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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 338 KB, 720x457, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6424261 No.6424261 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.6424268


That shirt looks really good on him.

Sorry I just had to say it.

>> No.6424316

Oh my god, he said the N-word.

>> No.6424319

nagger ?

>> No.6424325

It almost looks out of place on him.
I'm used to seeing the stammering bumbling Žižek who sweats through his clothing. Gestures aside, he seems to have gotten his public appearance tied up pretty well.
Good for him.
That's not going to stop me from laughing at his accent

>> No.6424332

>laughing at his accent
BTW he has speech impediment, along with atrocious accent.

>> No.6424336

Why does he keep touching his nose?

>> No.6424339

It's transference of a phallic fixation, from crotch to nose...

>> No.6424345
File: 34 KB, 250x304, 1415351654756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little Žižek wearing overalls and learning to speak english

>> No.6424346

Making up for not being Jewish.

>> No.6424348

My god, is he always THAT high on coke?

>> No.6424351

Shouldn't you be snorting white lightning and writing about your "science" again, nerd?

>> No.6424356
File: 503 KB, 500x667, nietzsche flip stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love slavoj

>> No.6424361



>> No.6424363

> "you can kill me nigga", was a mistake

>> No.6424375


>> No.6424380

You're allowed to say nigger, Michelle.

>> No.6424388
File: 331 KB, 720x457, 2-glitched-a65-s84-i24-q62-glitched-a57-s53-i14-q54-glitched-a66-s56-i10-q57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to accompany my post with an image.

>> No.6424389

Reported for illegal content shit-lord. Shouldn't have left /pol/ cuck.

>> No.6424393

He does cocaine.

>> No.6424398

absolute mad man!

>> No.6424399



>> No.6424402

I'm actually black, you white ass punk bitch.

>> No.6424415

fucking nigger get out of my aryan board

>> No.6424420

You mad cos we fuckin all dem white bitches, white boy? You mad cos we better at sports an shit? Punk ass nigga.

>> No.6424423

>muh dick
Spoken like a true nigger. And I'll have fries with my burger please.

>> No.6424429

>and I claim, this is how we establish real contact
damn, Slavoj...

>> No.6424435



>> No.6424436

u wan dis big black dick wicho wife, bitch. little dick weak ass wite nigga bitch.

>> No.6424437

He's not wrong. The controversy around the word nigger is ridiculous and alienating.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.6424442

>my aryan board
1.1 You don't own it
1.1.2 Are you of Iranian descent?
1.2 This board doesn't even discuss Iranian literature and culture that much
PS.: Call me autistic.

>> No.6424455


>> No.6424456

Only in America. Niggers in Australia are fresh of the boat, so only normal people say nigger.

>> No.6424460

>This board doesn't even discuss Iranian literature and culture that much
What about Zoroastrianism?

>> No.6424461

>Niggers in Australia are fresh of the boat
But Abos are niggers too.

>> No.6424464

I've never met a full blooded one.

>> No.6424465

Abos are to niggers what niggers are to whites.

They're the niggerest niggers on earth.

>> No.6424499

I had never noticed that he moves his tongue side to side, some sort of way to measure the pauses he takes.

He had already said all of this, OP, you should watch him more, or even *gasp* read his books.

>> No.6424597

>He had already said all of this, OP, you should watch him more, or even *gasp* read his books.
Which one of his books explains his stance on modern totalitarianism.

>> No.6424601

>hurr durr
>how do I google guyz
>words are so hard!

>> No.6424608






>> No.6424634

Can we all agree that Žižek is more of a stand-up comedian now than an philosopher.
I mean, shit I agree with him, but I also laughed throughout entire video.

Also I think this kind of stance stems from specific position of Slovenia. As Žižek said in the video, we do that making fun of other ex-YU nationalities very well. Just go to /int/ and read any Balkan threads, the level of banter in them is off the charts. Same goes for or relations with blacks. We had no colonial history and during the years of Yugoslavia we mostly saw them as our comrades in arms against the hegemony of USSR and US. Also most of Africans back then just came here to study and then returned home. Those few that stayed were treated the same as any other citizen (well they still stood out).

