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/lit/ - Literature

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6439937 No.6439937 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Ask for a piece of literature about a certain topic or theme, and wait for someone to recommend something.


Person A: I'm looking for a book on the effects of the Great Migration on Detroit

Person B: You might like "The Origins of the Urban Crisis" by Thomas Sugrue

Person A: Thanks Anon!

>> No.6439952

I'm looking for a book on isolation in the context of some sort of abandoned world or city, think I Am Legend but with perhaps more exploration

>> No.6439953

I'm looking for westerns or books set in the west, fiction or nonfiction, that aren't cormac mcarthy or larry mcmurtry.

>> No.6439957

game of thrones

>> No.6439977

Looking for some super surrealism.

>> No.6439980
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I'm looking for books that deal with the themes like solitude and suicide in a non-edgy way (usually achieved sucessfully by old authors who commited suicide (e.g: osamu dazai, édouard levé)) and the trascendence of time (e.g: dazai, kawabata).

Preferably a western author since I'm already familiar with oriental authors.

Bonus points if the author commited suicide after finishing the novel.

>> No.6439981

/naked lunch

>> No.6439984

Try Warlock by Oakley Hall and Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry

>> No.6439986


The Solar Anus by Bataille

>> No.6439989

fuck ignore that second bit didnt read

>> No.6439996

I'm looking for books about Goetia and grimoires in general. Mostly hoping for academic writing but wouldn't say no to good fiction.

>> No.6440003

I'm looking for an introductory book on linguistics

>> No.6440008

books that are explicitly organized around a set elapsed time (not sure how exactly to articulate this)

for example: mrs. dalloway unfolds over the course of a day; Ulysses unfolds in a day; the name of the rose unfolds in a week

>> No.6440009

is warlock really that good? I'm put off by all the weird naming and fantasy-ish elements I read about it having.

>> No.6440015

poor folk does this

>> No.6440018

Course in General Linguistics by Saussure

>> No.6440019

Check out Louis L'Amour. he wrote a ton of books and they're all quite good.

>> No.6440022

The sorrows of young werther, goethe

>> No.6440030

I'm about 200 pages in and I haven't run into any fantasy elements. Some of the naming is a little fantastical, like the town being named Warlock and one of the surrounding mines being named Medusa, but those are both explained in a footnote. I'd say it's worth a read, it raises some interesting questions but there isn't that much action in it, if you're looking for something more exciting.

>> No.6440039

A list of Noire fiction books not including the Maltese Falcon.

>> No.6440040

are you dumb

>> No.6440047

I'm looking for essays or books about how the State will talk issues or movements (like Gay Rights and Feminism) and co-opt them in order to get more consent and support for policies (such as imperialist wars) than it would have

>> No.6440056


You might like
>The Postman by David Brin is set in a time after a massive plague and political fracture result in a complete collapse of society. It gives a very unflattering portrayal of survivalists as one of the causes behind the collapse. The quasi-survivalist "Holnist" characters are despised by the remaining population. The Holnists follow a totalitarian social theory idolizing the powerful who enforce their perceived right to oppress the weak. However, later Brin stated that when he was writing the book survivalist was the best term to describe the militia movement.

>Wolf and Iron by Gordon R. Dickson details the journey of a single man attempting to cross 2000 miles of hostile territory. He faces roving gangs and fortified towns after a worldwide financial collapse. This book is extremely detailed in its discussion of certain techniques and preparations needed in a post-apocalyptic world.

>Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank is a story dealing with life in Florida after a nuclear war with the USSR.

>> No.6440063

Thanks Anon!

>> No.6440064

I'm looking for a book about the spanish revolution.

>> No.6440065


The Death of the Detective by Mark Smith

>> No.6440068


I'm not the guy you're responding to, but my God, must they all be post-apocalyptic? The Wasteland does this quite well.

>> No.6440075


New book from Harvard Press called Hitler's Shadow Empire: Nazi Economics and the Spanish Civil War by Pierpaolo Barbieri

>> No.6440077
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I'm looking for books about aerial combat, preferably set in World War 1. Doesn't matter if it's fiction or nonfiction.

Hell, anything set in and around WW1 is good.

Already read All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.6440082

Thanks, I'll give a shot then

>> No.6440087


>> No.6440093

just looked up osamu dazai
he seems really interesting; which of his works deals with the 'transcendence of time'?

>> No.6440098

The Sound and the Fury does this to a degree. Time is a main theme as well.

>> No.6440099

the first 100 pages of Journey to the end of the night is good for WW1 theme

>> No.6440111

I would like to read a book showing a dystopian or negative British political scene. 1984 and The Children of Men have already been read my friends.

>> No.6440113

Oedipus Rex
Infinite Jest
probably Heminway

>> No.6440121


>> No.6440143
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Try Antonin Artaud, he was kicked by these peasants out of their movement, like Bataille >>6439986
which also is a wonderful author.

>> No.6440150

Looking for books with Marxist themes even if it doesn't come out and say it or even if the author wasn't himself.

>> No.6440155

I've already read it, but thanks anyway.

The Setting Sun gave me that feeling.

Is the IJ recommendation serious?
I haven't read it but because of how much it's discussed here I always get the feeling that every recommendation of it is a joke.
I haven't read Antigone, since it's short I will read it tomorrow.

>> No.6440165

Try The French Lieutenant's Woman by Fowles

Modern critique of Victorian fiction with Marxist and Darwinist themes and commentary.

>> No.6440174

Farewell to Arms

>> No.6440181


ill look into it, thanks

>> No.6440187

Grapes of Wrath

>> No.6440192
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ty anons, getting those now.

