders and people with unpopular or contrary views. It has happened on every board, and /lit/ is no different. It is a cancerous phenomenon that destroys board culture.

>> No.6449392 [DELETED] 

Hear, hear!

Report this thread and adhere to the board's new rules like the proper /lit/izens we are.

>> No.6449521

>This idea being acted upon in our modern context is literally the road to Totalitarianism.

These days, if you say your English you're thrown in jail.

>> No.6449534 [DELETED] 

So the only solution to fascism is to let /pol/ threads thrive.

>> No.6449571

Marxism is a philosophy not a political system

>> No.6449580

It's also a subset of literary critique which dominated the last century, but most of the people talking about /pol/ without a mention of a book in their posts in this thread are scared they'd have to read something like Debord if we had standards other than buzzwords.

>> No.6449702

Boo hoo. There's room for separation, even if it's only between analysis and enjoyment.

>> No.6449719

Pure ideology: the post

>> No.6449725

Are you telling me where to find pure ideology? Do tell me of its essential traits, which I can then disregard as absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.6449734
File: 163 KB, 841x457, Standards declining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read something like Debord if we had standards other than buzzwords.
don't worry about standards

>> No.6449754

Don't worry about how your tongue swells to overfill your mouth.

>> No.6449787

You're assuming this board is a liberal or Marxist hugbox when in fact there's a lot more dissent than you want to acknowledge.

>> No.6449793

No, I'm not; I'm making a joke about nihilism in contrast to essentialism in an existentialist thread. You're projecting stale memes that make no sense except to the /pol/ fairies dancing in your head.

>> No.6450328

Kekked so hard

>> No.6450352

I usually just lurk /lit/ and I come from /fit/ where 80% of posts are ironic.

I'm having trouble figuring out if this is a serious thread though, please help.

>> No.6450370

>I usually just lurk /lit/ and I come from /fit/ where 80% of posts are ironic.

Well, there's a problem for starters. Irony is a relatively simple state.

>I'm having trouble figuring out if this is a serious thread though, please help.

This is both a serious and an ironic thread, simultaneously, and it advances its seriousness through irony, and its ironic nature through seriousness.

It is also 100% shitposting.

>> No.6450384

There's a lot of teenagers who think that everyone else is faking their book knowledge who desperately want the people they think are illiterate to think they're booksmart, compounded by people who falsely think that /lit/ reports *anything* who are desperately trying to get banned by mods who will never hear of this thread so they can feel persecuted.

Basically, if an author or book isn't mentioned by the poster, but shit outside of /lit/ is, that person is an underage idiot who wonders why they can't be loved through their narcissistic shell and should lurk moar. There's a lot of these threads today because some kid who spammed threads without any literature content eventually managed to get reported and annoyed the mods into giving us a new sticky so they could forget reports come from this board for the next five years.

Meanwhile, spamming for the actual sticky to have the ED link changed from .es to .se domains has been going on for months now, and it has raised exactly 0 keystrokes from the mods.

>> No.6450518
File: 51 KB, 944x631, Simone de Beauvoir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is *inauthentic*

OP has likely not read the book.

>> No.6450531

Raping girls and then trafficking them to your male love and source of all financial income is authentic now?

>> No.6450537

>Meanwhile, spamming for the actual sticky to have the ED link changed from .es to .se domains has been going on for months now, and it has raised exactly 0 keystrokes from the mods.

Do you not know who the post-fappening mods are?

Wake up.

>> No.6450648
File: 14 KB, 264x240, 1361223588403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children mocking pregnant women
Yeah, I've seen that happen before, so I totally get why she uses that as an example of female oppression

>> No.6450671

>women thinking they can discuss anything besides fashion trends


Now you know what feminism is.

>> No.6450676

Jennifer Lawrence is not reading your posts, anon.

>> No.6452358

god how did you find this board please leave