>> No.6424641


>> No.6424660


>Can we all agree that Žižek is more of a stand-up comedian now than an philosopher.

I'd say it's a kind of "low" philosophy, but still definitely philosophy. I think that he's a pretty important figure in modern discourse in that he's actually able to engage everyday people about high concepts in a way that they can understand without having to be erudite.

I'd recommend his videos and books to everyday people who are George Carlin fans for instance, he'd probably be a good stepping stone for them.

>> No.6424661

>watched it
>people read this guy? Really?

>> No.6424666

Buthurt SJW detected.

>> No.6424674

>I think that he's a pretty important figure in modern discourse in that he's actually able to engage everyday people about high concepts in a way that they can understand without having to be erudite.

He's not important in the philosophical community. I heard several teachers refer to him as a hack when they advice us to be careful with them since there are a lot like him.

He doesn't appear much in papers or any kind of research either.

>> No.6424677

Yeah that what I realised while writing my comment.
I never actually read his and Dolar's magnum opus on "Witz", but I think the basic idea is this. Bringing lofty ideas closer to the people through easily understandable jokes.

>> No.6424685


>He's not important in the philosophical community.

This doesn't necessarily mean that what he's doing is pointless.

>> No.6424690

>He doesn't appear much in papers or any kind of research either.
He has a journal devoted to him. Not to mention probably is cited more than any analytical philosopher currently.

>> No.6424693

try the sublime object of ideology

>> No.6424718
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>> No.6424724

Then how come every black person I know who has visited Croatia or Serbia has been racially abused? One of them was even beaten up.

>> No.6424735

Serbia and Croatia have gone to shit after the war.
I'm mostly talking about Slovenia.
While yes few years back some skinheads did attack a black comedian (he was famous for a TV show, where he played a stereotypical Slovenian, just that he was black). That didn't happen in a long time now.

>> No.6424740

>he does cheap videos joking about things
>his books must be exactly like that!

>> No.6424757

>>his books must be exactly like that!
They are actually just that, but with more verbal diarrhea.

>> No.6424764

nice standardised logic autismo

>> No.6424781

I just finished watching Perverts Guide to Ideology like someone suggested and this is the exact reason I came to this thread.

So does anyone actually know why? Does his nose drip a lot or is he doing that to a dry nose?

>> No.6424802

>I heard several teachers refer to him as a hack when they advice us to be careful with them since there are a lot like him.
Maybe next term you will be taught how to think for yourself by your teachers :)
>when they advice us to be careful with them since there are a lot like him
Wonderful advice. I am always careful with them since there are a lot like him.

>> No.6424805

It's a tic innit

>> No.6424819

I thought maybe. But in one scene he just rubbed his nose for at least 10 seconds straight, even switching hands. I bet half his nose isn't really nose, just a big callus

>> No.6424834

>I don't smoke
Zizek is the most smoking-looking person I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.6424843
File: 111 KB, 229x244, zizi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are me
We are
I am a
Small boy

>> No.6424847

Cocaine is one hell of a drug

>> No.6424848

he sure likes to pick his nose

>> No.6424863
File: 536 KB, 227x248, And So On.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heez drahg eez ideology

>> No.6424867
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>yfw he's exactly right

>> No.6424884
File: 317 KB, 311x615, zyzzek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this junkie.
You should just call people whatever as long as they don't get offended.

>> No.6424899
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forgot pic

>> No.6424955


>> No.6425179

The extent of his insights are uncle Joe's musings on life. Its not new. Its not interesting.

>While doing something, sometimes people think of other people or doing something else

He does however frequently jumps around when speaking. Doesn't finish his point. He confuses ideas. This gives the small minded the sensation that they are on the intellectual roller coaster of the summer. That's his only appeal.