>> No.6440197

IJ deals with loneliness, depression and suicide.. I would hate for you not to read such a great book just because it is memed to oblivion on this board

>> No.6440220

Anyone know of any literary novels involving american Indian interactions

>> No.6440222

Books on WWII aircraft carriers.
Books on Jewish mafia on the American east coast in the 20th century.
Books on WWII veterans returning home.
Books on nightclub culture in early-mid 20th century America.
Books on unions in mid 20th century (not just the genesis of unions, but I'm open to that as well).
Books about longshoremen.

I know these are mostly longshots but plz help

>> No.6440225

Dark Was the Wilderness

It's about French missionaries, pre gud.

>> No.6440233


Great thread OP. In the future questions should be greentexted and answers blacktexted. This will make it easier to scroll up and see any unanswered requests.

>> No.6440260
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bumping with a pic so people see my post this anon >>6440233 had me concerned.

>> No.6440283


You have a lot of topics, so I would suggest going to more general volumes (People's History by Zinn perhaps?) and hitting up the bibliography/references.

If you do this for a random selection of texts on a subject in the library you'll find there's usually a couple works that keep showing up which are seminal. These are the goods.

Protip: this is how you do research

>> No.6440295

The Postman Always Rings Twice
The Long Good-Bye
The Big Sleep

>> No.6440316
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Storm of steel
Seven Pillars of wisdom
Ceux de 14 by Genevoix
Under fire : the story of squad
The Comedy of Charleroi
Civilisation by Duhamel
Ivan Ivanovitch Kossiakoff
Johnny got his gun
Faulkner also wrote some really good short story about WW1.

>> No.6440317

It's obvious you need these for some kind of research project. Whatever you're studying, google it and then add the word Historiography. this will tell you how what you want to study has been studied and what books are the authority on the matter.

>> No.6440325

*stories obviously

>> No.6440327

Im looking for good introductory books on poetry and history of poetry. Preferably book that introduces the different forms of poems with examples.

>> No.6440339
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I love you anon

>> No.6440340

The Son covers Texas' history, it was nice.

>> No.6440344

I'm looking for fiction or non fiction on how life was like in Victorian England. Also, a book about the science of dreaming. Thank you in advance.

>> No.6440349

I am looking for a book to help me find which religion is best suited for me.

>> No.6440370
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I'm looking for a well written book about an entrepreneur or hustler making it in the big city

>> No.6440396

Go to Books A Million or Barnes and Noble on a Saturday afternoon.

Find the kids (man children) playing card games.

Ask them.

Become faggot neckbeard.

Get picked up by mom.

>> No.6440404

Read Orwell then.

>> No.6440406


"I'm a Gigantic Faggot Who Needs to be Told by Other People What to Believe in" by U.R.A Weak Faggot

>> No.6440421
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You're welcome
Also check out the work of Jay Winter and "Fallen soldiers : reshaping the memory of the world wars" by Mosse

>> No.6440423

Not at all, I was merely looking for a book on different religions so I can make my own mind up.

>> No.6440447

Pimp by Iceberg Slim

Good Poems By Garrison Keillor. Be warned poetry isn't very categorical and this doesn't include a history. Learn more about particular poets you like as you discover them.

There are no easy answers anon

Montmorency By Eleanor Updale
Oliver Twist and Great Expectations By Dickens
Sherlock Homes stories by Conan Doyle
Middlemarch by George Elliot


>> No.6440450

I would appreciate it if anyone here would know any fairly easy books to read in French, to help my comprehension.
Every site to I go:
>le petit prince
>harry potter
>le petit nicolas

>> No.6440457

Thank you, much appreciated good anon.

>> No.6440509


>ctrl+f Solzhenitsyn
>Not one mention.

August 1914 is the book you're looking for. Good doubles. Keep in mind though that aerial 'combat' during WWI was both limited and to a large extent extraordinary. The First flight at Kittyhawk was only 11 years before this. That's equivalent to 2004 from today, and we're currently running planes from the 50's. Aircraft during WWI were mainly IFR and scouting instruments. Balloons that didn't pop, essentially.

>> No.6440528


The Bible
The Quaran
The Torah
I'd take a crack at the Ramayana too. If you're looking outside of popular religions, I recommend Kierkegaard's Either/Or and a tall glass of grow the fuck up.

>> No.6440535

Le Sagouin
Le Colonel Chabert
Antigone by Anouilh
La Peste
Zazie dans le métro
Exercices de style
Le tour du monde en 80 jours
Les Confessions
Les trois mousquetaires

(to be fair, I'm not sure that they're all that easy, it would be nice if someone could confirm for each book if it is or not)

>> No.6440538

Thank you, and apologies.

>> No.6440543

Read Tintin, Asterix and Obelix, step it up with the Fables de La Fontaine, Charles Perrault's tales, Maupassant's Le Horla, things like that.

>> No.6440547


The funniest part? I'm not the guy who origionally replied to you, I just happen to agree. It gets better once you find your faith man. I'm a Catholic Existentialist, and I've never been more deontologically satisfied.

>> No.6440549

Much love. I have saved both lists and I will have a look at them all in the morning.

>> No.6440554

Catholics engaging in kinky uranism during the Spanish Inquisition ?

>> No.6440563

I guess I am rushing it and need to search myself for what is specific to me. No one can tell me what is best for myself it's just part of the journey. Thanks for the eye opener.

>> No.6440568

I actually don't. I was just seeing if any anons had opinions, I could easily find what google tells me if I wanted.

>> No.6440577

thanks homie

>> No.6440588

I'm trying to remember the name of a short story I once read. I believe it might have been by Borges.

The story was about a man who was sitting at home reading about another man who I think was having an affair and then going off to a house to commit murder. At the end of the story you realize the man in the library is reading about someone entering his own house.

>> No.6440609

something like Taipei but good

>> No.6440616


The Grand Inquisitor from the Brothers K?

>> No.6440650
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I'm looking for books set in different settings than the usual America/Europe/Japan.

