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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 1024x768, My Snapshot53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6442226 No.6442226 [Reply] [Original]

hey ya'll. dangies here.

started writing my first short story. i have ideas to make something full length, but i feel i am simply not good enough to waste a seemingly good idea on it. so, i am writing short stories.

here is what i have so far. the beginning of the first one. what do you make of it so far?


>> No.6442243

nothing, it ran through my head, parsed, without evoking a single reaction. then i posted this

>> No.6442255

this is very troubling to hear. i must evaluate what i'm doing.

>> No.6442277

Why'd you cut your hair? :(

>> No.6442306

it got long. can you critique my newest writing?

>> No.6442346

The exposition was cute.

>> No.6442352
File: 701 KB, 838x628, tacky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that there's a bromance but I didn't feel it the way you probably intended. Could you perhaps elaborate on their friendship somehow? All I got was a sob story about a cripple and some fag complaining about how shallow everyone is.

Sorry for not being more helpful, there's not a lot to critique outside of that.

>> No.6442364

i have no idea what exposition is. i looked it up but the definitions were muddled and hurt my head. thank you.

honestly i have not intended anything. i don't even have a story to tell.

i want to write about little snippets of things i think will sound cool. i think them up in the shower or while cutting my toenails. i want to write about what would happen if i dated a female wrestler, and i want to get to that part. i figure a short story would allow me to write about that, but i need to come up with these other things to get there.

>> No.6442365

Don't try to plan out how long things will be. Just do them.

>> No.6442373

Don't ask for critiques for things that aren't even close to being ready. I will resent you for it.

>> No.6442448

i will do that from now on.

well, i figure the amount i have so far would be a good enough indication if i have potential or if i am merely wasting my time. i wish to inspire people and if i simply am not born to do so with writing, i can stop. i'd like to continue though.

>> No.6442589

You need to reformulate the third paragraph. It sounds like shit, as well as the fifth one. Don't say "ask again", use another word.

Otherwise, if's ok. Not enough content to provide any further critique.

>> No.6443777

how do you think i could fix them? i agree, i threw the third paragraph together quickly and it seems juvenile. what's wrong with the fifth?

>> No.6443806

one of the better work i've seen on lit. it isn't good, but keep going neville! i believe in you

>> No.6443813

You should never start with full novels, so at least you're doing something right m8

>> No.6443949

you have seen very little if not any good work on lit? that sounds unlikely.

yes i figured it could be an absolute colossal waste of time if i didn't know how to write first.

>> No.6443998
File: 41 KB, 420x420, 1427171827967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not adopt a tripcode? i can't take you seriously.

including your face on every thread is fucking silly.

>> No.6444026
File: 1.14 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showing your face... Kek

>> No.6444079

sage and hidden.

Go away. I know you privately think this feigned naivety makes you endearing but it really doesn't.

>> No.6444130

how do i go about getting a tripcode?

what do you mean? i simply wish to inspire people with stories at some point in my life.

>> No.6444139

You're an attention whore and a likely pederast. Begone with your faggotry

>> No.6444236

i don't wish to be an attention whore. i wish to inspire.

>> No.6444251

type Dangies##Password into the name field of your posts

posting your face is somewhat tfrowned upon if you don't have tits

>> No.6444272

well. let's see if this works. i suppose that is true. i just didn't know tripcodes are a thing. this seems more respectable.

>> No.6444288

>feeding the ruseman
oh come people

>> No.6444316

i don't understand why numerous people are calling me a troll. is it because my writing is very bad? i don't get it.

i wish we could speak on the topic of my writing. i'd like help with what i've written, and would prefer to stop talking about my personality or whatever the fuck else. i make these threads to get better at writing. that's it.

>> No.6444460 [DELETED] 


you're fucking terrible and you write like a fag

>> No.6444475

Fuck off

>> No.6444506

this is what i was hoping for. more constructive criticism. thank you.

>> No.6444635

Like you, your weapons grade autism writing should be cut into tiny pieces and burned. A pox on your first born, you brain stem deficient, tryhard.

>> No.6444642

Funny how you drop the ironic naivety "brand" as soon as people start pointing out how shit you are. Nice passive aggression retard. End thyself

>> No.6444650

also, you should try frequenting the critique threads, they are for posting your work and receiving/giving critique/advice/opinions

making your own thread comes off as arrogant when you're first starting out and they would rather discuss authors and memes. you won't receive replies of shit when you stick to the critique thread

>> No.6444651

Did you dress in the dark or purposefully choose an ensemble that would make drag queens have seizures? Btw, when I get off work later im sooooooo gonna draw a big ol Dick on that picture. Just so there's no surprises

>> No.6444704

how am i acting any different than i was at the beginning? you are a bizarre man or woman.

this is a good idea. i will do this from now on. too many trolls.

>> No.6445582


>> No.6445853

>laughing at their own cleverness
>that infodump at the end
fix that shit

>> No.6446068

how do you recommend i do that? what is wrong with mentioning a character laughs at his own cleverness? people do this. isn't it fine to have a character who does this, especially if i want him to be hated by the reader later on?

>> No.6446405

both characters do it so it is your writing tic, not characterization.

"show don't tell." a little background info is fine but you're dumping everything. this info could be brought out in dialogue, scattered throughout the story, or left completely out (see the iceberg theory)

i think you should read some books on writing.

>> No.6446453

its shit man

>> No.6447148

ok. this is good advice. what are some swell books on writing?

>> No.6447580

Anything that doesn't have "swell" in the title.

>> No.6448714

i like donald maas and john truby