He could be regarded as a popularizer of philosophy, if his ideas weren't already obvious to his audience. They are just represented in an amusing fashion that leaves people thinking 'well, isn't that clever'. But he just told them what they wanted to hear. Common sense wisdom given a new, modern spin. A Malcolm Gladwell for Stalin.

>> No.6425201

A good way to get people to post in your thread, is to tell them to get the fuck in the thread, with all capital letters/

>> No.6425414

According to interviews, he doesn't do drugs. A nervous tick I guess. Still, he is right about most of the things he says on this video.

>> No.6425504

I wonder what he would say about the 'friendly obscenities' of /b/. Like, I agree that political correctness is a facade and that offensive material is, to an extent, necessary, but when does it become excessive?

>> No.6425523

It becomes excessive when actual racists start to be encouraged by it. Which is exactly what turned /b/ to shit and created /pol/

>> No.6425524

When it becomes /pol/ tier: the sole defining trait of your identity.

>> No.6425613

based zizek

>> No.6425656

Almost every time I come here there is some thread about "continentals" and how they hide behing impenetrable jargon. Along comes a guy who can actually explain these ideas (and entertainingly so) and now he is a "comedian" and not worth your time...

>> No.6425684

it seems zizek has always had disdain for pc sjw types. hes pretty good for a meme philosopher. i wonder if there will be a backlash toward him from him college undergraduate fanbase for his insensitive straight white maleness.

highlight of the video was the triple nose wipe toward the end

>> No.6425699

I seem to recall the he is already not very well liked by feminists for that reason. He is seen as somewhat of a Cold War relic.

>> No.6425706

It's probably just a nervous tick. He he that speech impediment too. I'm guessing the two are related.

>> No.6425723
File: 324 KB, 1584x1009, GyrSyT8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered how Laurie Penny got that selfie with Zizek, and why he writes for her rag, considering how many times he's criticized her brand of petty bullshit.

>> No.6425735

i do feel like we're reaching a tipping point with this social justice, pc stuff. the biggest proponents of pc are becoming pure caricatures of themselves. they still dominant a lot of the popular liberal media outlets but people even on the left are getting fed up with it and its becoming outright ridiculous. hopefully more left wing people who care more about economic equality than diversity quotas start speaking out against this stuff.

>> No.6425747

>implying implications
We're in for a long ride, brother. Also, Aerospace Engineering major, thinking of minoring in Philosophy. Should I? I'm at a technology school so the questions on ethics within science should be interesting like cloning, transhumanism, and eugenics shit.

>> No.6425761

we're in for a long ride but i think we've reached something of a tipping point. years ago it could be that legitimately intelligent, independently minded people would be attracted to social justice causes because they were legitimately counter-cultural and seemed principled.

now those people have helped to make it the dominant discourse a lot of places, especially among educated people, to the point it's become a lock step conformity, and has been for many years now. i think more and more intelligent, independently minded people will see it as a form a groupthink to be ridiculed and will start advocating against it. as intelligent and forceful people join those ranks more and more, there will be a strong backlash against it in academia and the media. it will be a while but look at the obvious conformist, reactionary, unthinking, trendy character of sjws, so ripe for ridicule and parody. it can't help but happen.

>> No.6425766

>the biggest proponents of pc are becoming pure caricatures of themselves.
That's because they either are just that, a caricature made by the opposition to discredit them.
Or they kind of force themselves into this position, because more and more extreme views are necessary to get the general public to react.
I mean in terms of how "click-bait-y" their position is.

>> No.6425795

i feel like people who say that the criticisms of sjws put forward by their opponents are exaggerations are either blinded by being very much involved in that discourse themselves, or just haven't had much interaction with them. they're largely as bad as is made out.

>> No.6425811

I'm a SJW, debate me you piece of shit bigots and racists.

