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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 362x578, evola7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6433950 No.6433950 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Evola?

>> No.6433966

We don't hate him, we just find him as silly and unimportant as he is.

>> No.6433969

butthurt feminine millennial "male" snarkily badmouthing a dead man
/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.6433971

Few here have read him, and mob rule.

>> No.6433987

Since when has calling someone "feminine" (whatever that means beyond having a penis) in a derogatory way become a maymay?

>> No.6433992

evidence of it can be found as far back as we have writing, so probably the dawn of humanity

>> No.6433995

Le wrong generation xD only 90's kids will understand this oO

>> No.6433996

>implying everyone on /lit/ who disagrees with the liberal hugbox you want is a "maymay spouting shitlord"

>> No.6433999

>we want the call of duty audience

>> No.6434005

I fail to see where you explain he isn't a forgotten sub par author with nothing new, structural for future authors or logical to say.
I also think I could had been a lot snarkier, even without taking the dicks out of my mouth.

>> No.6434006

>we want a conservative hugbox

>> No.6434009

The point is, this isn't a prehistoric society with survivalist gender roles anymore, this is the fucking Internet. What's with the recent surge of le new male crap?

>> No.6434011

young men coming of age

>> No.6434014

>we want to say what we want, like our heroes did, and don't care for your feelings, like they didn't


>> No.6434015

don't force it that much, it ends up looking like a persecution complex more than regular angry trolling.

don't fall for it, dumbass

>> No.6434018

>but if you hurt my feelings you better watch out, kid!

>> No.6434019
File: 103 KB, 1054x1037, 1427987667723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not all smug retards
picture is me, illuminated in the darkness of bad posts and worse posters

>> No.6434020

(guy who is going to cop a hyphenated name when he gets married)

>> No.6434022

>he lives in the city

no wonder this site is so shit

>> No.6434025

>partaking in the institution of patriarchal oppression euphemistically called 'marriage'

>> No.6434026

I wanna pet you!

>> No.6434030

>partaking in the institution of matriarchal oppression ironically called "manriage"

>> No.6434035
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You may.

>> No.6434040

>implying I'm going to get married
and what the fuck does that have to so with anything?

>> No.6434045

I thought it had died down along with the spectacular failure known as the University of Man

>> No.6434050

>muh librul hugbox
Shhh no tears... no one is trying to censor you. You are free to be a dumb /pol/tard and we are free to call you out on it.

>> No.6434056

this thread is literally taking away my rights

>> No.6434057

The only thing people can do to criticize him is to ad hominem with and yell "le maymay" for good measure to create the illusion of consensus.

>> No.6434059

I don't see how it contradicts anything he said.

>> No.6434066


Evola was a dumb ass. End of Story.

>> No.6434069

Haven't heard a single criticism of his work thus far.

>> No.6434070

To be honest by making a maymay out of him /lit/ is doing him far more credit than he actually deserves.

>> No.6434071


It was undeniably dumb.

>> No.6434074


>> No.6434076

There is nothing inherently better about being white or living a traditional life

>> No.6434080


We used to have good discussions of his work until a certain website came around and took control and now anything that isn't front page Huffington Post is met with "how dare you maymay!" or "this is like another maymay!"

>> No.6434082

You have 2 seconds to name an age that wasn't the Kali Yuga
You have 20 seconds to prove that the entirety of Earth's existence is anything but the Kali Yuga

>> No.6434085

Evola doesn't champion materialist conceptions of race (ie whiteness, Germanicness, etc) nor does he claim that traditions are inherently better.

Maybe if you read a book instead of maymaying with maymays all the time you'd know this.

Nice knee-jerk reaction.

>> No.6434089


Don't you like a little difference? It's better than circle jerking over a man who fucking influenced Hitler.


"If you point out my philosopher is filled with assumptions that critically overlook mountains of shit, you are a dumb girly man. No, Evola is not dumb, take my word on it, a fan of Evola."

>> No.6434092

>we were having good discussions of his works
You were doing nothing but propagating the maymay. Did you actually think he is taken seriously among scholars, academics and anyone more knowledgeable than your average disgruntled 20-something undergrad?

>> No.6434093

>It's better than circle jerking over a man who fucking influenced Hitler.

What? The Nazis didn't like Evola and thought he was too reactionary. They wanted him to stay the fuck out of Germany.

