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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 640x624, 1273263580824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
641902 No.641902 [Reply] [Original]

quiz time

/shamelessly stolen from /b/ mere seconds ago

>> No.641920

>video game

>> No.641939

Lit: Couldn't say. Maybe Waiting for Godot
Music: Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
Film:This one is impossible. I'll go with Stroszek by herzog
Vidya game: probably Silent Hill
Art: Andy Warhol's body of work

>> No.641948
File: 381 KB, 640x624, ART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copied from /mu/

>> No.641960



>> No.641961

Doesn't surprise me it's from /b/ as only a retard could make such an atrocity.

>> No.641966

crossposting cancer

>> No.641972

What's the album in the music box?

>> No.641980

it clearly says Stravinsky

>> No.641987

Yes I'm entirely serious. Andy Warhol is the single greatest artist of the 20th Century. I can't even think of someone close. Most of my other favorites are pre-20th century btw.

>> No.641988


>> No.641989
File: 36 KB, 300x354, dissenters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lit: Ada Or Ardor
Mu: David Bowie - Heroes
Tv: McCabe & Mrs. Miller
V: Pokemon Second Gen
Art: Gorky - The Liver is the Cock's Comb

>> No.641998

Lit: Gravity's Rainbow
Music: Loveless
Film: Godfather
Vidya game: LOZ: OOT
Art: idk?

>> No.642003

No. Please stop this.

>> No.642006


I understand Warhol's importance, but do you honestly take anything away from his work or do you just say, oh that's nice. He just seems completely devoid of substance, and it's pretty obvious that's the case when he admits that he's just a whore in it for the money.

>> No.642007

heroes, imma let you finish, but low was the bowies best berlin-era album

>> No.642017

This board has terrible taste in video games

>> No.642020

What the fuck is the "art" window for? Is it implying that literature, music, film, and videogames are not art? I'll take it as a wildcard..

Lit: 2666
Music: 4′33″
Film: Apocalypse Now Redux
Vidya: Planescape: Torment
Art: Fountain

>> No.642022

I think he affected a shallow personality because he had social anxiety. His comments on difference and repetition remind me of the structuralist theory with which he was contemporary, but instead of talking about it he created something tangible to represent it. His ideas were widely misunderstood. The fact that pop art became a fad was just confirming everything he said about american culture. And besides that, he is very talented and also a socialist at heart. He was a satirist.

>> No.642025

troll detected

>> No.642026


2666 was published in the 21st Century.

>> No.642029


So you're agreeing with me that pop art is a blight on the planet?

>> No.642030


He started writing it in the 20th, so I count it for both. Ficciones if 2666 doesn't count.

>> No.642041

When it isn't Andy Warhol, it's pretty bad. The point with Warhol was that he was America's only situationist. Yeah by the time pop-art became self aware, and went meta it became pretty terrible.

>> No.642042


Why? I think Cage took music to it's most extreme conclusion, pretty much being both the apex and the end of the art form. As such it's the greatest musical piece of art of the 20th century.

>> No.642044

(This is just gonna be a list of shit I like the most, obviously)
Lit: Infinite Jest
Music: Bromst
Film: There Will Be Blood
Vidya: Planescape: Torment (god bless the other anon who said this)
Art: Kandinsky, Composition VII

>> No.642045

you know what, i'll bite. i do think John Cage is amazing, but this piece was just to make fun of people wasn't it? it was a troll.

>> No.642047

The 20th fucking century

>> No.642051

literaturefags dont believe in videogames, they'd rather have fantasy world that they cant control

>> No.642058 [DELETED] 

Lit: We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Music: Robert Johnson
Film: Le Voyage dan la Lune
Vidya: Half-Life 2, or possibly Frogger
Art: Hannah Höch- Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany

>> No.642055
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1192E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stravinsky - Petrushka / Prokofiev - Sonata for Piano No. 7 / Webern - Variations for Piano, Op. 27 / Boulez - Sonata for Piano No. 2 (Pollini / DG / 1972, 1978, V0)

one of the very best survey of 20th century classical masterpieces by one of its most accomplished exponent. All in one disc too, doesn't get much better than this.

