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/lit/ - Literature

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6426642 No.6426642 [Reply] [Original]

>writing paper
>decide to start with a sociology PHD thesis
>it's page after page of unproven common-sense observations loosely tied to historical experience, compiling accounts of other equally useless sociological "findings"
>"the true believer" is actually cited as a major research source
>close tab

why is sociology so insufferably useless?

>> No.6426661
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I thought this book by Georg Simmel was really good

He's one of the early sociologists from Germany

>> No.6426669

Reminder that there's no reason to take a PhD thesis more seriously than a 4chan shitpost

>> No.6426672

Because it is trying to be a science but it's subject is something that resists scientific analysis that produces useful, actionable results. Instead you get 50 different interpretations of a data set that was probably insufficient to answer the question it asked to begin with.

>> No.6426680

Sociology is what you get if you combine philosophy's lack of empirical data, with science's narrow theoretical parameters.

>> No.6426695
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>> No.6426708

hello phd undergrad in cultural social psyuchological anthropology, why don't you fill us in on your wasted major full of faggotry?

>> No.6426717

reminder that i take 4chan shitposts seriously

>> No.6426723
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Hello shitposter, I'm actually doing an MA in applied linguistics

Go straight to hell, uneducated swine

>> No.6426734

just change your major to english. thanks to cultural studies english majors are now qualified to talk about the interesting parts of sociology, without having to slog through the boring data. we have stem grad student research monkeys for that.

>> No.6426745

muh noam "it just happens!" choamsky

I'd go straight to hell but see you're already there

>> No.6426750
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>I'm actually doing an MA in applied linguistics

>> No.6426756


Get out while you can. Identity politics people have taken over the discipline and it's just a tool for propaganda now.

>> No.6426765

>science's narrow theoretical parameters

>> No.6426770

>taken over
>implying it wasn't always watery identity politikkin diarrhea

>> No.6426785
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