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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 608x342, ABC_rand_paul_this_week__jt_131103_16x9_608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6421690 No.6421690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>A voracious reader, she said she was first drawn to her husband of 25 years after he talked about his favorite book, the Brothers Karamazov.


>> No.6421695
File: 69 KB, 500x468, Baron Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>rand paul

>> No.6421702


Too bad he's just another run-of-the-mill conservative now, since he backpedaled on his so-called isolationist views.

He's just another suit who spews platitudes and other drivel in the effort to pander, even if his taste in literature happens to be good.

>> No.6421703

>if someone with a funny hat says it, it's wrong

>> No.6421725

who are you quoting?

>> No.6421730


It's not just the hat. He calls himself Baron Gold.

>> No.6421731

Rand Paul 42016

>> No.6421736

He likes Brothers Karamazov. I like Brothers Karamazov. I guess I have to vote for him now.

>> No.6421741

>implying that changes it

It's called an ad hominem fallacy.

>> No.6421743

>Brothers Karamazov
Did he read it in the original and how long has he been working for the Kremlin?

>> No.6421752


Why evoke fallacy on 4chan you moron.

>> No.6421753


Don't you understand? It's all about who you associate with. That's why if you don't fall into the pre-established stereotypes of these really specific interests then you aren't actually interested in it. All pot smokers are stoner drop outs, all conservatives fuck their cousins, all liberals allow their wives to cuckold them with black bulls, and most importantly anyone who shares an idea that leans libertarian or atheistic happens to wear a specific hat and sometimes be fat.

If you don't believe me then I'm going to reaction image spam you until you stop responding and flee to a board that can pander more specifically to your needs.

>> No.6421754


The argument that he's wrong doesn't stem from what Baron Gold looks like. Libertarianism is so ridiculous that it doesn't need attacking. The image is just humorous, nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6421755

>just pointing to fallacies to feel better
Guy was making a joke m8.

>> No.6421757

Because people like you use dishonest tactics to try to get others to agree with them, obviously.

>> No.6421762


Do you think Right Libertarians are not often, dishonest?

>> No.6421765

if you hate it here so much why do you keep posting?

>> No.6421767

And here's an appeal to hypocrisy fallacy. Your belief that the opposition is dishonest doesn't excuse you.

>> No.6421768
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O! Foucault is here!
Shitposting is his milieu
Free trite opinions!

>> No.6421773

This actually confirms I won't vote for him. BK is extraordinarily overrated.

>> No.6421776


It's like peeing in the ocean.


I'm always right.

>> No.6421779

I see what you did there xD

>> No.6421787

i know several people who have read the brothers karamazov. some of them are faggots. some of them cool. it is a fairly common book to have read. i do not see how having read a single book could confirm anything about an individual. especially considering his gain from the material was probably filtered through his own predilections and predispositions as we all are. also, fuck off /pol/

>> No.6421789
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>> No.6421791
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Why promote fallacy on 4chan?

>> No.6421847

If only he had time to read a book on game theory, maybe he'd start to understand economics.

>> No.6421855

You are literally the third-worst tripfag /lit/ has ever seen.

>> No.6421856


Who's stopping fallacy from being posted on 4chan? The mods?


Everything I post, is correct.

>> No.6421863


*sips wine near a fireplace*

>> No.6421871

pourquoi est-ce que tu s'appelle Foucault, si tu es pas lui ?

>> No.6421875

* t'es, oups

>> No.6421876

>whats stopping me from shitposting on 4chan religiously? a life? friends who care about me?

>> No.6421883


I haven't posted in a couple days. Thought, you could use my awe inspiring wisdom.

>> No.6421892

* t'appelle, aussi

il est depuis longtemps

je suis un mauvais français

>> No.6421900


Sorry you're going to have to speak up I can't hear you over how I'm always right

>> No.6421907

not that anon but is there a reason you dot commas throughout all your sentences and have grammar skills and vocabulary comparable to that of a twelve year old? are black schools really so inferior?

>> No.6421911


Capitalize your sentences.

>> No.6421912

Why are we talking about American politics on /lit/?

>> No.6421946

Because /pol/ is dumber even with Foucault here

>> No.6421960

Absolutely. If anyone anywhere sporting a quasi-fedora + gold guy faux mask takes a picture of themselves holding up a sign containing a self quoted message ...it automatically and completely invalidates the legitimacy of that message in every instance henceforth. This is the one exception to the ad hominem fallacy. Many do not know this.

>> No.6422228


>> No.6422248
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"The First Amendment says keep government out of religion, not religion out of government."

Rand Paul confirmed for based as fuck

>> No.6422250

He's just playing the game, dude. Ron never even got close by being sincere.

>> No.6423173
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>> No.6423319

>i do not see how having read a single book could confirm anything about an individual
He didn't just read it. It's his favorite book. Also, do you think Hilcuck has read Dostoevsky? Jeb Bush? It's only a common read for people who read a great deal.

your reddit is showing

Yep. Why repeat pop's mistakes? Save the big guns for when you're actually in office. Pandering is necessary.

>responding to the tripfag
Fuckcault has arrived. Derailing of thread in progress.

>> No.6423426

ad hominem et fedora

>> No.6423436

>still not realizing that quotes on 4chan are sarcastic paraphrases of poster's implied point

>> No.6423447

jeb bush is actually known to be a hyper voracious reader, though probably of non-fiction.

