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/lit/ - Literature

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6435447 No.6435447 [Reply] [Original]

>when your professor circles something on your paper and writes a question mark next to it

>> No.6435452
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I know the feel

>> No.6435454

"Medusa and Melia both have their lives defined by sex"
>teacher writes "inappropriate!"

>> No.6435471

>tfw teacher asks you for help

>> No.6435479

>when your professor strikes through a sentence and writes no comment

>> No.6435517

Some fat boomer faggot is getting paid 95k a year to skim your paper, circle things, and write question marks next to them. If you write something that doesn't fit his taste, you fail out and enjoy a lifetime of poverty. Also, you're paying thousands of dollars for this privilege.


life = unending humiliation by retards

>> No.6435521
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>teacher says "uhm" every other word
>teacher smacks lips when speaking
>teacher is a woman

>> No.6435531

don't go to school, bro.

Be a neet or a proletarian or an ewok, it's not so bad.

>> No.6435535

>when your professor underlines something on your paper and writes an exclamation mark in the margin

>> No.6435536

Salty as the sea

>> No.6435543

Life ends, genius.

>> No.6435569
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>you get a B on essay you churned out
>teacher writes that you're idea was unique but poorly organized and could've been executed a lot better
>tfw couldn't agree more

>> No.6435609

>when professor responds to every question, no matter how inane or incoherent, "great question."

>> No.6435614

But the humiliation lives on forever.

>> No.6435622
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>tfw you can't read your professor's handwriting
I know they have to get through a lot of papers but god fucking damn it

>> No.6435627


I can never read any professor's writing on the paper's I ever get back.

>> No.6435630
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>> No.6435637
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>when you can't read his writing so you ask him what he wrote after class and he can't read it either

>> No.6435639

Somtimes I'm glad I don't live in a first-world country.

>> No.6435643
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>professor gives a feminist interpretation of all the reading material
>it's the only interpretetion of the reading material she talks about

literally all stories and poems are about how much men are evil

>> No.6435648

>majoring in humanities
>not glorious stem
>not reading and studying literature as a side project, rather than as a career

You are hopeless. You deserve this suffering

>> No.6435651

>when your in college and you don't even recognize your teachers in the street because attending classes is not compulsory
>when your teacher doesn't recognize you at the final because attending classes is not compulsory

>> No.6435673

I really dislike this reddit revamp of mfw and tfw into "when x happens". Same spirit, it just goes against tradition for no reason.

>> No.6435685


That better?

>> No.6435692
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not really, I would had rather "faggot". fag is something you add at the end of something to make fun of the things that define you, newfag.

>> No.6435720


>> No.6435735

give examples I want to get mad
Anon... are you b8 2?



>> No.6435765

>professor thinks expressing the modern social consciousness is the highest aspiration of literature

>> No.6435772

>Anon... are you b8 2?

Just exaggerating. I really had my distribution professor tell me, right before taking the final: "I need to see your student card. I don't know who you are. I don't know you." I went to his classes like two times because he was a piss-poor teacher. When I was a young foolish undergrad, I would sometimes not see the prof or TA until mid-semester.

>> No.6435780

you sound like you're fresh from /b/

>> No.6435782


I'm sure not having to encounter hysterical people on occasion is totally worth the trade off of no running water.

>> No.6435796

>be in creative fiction writing class
>sitting there
>the person who sits at the front of the room projects onto the white board various activities we are to do
>free-write prompt:
>>You come home and everything has been subtly changed.
>"But you don't have to use the prompt if you don't want to!"
>(literally every time someone didn't use the prompt and goes to read they say they don't read the prompt, and she's like, that's okay! every g. d. time)
>we write for five minutes or so
>"Who wants to read theirs?"
>someone raises their hand
>the whole class looks to them
> and groans
>"Hey, c'mon, it's for participation! Don't discourage it preemptively! You don't even know what it is yet."
>the student reads their free-write
>tfw the piece is literally just a cliché-pastiche
>everyone groans and rolls their eyes simultaneously after each cliché
>finishes reading
>we don't clap
>"Oh, 'deer in headlights', clever simile!"