>Fiction about war or travel in Africa or Asia
>long treks or stories of survival
>maritime travel or aviation
>pre Soviet invasion Afghanistan
>stories with colonial settings
>stories set in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska
>war in South America

Basically serious, literary, adventure stories if such a thing exists. I really loved The Atlas by William T. Vollmann and The Savage Detectives by Bolano in part because of the interesting settings. I've read so many books set in London/Paris/New York and want to try something different, and with more primal conflicts (survival, combat, journeys etc)

Any recs would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.6440679

Bright Lights, Big City - McInerney

>> No.6440682


The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, really almost anything by T.E. Lawrence. You know the movie Lawrence of Arabia? He was also an author, and a damned good one.

>> No.6440696

>Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree by Tariq Ali
>Arabian Nights by anonymous (burton translation if you can get it)
>Jungle Book and Kim by Kipling
>The Source by James Michener
>The Rock: A Seventh Century Tale of Jerusalem by Kanaan Makiya
>not fiction but Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah is a good autobiography of a child soldier.

as for south america check out Mario Vargas Llosa.

>> No.6440700

Bengtsson's The Long Ships
May not be 100% serious though, but primal conflicts all over the place

>> No.6440718

something about 'social masks' and trying to be genuine. Preferably with stream of consciousness, but doesn't really matter. I'm thinking of stuff like mrs dalloway

>> No.6440732
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Thanks bros.

>> No.6440744

whats a good mystery book. I've wanted to get into mystery but most books are shit.

>> No.6440753

Simenon's Maigret series
Raymond Chandler
Pynchon's Inherent Vice

>> No.6440771

I'm looking for good Southern Gothic beyond Flannery O'Connor. Thank you.

>> No.6440775

I'm looking for some books on Vladimir Putin and modern Russian politics

>> No.6440778

Pynchon often writes mystery style plots, Inherent Vice is probably his most pure mystery novel. Also try Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco.

>> No.6440779

The big sleep and the maltese falcon by Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett
>Victorian Classic
Sherlock Holmes. Start with a study in scarlet then read the short stories in any order.
girl with the dragon tattoo
>modern pulp
Robert B Parker's Spenser mysteries.

>> No.6440792

Literally anything about warships from the age of sail, or Prussia.

>> No.6440804

Patrick O'Brian's master and commander series are good
CS Forester's Hornblower books are incredible. seriously some of the best historical fiction I have ever read.

>> No.6440812

Iron Kingdom by Christopher Clark is a fairly comprehensive history of Prussia

>> No.6440857

You might like There's No Home by Alexander Baron (veterans). You might also like Ringolevio by Emmet Grogan (mafia, nightclubs, longshoremen)

>> No.6440860

Thank you, I'll check that one out

>> No.6440868

Thank you both. Anything informational about wooden sailing warships? Like an encyclopedia?
Also I feel like a dweeb because I've been waiting for someone to ask something that I can answer but I'm either beaten to it or don't know the answer

>> No.6440880

Hunger by Hamsun
Maybe also The Talented Mr Ripley by Highsmith
More pop culture: How to Be Good by Hornby; Mother Night by Vonnegut

>> No.6440885

Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berehndt
A Light In August by Faulkner (or other faulkner)
Child of God by Cormac McCarthy (or other early cormac)
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCrulelrs

also most plays by Tennessee Williams

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is nonfiction but it is absolutely fucking essential if you haven't read it yet.

>> No.6440893


>> No.6440902

Craven House - Hamiliton
The BFG - Dahl :3

>> No.6440903

Have you read the Border Trilogy? Yes it's partly set in America but it really is very exotic. I love adventure lit too and I'd recommend that.

>> No.6440906

books on military strategy?

>> No.6440921

I might have some suggestions. But if you want one beyond the Art of War you'd have to be more specific

>> No.6440944

On War-- Carl Von Clausewitz

>> No.6440946

Did you mean this for >>6440650 this anon?

I haven't read that, but I'll add RL Stevenson's Treasure Island (many of his other works too), Rudyard Kipling's Kim, and both Verne's Around the World in 80 Days and Journey to the Centre of the Earth (adds more fantasy) along with The Green Child by Read (fantasy and South America) to the list of books any young pre1950s adventurer should read.

>> No.6440960

Yeah I did, sorry bro.
I'll also add that Hemingway has a lot stuff in Africa, from Green Hills of Africa to the stories Snows of Kilomanjaro and The Short Happy Life of Francis Maycomber. Also Jack London.

Oh and Grant Greene has some awesome adventure books set overseas, The Heart of the Matter is in Africa, and The Quiet American in Vietnam.

>> No.6440963

Lost Horizon by Hilton too (ShangriLa comes in part from this, but I can't remember the names of the two Jesuits who first heard the myth when they were rediscovering the Himalayas)

>> No.6440973

Graham Greene and I meant to mention him too but I was thinking Our Man in Havana and The Honorary Consul for S America. Greene is based, but personally can't stand Hemmingway.

>> No.6441046

Anything by Raymond Roussel, Impressions d'Afrique especially.
Tristes Tropiques or some other works by Levi-Strauss.

>> No.6441137

thanks anon, i'll definitely give hamsun a look

>> No.6441179

I'm looking for something about emptiness or apathy written in a poetic prose. Yes, I know how contradictory that sounds.

>> No.6441212


>> No.6441233

The Bell Jar - Plath (technically about depression)
À rebours - Huysman (technically about decadence)
Daodejing - LaoTzu (technically poetry)

>> No.6441237


>> No.6441266

Butcher's Crossing by John Williams

>> No.6441272

This worked just like the example from OP

>> No.6441279


Linguistics by Fromkin et. al. is pretty decent

>> No.6441286

Except the second guy didn't recommend a book

>> No.6441314

Gentleman - I'm looking for a piece of educational literature in regards to basic arithmetic. I had made it through calculus always relying on a calculator even for the basic of tasks... I'd like to be able to calculate tips and percentages and fractions in my head within seconds... I feel utterly dismal when I can't. I struggled with math as an adolescent and took my education for granted until very recently...

