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6447441 No.6447441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Because there is too much leftism here

>> No.6447452
File: 359 KB, 1281x1980, TA_General Strike_Sabo Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now under control of proleteriat

>> No.6447454

Where do you work?

>> No.6447461

I just love how this is your fifth attempt of creating an anti-communist thread today and you just keep getting rekt

>> No.6447462

I'm currently a student studying Sociology with a goal of working as a social worker.

>> No.6447463

You cunts read Soumission yet?

>> No.6447466

Not true proletariat, go work in a mine, then you can be a worker, you bourgeois 'student'.

>> No.6447470

>I just love how this is your fifth attempt
first actually and I am succeeding

>> No.6447476

Um, no. I came from a working class, black family. So, yeah. I'm definitely not bourgeois.

>> No.6447480


>> No.6447487

But why? When a containment board is not enough, a containment thread just might do the job.

>> No.6447490

Because if you want a capitalist hugbox. Go there.

>> No.6447499
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Evola BFTO

>> No.6447500
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>/pol/, the home of National Socialists
>capitalist hugbox

>> No.6447506
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>> No.6447509

I guess I should write conservative hugbox, which can also apply to some parts of capitalists.

>> No.6447511
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>not saviours of capitalism

>> No.6447512
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>National Socialists
Conservative is an even narrower term than capitalist, you stupid American.

>> No.6447513


>> No.6447516

>I don't like them
>therefore these socialists are actually capitalists
Marxians, not even once.

>> No.6447517


>> No.6447520

>the American thinks we're leftists
>demands a return to noblesse oblige with an image of an American ex-actor in a bastard striped tie laughing with an ex-shopgirl from Grantham
Jolly jape, old chum, but, unlike you, we're not social climbing scum.

>> No.6447521

You're just baiting now.
If you go to /pol/ you'll see they're conservative first national-socialist second.
Also National Socialism was socially and culturally conservative.

>> No.6447523

They're National Socialists. Only a few Americans are conservatives/liberals. Besides, the Nazis were reactionary, not conservative.

>> No.6447528
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>Also National Socialism was socially and culturally conservative

National Socialism is too democratic

>> No.6447530

That seems like the exact opposite of what a feminist wants, there's nothing to complain about

>> No.6447531


>> No.6447534

>the Nazis were reactionary, not conservative.
the nazis were socialists

>> No.6447536

Economically, yes.

>> No.6447537

Exactly. And like the other reactionary ideologies, like social democracy and modern American conservatism, its main purpuse was to protect the bourgeoisie values, along with the capitalist system, from the increasingly class-conscious masses.

>> No.6447539

Reactionary, conservative... same difference.

Okay, I'm baiting a little, but seriously what's the main difference? Conservatives try to uphold "status quo", but not the real current status quo, but some imagined status quo that never existed.
Reactionaries wish to go back to romantic pre-modern society, which also never existed and is in some way very similar to the ideal conservative status quo.

Also if we'd go with an actual definition of conservative, the left would be conservative right now, they're trying to prevent modern status quo of social state to be destroyed by the modern capitalists, who are in a way "progressive".

>> No.6447541
File: 37 KB, 580x419, adolf-hitler-we-are-socialists-we-are-enemies-of-the-capitalistic-economic-system1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that didn't happen in Nazi Germany

>> No.6447543

good meme
>big industrial corporations like Krupp and Siemens literally brought Hitler to power

>> No.6447547

>" ‘Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity.’ A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.

>"Our adopted term ‘Socialist’ has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.

>"The question of ‘nationalizing’ a people is first and foremost one of establishing healthy social conditions which will furnish the grounds that are necessary for the education of the individual. For only when family upbringing and school education have inculcated in the individual a knowledge of the cultural and economic and, above all, the political greatness of one’s country – then, and then only, will it be possible for him to feel proud of being a citizen of such a country. I can fight only for something that I live. I can only love what I respect. And in order to respect a thing I must at least have some knowledge of it."

>> No.6447548

Pretty sure Evola didn't see capitalism as any better than communism. Why not an anti-capitalist thread? and why would you use a picture of Reagan and Thatcher for an anti communist thread if you're a traditionalist?

>> No.6447549

and wall street financed the Bolsheviks so what?

>> No.6447550


>> No.6447551

>Reactionary, conservative... same difference.
No, reactionary refers to a wish to restore the past, while a conservative wants to maintain the status quo.
>wish to go back to romantic pre-modern society, which also never existed
That's not what it means. It just means to restore a former order. A French monarchist is a reactionary, a British monarchist is a conservative.
Then why did the Nazis oppose capitalism? The only difference between regular socialism and National Socialism is that National Socialism is not internationaist, it is for the, for example, German people.

