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File: 38 KB, 316x400, Gottfried_Wilhelm_von_Leibniz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6432221 No.6432221 [Reply] [Original]

So what does /lit/ think are the worst philosophies ever made ?

>> No.6432228
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This bitch

>> No.6432231

Certainly not Leibniz

Basically everything Searle wrote, Derrida, Descartes' dualism, a large amount of Locke is pretty much nonsense

>> No.6432232

20th century French philosophy

>> No.6432233

dumb philposter

>> No.6432234


>> No.6432235

We're talking about philosophers though

>> No.6432238

It's a toss up between Marxism and Antinatalism.

>> No.6432381



>> No.6432385

Any kind of political philosophy, no matter what ideology, is always pure rhetoric

>> No.6433286

Also my vote goes for utilitarianism.

>> No.6433294
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Marxism, post-structuralism, deconstructionism, existentialism.

>> No.6433297
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>> No.6433312

Locke is laughably off in hindsight

>> No.6433314

>Wants to prove that poliphil isn't pure rhetoric
>Posts Rawls
You could have posted Marx and at least pretend to try

>> No.6433322

Anything I don't like, disagree with, or supposedly is at the origin of a societal phenomenon from which I don't directly benefit, especially when everyone else does.

>> No.6433326
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>tfw i had to write an essay on that cunt's theory

>> No.6433342

Modal realism

>> No.6433387

How is Leibniz not the most based of all?

For the worst, I'd say everything relying on trial of intention and denying personnal agency : it covers much ground, all those that "decrypted" motives : Marx, Freud, Durkheim, Nietzsche, ...

>> No.6433389

Unprovable skepticism irks me the most because the utterer usually thinks it's profound

>> No.6433439

Surprised nobody mentioned nihilism

>> No.6433443

Depends on the kind of nihilism, or whether it's 'nihilism regarding X' instead of a philosophical system.

>> No.6433450


>> No.6433454

Using this word alone makes me suspect you just have no fucking idea what you're talking about, but if you're actually talking shit about mereological nihilism, then I'd like you to try to explain how it doesn't beat any other ontological theory (and fail terribly at it).

>> No.6433458
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It's far from the best moral system ever, but considering it the worst makes you sound like a fag.

>> No.6433461

Just reading the word makes me angry.

>> No.6433466


Every Nihilist ever though that's basically more to do with the kind of people it attracts than the philosophy itself, same goes for existentialist.

>> No.6433470

Subjective Relativism
>Hey man, you owe me $20 which you promised to pay back
>I no longer feel paying you back is the right thing for me to do
>I feel it is

>> No.6433479

>Subjective Relativism
As opposed to objective relativism?

>> No.6433485


>> No.6433488

God exists, therefore moral realism is correct :^)

>> No.6433492

Let's assume OP used 'philosophies' to refer to positions held by philosophers, and not random views held by morons.

>> No.6433503

>I've read Candide
Welcome to eighth grade, OP

>> No.6433516
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You know this running meme with falsification? Without Leibniz it couldn't have a place. Guy [literally] made fundamental step for philosophy o science (beside being great scientist).

>> No.6434661

Honestly? Everything written by Beauvoir is trash. I've never come across a series of ideas so easily dismantled.

>> No.6434690

Calculus is sooooo dumbo!

>> No.6434731

I am a utilitarian/epicurean at heart. No joking. Bentham 4 lyfe.

>> No.6434739
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Looks like someone is angry they have no academic credibility.

>> No.6434782

But you don't dismantle ideas. That's not how it works.

>> No.6434788

Shhhh. He's probably an analytic and thinks he has something to say about the modern world.

>> No.6434794

lol you haven't read a single polphi book
because polphi is precisely not about ideologies
Read Kant you ape

>> No.6434798

Utilitarism, in relation to the huge amount of people that follow it at least.

Other than that, Peter Singer is ahuge faggot and doesn't deserve to be labelled a philosopher, and Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are too edgy for me to take them seriously

>> No.6434809

aaah to be 16 again

>> No.6434825

>muh Arthur
>muh Nietzsche
your luck I don't have any fedora pictures saved, because this post deserves one.

>> No.6434831

anything other than george carlin

>> No.6434835


How does the concept of falsifiability depend on Leibniz's philosophy?

>> No.6434837

Anything that isn't compatible with Catholicism.

>> No.6434859
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as per the other guy's request

>> No.6434861

Religion is objectively the worst. Let's recap:

-Stunted scientific progress from the dawn of mankind up until the Enlightenment, and even then still hinders our advancement today
-Collapsed the greatest empires ever known to man, past or present
-Guilty of the single-most greatest loss of human life in pointless wars
-Restricted free thinking and open market societies
-The list could go on but why bother, when the answer is so clear?

>> No.6434870

Locke on the self is almost incoherent, he seems to both assert your "mind" both controls and does not control you

>> No.6434877

me too anon, me too
I just copied Kymlickas report though

>> No.6434882
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>> No.6434886

relativism isn't tied to subjectivism

>> No.6434918

ironic shitposting aside i didnt know there were still pro-enlightenment fags still on /lit/. you should all be sent to the gulags.

>> No.6434932

>I don't have an argument

>> No.6434947

But Nihilism is never a conscious philosophy rather than a subliminal mode of thinking often seen as poison to true philosophy.

>> No.6434962

>scientific progress spook still needs to be dismantled

nah bruv just read any 20th century thinkers

>> No.6435016

Peter Singer is a huge faggot

>> No.6435021

You're a night janitor, dumbass.