Also, any suggestions with a well adverse but brief book on american history? Rather, world history as well? Basically, I've been re-evaluating my whole education..and come to the realization that I always had difficutly remembering dates due to my timeline being poor. My education system always jumped around a lot, and I personally remember things in relation to other things that are also memorable near by, not by specific dates.

Thanks so much!

I'm new here as well, so any suggestions on how to not be a faggot are appreciated.

>> No.6441367

>any suggestions on how to not be a faggot are appreciated

That shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did

>> No.6441374

get some fucking apples and move them around in groups

>> No.6441379


Comic relief is usually best when subtle. However, circumstances permitting, being blunt can just as humorous.

I'm glad I could make you laugh.

>> No.6441409

The easy rule for tips is move the decimal over once for 10%, from which you can easily calculate 15% or 20%. I don't really know if the book about arithmetic shortcuts you're looking for exists, I would just use the calculator app on your smartphone if you need to, no shame.

Zinn's People's History is a good dissenting take on American History, though I can't tell if you're saying your knowledge is poor enough that you wouldn't know the mainstream take already.

>> No.6441451


Less Than Zero, Sun Also Rises (first person)
Lorrie Moore and Raymond Carver stories (third person)
Bright Lights, Big City is nothing alike tone-wise, but it's a similar plot

>> No.6441475

I'm looking for a book on Plato's theory of Forms, particularly something that argues against it. Thanks!

>> No.6441534


Looks interesting. thnx.


I think I have the first one lying around, will look into it.


I've never read any Jules Verne, I loved the kid versions of this books when I was little. I have a bunch of Kipling's stories lying around too, and the Green Child, uncracked spines lol.


Love Hemers and Graham Greene.


Neat thnx.


I think my favourite by him is the Comedians. I haven't read the two you mentioned.

>> No.6441555
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I luuuv Virginia Woolf, and I want to read something with prose similar to hers, (or as similar as you can get without it being flat out mimickery) but I want it to deal with subject matter a little bit heavier than just English people walking around or something.

>> No.6441591

nice doubles

pretty sure the story is by cortazar, couldn't tell ya the name though

hope that helps.

>> No.6441598

The Sound and The Fury

>> No.6441603

funny enough, am reading As I Lay Dying rn and Absolutely loving it. It's my first experience with Faulkner.

>> No.6441608
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Im looking for a book on the Vietnam war. Too many books I looked up seem to be violently anti war leftist hippie MUH PEACE diatribes. Its annoying. I just want something on the war, the ins and outs and the reasons behind it all and why it ultimately failed in the peoples eyes but remained a "tactical" victory for our country.

Anything with Holodomor and Japans role in WWII would be nice as well.

>> No.6441618

Im looking for books on Rhodesia, Cecil Rhodes, Apartheid, and African colonization. Unbiased as possible please, a lot of what I was barely able to find was white guilt apologetic nonsense. I just want to learn about these things, not read a 400 page apology.

>> No.6441622

Fiction books about old veteran grizzled detectives or private investigators trying to solve cases. No Sherlock Holmes please. I just want dark gritty crime stories with mystery to them. Serial killers welcome. Paranormal is ok too I guess.

>> No.6441623

Are there any good Australian books?

>> No.6441646


>> No.6441648

You probably want Daniel Ellsberg.
I googled Whenwe and got An Arrested Heart by Ray Haakonsen, which seems to be biased towards Jesus saved me later in life more than white guilt for living in Zimbabwe. Biography so there's obviously a personal bias.

>> No.6441653
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Read some Leonardo Sciascia


>> No.6441664

I'm looking for a book on addiction. For specifically my mid 30s heroin addicted brother serving time. Fiction, non fiction, whatever. He generally likes sci fi horror books and is pretty well read, or at least that's how he was before addiction too many years ago.

>> No.6441683

The Shining. Seriously, I have a dealt with relatively minor addiction, and have multiple family members with severe substance problems, and that book is the single best portrayal of the hell that is addiction that I've ever read. It also deals with the related notions of family and fate. Plus, it's stephen king, so it's highly entertaining.

Sorry about your brother, man. My own bro has been sending pics of liver ultrasound today, asking me what they mean, because I'm in medicine and he has hepatitis from drinking. Shit sucks.

>> No.6441688

Infinite Jest

>> No.6441714

I'm interested almost purely because it was written in the 50's. I've never even really considered that Australia has any real literature. It all feels like the only ones mentioned are contemporary and unimportant.

Now I'm interested in reading a non-fiction book that details the literary scene throughout Australia's history. Doubt such a thing exists though.

>> No.6441722

Best books for learning about Roman society and culture?

>> No.6441730

2nd this. I have many books on their wars and battles but little on Roman life and customs or their politics etc.

Also anything for the Byzantine Empire? Or Charles Martel?

>> No.6441732

Aeneid and works by Aurelius maybe?

>> No.6441737

The World's Religions by Huston Smith and The World's Wisdom by Philip Novak. They're meant to be read as an accompaniment to each other.

>> No.6441748

Anything on Zoroastrianism or why the Muslim world is the way it is today compared to how science and knowledge focused they were in the past?

>> No.6441763

I was thinking of that but I wasn't sure if he's read it or not. King and Koonts are his fav writers.

Might do it all the same.

Also found this book called Fiend about a zombie apocalypse kinda scenario told POV of a meth head. But heroin is a different thing.

I'll probably send him at least the shinning along with revival. It's something.

>> No.6441785

Any good books with a nautical theme that aren't Moby-Dick? I've got In the Heart of the Sea and Endurance on my list right now, but I just want to know if there are any more that I've missed. Doesn't necessarily have to be a tragedy either.