>> No.6435825

>When you Freedom of Information Act your Oxford finals paper on the literature of the Restoration and one of the marker's comments is "Of a publishable standard."


>> No.6435846

>When you Freedom of Information Act your Oxford finals paper on the literature of the Restoration

>> No.6435872


Under the Freedom of Information act, any Oxford student can request to see their Finals papers and the examiners comments. It can be brutal.

>> No.6435878

Oh. Nice. You should publish it then

>> No.6436091


>> No.6436140

my grades were shit my first semester in college because i only ever showed up to class to turn in assignments and take exams. i didn't think they would actually follow through with dropping grades for every absence beyond the allotted excused absences. most of them stopped at a certain point (C or D) but one professor actually failed me.

if i remember correctly, i missed like 22/30 class meetings in that one class.

>> No.6436166

that's shockingly bad writing

>> No.6436541

My, that's a rare pepe.

>> No.6436552
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>professor circles something on your paper and writes "gratuitous analogy" next to it
>the analogy is in the first chapter of the textbook he co-authored and assigned

>> No.6436842

No way this happened at university level. I can't imagine this happening at a level above 10th grade , and even then, it would be okay if it was well-supported.

>> No.6436852

keep it friend. I was going to post it in the marx threads but I can make another.

>> No.6436853

What the fuck English department is paying 95k a year?

>> No.6437056

maybe he doesn't like you stealing his analogies

>> No.6437079
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This is why I dropped out and became a welfare NEET instead tbh.

Being dead weight seems like the most honourable way to live.

>> No.6437092
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>gives you a poor grade
>writes nothing on your paper to indicate why

>> No.6437094

do you really get enough welfare to live on your own? im always skeptical this can be possible because if it were who in the world wouldnt do it?

>> No.6437104


>> No.6437109

>who in the world wouldnt do it?

People who respect themselves.

>> No.6437117

it's not exactly a good life

>> No.6437120

you're pretty bad at reading aren't you

why do "le stem masterrace!!1!" fags always make fools of themselves, that just doesn't seem appropriate

>> No.6437121

if you have enough money to live on your own, keep the lights on and do you what want all day it sounds like a better life than waking up early to go to a shitty job.

>> No.6437122

>do you really get enough welfare to live on your own?
Differs per place obviously, but I'm a eurofag.

>im always skeptical this can be possible because if it were who in the world wouldnt do it?
Mostly people get shamed into compliance with social norms and expectations like this lad: >>6437109

>> No.6437125

whats the best way to get disability? depression, anxiety, autism, adhd or migraines?

>> No.6437131

I have running water.

>> No.6437137

definitely depression. everyone whines about it nowadays.

>> No.6437141

One can wake up at noon every day and still have a high paying job that's rewarding and fun.

Nobody with your qualifications, but many do.

>> No.6437146


Shhhhit. I'm probably fucked.

>> No.6437165

the number of people able to do that are very small, thats now who we're talking about. if you have enough money that you dont have to struggle for basic needs, being a NEET is much better than working an average unenjoyable job.

>> No.6437178

>you will never be european and live off welfare

>> No.6437185

They're not that rare, believe it or not. You sound out of touch. Probably happens as a matter of course when you don't have money to travel and pay cover charges.

>> No.6437188

is it running because you're ugly and it's scared

>> No.6437190



>> No.6437198
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>tfw you get anxious over a due paper only to realize you dropped out years ago

>> No.6437199

most people don't work high paying jobs they enjoy that let them come into work late in the morning to the afternoon, this is a fact.

>> No.6437204

For real, how can anyone think this?

>> No.6437207
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>"I want you to write an essay on this opinion that is my personal point of view"

>> No.6437212

why are there so many pepes on this board

>> No.6437215

>not being able to defend a contrary outside opinion

>> No.6437217

Many do.

>> No.6437219
File: 115 KB, 499x618, 1428078945139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The frog market is booming nowadays. I'll get you started anon. Here's one of my rare Pepes, enjoy.

