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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 187 KB, 291x293, hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424312 No.6424312[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So now that it has been revealed that DFW was a misogynistic womanizer, who treated most of his sexual partners as disposable objects, quasi- "cum-buckets"; and also that he was using the term "spic" unironically all this time: can we stop having meme threads about him?

>> No.6424318
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> "I don’t expect people to be angry at Wallace, or even to spend time condemning him. Obviously, he had a lot of shit on his plate, and he struggled mightily with the burdens he had. All I expect is a quiet, un-showy disqualification for the role of hero, mentor or saint. I would like the “statue” (Wallace’s word) of his public image to be carefully dismantled, for the overblown ideas we have of him and what his life meant to slowly begin to deflate. I would like him to become just another writer, imbued with no moral authority beyond what is contained in his words on the page. In other words, I would like our generational role model not to be another selfish genius of a guy who, in exchange for doing his job unusually well, got away pretty much his whole life with treating other people as though they were disposable. There are a lot of these people in the world, but as Wallace himself said, “We get to choose what to worship.” We don’t have to worship this.


>> No.6424320
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>unironically believing ANYTHING posted about DFW on /lit/

Audience Pussy is the poor man's Ebonics.

>> No.6424340

what a fucking autist jesus christ

>> No.6424358

He was doing gods work. Pump and dump is exactly what lit groupies deserve. Fuck those dirty whores.

>> No.6424366

What was that thing some one made up about him watching as a child drowned in the sea?
That was entertaining.

>> No.6424372
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I forgot to accompany my post with an image.

>> No.6424377

It was just copy and paste from one somebody made up about Keanu Reeves letting a child drown while filming Point Break

>> No.6424384
File: 100 KB, 1239x152, 1428706127011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a sacrifice to the Pale King. The same one that made DFW forge 3 000 000 signatures to replace Ohio with a desert.

>> No.6424446

Thank you.

>> No.6424490

In 1991 David Foster Wallace was surfing with friends when a small child nearby was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his friends rushed to help, Wallace held out an arm in front of them, stopping them and, according to colleague, Zadie Smith, Wallace said, "The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life". The group of surfers, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch the girl struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. Wallace was later spotted outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean.

>> No.6424561

Megan Boyle, one of the 'alt-lit' writers who sought to reject DFW's influence, created a youtube video, youtube 'poop' really, of Wallace's German interview edited to highlight his blunders and nervous tics. This video made its way to /lit/, where anons realized the potential in making DFW look like a fool, and they began screencapping pictures from the interview to use as memes.

Megan Boyle destroyed DFW
Alt-Lit won

>> No.6424650
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No one considers him a saint. He was very honest about his shortcomings. A postmortem character assassination is lower than low. Quit making everything into politics.

Fuck Off, SJW.

>> No.6424738

I've personally gained respect for him.

>> No.6424749

Writers and artists are all egotistical faggots how are there still people who don't get this

If they weren't autistic they'd have real jobs instead of shitting out thoughts

>> No.6424767
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>> No.6424771
File: 243 KB, 550x535, hey_i_just_met_you,_and_this_is_crazy_but_here's_a_condom_so_fuck_me_safely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I just realized he acted that way in that interview because he was trying to eventually make a move on her (the interviewer)

>> No.6424803

>misogynistic womanizer

What's the problem with that exactly? Women do like to be treated like cumdumpsters.

Video related:


>> No.6424807

>people complain that he was a cad
>there is no incentive to not be a cad

>> No.6424813

Is he autistic?
Genuine question, because I know some autistic people and he displays some behavioural traits similar to them.

>> No.6424818

I know what we're going to do today, Ferb. Watch the long DFW interview we've not yet seen.


>> No.6424828

Who cares.

>> No.6424830

Judge not lest ye be judged.

You liberal faggots are all the same, you think someone's prejudices should invalidate them, unless they are your own.

>> No.6424839

Not really. We still love him, his flaws only make him more of a mirror of our own selves.

>> No.6424852

Even though I read a few of his books, I never watched more than a full minute of him on video. Fucking cringe.

>> No.6424860

Liberal faggot here. Hate this shit, too. Wish I could claim liberalism doesn't have to own this shit, but it does. They're our Fox News.

>> No.6424890

Someone's just replaced "Cosby" with "Wallace".

>> No.6424898
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>he doesn't read footnotes

>> No.6424936

>ad hom

>> No.6424956

>He confuses endnotes with footnotes

>> No.6425005
File: 1.91 MB, 435x246, snl flirt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another thing that often frustrates me is the identity politics gender feminists are always on about sex should always be consensual - which I agree with, though their definition of what consensual is ("yes doesn't always mean yes") is often lacking - yet they seem devoted to policing everyone's sex lives even when it is consensual all around. Every one of the women who fucked DFW were willing participants (assuming based on his pond of groupies and his general personality around causing harm and adhering to justice) so faulting him over getting lots of pussy just seems not only hypocritical but down right gratuitous.

And not one single person on the planet has gotten though their life without uttering a racist slur, and meaning it. Anyone who claims otherwise is a master of denial or has formed false memories (assuming they don't have brain damage). That doesn't make it right, but it does acknowledge a truth and again is not a basis for a full-on character assassination.

>> No.6425016

>identity politics gender feminists
like OP you mean? because no one is getting mad about DFW, or any writer, getting fan pussy. The subject was treated in a biography that came years ago because ignoring it would be not doing a good bio, but the only people who care particularly about that are anons in /lit/

>> No.6425043
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>> No.6425087
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Is this a reference to something? Its fucking hilarious

>> No.6425099
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>yes doesn't always mean yes
It boggles my mind that there are people who think they are fighting for equality who also believe that woman can't make their own decisions regarding sex.

>> No.6425100
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>> No.6425104
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