>> No.6441836

Conrad has several

>> No.6441866

I have a copy of Heart of Darkness that came with the short story Youth and I liked that one a lot. What would you recommend?

>> No.6441873

Sea Wolf by Jack London
The Old Man and the Sea or To Have and Have Not, or Islands in the Stream by Ernest Hemingway
Captain's Courageous by Rudyard Kipling

>> No.6441890

Heart of Darkness is his best. In terms of nautical I would say The nigger of the Narcissus, Nostromo, and The End of the Tether.

If we're just talking Conrad, though, The Secret Agent is one of my favorite novels of all time.

>> No.6441937

Check out This Thing of Darkness by Harry Thompson, I can't recommend it enough.

>> No.6442244

I am looking for a book about a man who is in the process (or has already) of living a life unlived. Someone who is in the process of being sucked in and spit out by the 'system' in a haze. Someone living a cookie cutter existence. Someone who has never done anything bold or dangerous, as in break free from the system and routine set up ahead of him, and venturing out into the world to have his journey. Someone who has never done anything meaningful, someone living a meaningless existence. With the intention to do something meaningful, bold, and dangerous, this intention being the only thing in his life truly important to the man, but who does not because of the false constraints placed upon him by the system and by himself, as he forever tells himself 'tomorrow'. But is aware that he is in the process of being sucked in and spit out at the end of his life full of regrets and having lived an unlived life, but always tells himself 'tomorrow'. But is aware of even this fact, and that this leads to the life unlived and full of regrets. Who is aware of all these facts on some level, but lives against his nature.

The man can feel the awareness of all this fading as he does the same thing year after year, and it horrifies him, and he feels like crying every day as he feels himself fading and slipping into 'unconsciousness'.

>> No.6442275

Seconding this:

He also published one (I think only one) non-western book, too, The Walking Drum. Fucking fantastic historical fiction novel, 12th century I believe, from brittany across Europe and the middle east/Levant. Highly recommend.

>> No.6442311

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

James Fennimore Cooper's Leatherstocking series

Oliver Twist

>> No.6442321

I'm looking for a book on existentialism, more specifically, a novel with an existentialist theme.

>> No.6442325

I want a book that makes me want to help people.

Or a book that really really makes me scared to even pick it up.

>> No.6442327

i want something in an insanely weird stream of consciousness style. like super super post modern

>already read ulysesses

>> No.6442354

It was "The Continuity of the Parks," by Cortazar. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6442408

I'm looking for tragedies, mainly ones that aren't plays

>> No.6442412

your life

>> No.6442413

Arno Schmidt's writing

>> No.6442481
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Antigone by Jean Anouilh. We read this masterpiece in 10th grade in my French curriculum. I did not appreciate it then. I picked it up not so long ago and I was taken away by its ingenuity.

It's a "modernization" of a classical Greek tragedy, written in the aftermath of WW1.

The words themselves are relatively easy, not as easy as Asterix and Le Petit Prince though, but still fairly easy and quite short. The prose, the subject and the metaphors are what makes it so rich.

The dialogue is tactful and subtle and the characters are endearing. You can really see the play in your head, and for bonus points you can practice your French by watching the play while reading it!

You will not regret it.

>> No.6442492

>didnt read

>> No.6442505
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>mfw Hannah Arendt in French

>> No.6442512

Titanic? Fuck, I don't know any tragedies that aren't plays. Wish I could help you there

>> No.6442527

Biggles, nigguh.

>> No.6442572

Love post-apoc, got any more? I've read metro 2033 and enjoyed it.

>> No.6442586


Tristes Tropiques sounds really good.


Fatherland by Robert Harris

>> No.6442603

I'm looking for books about Achilles and Hector.

>> No.6442673

Taras Bulba

>> No.6442684

Looking for story that revolves around lies. White lies, keeping secrets from someone close, lying to reach something, or anything.


>> No.6442685

I'm looking for a book related to one or many of the following topics: corruption in politics or everyday life, how different cultures came to be and what it means about the people within them, and/or a look on groups of banding together and the outcome of their progress towards their set goal.

Thanks for any help. Would appreciate a book I can find in digital form or order off Amazon.ca

>> No.6442689

also I am very into morbid and nihilistic genres of media. If they helps choose one that I will enjoy.

>> No.6442696

I think you'd like Dino: Living High in the Dirty Business of Dreams, by Nick Tosches.

>> No.6442707

Thank you. Looks good!

>> No.6442709

The Stand and The Road are both absolutely based.

>> No.6442712

If you like Dino read Hellfire next. Tosches really digs deep into the dark underbelly of that world.

>> No.6442731

Anna Politkovskaya - Putin's Russia is good, I've heard. It's a pretty negative representation which is the reason why the book is banned in Russia. The writer is a journalist who was killed in 2006.
Something by David Satter (also quite critical)

>> No.6442739

Looking for a book about what changed philosophically between the Old and the New Testament

>> No.6442745

>the book is banned in Russia

What is this then? http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3836252/

>> No.6442746

Book about love specifically about getting over it.

>> No.6442763

I have no idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I remember reading that it was b& a few years after the book was released ('04).

>> No.6442764

The black dahlia.

>> No.6442769

>I have no idea
That much is obvious.
>I remember reading...
Stop reading 'le unbiased western free press' then, especially when they're writing about a country that USA is currently trying to invade.

>> No.6442774

Looking for history books written in journalistic/non academic style, eg Maalouf's The Crusades through Arab eyes; Collins and Lapierre's Oh Jerusalem; Zweig's Castellio gegen Calvin; etc.

Any help , please?

>> No.6442776

fear and loathing in the campaign trail '72?

>> No.6442810

You might like Shirer's Berlin Diaries.

>> No.6442984

The Anon here that suggested goethe.
Mars by fritz zorn might be something you want to read, too. While it's not about suicide, I think the author did a great job describing depression and solitude/loneliness.