>> No.642059

That is such an obnoxious statement.

>> No.642061

I liked We, but I don't think it's the best. Well, that's just like my opinion, man.

>> No.642062

This retarded board does not know the difference between 20th and 21st century.

>> No.642065

Lit: We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Music: Robert Johnson
Film: Le Voyage dans la Lune
Vidya: Half-Life 2, or possibly Frogger
Art: Hannah Höch- Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany

>> No.642067
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>> No.642074

true, but there should be an exception for this on the video game category.

>> No.642075

Literature: Andrei Bely, Petersburg
Art: Claude Monet, Impression Sunset

>> No.642077



>> No.642079

That's because all games from before the 21st century suck lol

>> No.642087

Deus Ex was released in 2000, so it counts as being from the 20th century, right?

>> No.642088



>> No.642089

>Waiting for Godot

/mu/tant here. I just made a post on our thread expressing my disapproval that no one had mentioned this after 150+ posts. I guess not EVERYONE on /lit/ has shitty taste in books.

>> No.642090

Not all of them sucked, just technical quality of games is a lot better in the 21st

>> No.642092

inb4 rreinstallan

>> No.642102
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people who play videogames would disagree

>> No.642104
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>> No.642111

thats a play, you moron

>> No.642112
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>> No.642115

Which is literature

>> No.642117

literaturefags: i dont like videogames writers are so much better

videogames are stupid even though they require architects, teams of art designers, and mathematictions

its just so unsophisticated

>> No.642119

Since it wasn't written by Camus, Nietzsche or Orwell or Ellis or Ayn Rand, it doesn't get mentioned much here.

>> No.642121

Popular films are even worse and they require much more

>> No.642122

Most certainly not! what next? opera? music? hollywood cinema? oh, bugger off!

>> No.642123

So plays aren't literature? My, what an informed board we have here...

>> No.642126
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Yeah! Concept art is definitely serious art, guys!

>> No.642131

hey, literaturefag here and i don't feel this way at all in fact i heard about some mind blowing video game but i can't remember it's title. christ..this will bug me...it's an adaptation of some kind.. anyway /r/ thought provoking videogame titles that are adaptations (not dante's inferno)

>> No.642146
File: 244 KB, 1278x720, crysis_44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY WOULD U EVER want to experience something first hand when you could read about it

silly willys

>> No.642148

nevermind i reminded myself they are adapting Lars Von Trier's AntiChrist into a fucking videogame if you haven't seen it watch it and then realize how crazy a videogame adaptation of it would be. ..... . .. . DO IT FAGGOTS

>> No.642159

Yea, that's why I travel to different parts of the world sometimes and see new places and meet new people

>> No.642165


oh wow i never realized you could shoot aliens in different part of the world

good for you

>> No.642168

lit: Catcher in the Rye
mu: Pinkerton
film: A Clockwork Orange
game: Ocarina of Time
art: Marilyn Diptych

>> No.642173

lmao you have no idea

>> No.642177

Fucking Catcher in the Rye...

>> No.642182

you are a giant troll.

>> No.642183

It's a really good book. You can't deny it.

>> No.642185

Dmitri Shostakovich - 24 Preludes & Fugues, Op. 87
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
art? who cares lol!!

>> No.642190

Aguirre is also such a sweet film the part where that raft is stuck on the river first i was like fffffuuuuu.jpg but then i was like everything turned out better than expected.

>> No.642192

not trollin, srsly, bro
it's a good book
a good album
a great film
okay game
i couldn't really decide so i went with Warhol

>> No.642205

yea hating CitR is the hipster thing to do yet it is called a hipster book by the hipsters who hate it............fucking borders.

>> No.642211

Lit. Catch-22
Music- Revolver- The Beatles
Film- Pulp Fiction
Art- Gustav Klimt's body of work as a whole
Video game- i really don't know...

>> No.642213

No, I seriously hate it. It's dire and totally undeserving of its acclaim.
It's not art at all.
And I'm nothing like a hipster.

>> No.642218

<3 klimt
yeah i just think it's hip to hate the book, not the one who said it was the 20th century's best, though. i'm not saying that you can't hate it all on your own.

