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/lit/ - Literature

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6430343 No.6430343 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw going to write the next Great American Novel

>> No.6430346

>american lit
>not the absolute lowest of the low

Now if you were to write the next great Russian novel, that'd be something

>> No.6430351


tip top lel

>> No.6430354

>all these yuropoors ITT implying they haven't been raised on an american culture diet

>> No.6430378

We haven't, because we aren't scum.

>> No.6430398

You're on an American site. You probably spend 40% of your waking life here minimum. Oh, and if you are from Europe, any country absolutely any except Switzerland, you are scum.

I thought they taught you depressing sad hopeless unfunny bastards that in Catholic school?

>> No.6430405

>You probably spend 40% of your wanking life here minimum.
fixed that for you

>> No.6430415

Literally laughing out loud. I am from Switzerland. Get back to your burger and fries tubby

>> No.6430424

>I'm so smart
>Imma say I'm from da Swizz

>> No.6430430


You must be fat and ugly

>> No.6430431

>tfw going to and I'm not even American

>> No.6430443
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This thread is now about proving that you come from Swtzerland

>> No.6430455

Being from Switzerland is about the most impressive thing you can do

>> No.6430493


Is that a voting pass for a referendum?

God I wish I lived in a country like Switzerland.

>> No.6430514
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Switzerland is so nice, La Chaux-de-Fonds has more than a few argentine exiles.

>> No.6430527

It's actually the list of candidates for the local elections that took place yesterday.

But I could make a thread about direct democracy that would feature the pass in itself. They'll took place on June 14th.


>> No.6430563

>You probably spend 40% of your waking life here minimum.
>this projection

>if you are from Europe, any country absolutely any except Switzerland, you are scum
>Europe's parasite
>not scum

>Catholic school?

>shit movies and burgers are comparable to European culture

Sad, sad.

>> No.6430589

>implying they haven't been raised on an american culture diet

Just because TV and cinema are influential that doesn’t make them high quality culture.

"Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit and lost without deserving."

>> No.6430604

And what has Europe produced that is so valuable to the world in the past 50 years? And handful of french art films?

>> No.6430609

>muh murrica
>muh yurop
For fucks sake, shut up already

>> No.6430640
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>You're on an American site.

>> No.6430658

also, ever notice how the flag boards on 4chan are demonstrative of how cocksure and illinformed and circumscribed murcans view nearly everything?

>> No.6430674

Social democracy

>> No.6430683

And yes French art films. As opposed to, you know, Michael Bay.

>> No.6430690


>> No.6431344


>You're on an American site.

An idea taken from another country now officially claimed as "American". Figures.

You're a stereotypical Americlap retard.

>> No.6431373


>And what has Europe produced that is so valuable to the world in the past 50 years?

This coming from a country that over the last 50 years has started importing more than it ever has by ridiculous degrees.

>> No.6431379
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>assmad yurocuck detected

>> No.6431388


so who is assfucking you guys these days?

is it china, israel, or saudi arabia?

or are they just taking turns prolapsing that ass of yours lol americuck

>> No.6431397

What's your book about OP?

>> No.6431407

Does people in Russia read interesting sutff? That place always striked me as a shithole just as bad as murrika.

>> No.6431408
File: 2.23 MB, 480x270, Bothered.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[incoherent rage intensifies]

>> No.6431411

/lit/ is the next great American novel. It will be read within the next nine centuries. Same with most websites.

>> No.6431412

>to imply that America's is not The Culture

>> No.6431427


[patriotic dweeb goes into full denial mode]

>> No.6431487


>your Federal Reserve is privately owned

Literally Cucked: The Country.

And you American posters like to think that you aren't sensitive when you're actually so sensitive that you're scared to even look the reality of your own situation in the face.

>> No.6431550

that doesn't change the fact that 4chan is without a doubt an American website at all

>> No.6431728

I'm late to the kneejerk "America is bad!"
Yes, literature is a landmark to a nation's culture, but to be nationalistic about literature is terrible because it completely goes against what is great about literature. "In the particular is contained the universal."

>> No.6433064

Shut up, Michelle. You're dead.

>> No.6433072

The Great American Novel is just a novel that sums up America at the time it's written dibshit.

>> No.6433495
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ITT: Nationalist cunts comparing imaginary boundaries

>> No.6433570
File: 118 KB, 753x232, bow to columbia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American culture is the world's culture. You (Europeans) as individuals might complain about us, but your countrymen continue to consume our media, celebrities, news, food, and literature at exponential rates. I suspect that you do as well, much to your own chagrin. I predict that in fifty years, Europeans will be more dependent than ever on American genius and innovation. There will be no British culture, French culture, German culture, Spanish culture, &c. outside of national landmarks and languages (which are slowly being consumed by American English) -- instead there will be a monolithic American culture which will dictate the fashions, interests, and attention of the entire planet. Is this not the direction we are headed in? Is this not the world today?

