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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.6429491[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Right, so I first found out about this series from here. I know it's pure pulp fiction, escapism, pleb trash, whatever the fuck you want to call it but I enjoyed it immensely. To the point of devouring the books. So I decided it deserved a thread.

So post anything you want about the series. Does anyone know when the next book is coming out by the way.

Day of the Damned. Dat ending.

>> No.6429565
File: 54 KB, 426x640, 2207042-death_s_head_ii_minion_earth_8410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know Death's Head is also a timetraveling cyborg marvel character? Well now you do.

He is composed of organic components laser-woven into an armature frame of military grade titanium alloy. His armored exterior is a layered composite shell of augmented molybdenum, averaging three centimeters in thickness, capable of withstanding a forty second focused burst from a 6KW meson cutter with minimal effect. The skull armor face plate, however, is composed of 5 mm machined duralinium with a chrome veneer. His body is highly regenerative, regrowing even severed limbs in seconds. His musculature was fabricated from a synthetic muscle/malleable steel mix, and secured to all anchor points by cold laser surgery. All internal jointing, replicated and replacement organs have been fully shielded against corrosion, remote influencing, electromagnetic flux and gravitational inconsistency, and temporal displacement trauma. An equivalent level of superhuman endurance is provided by a non-standard fusion reactor mounted in the thorax cavity.

His right arm is composed of liquid metal molybdenum, able to shift configuration into a variety of forms, from hand to blade to high-yield plasma-fusion blaster. Its deadliest form is the Cranial Disruption Syphon, which allows him to download the mind of an opponent. He contains in excess of 106 personalities within his computerized brain, giving him access to a wealth of knowledge and experience, and allowing him to analyze and countermeasure enemy attacks (updating tactics, overriding force fields, etc). However, during psychic attack or other periods of weakness he has sometimes lost control to a number of these personalities.

>> No.6429573

>Comic Books

>> No.6430999


I only found out when looking up a picture to use for this thread.

Thank you sir!