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6428045 No.6428045 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw confronted by right wing conservative twat

>> No.6428082
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>yfw attacked by left wing liberal college brat

>> No.6428092

I find that in most cases the right wing twats come out 'victorious' in these confrontations just by repeating talking points they heard on Fox News. I think this is because neo-conservatism is based on anti-leftism, so they have a bunch of ready-made counter-arguments for the typical leftist who just repeats whatever he just saw Zizek say on YouTube.

>> No.6428096

Mfw I have left the modern world through transcendental ritual.
Stay pleb.

>> No.6428099

>tfw you realize the reason older men are conservatives is because their minds have begun to deteriorate and they're afraid of change, so they try to do the impossible: prevent progress

Boy does it feel good to be an enlightened young liberal.

>> No.6428102

is there a video of this? I never seen that kind of confrontation before

>> No.6428109

>tfw when you realise one of your friends is increadibly rich
>inherited huge amounts of money
>doesn't undertstand the accumulation of capital in our society is inherently exploitative and immoral
>he wants to become a buy to let landlord with the dream of being a millionaire by 30

I feel conflicted, as a communist I want him to fail, but as a friend this makes me feel guilty.

>> No.6428137
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>mfw i thought conservatives were the party that bases beliefs on firmly entrenched notions that follow from tradition/gut, and which cannot be swayed by logical argument or evidence to the contrary -- and in strongly conservative communities they quiet dissent by labeling opponents as "heretic" or "darwinist", since that brings on the censure of the community
>mfw i realized liberals now do the exact same thing with contemporary liberal norms of social justice and label opponents as "racist" or "misogynist" as a means of encouraging the community to ridicule the dissent rather than having to respond to counterarguments

>> No.6428153
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>mfw I criticize the left during the philosophy club
>mfw get told I must not know what being poor and exploited feels like
>mfw they begin to side with each other by agreeing with each others beliefs and dismissing my arguments. Therefore alienating me.
>mfw I get told I don't understand Marxism
>mfw I have Communist tendencies

Why are philosophy majors so afraid of practicality?

>> No.6428157

>TFW someone supports the same position as you but is so lower on the totem pole of knowledge they disagree with you and think you're attacking their position

>> No.6428158

you sound like an asberger who can't express himself well.

>> No.6428160

>faith in progress

>> No.6428162

There's an expression for those people. Feelies.

>> No.6428165

I don't need to express myself when history does it for me.

>> No.6428178

also, to prevent confusion i want to make it clear that i was ironically responding to a post that i knew was disingenuous but in a clever twist, my post was sincere anyway

>> No.6428179

You clearly do, aparantly a whole club at university thinks you are a twat now

Be great fun if it keeps like this your whole life.

>> No.6428182





>> No.6428186

That's true for american politics in general. America is literally fascist.

>> No.6428198

Adam Smith-tier politics haven't been called Liberalism in a long time

>> No.6428206

This. When will Americans understand that they have no notion of left and right? Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives... It's all different shades of right-wing to outsiders.

>> No.6428208

Only in your retarded country.

>> No.6428214

Also not the case for academia

>> No.6428224

Shit, you guys are right. Also what's your country's word for dog? We should probably use that one too because America isn't the entire world hehe :^). Stupid uneducated Americans using american terms for things

>> No.6428237

>implying I care what ~10 people think of me

I've had many discussions with people who hold different beliefs than me, and all of these discussions were patient and polite. Unlike these fellows in the club, who were open only to people who resonated their own views aka a circlejerk.

People shouldn't become vultures when faced with criticism. Although you probably think I am a vulture myself.

>> No.6428238

Shit analogy. More like you guys only ever see in shades of red because of your retarded vision spectrum and have names for every little shade from ruby to bordeaux or whatever whereas Europeans see all of the color spectrum up to violet.

>> No.6428242

No, you are literally using a well established political term entirely incorrectly.
They could be described as neo-liberal.

But a Liberal is someone who fundamentally believes in the theories of Smith and Mill/various other Liberal scholars.