It's obvious you know nothing of this man's oeuvre.

>> No.6434096
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>The Nazis didn't like Evola and thought he was too reactionary

Even the Nazis thought he was too reactionary and you want me to take his work seriously?

>> No.6434097

> the maymay itself maymays

There are numerous peer-reviewed articles on Evola's work available on JSTOR.

Perhaps, you should do some fucking research? Hmm?

Or is that too maymay for you?

>> No.6434101

I don't want you to do anything.

I've pointed out that you were ignorant and stupid.

captcha: efola

>> No.6434102


A majority of academics do not take Evola seriously because his work is pseudo-scientific at best.

>> No.6434106


Evola was ignorant and stupid.

>> No.6434107

George W. Bush tier meaningless statement.

>> No.6434109


Evola is a George W. Bush tier meaningless philosopher.

>> No.6434112

source on that? didn't think so.

You haven't disproved a single thing he has said yet.

>> No.6434115


>> No.6434116

No one expects chemists and biologists to read Evola, much less write essays on his work. That's not their job.

What are you even saying?

>> No.6434118

People who unironically believe in Atlantis are ignorant and stupid by my book

>> No.6434122
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>chemists and biologists

>> No.6434126
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tripfag genocide when

>> No.6434128

Great, let's burn Platon's work now as it is clear he is maymay tier.

>> No.6434129
File: 301 KB, 1200x620, Atlantis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy Atlantis

>> No.6434130

Nice non-sequitur

>> No.6434136


Not soon.

>> No.6434137

Plato didn't believe in the myth, he invented it. You stupid little ignoramus.

>> No.6434138

>A biologist, or biological scientist, is a scientist
> is a scientist

holly shit you are retarded

>> No.6434140

Aren't neo-reactionary fedoras the only ones who take him seriously?

>> No.6434142
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>biology not being the anus of the scientific

>> No.6434144

Learn to use a comma.

He didn't invent it but was the earliest source we have to discuss Atlantis. He was retelling something he had heard.

His work is so terrible that the best you can do is say "maymay."

>> No.6434146

Most of us lean towards Evolas views here. We just don't like the tripfag

>> No.6434148

There are peer-reviewed papers on anything. That's how bad peer-review is. What does that have to do with academics of note?

>> No.6434150
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>Most of us lean towards Evolas views here. We just don't like the tripfag

But that's wrong you fucking retard

>> No.6434151

But they take Deleuze seriously, even though his work was also pseudo-scientific.

It seens like it's ok to be a radical anti-modernity thinker who talks a lot of bullshit if you are a leftist, but if you are a man of the right you won't be taken seriously.

>> No.6434153

> desperate attempt to denigrate biology because you can't critique Evola beyond "he was maymay"

Please, enough.

>> No.6434155

Why are you even feeding this unusually shitty troll?

>> No.6434159
File: 376 KB, 1800x1300, involution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola used Atlantis and Hyperborean as signs, you're just ignorant enough to only think about it literally.

PS: Evola was proved right about Hyperborea and Involution when it was confirmed that Europeans are descended from Neanderthals. He was ahead of science.

>> No.6434161

> academics don't know him!
prove otherwise
> b-but peer-review is shit!

You still can't critique Evola's work. If I told you eggplants liked Evola you'd come railing against eggplants as the worst fruit of all time, taken seriously by no culinary historian "of note."

Just stop.

>> No.6434162
File: 102 KB, 895x589, 1429357811794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying physics isn't for fedoras and le epic bongo meme man
>implying biology isn't the most important science

>> No.6434165

Came into this thread hoping to see an engaging debate about Evola since I was considering reading his books. NOPE

>> No.6434168


>It seens like it's ok to be a radical anti-modernity thinker who talks a lot of bullshit if you are a leftist, but if you are a man of the right you won't be taken seriously.

The minute you say you believe in Atlantis whether this be 1928 or 2015 you are going to be laughed out of academia faster than the speed of embarrassment. That is one of the many differences.

If you need to be educated towards understanding the differences between Evola and Deluze, I recommend starting over.


Have you ever been to college?


Why the fuck chose Hyperborea and Atlantis then? That's like representing the Neolithic by calling it fucking the Time of Lemuria.


>implying biology isn't the most important science

I just did. Yes?

