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/lit/ - Literature

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642431 No.642431 [Reply] [Original]


As a /lit/ newfag, I come to ask you questions if you do not mind. I was wondering if any of you could recommend two things for me:

1. Good vampire novels? I watched Underworld last night, and aside form Castlevania and that Im new to the whole vampire thing. I think its interesting though, I like the idea secret wars with religion involved. Underworld was sexy too, I admired that aspect. (Sorry if Im making any vampire fans cringe here, I don't really know how to describe them...)

2. Could anyone recommend a good .lit reader, or is Microsoft Reader the best way to go?

>> No.642444

1. Let the right one in, by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Best (only good?) vampire book in a long time.

>> No.642453
File: 35 KB, 520x729, ltroi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I'm gonna take it one step further and say it's the only vampire movie really worth anyone's time, too.

>> No.642476

Look who knows nothing about film

>> No.642478

I have a friend who recommended Anne Rice, any input on her Vampire Chronicles series?

>> No.642488

you should check out Herzog's Nosferatu the vampyre

>> No.642492

I've only read the first book (Interview), but it's okay. It's filled with wangst and delicious homoeroticism.

>> No.642496

If you like purple prose go for it.

>> No.642500

1. Judging from your pic there's a manga called Hellsing that might interest you. Very much about the whole secret vampire wars with religion involved. Trinity Blood is another good manga for that as well.

Aside from that... if you want a good vampire novel, I Am Legend, Let the Right One In, and just for fun... Lost Souls. Carpe Jungulum by Terry Pratchett is a more humorous take on the concept that you might like.

>> No.642503

Just read Dracula and be done with it

>> No.642504

If you like wangsty dialogue, effeminate men and stories with gay overtones it's a fucking goldmine.

If you like a story that actually reads like the author planned it out then there are definitely better places to look.

>> No.642510

Read the series to fit in with your angsty gothic peers.

>> No.642512


Yeah, no... doesn't sound interesting to me. Thanks for the heads up everyone.

>> No.642513

Sonja Blue Collection. Good fucking read.

>> No.642515

The translation of Vampire Hunter D was not bad. I enjoyed it.

>> No.642518

Most English translations of Japanese books suck spotted dick.

So no.

>> No.642526

I Am Legend will blow you away.

>> No.642576

In a completely sexual way.

>> No.642593

For #1, I would wholeheartedly recommend the Anita Blake series, by Laurell K Hamilton.
How do you feel about gratuitous sex scenes? If you don't like them, don't read past the 9th book, Obsidian Butterfly.

If you like your wordporn, you'll love the whole thing, and you might like her Merry Gentry series too, which is about faeries.

>> No.642596


Hmm, I should try and find the Swedish version of that book. Finally a benefit from living in the cold north.

>> No.642605

Sunshine by Robin Mckinley was pretty entertaining. It was like the Redwall of vampire books though, the main character worked a bakery so there were all these descriptions of delicious food.

>> No.642829


I'm cool with it. The sexiness that Underworld presented was something that I liked. Not just Selene, but the mansion and the people in it as a whole.

>> No.642834

> 2. Could anyone recommend a good .lit reader, or is Microsoft Reader the best way to go?
Use clit, or lit2epub and then use one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epub#Reading_systems

>> No.642847


Thanks, is there a certain benefit to using EPUB files?

>> No.642868


Also the Adobe Digital Editions looks nice, but if Im reading torrented Ebooks, is that going to become a problem for Digital Editions?

It sounds like Itunes for Ebooks, so Im not sure what kind of information of mine would get sent to them.

>> No.642879

It's an open format, easier to deal with than .lit, and is "reflowable". It's the best common e-reader format for these reasons, and in fact virtually every reader supports it. Really, .lit is a great format except for the fact that it's closed and typically full of DRM.

Personally I think pimping epub is a good thing to do, and since there are more apps that read it than .lit, it's kind of a no-brainer here. Unless you particularly like using MS Reader, in which case: carry on.

>> No.642923 [DELETED] 


>> No.642975


Which Epub Viewer do you like to use?

>> No.642984

Personally, I liked 'Vampyre' by Tom Holland the best.


Another book that I liked, though not for its Vampire story, is 'The Historian' by Elizabeth Kostova. If you liked European travelogue, it's actually a very good read.


In terms of horror and writing, I still prefer the 'Vampyre' though.

>> No.643589

ERGO PROXY IS AN AMAZING ANIME! except for the last 2 episodes. they were complete shit and ruined the series for me