>> No.6425817

Well yeah, as I said in continuation of my previous post. They found themselves in a "dead end street" are just pushing forward. So that sometimes it's hard to see what's parody of it, and what's the real discourse.

Instead of that
>implying you're not just baiting
You should explain why Žižek is wrong.

>> No.6425821
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Does this give you an erection?

>> No.6425838

Žižek is nothing but a white male misogynist, he is operating from a position of power and thus everything he says is invalid.

Makes me very glad, white boy sure got cucked.

>> No.6425839

he has a point

it's like banning guns, people wont be able to go on shooting sprees but it functions as a way of ignoring that they otherwise would, it doesn't tackle the mental illness aspect and elects to suppress it and say "job well done!"

>> No.6425846

Welp this a lof quality bait.
Git good fgt.

>> No.6425847

>Not "Persons of Color"

I hope the reporter who wrote that article got fired for the vile racism expressed in its title.

>> No.6425854

Just realised that those people that would go on a killing spree with a gun would probably go on a killing spree with any kind of weapon, like a knife (as in UK or China in recent years).
But a comprehensive psych eval as a part of getting a gun might prevent that, as these people would be recognised and treated accordingly.

>> No.6425874

the difference between irony and sincerity, probably

>> No.6425875

Continentals don't hide behind jargon, its simply that their field of enquiry necessitates a blurring of terms originating in literary studies, psychoanalysis, linguistics, post-structuralism and even mathematics (the latter functioning only in an abstract metonymic usage, instead of dealing with real, quantitive value).

Zizek is a comedian, but who's to say valuable ideas aren't transmitted to the response of laughter? Isn't his point about comical obscenity a pretty good example of this?

>> No.6425887



>> No.6425890

often people point to the fact "you can't be racist against whites" is a double standards but it's much more sinister than that

as a white male, my politically incorrect thoughts may be oppressive and are worthy of repression

as a black male, my thoughts aren't even capable of oppression

the reason for this is that as a white male my thoughts matter more, have more influence and have more power to harm

what gave me this power? political correctness

political correctness is white supremacy

>> No.6425901

>non-russian slavs
>position of power

>> No.6425904

Isn't that kind off Zizek's point? Saying that black people are incapable of racism patronisingly elevates them.

>> No.6425907

>political correctness is white supremacy
I can agree with this.
Political correctness also treats non white males as some special people who need to be taken care of and shielded from "white man reality".
It's just trying to mask your own racism behind of mask of acceptance.

>> No.6425908

And quotas for women in upper management of companies is patronizing sexism towards women.

And women only having problem with male dominance in jobs that are comfortable and high-paying is hypocrisy.

But everyone just hopes application of these concepts will help them get rich and forward. It's not about fairness or logic.

>> No.6425923



You realize philosophy is a joke in itself, right?

>> No.6425935

This is kind of a reason why I in one of my classes on feminism proposed to destroy all of gender distinction everywhere. No more gendered competition in sports, or toilets or jobs.
If top 10 fastest people in running are male, that doesn't tell us anything about gender, it's just physical fact of now. Who knows, maybe someday a female will be as fast as a male. And so on.
Professor told me I might have gone too far in trying to abolish gender...

>> No.6425945

I love all this recent rise against the left wing in Europe, it's beautiful.

>> No.6425950

>Žižek considers himself a political radical and critic of neoliberalism. His political thought represents one of two paths of a progressive alternative—either a return to the program of socialism, which Žižek and Alain Badiou advocate, or the proposal of an alternative vision of social arrangements, which is taken up by contemporaries such as Roberto Mangabeira Unger.
From his wikipedia page.

Even though he is a socialist, huh, only shows that even left wing is getting tired of this social correctness faggotry

>> No.6425953

I can help but think you're doomed if you have classes on feminism.

>> No.6425965

Just go back to /pol/ or whatever, if you're that stupid. Žižek is the left wing of Europe.
He's just "old" left.