>> No.6437227
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Gee, I'm not sure anon.

>> No.6437234

If by many you mean 'actually a small minority', then yes.

>> No.6437242

in absolute terms, probably hundreds of thousands of people do, and a couple hundred thousand is a big number, so 'many' might be correct. but relatively, we are talking about maybe 1% of the population, no more than 5%, and in this respect we are talking about a very small number of people relatively.

to be one of those people, great. i am not and probably never will. if my options are NEET or working an average job i don't enjoy that i have to wake up early for and take orders from people dumber than me for an average income, i would rather be a NEET.

>> No.6437243
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because this is the /smuglife/ board

>> No.6437245

>not being able to grade a paper with a contrary outside opinion

>> No.6437263

Most people, even when aware of them, are not able to separate their biases from objective thought. This happens even with strict analytically data, and is the reason for peer review

>> No.6437277

Let me put it this way: anyone with the qualifications who wanted to work later in the day could easily secure such a position. MOST people work 7 to 4 or 8 to 5 because that is what they want, because they have kids and shit and don't want to pay someone to take care of them. They want to get off work and go get the kids from school.

I'm not talking about most. I'm saying a lot. Even a "small minority" is actually a lot, considering 144 million Americans currently work. Even 1% of the workforce is over a million people.

Pretty much anything someone wants, work-wise, they can easily get it. If you want to make 100k and work only 20 hours a week, you can do it. Will you do it? No, it's easier to collect your complacency check and hope it doesn't run out before the next one.

Meanwhile, there are multitudes living and forging exactly the lives they want--lives that include money, nice things, tickets to events, and travel.

>> No.6437294

>i have to wake up early for and take orders from people dumber than me for an average income, i would rather be a NEET.

If they were dumber than you, you'd have a better option than those two. Think about it, and read up on the Dunning–Kruger effect.

>> No.6437307

intelligence on its own is probably the least important factor contributing to personal success

>> No.6437308
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Contribootin. One of my rarest here. A fine specimen.

>> No.6437309
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>If you want to make 100k and work only 20 hours a week, you can do it. Will you do it? No, it's easier to collect your complacency check and hope it doesn't run out before the next one.
I wouldn't do it, because those 20 hours a week have more value to me than the additional 90k a year they would get me.

>Meanwhile, there are multitudes living and forging exactly the lives they want--lives that include money, nice things, tickets to events, and travel.
I'm already living the life I want, since I enjoy having free time without obligations and don't care much for nice things, events and travel.

Not everyone values the same things, anon.

>> No.6437313

oh my

>> No.6437316

>society is an actual meritocracy without nepotism

>> No.6437324

No, it's not. It's why educated people make more.

You're just trying to make yourself feel better about not being smart enough to have better control of your own destiny.

>> No.6437326
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>anon is intellectually gifted, but has a disturbing lack of curiosity

>> No.6437331
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>anon is smart but lazy

>> No.6437339
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>anon is a genius but smug

>> No.6437343

this is highschool shit. leave
University professor's do not give a fuck about you if you don't put in your full effort and do it on time

>> No.6437345
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>When your professor is so impressed with your essay he says the rest of the class can use it as a source in their own essays

>> No.6437348

>implying university professors give a fuck about you regardless

>> No.6437352
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>not getting progress reports your parents have to sign from your University professors

>> No.6437358
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i'm aware of those sensations, lads

>> No.6437359

If you suck their dick, they'll give you a second chance. Not sure about women profs, but I heard some chocolate and a handwritten note works wonders.