>> No.6443000


There is little work by Artaud that is surreal - his manifesto for the Theatre and its Double proposes a theatre where the audience should react in a way which interrupts and deconstructs rationality - but apart from the story of his life, theres little work by him that I've found that is generally surreal (in its truest form).

His radio play - to have done with the judgement of God is probably the only thing actually - apart from that he is a pretty decent guy sending theatre off in a credible way.

maybe Jarry would be a better example? Though even he is just funny rather than surreal.

>> No.6443004

For corruption in everyday live you might enjoy reading fabian by emil kästner. It's about the 20's of the last century in germany.

>> No.6443053

Titus Livius
I guess :^)

Maldoror for the lulz

same as the above, focus on War and War, The melancholy of resistance, Satantango. Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints too.

for post-apo, read Stalker.

>> No.6443146
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Just finished "The Ego and Its Own" by Stirner. Book was quite enlightening, I finally realised that all my life I was succumbing to spooks while forgetting about my own Ego. Is there more books about fighting spooks and living for my own Ego?

>> No.6443149

Max Stirner's Dialectical Egoism: A New Interpretation by John F Welsh

>> No.6443226

I'm searching nonfiction books about writing and the philosophy about writing :3
I don't care if it's a pleb or patrician author.

>> No.6443233
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overview and tldr version of history of religious ideas, which was written decades later

>> No.6443248


JR by William Gaddis, the hustler is an 11 year old boy who embezzles millions from Wall St.

>> No.6443250

any of Camus' Novels
Floating Opera by John Barth

>> No.6443253



>> No.6443256

I would also recommend "Islands in the Stream" by Hemmingway.

>> No.6443262

Check out "Radetzkymarsch" by Roth. It's quite tragic.

>> No.6443263

the importance of being earnest

>> No.6443299


'Fathers and Crows', William T. Vollmann

This has been one of /lit/'s better threads lately.

We should do this more often.

>> No.6443436
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I need to gift someone a book.

The person in question is male, in their 40s, leans left politically for some weird reason and reads a lot of books.

They are abysmal in quality though, for example he will spent a lot of time on planes or at airports reading gigantic thrillers that have, as far as I can tell, no redeeming value whatsoever.

Ideal would therefor be something that's not too high brow (although I wouldn't mind gifting something that's a little bit more advanced than his usual reading material), long, but not complete trash if that's in any way possible.
Given that I am gifting the book something without too much rape etc would be preferred.

Please help me /lit/, I have been lazy and now I have only an hour left until amazon stops delivering books by tomorrow

Any suggestions are appreciated

>> No.6443460

Oil ! by Upton Sinclair maybe

>> No.6443468


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

>> No.6443481

>>6443460 here
Water Music by Boyle might also be a good choice.

>> No.6443490


"United States," Gore Vidal.

>> No.6443530

Thank you very much, those are great suggestions

>> No.6443533

Anything that gives a detailed and nuanced view of modern Caodaism.

Also, anything that captures the current culture and spirit of Thailand.

Also, the two previous requests are unrelated - I'm aware that Caodaism originated in, and is most associated with, Vietnam.

>> No.6443717
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>> No.6443740

looking for a book on Anal sex

>> No.6443747

Looking for a book on someone searching for a book

>> No.6444016

Not sure if this is where I should post this or what, but:

I just finished Dispatches by Michael Herr and it was fantastic. Should I stick with the Vietnam and read Going After Cacciato (I read half of it my senior year of college but I didn't finish it) or should I do what I've been contemplating for a while and finally read Infinite Meme?

>> No.6444036

Putin Kleptocracy-Karen Dawisha is very good about it, it has the whole history of the manlet.
Red Notice-Bill Bowder is more of a personal story but is gives some very good inside.
Putin's Russia-Anna Politkovskaya even tough is more about the people and the system in Russia than Putin personally

>> No.6444075

I want to read a really good, complete history of film. Don't care if its too long.

>> No.6444084

If on a winter's night a traveler

>> No.6444090

I want to read a very good introduction to eastern philosophy. Preferably history based (i.e. chronological)

>> No.6444123

The decline and fall of the roman empire - Gibbon. Some of the notions are outdated and its not 100% accurate but it is one of the best written books in the english language.

>> No.6444491

Beer in the Snooker Club
He committed suicide after writing it

>> No.6444502

I had posted this in the history thread:

Thomas, Hugh. The Spanish Civil War. Rev. ed. New York: Modern Library, 2001.
>A comprehensive volume, which takes advantage of primary sources in multiple languages, and remains, after multiple editions, the best single account of the military, political, and diplomatic context of the Spanish Civil War.

>> No.6444505

>transcendence of time
The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
You won't regret it.

>> No.6444525

What are some novels that have excellent stream-of-consciousness throughout? I'm already aware of Ulysses and Catcher in the Rye, but those seem to be it generally. Doesn't have to be obscure, either.

>> No.6444530
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well written story about a rapist outlaw?

no nabokov

>> No.6444543

I know one anon mentioned Fathers and Crows, but all of Vollmann's Seven Dreams are about Natives vs colonizers and they're fucking awesome.

>> No.6444549

The Tunnel by William Gass

>> No.6444563

Moscow to the End of the Line

>> No.6444565
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While not completely "abandoned" you may like The Stand by Stephen King.