That wasn't my only class on feminism, and I got pretty good grades at all of them. I finished with my studies now, BTW.

>> No.6425970


>trying to abolish something that is naturally determined by biology

true insanity everyone.

>> No.6425972

yeah, because more bureaucracy will solve the problem

>> No.6425976

And are you well off in life?

>> No.6425988

You do know there's a difference between gender, which is social, and sex which is natural. But yeah in that post I might have moved from gender to sex, so I'll give you that.

Well it's a better alternative than just giving guns to everyone and then seeing who goes on a shooting rampage and who doesn't.

currently unemployed (yeah yeah whatever)

>> No.6425993

>currently unemployed (yeah yeah whatever)

Not surprised. You even sound the part.

>> No.6426007

you can buy a gun in Australia in the matter of an afternoon, buying a gun in California takes 10 days, but its almost completely removed from both homicide statistics and mass shootings (no, Im not fucking counting suicide by gun)

>> No.6426008

I'm not a fan of Zizek, hence not knowing.
>le go back to /pol/
I've never visited /pol/ and if you can't stand people having different opinions I suggest you fuck off to Reddit where you can downvote everyone who disagrees with you.
>left wing of Europe
Nah, you're either not European or you're just massively deluded. Leftism here isn't anything but Tumblr-tier pandering to minorities and disdaining your own people.

>classes on feminism
That's all I needed to know about you really, sheltered middle-class bum bandit with an entire documentary on the benefits of multi-culti swelling your braincells.

>> No.6426017

You reek of someone who's just taken their first class in sociology.

>> No.6426018

the liberals parts of the US media like to make the public face of americas "gun culture" fan, republican rednecks, implying that those are the type of people responsible for americas absurd gun homicide rate. of course, those arent the type of people who are actually doing the killing with the guns.

>> No.6426020

Žižek is good, even if his philosophy isn't that advanced.
More profound philosophy usually can't connect with the people.
It is enough that plebs get into thinking, from then they can already form better opinions of the world than they did before

>> No.6426032

>Nah, you're either not European or you're just massively deluded.
Ok, then explain to me how is Žižek not part of left wing. What makes him not left wing?
Also yes I am from Europe, even more so I'm from same country as Žižek - Slovenia. I think I know what our left looks like.

Also I don't discredit entire theory just because it doesn't align with my beliefs.

I have no idea what makes you think that, because I haven't had any sociology classes since high school. Well I did share some classes with sociology majors at university, but they weren't sociology specific.

>> No.6426041

Here in Slovenia you have to take a psychological exam, yet most of gun violence is a murder-suicide (as in man shooting his wife and killing himself), so I guess it really doesn't work.

>> No.6426052

most violent gun crime committed is interpersonal
ie:dispute over money(drugs probably) domestic violence etc etc

>> No.6426056
File: 114 KB, 400x267, tumblr_nelvp12tFj1rqr9e5o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's a racist benefiting from a privileged system

>> No.6426069

>you have to take a psychological exam
here in France you have to take a psychological exam for the cutlery you purchase at the store

>> No.6426072

I just can't believe that.

>> No.6426077

this is that book review thread all over again

>> No.6426123
File: 224 KB, 1000x1230, jmByizM - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fifth Republic has psych exams since backstabbing is second nature for the French

>> No.6426147


>> No.6426167

as i look longer at that picture and text it looks like poetry, still funny tho

>> No.6426240
File: 36 KB, 620x465, george-rr-martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes him look younger and he seems younger than his age to begin with. I can't believe he is the same age as this old fart

>> No.6426247

anyone have any Zizek Vaporwave pics?

>> No.6426293

>e-cigs are banned on flights because they set a bad example for others

Don't e-cigarettes still produce smoke? Wouldn't that make sense why they are banned on airplanes?

>> No.6426299

Its probably allergies, I do the same thing all spring or if I'm in a house with cats.

