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File: 25 KB, 300x300, 5968872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6444297 No.6444297 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize you spelled a word wrong after sending an e-mail to your professor.

>> No.6444314
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>tfw you ask a stupid question in a +50 people lecture and the prof just points at the ovious answer on the blackboard with an annoyed face

>> No.6444338

This is the reason I stopped asking questions entirely. Every time someone else asks a question its as if they are in on the same frequency as the prof and turns out to be exactly the right question he was waiting for.

>> No.6444365

>teacher is talking about Steinbeck
>want to say something about The Grapes of Wrath
>accidentally say "Wrath of Grapes"
>everyone laughs

>> No.6444385
File: 9 KB, 246x250, 1379280311824s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that word was the professor's name
>tfw now it reads as a dirty pun
>tfw that was a recurrent pun made by the trollest of students to bully said professor

>> No.6444389
File: 43 KB, 599x694, BpSGBKTCYAAY26H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have no idea what it feels like to ask a stupid question because i'm not stupid
feels good.

>> No.6444393

>bullying a professor

Seriously how?

>> No.6444401

>implying your professor doesn't just think of you as "that annoying autistic kid"

>> No.6444420

No need to be angry, friend. :) Not everyone can be a functioning human being who knows when to keep his mouth shut in class. You don't need to take my post too personally, you're just one of a hundred million poorly adjusted, poorly raised human beings in the western world, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that, or at least nothing you should feel too compelled to take responsibility for. :)

>> No.6444426
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>that kid with the nasaly voice who has to point out every little mistake the professor makes or give his own interpretation to what's being taught.

>> No.6444434

>he's never made a teacher cry

>> No.6444553

>tfw i have much more interesting things to say than anyone else in my class but i'm too shy to speak

>> No.6444612


>> No.6444616

Bathroom walls

>> No.6444629

top kek brah
Also why you will only ever be published posthumously.

>inb4 "implying I want to get published"
>inb4 so autistic you keep your "interesting things to say" only to yourself

>> No.6444634

>tfw you get a boner in class and everyone yells at you

>> No.6444657
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>tfw you use the wrong homophone in a paper due to sleep deprivation
>over and over again
>because of the significance of the word to the paper
>and the prof stops correcting it and starts making wordplay jokes about it by the time he's done

>> No.6444677

>calling one's own sextuplets
>within the sextuplet post per se

>> No.6444689

>tfw you want to feel superior to others for virtually never making spelling mistakes but you realise there were many brilliant minds that misspelt words and you are little in comparison

>> No.6444703
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>> No.6444711

there's the irony ;)

>> No.6444716

Well? What was it, Anon?

>> No.6444721
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>> No.6444722

what was the word?

>> No.6444856

I spend a lot of time when emailing professors making sure it's as succinct as possible so i don't waste their time. wrt that comic specifically it's a lot easier to spend 1.3 seconds on your email when you're the recipient of questions. asking questions obviously requires more words and delicacy

>> No.6444981

The word was 'yoke'. I kept putting 'yoke'. The professor wrote that I had egg on my face because of my gaffe.

>> No.6444983
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>tfw your professor praises you on your spelling

>> No.6444985

>I kept putting 'yoke'
'Yolk', I mean. Hence the prof's joke. This time I have no excuse.

>> No.6444989

>praising someone on spelling in 2015 w/ spellcheck.
Are you taking an ESL class?

>> No.6445052

lol your professor likes you.

>> No.6445092
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>tfw when that just makes you harder

>> No.6445100
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>Professor circles a section of your essay
>a single question mark beside it

>> No.6445105
File: 83 KB, 607x500, 725328612charles-manson (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize that you roll the nickels

>> No.6445111
File: 7 KB, 119x129, 1427677829784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw undergrads will be dissecting my circled question-marked passages for ages

>> No.6445132


>tfw you're the speaker for a group project in ethics class at your community college
>tfw you explain one of Kant's examples of selfish tendencies being incompatible with the categorical imperative with precision
>tfw the professor asks you to clarify your point using "everyday language"
>tfw you stammer and stutter and spout a bunch of nonsense because you don't know how to express your thoughts simplistically

>> No.6445136


>> No.6445141

>going to college

top kek

>> No.6445144


And I'm not being a special snowflake, btw. I think it's a flaw that I can't reduce to my thoughts to their most basic terms.

>> No.6445147


>> No.6445151

>tfw STEM
>tfw if you put in less than zero effort you can't just shit out some words and expect a reasonable grade

I've put in so little effort in the past 1.5 years, the feedback has been brutal.

>> No.6445152

you gotta work on that

>> No.6445162

I find that if I can't explain a concept to a child then I only really have a superficial grasp of it myself

iktf all too well, but I find that if I'm truly interested in a subject and I immerse myself long enough it gets better

>> No.6445201

>tfw the prof answers and it's full of spelling mistakes because no time


>> No.6445211

>I am quoting a misquote of Einstein because imma smart

>> No.6445216

Attached at the bottom of every one of my assignments:

We would like to state that this paper stands beyond any criticism. If any man should attempt to criticize this paper, he should be thoroughly patronized for his obviously Jewish behavior.

>> No.6445226

Shit you're right, literally a paraphrase of an Einstein quote

Still true though

>> No.6445247

>Einstein misquote

Jesus shut the fuck up

>> No.6445252

More like a plagiarism. But what is one to expect from a mediocre below average college student in a hack college?

>> No.6445273
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Such vitriol

>> No.6445275
File: 66 KB, 292x204, angry grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google image results-

>> No.6446796

Play it off as a joke m8

>> No.6446846
File: 17 KB, 245x223, br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your professor praises you on your font

>> No.6446860

I hate people like you. Being able to regurgitate lines from Kant's wikipedia page isn't understanding him.

>> No.6446863

It's really not

>> No.6446882

It's true pretty often, for more surface level stuff. But no, you can't explain anything like complex organic chemisty (I don't actually know anything about organic chemistry, so insert your own subject) in simple terms without completely butchering it

>> No.6446943

>stealing ideas from a band

>> No.6446947

>supposed to do a political speech for undergrad speech class
>literally shed all spooks years ago

i really need to pick a topic soon but anything I can think of makes me think to myself, "my god, this is pure ideology"

>> No.6446984
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>> No.6446997
File: 82 KB, 207x244, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.6447008


Now that is a sweet meme. Did they teach you that one in grad school?

>> No.6447014
File: 178 KB, 672x423, 1428046915295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6447054

it seems like that, but I think a lot of professors have heard the same questions before or they can improvise so when someone asks a questions they make it feel seamles

>> No.6447063

I can't respect American "undergraduates" at least European bachelors students seem to actually know something about what they study.

>> No.6447071

ah, the ambiguity of language
warms me heart

>> No.6448052 [DELETED] 


You idiot. See:

>> No.6448057 [DELETED] 


I hate people like you, who make completely baseless assumptions about people you've never met.

Of course I've read Kant, you fucking dumb ass.

>> No.6448063


I hate people like you, who make completely baseless assertions.

(I've never read Kant's wikipedia page.)

>> No.6448100

I once had an elderly English professor (he actually basically just taught Derrida) who completely dispensed with all the rules of grammar when writing emails. He didn't even bother to capitalize the first word of each sentence. Didn't care for commas or apostrophes, etc.

It drove me absolutely nuts, and every time I wrote him an email I made sure to make it as formal as possible.

>> No.6449042
File: 248 KB, 444x628, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start writing email to professor
>get distracted
>go back to email window and hit send accidentally
>entirety of email is 'Hi Professor'