>> No.6447552

>Pretty sure Evola didn't see capitalism as any better than communism.
yes pic related

>Why not an anti-capitalist thread? and why would you use a picture of Reagan and Thatcher for an anti communist thread if you're a traditionalist?

Because /lit/ is infested with leftists.
Anti communism != pro capitalism.

>> No.6447556

see >>6447551

>> No.6447558

And the Bolsheviks were clearly more sympathetic toward capitalists than the proletariat, as evidenced that in Spain they fought *against* the Spanish Revolution. The Bolsheviks were an exclusvist, ruling class, much like the bourgeoisie.

>> No.6447559

There's one thing to be reactionary , aristocratic or anti-liberal, but neo-conservative? Thatcher? Reagan?

Kill yourself. Absolutely unacceptable.

>> No.6447560

Reagan and Thatcher are actually liberals, to be precise.

>> No.6447561

It is when you use a picture of Reagan and Thatcher as your backdrop, which is about as silly as communist making an anti-capitalist thread and using a picture of aristocrats.

>> No.6447563

How did he solve his "capitalist" problem? With corporatism and slave workers.
Also Hitler was one of the first to get that a successful party is a catch-all party. He said things that got him elected...

>expecting traditionalists to make sense.

Again, that would mean that German of French Social-Democrat, or Eastern European Socialist were also conservative, are they though?

>> No.6447566

except this is a anti communist thread
not pro capitalist
your point is moot

>> No.6447573

>except this is a bait thread

>> No.6447574

The left must be deliberately and systematically destroyed if humanity is to have a future worth living in.

>> No.6447575

>Again, that would mean that German of French Social-Democrat, or Eastern European Socialist were also conservative, are they, though?
No, because they aren't trying to maintain a state of existence, they are progressives. They have an agenda to advance.

>> No.6447579
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>this mad

>> No.6447583

Yes, I'm mad. The left is evil. They've destroyed society, and if they continue to have their way there will be nothing left. Throw them alongside the capitalists in the gas chambers, I say.

>> No.6447584

Go import more immigrants, you culture killing cuck.

>> No.6447585

Wouldn't you argue that social democracy reached its high in 1960's, and the 68 revolts were exactly revolts against the boredom and safety of the social welfare?
Neo-liberalism and modern capitalism is "progressive" in this context, and social welfare is conservative. They're not trying to instil any new changes, they just want to retain the social welfare that already existed.

>> No.6447586

Are you retarded? Nazi opposition to "Jewish-Marxist" finance capital was just rhetorical position. The big German industrial companies are what got them into power. This idealised volkisch nationalism was a way to capture the masses.

>> No.6447590

>This idealised volkisch nationalism was a way to capture the masses.
THIS so much.
It's like modern nazi-sympathisers and other defenders of Hitler forgot Hitler was a politician first. He said things to get into power.

>> No.6447592

They weren't communists, they still supported the rights of individuals to own capital within a nation, like modern socialists. They just supported socialism to strengthen the German proletariat.
I wouldn't say social welfare reached its heights then, considering the plight of many plebs today.

>> No.6447594
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>le left is evil hurr!!
>fucking capitalists, throw them in chambers :DDD
you natsocs are a freak show
please tell me more how EU immigration policies are communist

>> No.6447597

I'm sorry, there is a huge language barrier here. Your conception of 'socialism' is completely ideological to me.

>> No.6447601

>I wouldn't say social welfare reached its heights then, considering the plight of many plebs today.
Well that's because social welfare went down since then. Since those times we're living in time when social welfare is slowly destroyed.
If you read what most western European protesters of 68 were protesting against and demanded, you'd realise that they were against the job security that was provided by the state and wanted a more "flexible jobs market". The generation of 68' ushered the age of neo-liberalism into Europe.

>> No.6447602

Socialism is an ideology, after all.

>> No.6447607

We only perceive a lack of jobs/wealth because we have recovered from the second world war death toll. There are too many people in Europe. The first order of business is to expel the non-natives.

>> No.6447609

yeah totes m8.
14/88 bro XD

>> No.6447616

Enjoying being forced to bow to Allah. Immigration will only stop when the immigrants have destroyed our nations, degrading them to a standard below that of their native lands.

>> No.6447617

there you have it. Exactly what I mean. Socialism seems to have been completely absorbed into the realm of bourgeois politics.mits been that way for well over a century now though, anyway. The only real issue is when people segregate this 'socialism' (you know, Nazi Germany, the USSR, 20th century welfare state, Lassallean social democracy, etc.) from capitalism. Communism on the other hand as a cultural idea still appears to be pretty vilified and threatening to bourgeois hegemenoy

>> No.6447623

Communism is an ideology, too.