>> No.6426312
File: 297 KB, 1663x1080, 1429140399251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one

>> No.6426314

Once the vapour is exhaled, all it is is water vapour with the nicotine being absorbed in the body

>> No.6426319
File: 28 KB, 422x437, 1425775120505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointless japanese characters for "muh cool aesthetic" :^))))


>> No.6426328

here's a true philosopher on political correctness

>> No.6426355

>ironic emoticons
Fuck off pepe

>> No.6426360

>pointless blurr and red lens for "muh super angry pepe"

>> No.6426364

but it is cool

>> No.6426367
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a mistranslated Japanese tattoo

>> No.6426368

Richard Stallman > Slavoj Zizek


>> No.6426370

>He is proud of his idiocy

>> No.6426376

Dear /g/,

Open source > free software.


>> No.6426377

>he still doesn't get post-ironic sarcasm

>> No.6426380


>> No.6426383


>> No.6426388


>> No.6426391

*tips katana*
heh.......*jumps behind you*
*stabs you*
nothing personnel...kid...
*teleports away*

>> No.6426396

prove it faggot

>> No.6426404

*le sigh* the shit that used to be funny

>> No.6426440

fuck off. memes are literally for teenagers

>> No.6426467

Everything he said was correct, the joke was a little crass from my perspective, but then again I'm a product of the PC rhetoric engine

>> No.6426471
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...I think I have a fish here somewhere....

>> No.6426478

>position of power
disregarding the fact that this is obvious b8, you know this is just a neatly packaged ad hominem, right

>> No.6426556
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He actually personally knows feminist activists, some of them radical feminists.

>> No.6426579

Zizek looks like a polo player hit by a ray gun.

>you can call me nigger
He's like a little kid. It's adorable. Also I agree he isn't so good at justifying his ideas. Obscene solidarity sounds rather specious. But he's great at tearing others down.

>> No.6426594
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there was a thread packed full of em a while back. I shoulda grabbed more

>> No.6426601

I saw him speak last week and he mentioned knowing Judith Butler and respecting her because she was into Hegel

>> No.6426675

Heard this exact same lecture at a live "philosophic theater" event in Croatia like two months ago. Even the sniffing was identical, lel

not new to me

>> No.6426691

Slavoj teaches how to be a brazilian in this video.

>> No.6426733

It's the mediteranean spirit, I'd argue. Sure, Brazillians inherited it, I guess. But as someone from south-eastern Europe, this "Fuck you and all your family you *insert race* piece of shit! Now let's get a beer!" mentality is pretty mediteranean

>> No.6426794

>using a meme in a post ostensibly critical of memes

now this is memeing

>> No.6426808 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6426827
File: 281 KB, 1347x1035, 234234535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6426846

What a great video, Zizek is very based
He could express this thesis in an even more complex fashion

>> No.6426860

I didn't agree with his thing about e-cigarettes being banned on planes. They're banned because they smell like shit and blow smoke everywhere onto people.

Also this video basically confirms he has a cocaine addiction.

>> No.6426862

I am a french line cook and I have never seen anything like that

>> No.6426876


>> No.6427217


>> No.6427403

You guys realize that Lacan thinks women don't know what they want, right?

Zizek SJW backlash is long overdue.

They just don't read books so it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.6427414
File: 42 KB, 397x230, zizhzhkchoo revishited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was going to skip ahead
>video starts and can't stop listening to that hypnotic Slovenian voishth

>> No.6427435

That pic is sick


>> No.6427439

..........why do have this saved on your computer?

>> No.6427487

b/c she's qt and he is obviously very sexually repressed.

>> No.6427577

Maybe he's born with it...?
>Maybe it's Maybelline!

>> No.6427598
File: 160 KB, 472x329, zizekwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude as no shortage of hot pussy waiting to fuck him

he's more in love with hegel so none of them can satisfy him

>> No.6427626

thats right. Its racist against whites who are a minority as well.