>> No.6434171

> more ad hominem attacks

>> No.6434174


Evola's entire work is filled with Ad Hom.

>> No.6434175

that looks like the kind of autist ideology that neckbeards would love

>> No.6434177

Don't invent things because you have no argument.

>> No.6434178

The main difference between the works of Evola and Deleuze is that the works of Deleuze are useful for the revolutionary interests of the radical intelligentsia, while Evola's not. That's why Deleuze is respected and Evola is not.

>> No.6434180

>I just did. Yes?
enjoy being dead in a ditch from the plague then, you can keep your planets and quantum foam to yourself

>> No.6434181

Have you ever studied biology?
The most important discoveries in the past decade have been made by cell biologists

>> No.6434182

>Deleuze are useful for the revolutionary interests of the radical intelligentsia, while Evola's not

Deleuze is the ideologist of late capitalism.

>> No.6434188

/lit/ hates evola because many of them tried to be ivory tower intellectuals over an image board and then got butthurt when I completely #rekt all the marxists here

>> No.6434191

That's because late capitalism predates the revolution, duh. Do you even Marx? Or do you think peasant rebellions are going to bring communism?

>> No.6434192

You cowards dont even do magic.

>> No.6434197

Daily reminder that Soral is the most important political thinker, sociologist and philosopher alive

>> No.6434199


You're right about that. Evola doesn't really propose anything, aside from Tradition = Good.


How is it not?


How is my understanding Biology isn't the pinacle of science suddenly taking it for granted? Physics and that involving heavy Mathematics is really the only branch of Science that matters because it drives an origin towards all things and what makes it up.

Biology is loaded with linguistic error, bias, and subtext. It gets the job done, but it is limited in accomplishment.


What quantifies "most important"?.


You certainly talk like you belong in Ivy League.

>> No.6434203

What university do you go to Foucault? (I haven't commented in this thread before now.)

>> No.6434208


SDSU. Not the best. Not the worst.

>> No.6434210


>> No.6434214

/lit/ hates evola because it's ridiculous muh aristocracy bullshit
Visconti -> good
Evola -> faggot

>> No.6434217
File: 50 KB, 605x412, rooseveltlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post. top kek. I refuse to filter this guy because he's always good for a laugh.

>> No.6434222




Put your trip back on.

>> No.6434226

>What quantifies "most important"?.

In science, discoveries that are most basic to out understanding of the field

i.e. pluripotent stem cells, basic cell secretion systems, aquaporins, exosomes; discoveries that are basic to how we understand cells or biological systems

>> No.6434236


I understand that. But for the most part important scientific discovery is quantified that which you can package and ship without fully dealing within the consequences.

>> No.6434240

Because he was a philosopher in the same sense Ayn Rand was a philosopher -- that is to say he wasn't a philosopher, but just some person who wrote down his opinions.

>> No.6434243

>Physics and that involving heavy Mathematics is really the only branch of Science that matters because it drives an origin towards all things and what makes it up.
>Biology is loaded with linguistic error, bias, and subtext. It gets the job done, but it is limited in accomplishment.
Getting the job done is not desirable? Are you one of those people who also claim that philosophy is "mostly useless"? But from what I've gathered you're some form of marxist so that doesn't sound correct.

And I don't see physics doing any work in genetic research. Will understanding strings or florbz or half-dimensional picoscale trumpets let me understand how to pick apart organisms and put them together in any way I can dream up? Life is, after all, pretty much the only really interesting thing in the universe, so why the hate?

>> No.6434256


No. You misunderstand my point. The error of most biologists, ESPECIALLY, Evolutionary Psychologists is trying to apply a "nature of things" to the way organisms interact. This bleeds into philosophy, and it is a total misunderstanding, and a trademark of Popsci.

We are bound by our own linguistics, human nature, especially applying percieved human nature onto other animals, is serious, critical error.

This applies elsewhere. Throughout our society, not just science. Western Civilization is plagued with problems we can easily overlook, that apply linguistically and through philosophy genealogically.

>And I don't see physics doing any work in genetic research

Genetic Research as you want to apply it does not exist. It is a solution relying on the problems socially I am describing instead of working towards a better social. Categorization of humanity.

