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6431857 No.6431857 [Reply] [Original]

What is the spirit?

>> No.6431864
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The animating principle of humanity; what God breathed into the dust to make man.

>> No.6431868

god is separate from the absolute?

>> No.6431870
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>> No.6431871

A miserable little pile of secrets.

>> No.6431874

How about you just read the Phenomenology? It's impossible to give you a true definition on a 4chan post.

>> No.6431877
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God is the absolute and we are made in His image.

>> No.6431878


The undying propensity found within all noble beings to sage shitposting threads on /lit/.

>> No.6431899

Is this the spirit of our time?


>> No.6431900

The union of body & soul that has come to grasp itself as absolutely self-sufficient mind.

>> No.6431905

It's just a word, it doesn't exist. But, talking loosely, it's the way the chemicals in your brain react to each other in the sequence they do. And as a result, as unpredictable and inconsistent they are, make you behave in an incomprehensible manner leading us to, try, defining it as "spirit".

>> No.6431914


>> No.6431916
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>> No.6431917

Explain how there are black people if none of them were taken onto The Arc.

>> No.6431920
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>> No.6431928
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They are descended from Noah's son Ham.

>> No.6431941

Or, a more credible explanation is that Ancient Aliens placed them strategically after the great flood. God should really account for this, where are the corrected editions of The Bible, not here yet?

>> No.6431947

How is this even bait? Are you even serious? Tell me one thing, nothing minor, that's wrong of what I said. try.

>> No.6431949



>> No.6431960

'Muh chemical chaos' is reductionist AF. You also just said that chemical reactions are spirit without going g into detail about what others' definitions of the word have been or providing an argument. You just wrote off a highly significant philosophical and religious concept as not sciency enough.

>> No.6431976

>religious concept
I see where your qualm lies here.

>> No.6431989

A conflated term we use to describe the self that develops and decays through the course of our life


Explain how the soul is immortal.

>> No.6432064
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>> No.6432142

no pls

>> No.6432257

"Spirit" is personality, created by experiences plus education and the memories thereof. A person's personality can grow, by experience or education, or shrink by the loss of those things. Or it can become corrupt by bad experiences and / or education. It's amazing how a person who has dementia, for example, is often described by people who knew them before the onset of their illness as now being a different person. Unrecognisable, even. No doubt a lot of that difference is caused by cognitive impairment as a result of the disease but I think it's also due to that person losing their memory and literally being unable to remember who they are. Their mental "bank" of education+experiences is gone so their personality doesn't have its characteristic substance anymore.

The word "spirit", like many other good words, has been monopolied by religion and turned into an wishywashy buzzword. Spirituality is actually just emotion in its purest form. It's a beautiful, fleeting marriage between the body (the physical) and the mind (the consciousness, in its non-New Age psychological sense). It's natural, not some other-dimension supernatural third-eye enlightenment. It is transcendent only in the sense that it raises us, at least briefly, above the base nature of being an animal. There is no "spirit" or "soul" in the eternal ghosty sense.

>> No.6432268

The geist? The spirit of the age

>> No.6432613

the subtle essense or divine spark within all life. matter and spirit are absolutely different. nothing on or in us physically is spirit, nor can it be fpund outside us. the spirit is not your personality nor ks it your mind. the spirit is in the background, beside all that. it is like the observers observer. the spirit is what lives on once we die.

>> No.6432634

spirit is the medium which the word travels through.

also this >>6431914

>> No.6432638

>inb4 sickness unto death

>> No.6432660

itt: undergrads

>> No.6432919
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According to your pic related, OP, spirit is the process of the universe's self consciousness, which arises with the intersubjective dynamics of human society and reaches increasing adequacy through the practices of art, religion, and finally philosophy, until cosmic consciousness has - via the collective consciousness of the fully matured human species - perfect knowledge of itself and the rational development that led to its emergence.

Or some shit like that, I've read.

>> No.6432926
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>You just wrote off a highly significant philosophical and religious concept as not sciency enough.

Are you serious?

>> No.6433106

Yes, because philosophy, science, and religion operate on completely different epistemological standards and have different ways of determining for themselves what is true within the confines of their respective discourses.

There is as much reason to believe in Geist as not to believe in Geist.

>> No.6433122

I understand Russel's paradox, but what does Hegel's sentence mean? Explain pls.

>> No.6433135

>Be Geist (bein in itself; thesis)
>Repel yourself from yourself (negation of self, or being for itself; antithesis)
>Realize when you and what you've repulsed are the essential element of reality (negation of negation of self, or being in and of itself; synthesis)

But simple consciousness of the fact that Geist is substantial in and of itself is only the beginning; buy the rest of my books if you want to find out what happens next.

>> No.6433283


Religion operates on a completely different epistemological standard from reality and has no place in serious discussion.

>> No.6433372

Might as well ask "what is the kerfuffle?", OP.

Spirit is a buzzword whose "definition" varies along with the philosopher who is using it at the moment, chiefly to make himself appear smart without ever really saying anything of substance (like Hegel)

>> No.6433474

Yes, yes it is.

>> No.6433498

Spirit just is - something beyond words, descriptions and appearances.

>> No.6433507

That depends on what kind of discussion it is. A religious discourse is often a perfectly serious one that you don't see as such because of ideology.

>> No.6433654

good posts always get ignored

>> No.6433870


Define serious, with my current understanding of the word, the discussion of magic can never be considered such.