>> No.6427633


>You guys realize that Lacan thinks women don't know what they want, right?

Well at least he's right about something.
Where does he say this? I got Ecrits here but haven't bothered reading it yet.

>> No.6427826

I lishtened to about 30 seconds, hit mute, and read the subtitles. I'm very intolerant of shit like that.

>> No.6427843

Racist asshole.

>> No.6427909

Pure ideology.

>> No.6427922

>[ideological grip intensifies]

>> No.6427978
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like brack girls anyway.

>> No.6428003

That's why the "thingken of capital" has Butler being the one asking what Zizek is crying about.

>> No.6428036

I agree with him, though.

>> No.6428038

>My good friend, Alain Badiou
>My good friend, Judith Butler
>My good friend, the late Ingmar Bergman

This guy is shameless in name dropping the people he rubs elbows with

>> No.6428039
File: 925 KB, 360x212, Bruce approval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's nice

>> No.6428065

>Grab nose with both hands
>Wipe snot on eyelids

>> No.6428403

>fellow SLO /lit/ poster

Do I know you?

>> No.6428423

The example in the beginning is idiotic, that kind of friendly modern totalitarianism only works in the family because you love them.

>> No.6428871


>> No.6428903

the 'you can't be racist against whites' thing isn't only double standards. it suggests that, because white people are in such a position of power, they're basically impenetrable, and lack the slave mentality of women and black people necessary to be offended by racism (which is, of course, socially defined and not intrinsically true to the individual).

You can't attack white people themselves because 'white racism' doesn't exist; you can only broadly condemn white culture and its appropriation of others within the capitalist hierarchy.

>> No.6429927

If you don't agree with him you're an idiot.

>> No.6429936

>Leftism here isn't anything but Tumblr-tier pandering to minorities and disdaining your own people.
Eastern European minority here.
You must be joking.

>> No.6430183

Sure, Slavoj, but, y'know, context. Those black dudes know you're a celebrity leftist who doesn't hold actually racist views. Other people can't pull that shit and have the expectation of being understood the way you can.

>> No.6430356

Lol yeah, I wouldn't try that shit at home. Usually this kind of obscenity only works if you already established a close relationship with somebody. If you are good friends with a black guy you can probably get away with a lot, but that doesn't mean you should try that in polite society.

>> No.6430691

Political correctness creates soft individuals.

Why is it that I could call a black person in the street a nigger and he would become rattled but if I called a white person in the street a redneck they would probably laugh at me?

>> No.6430811

Why are you on a computer?

>> No.6430923

can confirm
don't the irish have this too?

>> No.6430926
File: 20 KB, 252x319, ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he fucking SPIT at 2:46?

>> No.6430933

>You guys realize that Lacan thinks women don't know what they want, right?
no wonder feminism is in such a state

>> No.6431647

This entire thread is premised on Zizek being a clown, and treating him like one.

>> No.6431654

He sounds like the way he dresses himself.

>> No.6431655

>You guys realize that Lacan thinks humans don't know what they want, right?

>> No.6432230


>> No.6432343

who's the monstrous looking fella between kant and aristotle

>> No.6432435

It's not uncommon. There's a lot of leftists in Europe and the US that think PC is a joke.

>> No.6432469

It's excessive when it's done just to reaffirm you can do it. That's just tacky and shows insecurity, it's like the person doing it has yet to adapt to the fact that they can be obscene and so in a fashion that would expect their new found rights to disappear they make sure to get full mileage.
That image is phenomenal.

>> No.6432491

Probably because using "redneck" as an insult is implying someone is "unsophisticated", while using "nigger" as an insult implies someone is "always less intelligent, shouldn't move here, won't be hired by me, can't marry my daughter, etc."

You're right though I don't see why a black person should have a problem with that. They're just softies compared to us rednecks.