>> No.6434257

>/lit/ hates evola because it's ridiculous muh aristocracy bullshit

except aristocracy is superior to most forms of government

also it would be

Visconti -> who?
evola -> Godking

>> No.6434261
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>except aristocracy is superior to most forms of government

>> No.6434264

just fuck already

>> No.6434271

Could you use some examples?

>> No.6434272

>just ride the tiiiger maaaan

evola is 420blazeit tier. new age posing as tradition.

>> No.6434287
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Thats right

>> No.6434298

>middle class boy roleplaying as an aristocrat


>> No.6434301

>middle class boy roleplaying as a communist


>> No.6434303


The concepts or notions which a science can use, not all have the same degree of elaboration, and that in general they have neither the same function nor the same type of possible use in scientific discourse. Let's take the example of biology.

You will find concepts with a classifying function, concepts with a differentiating function, and concepts with an analytical function: some of them enable us to characterize objects, for example that of "tissue"; others to isolate elements, like that of "hereditary feature"; others to fix relations, such as that of "reflex". There are at the same time elements which play a role in the discourse and in the internal rules of the reasoning practice. But there also exist "peripheral" notions, those by which scientific practice designates itself, differentiates itself in relation to other practices, delimits its domain of objects, and designates what it considers to be the totality of its future tasks. The notion of life played this role to some extent in biology during a certain period.

At the end of the eighteenth century, the description and analysis of these natural beings showed, through the use of more highly perfected instruments and the latest techniques, an entire domain of objects, an entire field of relations and processes which have enabled us to define the specificity of biology in the knowledge of nature. Can one say that research into life has finally constituted itself in biological science? Has the concept of life been responsible for the organisation of biological knowledge? I don't think so. It seems to me more likely that the transformations of biological knowledge at the end of the eighteenth century, were demonstrated on one hand by a whole series of new concepts for use in scientific discourse and on the other hand gave rise to a notion like that of life which has enabled us to designate, to delimit and to situate a certain type of scientific discourse, among other things. I would say that the notion of life is not a scientific concept; it has been an epistemological indicator of which the classifying, delimiting and other functions had an effect on scientific discussions, and not on what they were talking about:

Discussions of human nature seem to be of the same type of venture.


That's wrong, actually.

>> No.6434305


You can easily be one devoted towards the end goal of Communism. Unfortunately for you, you cannot be an aristocrat so easily.

>> No.6434306

>That's wrong, actually.

no its not, actually

>> No.6434308


Can you show me Atlantis, Evola?

>> No.6434314
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>implying i'm not a lumpenprole roleplaying myself, the unique one

>> No.6434316
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>> No.6434317

it's in tibet man, but we can only ride our tigers there after the hindu dark age ends man

>> No.6434323


No I meant like, on a map. Discovery of Continental Drift has kind of limited the possibilities of where Atlantis could exist.

>> No.6434324
File: 41 KB, 480x454, Muhvola not looking like a haughty retard only retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dadaism
>muh "spiritual" racism
>muh co-opting of Guénon
>muh drugs
>muh 1337 SS guard
>muh life as an idle rich
>muh chacra
>muh inspiration to terrorists
>muh abolishment of industry
>muh hand-made wheel chair

>> No.6434327

there's also 'muh futurism' at the same time as 'muh traditionalism'

pretty sure he was mentally ill

>> No.6434329
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Evola is truly the dankest of the meme philosophers

>> No.6434333
File: 36 KB, 617x410, Athanasius_Kircher's_Atlantis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6434342

what impresses me is that most philosophers are on the one hand actual philosophers but also memes. but evola however seems to be pure meme and nothing besides.

>> No.6434345


That map doesn't make a lot of sense. It seems like nautical nonsense to me.

>> No.6434349

That's why he's the dankest.

>> No.6434366

insecure "masculine" millennial male detected.

>> No.6434399


Who are the dankest meme philosophers besides Evola, Marx and Rand?

>> No.6434401
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>> No.6434419

Most English language resources on Evola are not very good. The adoption of Evola by neoreactionaries is especially farcical since they excise the traditionalist/spiritual elements from his work and present him as an ordinary critic of democracy on the level of Carlyle or Ortega y Gasset. What you end up with are memes, dumb out of context Evola quotes on pictures, and people who are somehow transhumanist technocratic evolians.

One should read Guenon and the sources of western tradition (Plato, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Meister Eckhart, Dante) before jumping into Evola.