>> No.6447624


>> No.6447625

>The generation of 68' ushered the age of neo-liberalism into Europe.

this, so much this

Most of those who were on the barricades in '68 are now fat fucks operating corporations and governments. Go figure.

>> No.6447629


>> No.6447633

Communism is associated more with people like Mao and Stalin. People like that did more to damage communism in worker eyes than any amount of liberal propaganda could.

>> No.6447634

Read Gilles Dauvé, specifically "Capitalism and Communism". Short and addresses exactly what you're confusing

>> No.6447635

Well if that does happen, by your logic, we should do the same to them.
So I can't wait for the Aryan paradise that will be Nigeria in 2079.

>> No.6447641

What an I confusing? How is communism not an ideology, a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy?

>> No.6447642


>> No.6447643

>Go figure.
It's actually really straight forward.
As I said, if you read their demands, they demand a more flexible job market, more flexible work hours, less state everywhere, and so on...

>> No.6447644

They're already over-populating those areas, retard.

>> No.6447646

Communism is an economic model, not ideology.

>> No.6447649

This is fucking comical

>> No.6447650

Still if everyone from Nigeria is moving to Germany, then everyone from Germany, should move to Nigeria. Problem solved.

>> No.6447653

You mean economic ideology.

>> No.6447658


A bad one at that.

>> No.6447661

Communism is an endpoint of worker praxis. Workers can be communists when they're on strike without even knowing it, whereas someone can be vocally for communism but part of the problem from a praxis angle. That is, communism CAN be ideology, but when it is, it ceases to be communism; the ideology part of communism isn't actually communism, since communism is distinguished by praxis which is contrasted with ideology. Most communists in the U.S. probably don't actually know they are communists, and it is not important that they do; communism is an organic result of class consciousness: class consciousness is not saying, "I'm a communist."

>> No.6447662

No, because Germans aren't reproducing enough and Nigerians are reproducing too much.

>> No.6447667

If the capitalism is ideology, so is communism.
We've yet to see that.

>> No.6447669

Praxis is just applied ideology. Replace communism with any other ideology and you have the same result.

>> No.6447670

It's actually not, or if it is, it's only in the vaguest, loosest most hypothetical of senses. Communism is what replaces wage labor, as wage labor largely replaced feudalism and feudalism largely replaced slavery. We can take guesses as to how that would work, but they're very limited.

>> No.6447676

>Communism is what replaces wage labor
Are you an oracle?

>> No.6447677

>Praxis is just applied ideology.
No, it's not. At least not in Marxism. Praxis can and generally does occur without any conscious, long-term ideology in mind. Again, workers on strike, for instance, might not be consciously communist, they might in fact mostly be consciously anti-communist, but their praxis is communist.

>> No.6447681

You do know praxis means application of theory, right?

>> No.6447688

Foucault put your trip back on we miss you.

>> No.6447690

No, that's really the point of Marxism. Prior to Marx, communists like Charles Fourier came up with elaborate systems of what communism would be. Marx, on the other hand, kept his ideas to a minimum based on what must be the case, and through the study of the Paris Commune. Workers control more of their labor under wage labor than they did under feudalism, and they controlled more under than than they did under slavery; so if they control more than wage labor, how would that work? what if they controlled all of it? these are interesting questions, but you can only answer so much of them before it becomes mere speculation.

>> No.6447697

Praxis is shaped by material conditions, not ideology.

>> No.6447711

>based on what must be the case
So Marx is the oracle here. You are just an ewe in his flock.
No, praxis means the application of theory. What you're saying is irrelevant.

>> No.6447719
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>I am a communist

>> No.6447734

Somebody watched too many 80s movies instead of reading books.

>> No.6447735
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>i am not a communist

>> No.6447738

No, based on the inevitable conclusions of worker solidarity. Marx thought communism itself was inevitable, I'm only talking about what would happen if workers kept joining unions and getting more and more demanding.

>No, praxis means the application of theory. What you're saying is irrelevant.
Praxis doesn't require theory, m80. In fact theory has never driven it.

>> No.6447743
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>I'm leading the struggle against the bourgeoisie from my college dormitory

>> No.6447749

So it's a truism.
>If X happens, then X happens.
The definition of praxis is 'the application of theory'. Read a dictionary, preferably Oxford, kid.

>> No.6447751
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>I'm leading the struggle against Jews from 4chan

>> No.6447754
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>I'm leading the struggle against gommies from my parent's basement

>> No.6447757

Libertarianism is a form of communism, you stupid Amerinigger.

>> No.6447760

You're not even trying any more.

>> No.6447761


is that fucking gottfrid svartholm in the back right there?

>> No.6447763
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>Libertarianism is a form of communism

>> No.6447764
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>> No.6447765
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>> No.6447768

I'm not reading this yellow shit.

>> No.6447771
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I want burgerclaps to leave.