>> No.642256
File: 1.46 MB, 400x226, ughughugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when "art" category responses

I just took a 20th Century Art final and what the FUCK is this.

Shape up, /lit/. I believed in you!

>> No.642261

Being pretentious.

Lit: Camus' The Plague
Music: Debussy
Film: Herzog's Aguirre Wrath of God
Video games: I don't play video games
Art: Cezanne

Being myself

Lit: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Music: Sugarhill Gang
Film: Dark Knight, fuck yes,
Vidya: Legend of Zelda
Art: Dave Gibbons

>> No.642267

why do people like aguirre more than stroszek?

>> No.642271
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>> No.642274

Because it was a better film. But seriously, the whole people-gaining-power-then-failing-horribly schtick is always a huge plus. Think Citizen Kane. And I liked the storyline and aesthetics of Aguirre much better.

>> No.642276

Also, it had boat full of monkeys.

>> No.642296
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Lit:The Little Red Book
Music: "The White Album"
Film: Casablanca
Video game: Civilization 2
Art: The Hubble Telescope

>> No.642306

>20th Century's greatest pieces of Art

So I heard you like Art so we put a Art in your Art so you can Art while you Art.

>> No.642307


win. how very meta

>> No.642316
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N.B. Pretty much anything by Francis Bacon would fit into the 'Art' section.

>> No.642362
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>> No.642452
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>> No.642464

You are probably entirely serious

>> No.642466

Is that Bladerunner under film? I can't tell just by looking at the scene.

inb4 it's something that should have been obvious

>> No.642469



>> No.642470

Apocalypse Now is smalltime compared to Aguirre.

>> No.642471

Lit :Atlas Shrugged. Not trollan, its impact in immeasurable.
Mu: Whether we like it or not, The Beatles
Film: I'll go with Julius Caesar. It has to be something from Brandos early work.
Art: Geiger. It changed everything.

I'm sorry if any of my picks aren't subtle enough for you.

>> No.642477

Magritte pretty much has a 90% chance of being better than any other art response in this thread. Don't knock him, at the very least.

Legend of Zelda I don't give a shit about, though.

>> No.642479

My mom's name is Margaret. Freudian slip

>> No.642482

I meant to respond to someone else. Sorry

>> No.642491

lit: i'll say Atlas Shruged as well ... but hard to pick one
music: St. Peppers
film: hard to pick one ... Star Wars ...
vid: don't know, don't care
art: picasso

>> No.642494
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All I can say is that something from Surrealism or American Social Realism painting belongs in the Art section

>> No.642502

It's Apocalypse Now

Sorry, I thought it would be fairly obvious.

>> No.642508

lit: Ulysses
mu: Sgt. Pepper's
film: The Battleship Potempkin
game: Doom
art: Guernica

>> No.642581
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>> No.642591
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Lit: Don't know
Music: Don't know
Film: Don't know
Video game: Planescape: Torment
Art: Don't know

>> No.642625
File: 382 KB, 640x720, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all fuckers know this to be true.

>> No.642628
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>> No.642633

Why are people posting There Will Be Blood as the greatest film? Are you serious? You obviously don't know much about cinema.

>> No.642638

Fuck really? This is coming from someone who watched Apocalypse Now, although a decade ago. Thinking about it, I can only remember the cards on the dead bodies scene, the trenches, mangoes, and the ending. Have to watch it again.

>> No.642639



>> No.642644

You obviously don't know much about 'pinions
Protip: People gonna have 'em.

>> No.642645
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>> No.642666


You obviously don't know much about the 20th century. Protip: There Will Be Blood was released in the 21st century.

>> No.642674

Literature: Battle Royale-- Koushun Takami
Music: Beethoven's Ninth
Film: Amadeus-- Milos Forman
Vidya: Valkyria Chronicles
Art: Jeanne D'Arc -- Baptiste-Lepage

>> No.642689

In his opinion it's 20th century. People be havin' their opinions, dude, let them have 'em

>> No.642697
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>> No.642700
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>> No.642702

In my opinion, this is the 15th century. So fuck thy shit, thou art a witch.