>> No.6434424

>transhumanist technocratic evolian
this doesn't really exist, does it? holy shit dude

>> No.6434433

Is Guenon 100% memes like Evola? Or is he actually worth reading?

>> No.6434442


It's mostly The Dark Enlightenment and their trail of batshit

>> No.6434454

Zizek thinks monarchy is.

>> No.6434457

Imagine if he was alive today. He would go to some club that had been co-opted by borderline nazis. He would stand at a shitty synth with some shitty effects processor and shitty loudspeakers. He would hammer the keyboard dadangdadangdadadangdadangschwoschwoscshwo and he would yammer about the spiritual aryan Ebolian civilizations 9001 years ago.

Dankness is a spook.

>> No.6434487


Yes he is worth reading. Evola is too. Guenon was apolitical so he does not have the baggage that Evola does. Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta and The Multiple States of the Being are his pure "metaphysical" works, Symbols of the Sacred Science is his book on symbolism is worthwhile even if you do not accept traditionalism. The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times is his general critique of western civilization.

>> No.6434497

Foucault has never read book much less anything by zizek so there is no sense in replying to him, either to try to educate him or incite anger. He is simply a moron.

I think Evola is shit btw I just hate the tripfag more.

>> No.6434530

He uses some mathemathics ang geometry with his metaphysics so he's actually kinds hard to condition yourself to at first.

>> No.6434551


Inspiration to terrorists?
Well at least that makes him somewhat of a leftist, right?

>> No.6434557

trips confirms it does

>> No.6434562
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>> No.6434593

Kant, Zizek, and Stirner.

>> No.6434632

Jonathan Bowden on Julius Evola

>> No.6434657

Dankness Power Rankings:

1. Ayn Rand
2. Max Stirner
3. Julius Evola
4. Slavoj Zizek
5. ???

>> No.6434691

People who do write some longer paragraphs describing their love/hate for evola, at least as I saw, agree that some of his ideas were good and some utopian drivel.

Wat I read on "Ride the Tiger" exemplifies that. He has nice examples and ideas, but that we should make something out of our own heads what would be beyond our own knowledge, that we don't even know if the ideal is ideal and if our action are negative towards the ideal, is nonsense.

>> No.6434732


Yikes. Looks like you didn't confirm Atlantis with those non-existent trips.

>> No.6434735


You really are such a bandwagon bullshit postmodernist.
Of course you're just gonna resort to le ebin jokes and authority arguments when it involves a thinker who isn't appreciated or read by the group you (aspire) to be a part of.

Naggers confirmed for zero original input in academia.

>> No.6434740

Uhhh because /lit/ is Marxist?

>> No.6434750
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>involves a thinker who isn't appreciated or read by the group you (aspire) to be a part of.

I'm sorry I don't take people who believe in Atlantis seriously.

>> No.6434762


Except it's not all that unlikely to have a civilization around the time said there would be.
Ever heard of Göbekli Tepe? That is 10.000 B.C. on the timeline.

>> No.6434771


>> No.6434787

>dat chaos star
>dat voice
Prepare to be purged, cultist!

Rand isn't dank, she's stale.

>> No.6434800

>Jonathan David Anthony Bowden (12 April 1962 – 29 March 2012)[1] was a Nietzschean British political figure who had been involved with a number of political parties and groups, and a leading speaker on the nationalist circuit. His great influence was the novelist, Bill Hopkins, who had been one of the Angry Young Men of the 1950s.
Top kek! Nice gorilla edit, stormfags. Why not call him satanist as well? :D

>> No.6434807


Nigga do you believe in fucking Atlantis?

>> No.6434817

Evola had some legit shit to say.
Too bad all the stuff he said is now guilty by association with him in the eyes of leftists.

But whatever... These dorks won't even read anything that's not part of their church.
Only a few do so, like Zizek for example. He doesn't mind reading stuff like Chesterton's. But I doubt this can be said about most.

>> No.6434852
File: 85 KB, 500x707, TRANSGENDERWORKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You think you're putting me on the spot with that question. But I have more evidence on my side than you do about history needing a few edits.
The archeological evidence at that site overturns our conventional view on it.
So what else is there to be found that overturns the linear idea we had for most of modern history? Let's just say I'm not denying it could have been possible.
Gobekli Tepe shows that we need to go back to the drawing board.