>> No.6423461
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So he's shot himself in the foot already. His voter base openly want religion in politics.
It looks like Bush or maybe Rubio.

>> No.6423486

Then why does he talk like a corporate robot during rallies, debates, etc.

>> No.6423843

Human dignity implies that we give our humanity actual value other than mere lip service. To automatically equate statism as synonymous with tyrannical evil and democracy with freethinking good is to simplify discourse. Democracy can often allow social control to fall into the hands of the unworthy, as the empty cans often rattle the most. The thought seems to be, "he who feels the strongest in his opinion/belief is justified/correct". People automatically associate views that don't parrot the modern populist ideal as "elitist" or "tyrannical" and therefore evil.

>> No.6423847
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>> No.6423854

> yfw USA has the chance to elect this guy but will instead vote for Hillary "muh liberal vagina" Clinton

I am so glad I don't live in such a shit country, the USA is still fairly strong but their days are finished. This is what you get for pandering to radical left-wingers.

>> No.6423856


2 things.

1. he's older than us, so women weren't as "free" to think and act how they wanted back then

2. he's 5'8" anyway, so it's not like he went up to the 1980s equivalent of a 9/10 club slut chad cum guzzler and started talking about dostoevsky

>> No.6423860
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>Muh vagina is now considered radical left ideology

>> No.6423866

>he seeks confirmation that reading books is a chick magnet

stay delusional matey

>> No.6423869

I mean even communism seems tame compared to SJW culture.

>> No.6423875
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>Redistributing means of production is now as radical as complaining on the internet about white people
Keep going.

>> No.6423880

>a supporter of the Tea Party movement
>He describes himself as "100% pro-life" and has cosponsored legislation for equal protection of the right to life from conception.
Thanks goodness there will never be a Paul president in my lifetime, even if he will govern a country an ocean away from me. The latter statement is absolutely infuriating.

>> No.6423883

Communism isn't simply an economic theory. Consult the wikipedia page, at the very least. And in fact the sort of cultural marxism propagated by SJW's wasn't even implied in Marx's works.

>> No.6423884
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>SJW culture

>> No.6423886
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>cultural marxism

>> No.6423887
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>cultural marxism

>> No.6423906

Rather a politician who panders to intellectuals like yourself.

>> No.6423907

nice shitposting, then again, why am I even replying, I don't know anymore

>> No.6423935

>radical left

>b-but she's a woman, and therefore it's "radically left" for her to be anywhere but the kitchen or the nursery

>> No.6423944

>nice shitposting
Literally the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.6423948

In 2013, Joseph Stiglitz, a Keynesian economist, warned that the TPP presented "grave risks" and "serves the interests of the wealthiest."[14][106] Organized labour in the US argued that the trade deal would largely benefit corporations at the expense of workers in the manufacturing and service industries.[107] The Economic Policy Institute and the Center for Economic and Policy Research argued that the TPP could result in further job losses and declining wages.[108][109]
In December 2013, 151 House Democrats signed a letter written by Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and George Miller (D-CA), which opposed the fast track trade promotion authority for the TPP. Several House Republicans opposed the measure on the grounds that it empowered the executive branch. In January 2014, House Democrats refused to put forward a co-sponsor for the legislation, hampering the bill's prospects for passage.[110]
In 2014, Noam Chomsky warned that the TPP is "designed to carry forward the neoliberal project to maximize profit and domination, and to set the working people in the world in competition with one another so as to lower wages to increase insecurity."[111] Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who opposes fast track, stated that trade agreements like the TPP "have ended up devastating working families and enriching large corporations."[112] Economist Paul Krugman reported, "... I'll be undismayed and even a bit relieved if the T.P.P. just fades away," and said that "... there isn't a compelling case for this deal, from either a global or a national point of view." Krugman also noted the absence of "anything like a political consensus in favor, abroad or at home."[113] Economist Robert Reich contends that the TPP is a "Trojan horse in a global race to the bottom, giving big corporations and Wall Street banks a way to eliminate any and all laws and regulations that get in the way of their profits."[114][115]

>> No.6424013
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>reading makes you an intellectual

>> No.6424971

Half of the nation is against abortion, bud. I don't know what it's like in your little liberal pisshole, but there are a lot of people out there who don't like killing babies, whether or not they are the product of rape, and whether or not the mother wants them.

RP has said, however, that he supports exceptions for times when the woman's health is in danger.

>> No.6424975



>> No.6424980

>Being insincere is a good trait in a politician

Fuck this culture, and this world.

>> No.6424981

When someone reads a lot why are they always described as either a voracious or avid reader?

>> No.6424986

Lol reading is for neeerds :D

I'm going to vote for Hillary, because we need a woman president ;)

>> No.6424997
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>we need

>> No.6425008

>it's either going to be Shillary or a Republitard

it's over

>> No.6425015

>Rand Paul
He's a libertarian you silly goose

>> No.6425032

Not really. There's some differences between him and his dad.

Still no reason to have this thread here. But it doesn't matter. The GOP are filled with all sorts of wingnuts

>> No.6425048

Its going to be Scott Walker. He's got the most money behind him and if he can avoid making a gaffe he will be the least polarizing.

>> No.6425052

>your reddit is showing
oh the irony

>> No.6425059
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>> No.6425078
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>Rand Paul is the son of Ron Paul
I thought it was just a coincidence.

>> No.6425103

Posting in Haiku is why nobody likes you, /lit/.