>> No.6444663

>Fiction about war or travel in Africa or Asia
Lermontov- A Hero of Our Time
Chekhov- Sakhalin Island, the Duel
Conrad- Typhoon, Youth
Some Sherlock Holmes stories take place partly in Asia
>stories with colonial settings/maritime travel or aviation
Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kiplling (The Man Who Would Be King), H. Rider Haggard (King Solomon's Mines, She), Robert Louis Stevenson, (Treasure Island, The Beach of Falesa), the travel writer Richard Burton

>stories set in the Pacific Northwest or Alaska
Jack London of course

hmm, Doris Lessing maybe, she won the nobel prize in 07'. Not sure if she wrote adventure or anything

>war in South America
Euclides da Cunha,
From wiki:
>His most important work is Os Sertões (Rebellion in the Backlands), a non-fictional account of the military expeditions promoted by the Brazilian government against the rebellious village of Canudos, known as the War of Canudos.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez writes spends a lot of 100 years of solitude discussing a stylized description of the conflict between liberals and conservatives which was typical of 19th century South American countries

Also try Bernal Diaz's first-hand account of the Aztec Conquest "the True History of the Conquest of New Spain"

>> No.6444672


any fun books you can recommend for me?

i want to become a somalian pirate and disregard the rest of the world, but i'm not hardcore enough... so i want to read about it

>> No.6444698

In Search of Lost TIme

>> No.6444719

well if that dickhead buys it i am not gonna be sorry for him

>> No.6444735

Also try some travel /lit/:

Trollope, Anthony. Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Australia: George Robertson, 1873.
>A prolific travel writer, Trollope offers an historical account of the colonization of Britain’s Antipodean holdings, focusing on local (white) culture and describing issues such as religion and education. He considers the acquisition of land and the life of a bushranger, but his account of indigenous Australians is dismissive and lacking in understanding.

Thackeray, William Makepeace. Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo London: Routledge, 1846.
>A vividly descriptive account of Thackeray’s tour of the East in 1844. Much of the narrative is concerned with Thackeray’s progress across Europe; however, the descriptions of Egypt are intricate and engaging.

>> No.6444768

looking for something with a couple of the elements from The Sun Also Rises: moral bankruptcy, spiritual dissolution, unrealized love etc.

>> No.6444785

Charles Martel:
>A theory first postulated in the 1890s and given new popularity by White 1962 held that Charles Martel, Charlemagne’s grandfather, was able to defeat the Saracens in the 730s because of his use of heavy cavalry. This cavalry was in turn made possible, the theory goes, because he had seized church property and distributed it to his followers, “creating feudalism,” and that these followers used their new lands to raise horses, since the stirrup had conveniently just been introduced. This theory was thoroughly discredited by Bachrach 1970. In fact early medieval armies were primarily made up of foot soldiers, not heavy cavalry (Bachrach 2001). Recent work on Charles Martel has avoided such uni-causal explanations of his impact (for example Fouracre 2000). Most scholars are now more careful not to make every oath of loyalty into some form of proto-feudalism, as well as trying not to misinterpret early medieval warfare.

Fouracre, Paul. The Age of Charles Martel. Harlow, UK: Longman, 2000.
>Surprisingly, one of the few book-length treatments of Charles Martel. Deliberately avoids feudalism and the stirrup as answers to the question of the nature of his success and long-term impact.

Bachrach, Bernard. “Charles Martel, Mounted Shock Combat, the Stirrup, and Feudalism.” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 7 (1970): 47–75.
>Effectively refutes the old idea, as revived by White 1962, that the stirrup and feudalism were somehow simultaneous inventions in the 8th century.

>Bachrach, Bernard S. Early Carolingian Warfare: Prelude to Empire. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
>A close study of 8th- and 9th-century warfare, indicating that it was carried out in a way closer to Roman models than to late medieval cavalry battles.

>> No.6444786

Mrs Dalloway

>> No.6444818

doktor faustus by thomas mann
also dat interbellum era

>> No.6444915


>"Blind Date" by Jerzy Kosinski

>> No.6444951

green hills of africa is the best

>> No.6445377

I'm looking for a books similar to 11/22/63 by Stephen King. I really like both King's storytelling style and the plot and ideas of the book.

>> No.6446036
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Psychological/philosophical crime fiction. Like Crime and Punishment, or Libra, or The Stranger, or the films Taxi Driver and Pickpocket. Anything?

Being a shut-in loser I naturally have a soft spot for loners and outsiders in fiction.

>> No.6446103

Try Libra by Don DeLillo. Same topic (JFK assassination), a very fast-paced thriller, and it's mostly written in a conversational tone of voice that makes it easy to read quickly. The book spends a lot of time exploring the motivations for the assassination and the psychology of Lee Harvey Oswald/those who orchestrated the killing. Very entertaining, and there are many moments where you'll probably just sit in awe of DeLillo's prose. Highly recommended if you're interested in conspiracy theories, loners, geopolitical paranoia, and the JFK assassination of course.

>> No.6446125

Vasily Grossman
Coming up for Air - Orwell
God Bless You Mr Rosewater - Vonnegut
Genealogy of Morals
Stick with O'Brien

>> No.6446137

Hangover Square
The Hawkline Monster

>> No.6446176

Anything on socially ascribed roles

>> No.6446296

I would like information on the new latent generation of solitudinarian chronic depressed autists and robots who dwell the internet jacking off to anime, frustrating theyselves to the point of no return.

>> No.6446303

actually something about sexual frustration in the modern developed society is good for me.
>inb4 history of sexuality

>> No.6446307

Hero with a Thousand Faces deals with Jungian archetypes in our stories and the importance of ceremony and roles in our society.

stay right here my friend, you're reading the definitive guide.

>> No.6446325

Something about hypnotism and social engineering

>> No.6446343

I'm looking for some books that feature typical depictions of hell; burning underworld, fire and brimstone etc.. No Dante please.

>> No.6446351

A journey into your mom's ass?

>> No.6446609

>Hero with a Thousand Faces
Read most of Campbell. Looking for something closer to Laing.
Medical Muses, Hustvedt; Making Monsters, Ofshe & Watters
Bridget Jones' Diary

>> No.6446849
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I've compiled a list of books to read about panzer commanders, tactics and strategies, but none about the actual vehicles themselves. Is there an encyclopedia out there dedicated solely to German armored fighting vehicles from 1939-1945?

>> No.6446851

i'm looking for some books that will btfo sjws

>> No.6446853
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Just something with a mindfuck ending.