It is just a missuse of the term that has arisen from the United States abysmal education system.

>> No.6428245

democrats are left wing everywhere aren't they? or are progressive/labour/socialist the only universal left wing parties?

>> No.6428247

>democrats are left-wing
This has got to be a joke

>> No.6428250

don't know if you're talking about american democrats, or other nations' democats. hence, why I asked

>> No.6428252

No, a "Democrat" on the global scale is centre-right wing.

But the term democrat itself in your political language is again completely missused.
It's a tool used by the 1% to keep you thinking you actually have any real choice

>> No.6428253

Well my friend, it seems like you are starting to become an adult.

>> No.6428256

Demos have always been centre-left. They just seem leftist because of some leftists positions they abide to.

>> No.6428258
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But you shouldn't judge leftism by the American Left.
They aren't remotely near the left

>> No.6428259


>> No.6428263

You can't argue with anyone tainted by Adam Smith's because his ideology essentially has turned into a salvation cult that believes we'll enter the kingdom of heaven if we followed the rules of the free market.

>> No.6428266

Centre left you say? >>6428258

>> No.6428267

well the party's original name was democratic-republican
which was just a different name of anti-federalists
who believed in:
less government
so pretty sure the term is used correctly.
the party today just realizes the right wing (in america) is insane and who's policies are trash

>> No.6428273

Again, this bears no relation to the actual core concepts of democracy.

Just because it is a historical development doesn't mean it isn't a missuse of the word.

>> No.6428275

so they have to create social safety nets
and try to pass some major amendments because if they don't the states will not abide by the constitution and continue to discriminate

>> No.6428280

Isn't democrat a political neutrum? If you they dinner you aren't implying a specific dish, just that you're going to eat something. A democrat for that matter is a guy who decides upon the the political direction of his country, but the direction itself might differ from person to person. And I don't stop to be a democrat just because I voted left or right. If the people wanted communism this would be as democratic as captialism.

>> No.6428283

how is it a misuse of the word "democratic" though?
we live in a democracy still
the word is used to define someone who is part of the democratic party

>> No.6428285

This thread is the one of the few situations where flags would aid in the discussion.

>> No.6428331

both of your parties are democrats working in a republic

>> No.6428338

you don't understand though
democrat is a homonym

>> No.6428339

SJW fuck off

>> No.6428341


Naw, they are all left wing. Only Monarchy is right wing.

>> No.6428351

you're a homo

I'm kind of past arguing now.
I had a revelation in the shower that it seems to be inline with Dahl's idea of Liberal and Republican democracy.

Liberals supposedly believe in the rationality of the people to govern themselves.

Republicans believe the public needs to be guided and governed.

I was wrong, but I'm not sure you where right either.

>> No.6428353

the people on the right (in america) are using the terms incorrectly

>> No.6428367
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This so much. It annoys me so much whenever I hear it used wrong.

>> No.6428378

You completely missed his point. He was arguing that adam smith liberals would be considered far right in today's american political spectrum. Both republicans and democrats are far left compared to classic liberalism

>> No.6428379

Yes, having conversations with Americans about politics is really hard because of this.

>> No.6428380


>> No.6428474

>discussing any sort of matter with a large group of people
Avoid doing that at all costs, if you say something they don't like they will simply gang up on you in order to mutually confirm their own beliefs.

>> No.6429758

what characteristics, pray tell, liken them to the Ancien Regime?

>> No.6429763


>> No.6429775

>this is because neo-conservatism is based on anti-leftism

Neo-conservatism is the ideologically heir to Trotskyism, read a book.

>> No.6429777

The occidental New Left is essentially bourgeois in nature so "liberal" isn't actually such a misnomer after all (taking "liberalism" to mean the values represented by the French Revolution.)

>> No.6429838

we I understand it, we just don't care about politics in your shitty insignificant scandinavian country

>> No.6429856


>> No.6429881


Where would one Bernie Sanders fall on this board?