>> No.6435022

scarecrow "true" in "true philosophy"

>> No.6435030


You can accept I'm a Security Guard, or you can accept I'm Janitor, it's whatever you want to make it. It's just a job you don't have.

>> No.6435045

watch out, we've got a wikipedia genius over here

>> No.6435084

I earn more than you, and I don't have to slave through the night.

I'll stick to programming, have fun being a security guard through your 20's.

>> No.6435090


>> No.6435130


>> No.6435137


I'm not planning on keeping this job. I plan on being a social worker, you know, actually helping other humans. Alien concept to a sociopath.

>> No.6435187


>> No.6435235

lol philosophy

>> No.6435282
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>had to
u r so subservient its laffable

>> No.6435374

Okay reviewing my Locke, he asserts that the necessary condition (if a mind were to be transposed to another body) for that person to be the "same" person in a different body is if they could remember who they were before entering the new body. Memory is a necessary condition for identity. However, he later contends that a person is still the same person even if they forget all of their same experiences.

>> No.6436130
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>> No.6436337



Am I in Bizarro World here? If the current political scene could even comprehend Stoic thought, we'd all be in a much better boat.

>> No.6436346

Someone hasn't had his diaper changed.

And also never read Lewis. Or Pascal.

>> No.6436412
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>> No.6438288

analytical behaviourism is got to be up there, does anyone in the world still believe that shit?

>> No.6438315

What exactly do you find "edgy" about Schopenhauer? What exactly is "edgy" philosophy? What are the defining characteristics? Is it philosophy you can not comprehend? I've never seen the word used in a context that wasn't anti-intellectual.

>> No.6438348

1789 was a mistake

>> No.6438353


>> No.6438361

Edgy means to point out someone's view is on the cusp of public acceptability and attribute this attribute as the primary reason for it being continually uttered and reinforced. People who use the term strongly rely on the belief that only the opinions that have been verified as popularly acceptable and peer reviewed contain posturing-free truth.

>> No.6438400

Very poor overused bait but still gets me mad.
6/10 because no reference to sexual repression.

>> No.6438429

>Hijacked Democritus' atomism and made it worse
>Rejected strict logic and boasted their lack of culture
>Promoted depravity and pleonexia by their bad and ambigious definition of pleasure
>Made their gods the absolute role-models for living well, but destroyed any chance of consistent theology by doing that.
>Preached atheism, anarchy and egotism, but didn't admit it.
>Actually had nice lives in their gardens, but because of their lack of culture and instruction were incapable of conceptualize it well in written doctrine. It was more of a cult and a tradition, than a philosophical school, but also didn't admit it.
>Again, it is unexcusable to have so little culture in a city which had Plato, Aristotle, Theophrastus, Zeno of Citium, Xenophon, Isocrates, Demosthenes and even Diogenes.
>Dumb and hipocritical fucks all around.

>Entirely dependent on anecdotes of an ugly, disrespectful pauper of 2400 years ago.

>> No.6438525


I only read the wager text my lit. teacher gave me !

Even if I'm not fond of religious stuff, he pretty much destroys everyone else's dogma.

>> No.6438849

Marx and Frued are ultimately contradicting and hypocritical, so them.

>> No.6438877

Marxism, if you can call it a philosophy.

>> No.6438901

What's the problem with Freud?

>> No.6438960

Why all the hate for utilitarianism?

>> No.6439002

It was half wrong and only spawned and still spawns more completely wrong pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.6439014 [DELETED] 


>> No.6439021

>It was half wrong
What was wrong?

>> No.6439034

Read Freud, read psychology that has scientific basis and statistical backing, make your own call.

>> No.6439046

Take a look at this : http://www.kevinmacdonald.net/chap4.pdf

>> No.6439054

But I find the idea of the unconscious absolutely stunning, literally worth being one of the three narcissistic injuries

I'll take a look, thanks

>> No.6439065

wait what

>> No.6439066

It wasn't his idea, it's older than western philosophy, and he uses it to support his own psychodrama. You read Freud to learn about Freud.

>> No.6439082

>it's older than western philosophy
Hmm I feel like Fichte is the only one to have considered that there was an otherness in the I
Who said it before him?

>> No.6439099

The Indians, who said everything that could be said in every possible configuration over 3000 years ago. Maybe not older than western philosophy, but near enough.

>> No.6439106
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You fucking disgust me.

>> No.6439113

Carpe Diem redefined to YOLO courtesy of millennial mongoloids

>> No.6439130

>The Indians
Oh, I see, unfortunately I don't know anything about the Indians, do you have a specific author?

>> No.6439385
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>> No.6439435

i had to write several.

>take course on 20th century social and political philosophy
>"this could be interesting"
>rawls, nozick, rawls, cohen, rawls, rawls, rawls, sandel, rawls

>> No.6439440
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>hurr durr you're just born that way i guess.

>> No.6439510

I'm really not sure who to cringe at or for in this

>> No.6439515

Are you really this dumb?

Select all the cupcakes.

>> No.6439521

>dude anarchy LMAO

>> No.6439538
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Really big bait

>> No.6440073

I don't mind it so much because their own "philosophy" pretty much gives you carte blanche to do terrible things to them.

>> No.6441926
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>Ayn Rand
>A philosopher

>> No.6441953


I think Existentialism is just plain boring.