I also think it's more likely that there might have been a civilization predating Sumer and Egypt than your genderqueer cum gargling worker's paradise utopia ever being a thing, nigga.

>> No.6434968

What are you trying to say?

>> No.6435001
File: 63 KB, 250x373, Jonathan's bowel movement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That if you draw as bad as this you're not nietzschean, but rather some kind of 3rd rate dank maymay teen.

"Nightmarish". Yeah, only if you're a follower of Counter Turds.

>> No.6435013


That's interesting but I don't believe in Atlantis.

>> No.6435035

Novatore is next level. See this thread:


>> No.6435041

oh okay, i guess

>> No.6435063

>if I were certain that men would grow pale with fear over these pages
Dat is dank, mane.

>> No.6435074

>He would go to some club that had been co-opted by borderline nazis. He would stand at a shitty synth with some shitty effects processor and shitty loudspeakers. He would hammer the keyboard dadangdadangdadadangdadangschwoschwoscshwo and he would yammer about the spiritual aryan Ebolian civilizations 9001 years ago.
It really is a specific kind of person that does that shit, isn't it? Always into fashion, nazism, gnosticism, alchemy, synthpop, Current 93, homophobia, homosexuality, antisemitism, kabbala, paganism, catholicism, Crowley, Evola, deep ecology, the Iron Guard, Von Thronstahl, learning German to read Heidegger and crossdressing once in a while.

>> No.6435153
File: 10 KB, 480x360, dat dank Von Thronstahl fashionistas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but on the other hand, there's plenty of people who can into fashion, gnosticism, alcemy, synthpop, kabbala, Crowley and maybe experiments with homosexuality without all that other faggotry.

And Current 93 when there's Coil?

>Von Thronstahl
Stop! You're cracking me up! XDDDD

>> No.6435299

>not listening to evolacore


>> No.6435397

Because "ahh! Scary /pol/ boogeyman! I'm scared of broadening my horizons and thinking for myself I must stay loyal to my Lord and savior Karl Marx!"

>> No.6435407


It's saddening, but this, pretty much.

>> No.6435421

Says the tripfag being referred to

>> No.6435432

There are a lot of Marx/Chomsky drones on this subreddit in the last few days. Anybody who doesn't talk about how the poor noble savages are exploited by the evil rich will be harassed until leave. Women can't tolerate a dissenting opinion. neither can liberals. It is the mark of a shallow mind that one can't entertain ideas in one's mind without accepting them as true.

>> No.6435440

this is actually funny because traditionalists reject individualism and thinking for oneself

>> No.6435489


Except they don't.
Tradition is is the gravitional centre. It doesn't destroy those who orbit it.

>> No.6435518

The first 7 seconds says everything I need to know about the pic.

Also, if Bulius Ebola knew that that photo of him would be used so much (even mirrored, because of few pics), he'd either wore a mask or had some hundreds of pics taken of him.

>> No.6435525

I don't hate Evola. If I'm gonna go rightwing edgelord I'd just rather read Schmidt's relevant considerations on nationalism or Carlyle's electrifying prose than some trust fund babby's ode to mushrooms, yoga, mountain climbing, and mystic femininity.

If Evola was alive today he'd have a topknot and that's a fact, Jack.

>> No.6435557

God damn, Novatore sounds based as fuck.

>> No.6437698

'hate' is a strong word. Considering that Evola has been know to make stuff like this:


It's probably just caution.

>> No.6438942

Pls dont bully

>> No.6439335

>Kali Yuga
What an edgemaster. A Kali Yuga is some 430 000 years.

>> No.6439727

hes trying to say your are beta and let le strong women undermine your masculinity

>> No.6439744

This post made a lot of people angry, which makes me inclined to believe that it was somewhat accurate

>> No.6440322

>a man who fucking influenced Hitler
So did Wagner, Marx, Nietzsche, Kant etc.

>> No.6440335

snälla fbanon sluta breva utanför sverigetråden

>> No.6440384
File: 406 KB, 835x1203, mussolini_with_bi-planes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6440686
File: 62 KB, 400x210, 41533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6441539

The truth is there, and based Soral understood based Evola. Checkmate faggots

>> No.6442974

we don't, if anything we just hate his fans