>> No.6433584

>America has won a Cultural Victory!

>> No.6433588

Asia is immune to America

>> No.6433622

Somehow I think you were never outside of America.

The only valid point. The movie industry center of the western world is in America. It's not like it's made solely by Americans or basing on American culture (tbh you have only westerns and superheroes going for you as far as america-specific things go).

kek. You really think we don't have enough of our own retards in Europe and have to watch yours?

How? We don't watch your news, even if I want to watch news in english I watch BBC.

Yea, we have McDonalds, but tbh it's mostly consider shit. In terms of food in Poland we are more influenced by turks and vietnamese since there is lot of those guys here and they have shittone of bars that are very popular.

Tbh I doubt most of the people in my countre ever read a single piece of american literature. Unless you count Dan Brown into literature ofc. But seriously, if any country is over represented i think it would be Sweden cause people here read a shitload of swedish criminal stories.

> dependent on American genius and innovation
Maybe. Maybe not. China may want to have a word with you in few decades.

>which are slowly being consumed by American English
Nope. Average person won't learn english on a level allowing it to consume national languages. Nigga, you still have people in your country speaking spanish as first language and you think people in fucking Spain will switch to english anytime soon?

>> No.6433627

this is so fucking stupid, i can't even be bothered to take the time to refute it. you win gg

>> No.6433630 [DELETED] 

It is not the state of the world today that American culture were to displace our native cultures. You think that because you do not have the experience of living anywhere else but in America. Still even we Eastern Europeans, who have functioned as the second axis of America's vice grip on Western Europe, cannot be considered Americanized.

Our TV stations, bought by Americans at the start of the 90s, are now moving on from licensed American content in our native idiom to (ever less) imitative unlicensed content that adapts the form of the American reality show into something local.

Our shopping centers have experienced a race to the bottom after the American model, it's true, but even they are reminiscent of the the department stores that our bourgeoisie enjoyed a hundred years hence and that communist authorities were forced to recreate for the emerging consumers at the start of the 70s under the guise of warehouses selling off their surplus to avoid dumping.

And lastly, our literature is still essentially different to yours, and there can't be said to exist an Eastern European literature rather than a pan-European model. European literature can never assimilate itself to trends like alt-lit because the basis of European intellectual life is something that has so far managed to elude appropriation by capitalism: the university. European intellectual life still retains a notion of guild-lore, apprenticeship to a master, of belonging to a caste, and the classes offered by our universities are not considered to be tools for the individual to appropriate to better help the development of his subjective faculties for the purpose of discovering his true feelings, being earnest or authentic. Europeans are subsumed in university into systems of belief that help them reach the cutoff point of knowledge in the humanities where qualified public expression on the basis of the mastery of a discipline is made appropriate. In short: in Europen letters, it does not matter what you feel, but whether you are educated enough to engage with the currents of the age. Only economics, not TV, may change this landscape.

>> No.6433638

*tip fedora*

>> No.6433642

This is very true in Brazil, coming from an American who's been living here for a year.
There's local culture, but most if not all is appropriated from American culture.
Music- nearly all American pop or edgy teenage music, some in Portuguese but all copying American sounds, Clothes- All american brands, Food- All the fast food here is Americanized just adapted to the regions (McDonalds here is actually expensive to eat and for the upper class), Movies and literature are all american things translated, I only read Brazilian authors in school and even then.
Art is all in American styles, but for a few pioneers.
It's really sad-- Our culture is so much stronger.

>> No.6433665

>japan, china and korea do not exist

>> No.6433675

Meanwhile on lit:
>South America, the USA backyard is americanised
>muh culture

Srsly, go to Italy and tell me how americanised it is.

>> No.6433683

Even if it's america's backyard, Brazil still has a pretty iconic culture. I was trying to make a point that one of the strongest cultures in SA is Americanized.
I've only been in Italy for two weeks, it's still European, but music, films, and even food were slightly americanized.
(All the music I head in Europe was American, films in the movie theatres were American, and at the train station in Venice there was a McDonalds and the other vendors had hamburgers and other American things.)

>> No.6433717

>McDonalds in Venice

Damn, if only there was somethin working the other way. Like you know, a pizzeria in america or sth...

Honestly, western cultures are gonna interact with each other. You gonna see burgers, pizza and gyros everywhere around the western world. Same thing with movies. Check out how many people creating those American movies are from Europe.
I'm surprised with music though, here where i live American music is popular, but for sure not dominant.

>> No.6433761

>what is postwar Japan

>> No.6433798

they use pieces of american culture as signs, it remains unabsorbed mostly