>> No.6437365
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>put good effort into all my essays for a particular class, try to say things that are defensible, be unbiased, and keep all my points well-supported with textual evidence
>stuck at A- level
>final essay supposed to be biggest and most researched of the year
>leave it till two days before
>two intense caffeine-fueled days of making up grand-sounding stuff based on little to no evidence, and writing with a stronger 'voice' to cover for the fact that I have nothing to say
>"wow anon I can see your writing improving substantially in this essay, this is your best yet"

>> No.6437381

this is some low level daycare community college shit, never even heard of this before

>> No.6437385

>put in legitimate effort
>doesn't get noticed
>half-ass it
>get decent mark for next to no effort
And that's when I gave up on trying

>> No.6437388

>Professor gives you B
>Only writes positive feeback

Happens way too fucking often

>> No.6437392

>be me
>first year undergrad, rocks for jocks
>don't go to whatever they called the smaller group weekly session taught by TA for four weeks
>upon return, TA does not call my name during roll call
>"Miss Anon, I'm sorry, but you did not call my name
>"Oh, what's your name?"
>"Anon Y. Mous"
>glancing down at paperwork
>"Oh, I thought you dropped the class"

>> No.6437399

I think that trying to have complex ideas forces you into an artificial style, whereas when you're working with less data you focus more on how you say the one or two things that you have to say.

>> No.6437410

Means you wrote a mediocre paper but it's not worth giving you a C over because they don't want to get into a fight over it and possibly lose tenure.

>> No.6437421

Not him but I agree, I've found less is more is often the case because professors and tutors often cant comprehend, or cant be bothered to comprehend, what you are saying if its too elaborate and will mark you down for not sticking to a central thesis or whatever they want to call it.

(note that I know not sticking to a central thesis is a valid problem but is also often used as a scapegoat for the markers laziness/incompetence)

>> No.6437422

I stopped giving a shit when all my bullshit papers got 95+ on them. And I'm talking about papers where I actually *lied* about textual evidence.

People wonder why the education system is fucked.

>> No.6437425

Then why not provide negative feedback? If i did something wrong I want to fucking know about it

>> No.6437430

Because that would mean your professor actually gives a shit about you.

>> No.6437433
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still, an education system that encourages silver-tongued bullshit artists has its own rewards

>> No.6437449

>be me
>3rd year student at a top law school
>upper level writing seminar, 25 page minimum paper "of publishable quality"
>have all semester for this one assigment
>prof rejects topic idea for 100% bushit reasons
>recommends another topic, an issue he is currently intrigued by
>fuck him
>do 0 research til three days before due, continue binging on vyvanse as I was for a previous exam
>crash hard day before due, still can't sleep much but utterly delirious, hallucinating, high fever
>turn in paper two days late, had given prof bs excuse that I was sick
>3rd highest grade in class of ~20 students

>> No.6437517
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>not using the superior version

>> No.6437596

>meet with prof for research writing class to discuss undergrad publishing of my work from this semester
>"i really enjoy working with you, i think you're an excellent writer."
>dfw i know i am a fraud, bullshitting on the train on the way to class or in the library mere hours before work is due.
>dfw despite encouragement pervasive feeling that my prose is technically sound but unengaging drowns me

>> No.6437604

3l is snooze time, grats for crushing it gunner

>> No.6437605
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>teacher audibly hnngs at your prose

>> No.6437606

lol yr in law school

>> No.6437612


>> No.6437613

>continue binging on vyvanse as I was for a previous exam

Can not express how godly vyvanse is and how often it has inspired me to write my best papers. That shit is a miracle drug. It made me finish a 12 page paper the day before it was due and I had time to kill after and ended up writing papers for other classes anyways.

>> No.6437617


>> No.6437628

my school pays assistant profs 140k, top 15 NA and it only goes up from there
of course they pay the sessionals $10k a semester and they tried to starve out the striking grad students but hey good gig if you're a prof

>> No.6437636
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>> No.6437639
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i had a really good experience with adderall
basically, i wrote a paper really fast with it
and then i felt burnt out, so i wrote my next paper without it, and I did way better on the second paper and felt a lot better about it, and i liberated myself from study drugs

>> No.6437650

Holy shit get the fuck off my /lit/ you damn degenerates

>> No.6437653

underrated post

>> No.6437655

>female TA asks you to pick up your late paper in office.
>you come to office, she has the extra chair pulled up next to hers
>she goes over your heidegger paper page by page, you got a perfect 100, but it was a day late so she has to give you a 90.
>says she wants to keep your paper as study material for future classes
>says of course I will be cited, and she will be thankful
>puts hand on my leg
>says she would love to work closer with me if somehow that was possible.
>said i would love to work under her
>she giggles
>follow up with, although i usually like to lead.
>she says she can tell
>she says we should have advanced classes

>> No.6437658

>this essay is crazy, did you read the book?