>> No.6432502

actually laughed out loud

>> No.6432515

got your causal arrows pointing the wrong way my friend

white supremacy is why political correctness is necessary

seriously, /lit/ of all places is falling for this

>> No.6432519

glorified "it's racist to point out something racist"

>> No.6432540

It took me a few minutes to acclimate to him...

He makes some interesting points though. I especially liked the observation about ecigs and airline companies.

>> No.6432599

>goes against political correctness
>spamming that 'he does coke' increases dramatically

it's okay to be racist if you're viewed as 'the crazy uncle' archetype. now people have an out to pick and choose what he says as valid and deserving thought

>> No.6432688

Anyone have that Slavoj Zizek's slavoj-speak copypasta? It's all like "dish ish dee ideeolochee" etc. etc.

>> No.6432711

>walking home at 2am

>> No.6432720

>extremely racist jokes can be opressive

How is a based Russian/Pole/whatever already turned into a massive faggot SJW before he can even learn proper Engish? Is Acedamia leftist AIDS culture really that infectious?

>> No.6432723



>> No.6432733

You don't have to wear that dress tonight

>> No.6432752


He had some good points though. It seems like he's just pandering to the SJWs with some added tenderness so they won't dismiss his points out of hand. Intelligent man.

>> No.6432756

Post feet bb

>> No.6432762

This guy is a dirty moralist. Ghastly rigmarole.

>> No.6432767


Are you like on a skype group or some shit this is pathetic

>> No.6432880

Fuck off retard. lmao

>> No.6432924

a complete non-entity

>> No.6432928

bumping for this

>> No.6433848
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x1291, Blažek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it OCD or is he in love with the Cocoa

>> No.6433884

Bakin' sora is ideology, anon.

>> No.6433975

people who annoy you

>> No.6433976


The primary purpose of comedy is to speak truth to power, you goof.

>> No.6434008

Jesus christ guys
He clearly has extremely severe ADD

>> No.6434120

>Words aren't innocent
Opinion discarded.

>> No.6434131


Looks like nervous tics. I'm a face-toucher in public but perfectly still in my home.
(I do full face wipes, and double-swipes across my nose with a semi-fist)

>> No.6434185

*tips Nietzsche*

>> No.6434552

It's not for aesthetics it says Slavoj.

>> No.6434561

The medium is the message will soon be the meme is the message.

>> No.6434583


I am also a face toucher, I tap my mouth when laughing. I've suppressed it in public but don't do so while alone.

I also tend to pluck my moustache and beard while stressed.

I've not been to any mental health practitioners, is this relatively normal?

>> No.6434585

What does ideology mean in the way Zizek uses it?

>> No.6434596

>you will never be coerced by Samuel L. Jackson to say nigger
Why live?

>> No.6434598

they dont know what they do, but they do it

>> No.6434603

So someone who never stops to evaluate or question their worldview?

>> No.6434606

Literally the way you see the world and how you interact with it. His bit about They Live is a pretty good intro

>> No.6434619

no man you're CRAZY!!!!

>> No.6434626

/lit is dull as hell if they call this guy a comedian

>> No.6434644

yes, essentially if everyone were able to do this (ie to put on the glasses like in "they live") it would be the end of ideology.

>> No.6434649

you just havent heard his rape jokes yet

>> No.6434655

hes not a comedian, he's just funny

>> No.6434702

Ahh the memories...

>> No.6434726

unconscious ideological assumptions that underly our daily life

>> No.6434734




>> No.6434775
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>> No.6434792

the way Zizek presents the ending of the video should be the proper way to approach cultural appropriation

>> No.6435815

youre gay

>> No.6437302


>> No.6437318

if you know so much about zizek, tell me what his project is in relation to the self and his stance on technology in one sentence.

i bet you don't even know his main thesis he's famous for.

>> No.6437354

not too aware of continentals but isn't this what foucault said? like a long time ago?

>> No.6437451

The primary purpose of comedy is to make you laugh you pretentious shit