>> No.642707


>> No.642722

tiem r reletive

>> No.642730

lit: Ulysses
music: Adagietto from Mahler's 5th Symphony
film: Altman's "Nashville"
videogame: Infocom's Zork series
art: James Ensor's Intrigue

hopelessly subjective list, but there you go

>> No.642738
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>> No.642769

do you like anal?

>> No.642779

Music: The Rite of Spring? (hint: best music was in 19th century)
Film: 2001 (derrrrrrr)

>> No.642784

what other kind of sex is there?

>> No.642787

Of course anybody who lists Sartor Resartus as the greatest book of all time is going to like anal.

Where else is he going to stick his cock but in some teufelsdreck.

>> No.642796


>> No.642806

>video game

>> No.642808

>Rites of Spring

Motherfuckin' brofist.

>> No.642818
File: 194 KB, 656x1064, Bela+Bartok+Bartok+bewerkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hint: best music was in 19th century
hint: you're wrong.

>> No.642838
File: 75 KB, 640x624, truegreatart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.642842


Pfft. That's not Radiohead.

>> No.642875
File: 101 KB, 800x464, guernica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature: Nineteen Eighty-Four
Music: Shostakovich Symphony No. 11 (The Year 1905)
Film: Apocalypse Now
Video Game: Super Mario Brothers
Art: Guernica

>> No.642895


Altman is a BAMF and Nashville is a fucking awesome film.

>> No.642904
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>> No.642918

Sure is amateurish trolling in here..

>> No.642929
File: 362 KB, 745x714, 20th century art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.642933

I don't think this could be any worse

>> No.642955

Music:Demon Days
Film: Reservoir Dogs
Art: Jack Kirby
Vidya: Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
*Comic-Sandman series/Watchmen/All Star Superman

>> No.642958

Nice. I'd have gone with Master of Reality, Highlander, and the Thompson M1921A1, myself, but, very close.

>> No.642968

Gravity's Rainbow
Operation Flashpoint
The Gugenheim (the building itself, but not anything in it).

>> No.642977
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>> No.642980
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>> No.642986

lit: Sea of Fertility
music: Black Saint and the Sinner Lady
film: Stalker
art: Painting Number 2 (Kline)

>> No.643014

lit: Toni Morrison - maybe Beloved / Bluest Eye / Tar Baby
mu: John Scofield - Quiet
film: not a film fag, maybe Pulp Fiction
game: Grand Theft Auto III: Vice City / San Andreas (21st century, I know, but everything else sucked before it)
art: don't know, something by Picasso I'm sure.

>> No.643033
File: 294 KB, 640x624, What-Does-This-Say-About-Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.643113

That you're a hipster douchebag faggot.

>> No.643126

Too lazy to do images.

Literature: Hamlet.
Music: Immaculate Crucifixion.
Film: Fuck if I know.
Video Game: Thief 2.
Art: Can't pick, too many.

>> No.643128

lit: Heart of Darkness - Josef Conrad
mu: Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven)
film: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
game: Half-Life 2 and the episodes
art: don't know

>> No.643150


>> No.643207

Lit: Gravity's Rainbow
Music: Peaches in Regalia
Film: Andrei Rubylov
Vidya: Unreal Tournament
Art: Still Life with Old Shoe by Joan Miró

>> No.643208

that's an accomplishment to not pick a single thing from the 20th century

>> No.643209

I doubt many in this thread do. It's /lit/, dude. The board to go to so you can learn how to better fake literacy? Not some kind of board for, you know, actually discussing literature you've actually read.

>> No.643213
File: 16 KB, 251x245, blank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty quality.

I'm working with paint only

>> No.643216

Oh, and vidya games in the 20th century mostly sucked, so I picked Heavy Rain instead

>> No.643235


in comparison to the other centuries of the modern period, the 20th century was pretty lackluster in all of these realms. except obviously the ones that were created in the twentieth century.

video game: Super Mario Bros. 3
film: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (however, I have not seen nearly as many films as i should have)

>> No.643400

>I am a pretentious twat.
Fixed it for you.

>> No.644654

lit.emma goldman
music.the smiths queen is dead
film.blade runner
art.dont really know

>> No.645220

I see what you did there.