>> No.6437668

hate this post

>> No.6437671


Some of the best books have been written on amphetamines.

>> No.6437674
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>business ethics class
>crackpot teacher making jokes and references that no one but me seems to get through every lecture
>assigns paper on libertarianism and tax breaks for businesses
>include some sarcasm and references in paper
>get paper back
>"this would be a better paper if you practiced writing in a more professional tone"

>> No.6437678

I know, right?

He didn't even vomit or tell us that she looked like a specific girl except prettier and less slutty

really disappointed in /lit/ rn

>> No.6437683

le philip kindred dick is not a shitty author may may :^)

>> No.6437695
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>"you use too many colons and semicolons"

This has become my biggest pet peeve at this point. I just got a paper that was a B instead of an A basically all because of colons. I could write a paper on the merits of the colon and I practically have already:
If things are explicitly connected to the same idea, don't fucking separate them into these little bite-size sentences, thinking it's more "natural." Joyce used colons in his onomatopoeia, for God's sake.

>> No.6437701


Your problem: being this new

>> No.6437706

My literary crit course actually had students write headnote synopses for course material that students would read to study for final exam. The prof actually said it was the best in the course. Problem was it was the last headnote of the course, so nobody got a chance to read it.

>> No.6437708

i used to use so many colons and semicolons and now I don't. why does my sentence structure change so much? is it becuase i'm a girl trapped in a boy's body?

>> No.6437709

>tfw want to use colons and semicolons but don't know how
>tfw one of the comments on an assignment was that they had given up on highlighting all of my wrongly structured sentences
I still don't really understand proper sentence structure but they seem to be complaining about it less now...

>> No.6437719

there are books about that you know

>> No.6437720

>I could write a paper on the merits of the colon and I practically have already:
>If things are explicitly connected to the same idea, don't fucking separate them into these little bite-size sentences, thinking it's more "natural."
But that colon is misused, and the sentence is not "natural".

>> No.6437726


>when your law school destroys all its records to prevent students from accessing them via FERPA request

I'm not sure if I want to know anyway.

>> No.6437727 [DELETED] 
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I would recommend them this squat book, I mean octopus

>> No.6437730

im not a fucking nerd

>> No.6437736

sounds like a Mass Effect romance
BioWare tier writing

>> No.6437741

>not writing in a professional tone for a class where you will be graded on your professional tone

>> No.6437762

I just found it odd considering the material we read is full of farce and sarcasm and the professor just drops joke after joke in class

>> No.6437842
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>when your professor says you're a genius and encourages you to go to grad school
>dfw darling of the philosophy department at a small school, because you were a terrible student in high school but realized that just being smug and getting by doing no work was meaningless and self destructive by the time you made it to college
>dfw still not sure about getting a PhD because you desire stability so you can comfortably write and make music in your free time, rather than stress out constantly

Anybody else know this feel or something similar?

>> No.6437890

I had a student like you last semester. If you're worried about your grades, I suggest you try to imitate your favorite authors outside of class. It is good to have confidence in your abilities, but we get a lot of students whose agendas seem to be to prove that they're clever, and reading that sort of onanistic stuff gets old quickly. Any student in my class whose deployment of the semicolon isn't absolutely Mozart-esque is going to get a C. Consider yourself lucky, and from now on take your teacher's advice more seriously. They're trying to help you, so try not to take it so personally.

>> No.6437899

>>dfw darling of the philosophy department at a small school, because you were a terrible student in high school but realized that just being smug and getting by doing no work was meaningless and self destructive by the time you made it to college

hey there, me

I don't remember writing this post

>> No.6437916

>dfw talentless