>> No.6446855

Any freshman biology or psychology textbook

>> No.6446857

fight club

>> No.6446868

Parmenides by Plato, where he argues for forms and the completely demolishes them anyway. Aristotle really only expands on this, Plato knew there were some serious problems in the idea of Forms

>> No.6446887

Looking for literature that is in some way psychedelic. Not books about drugs necessarily but something that just comes off as hallucinatory. Naked Lunch comes to mind.

>> No.6446902

What are the best books in the bible to read and why?

>> No.6447056


Thanks guise. I've read a few books by Lessing, including one set in Rhodesia. That Chehkov looks really interesting, I've been wanting to learn more about Siberia for a while.


maybe Janes?

>> No.6447061

Seconding Kipling with Kim

>> No.6447065

anybody know where could get books for free?

>> No.6447067

Pynchon, Calvino, Borges, imo The Trial by Kafka as well, some people like the Illuminatus! Trilogy or maybe even House of Leaves

>> No.6447111

Ecclesiastes is good because it precedes all the existentialist shit 2000 years before it even happened and the answer hasn't changed.

Also Thomas Wolfe said it was the best and he is pretty cool

>> No.6447114

A Scanner Darkly by Dick - highly recommended.

>> No.6447130
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I'm searching a book which will help me along mith my own destitute writing attempts. Anything written by authors themselves, essays etc. would be great.

>> No.6447162

>science of dreaming
I'm late to the party I know but William Dement literally wrote the book on sleep and dreaming, check out "The Promise of Sleep"

>> No.6447167

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but this is the most popular book on writing for college courses.


The depositfiles link still works.

>> No.6447172

minor correction, on writing fiction*. the most popular book on writing in general is probably strunk & white's elements of style.

>> No.6447181

Orwell's essays; Woolf's A Room of One's Own; any Faulkner quote on writing, including those misattributed to him

>> No.6447182

Thanks a lot! Indeed I'd like to write fiction.

Perhaps a netter Anon can gib mir a German recommendation about the Kunst from Schreiben?

>> No.6447187

I'm looking for a book that's absolutely decadent - sensuous almost to the point of being nauseating.
Already read the classic erotic lit staples like The Story of the Eye and Mirbeau's The Torture Garden, which I loved to pieces.

>> No.6447189


>> No.6447201


>> No.6447224

>decadent and sensuous but impotent
À rebours - Huysmans
>decadent and sensuous and nauseous
Tropic of Capricorn - Miller
>decadent and sensuous and nauseated
M/F - Burgess
>sensuous but not decadent or near water
House of Earth - Guthrie

>> No.6447228

Try "The Three Leaps of Wang Lun", or "Goodbye to Berlin". Weimar Germany oozed decadence.

>> No.6447235
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Fabulous! Thank you, /lit/!

>> No.6447257

Get him anything by Lawrence Block. Maybe the Keller books.

>> No.6447290


>> No.6447294

Malcom Lowry's Under the Volcano.
Knut Hamsen's Hunger

Blood Meridian

Malcom X's Autobiography

These aren't, for the most part, adventure stories, but they are all heavy on different locales. Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart is about a Nigerian tribal strongman around the time of Colonialism. The works of Chingiz Aitmatov are set in post-soviet Kazakhstan, but they're heavy on Kazakh folk-lore and wilderness. Yu Hua's to live is set in Maoist China, although honestly, culturally, it's pretty close to Japanese /lit/. Jack London's Call of the Wild and Denis Johnson's Train Dreams take place in Alaska. Dan Simmon's Song of Kali ventures into the slums of India. Lovecraft's At the Mountain's of Madness is set in Antarctica. Tolstoy's The Cossacks explores Tartar culture.

These aren't SOC, but they are all about characters at conflict with society: Osamu Dazai's No Longer Human, Dostoevsky's Notes from the Underground, Hesse's Steppenwolf.

No Longer Human. Stoner.

most of the popular works of Faulkner, Lowry, Woolf, and Beckett. Proust isn't SOC, but because he goes into so much depth with everything he achieves a similar level of emotional intimacy.

Vonnegut's Breakfast for Champions and, to a lesser degree (but IMO a better book all around), Sirens of Titan. Mishima's The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea. The Grapes of Wrath (sort of). Blood Meridian.

>> No.6447474

Looking for something with a well written antagonist. I read paradise lost and blood meridian back to back and thought they were incredible. Willing read genre-fiction/pynchon/whatever

>> No.6447482

The blind owl
Invitation to a beheading
The tartar steppe
Seiobo there below if you want that mindfuck at the end of every chapter

>> No.6447485

Maldoror. You'll learn about sharks

>> No.6447542

East of Eden - Steinbeck

>> No.6447545

God-tier comedy books.
I specially enjoy satire, surrealistic comedy and black comedy, if the author pulls it off without seeming forced or edgy

>> No.6447568

Frank O'Connor for short stories (start with My First Confession)
The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
Sombrero Fallout by Richard Brautigan
The Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hasek

>> No.6447672


>> No.6447682

Kornél Esti

>> No.6447755

I'm looking for an American version of Houellebecq who deals with similar themes and/or has a similar style. Any ideas?

>> No.6447799
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>> No.6447856

Looking for a book like A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, basically a god-tier depiction of exactly that, the artist when young, or, more broadly, just that age in general I guess.

I think Sorrows of Young Werther maybe?

>> No.6448097

I'm looking for something similar to Infinite Jest.

Or just something really long and good.

>> No.6449193

I'm trying to become more /lit/. The last book I read was Lolita, which put me into a kind of slump where I don't feel like reading anything else

I'm 2 book into BotNS, and I'm halfway through Dubliners (liking some, disliking some), but how much I liked Lolita is putting a damper on everything so that I don't feel like continuing any of it

Should I try reading more Nabokov?