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/lit/ - Literature

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6419351 No.6419351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Teehee, I went to my city's largest library and sat and read Ulysses at a table today but no guys approached me (I'm a 20 year old girl). Where do all the literature loving guys go?

>> No.6419356

We never go outside because we hate what's good in life and love what's shit

>> No.6419358


would not bang

try Kafka or Pynchon next time

>> No.6419363

>Kafka more patrician than Joyce

What is it like being handicapped?

>> No.6419366

we don't go to the city library
we go to our uni library, try that

>> No.6419369

If I saw any given woman under the age of thirty and weight of two-hundred reading Amerika or The Trial I would approach them then and there.
The thread opener's obviously shitposting, though.

>> No.6419378

The local denizens are probably a bit too nervous to approach the first time you go there. Keep going a few times and soon some of them will muster up the courage to go talk to you.

>> No.6419384
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>implying any person who reads would interrupt anyone else reading

>> No.6419408

How hot are you

>> No.6419416

post feet

>> No.6419422

I approach a lot of girls, then one day I saw a girl reading Kafka but didn't with her. I don't know why, maybe I felt she was showing off her taste, or contrived /desperate.

>> No.6419425

It's because they didn't know if you was serious or did only shit read.

>> No.6419427


>> No.6419440


What if it was not contrives but she wanted a nerdy guyfu

>> No.6419456

>nerdy guyfu
She'd need better engrish

>> No.6419490

>dating a girl with even an ounce of intelligence

Why would anyone do this? Don't go and label me as a misogynist. I think that girls should be allowed to do anything a guy can do, including reading when they are able to and learning any field. What I am saying is that I simply don't want a girl who is intelligent I want someone who is submissive, takes whatever you say for granted, and pretty much lives to satisfy you. Bitch can't go off and read if I need some pleasurin'.

>> No.6419507

Yeah, clever girls are just better at rationalising their fundamentally wanton and perfidious behaviour.

>> No.6419511

>ranking writers

>> No.6419514

apparently some woman fooled you into thinking she was intelligent?

>> No.6419536


>> No.6419552

At least you've never done that.

>> No.6419590

how do you expect to subvert misogyny if not by irony

>> No.6419599


>> No.6419610

This could infer many things:

1) You are sufficiently unattractive to the extent to which any advantages you have in regards to your capacity for cognition are rendered void.

2) Libraries are universally renowned for being quite reading and research environments, not meet and greets. Your city's library likely adheres to the status quo.

3) Any person who would post such an image without irony (which would most likely be the case assuming this was in fact not a bait post) likely bears an off-putting immaturity that is made evident by their aesthetics and mannerisms.

4) "Literature loving guys" are lacking in confidence to the extent to which engaging in spontaneous conversation with an unintroduced, previously unmet individual. My reasoning for this however is based upon my own nature as I am familiar with few other males with a fondness for literature.

>> No.6419631

What the hell does Schrödinger's cat have to do with dating?

>> No.6419635

And why don't you approach men? Fucking bitch.

>> No.6419638


>Fucking bitch
>wonders why girls don't approach him

>> No.6419639

you mean imply, not infer.

>> No.6419646

I rewrote the sentence halfway and forgot to amend it. I'm glad someone is aware that they aren't synonymous too.

>> No.6419649

Girlfriend exists in the state of both "tfw gf" and "tfw no gf" simultaneously. It is only when an attempt is made to observe "gf" and talk to her that the romantic waveform collapses. Often leading to spaghetti, AKA string theory.

>> No.6419658

I'm sure people who deem themselves "Nerd Girls" can distort the analogy until it fits the context.

>> No.6419665

The only string theory is guessing what's in your pants ;)

>> No.6419673

Reduction to a single eigenstate isn't string theory. What are you on about you popsci twat?

>> No.6419679

He was talking about spaghetti you mongoloid

>> No.6419682

It gets me hot when I know you are thinking about my woollen underwear (⌒_⌒;)

>> No.6419705

i would never date a girl who identifies as a "nerd"

>> No.6419724

Teehee, silly boys! Don't you know how easy you have it? When you like a girl you can just approach her! Us girls have to wait to be approached!

>> No.6419734

Really? How could a grill imposter know that?

>> No.6419743




>> No.6419746

teehee is such an obvious giveaway though

pack up your dong and go

>> No.6419755

there are a few obvious giveaways

>> No.6419840
File: 29 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mt430cllKS1rv8rzfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are too busy reassuring other people

>> No.6419852

Your affected speech patterns are horribly annoying

>> No.6419860


This failed attempt at formal writing is hilarious, full of spelling errors and incorrect sentence structuring.

>> No.6419865


I'd imagine that literature loving guys don't cold approach. It's a pretty nerdy hobby.

>> No.6419896

He writes like a maths professor I used to know, but he never tried to write things formally, it just happened. I don't really mind it to be honest.

>> No.6419906

>I heard about Schrodinger's cat on the Big Bang Theory!
>Teehee! Shaldon is so funny! Teehee!

>> No.6419910

Except it's obviously deliberately inflated, considering his sentences are both redundant and ungrammatical.

>> No.6419941

Grammar seems fine to me.
The lecturer used to get whined at by other students all the time because of his cryptic course notes. He just said he wrote things how he wanted people to think about them. Then again he was teaching maths, not shitposting on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.6419978

>Grammar seems fine to me.

>"Literature loving guys" are lacking in confidence to the extent to which engaging in spontaneous conversation with an unintroduced, previously unmet individual.

>> No.6420029

kek, I can see the redundancies, but not the issues in grammar. Even the repeat could be justified if unmet meant that the people had never observed each other, but I suppose it would also imply they hadn't been introduced too. I don't really know why I'm defending him though, that autist shouldn't be writing.

>> No.6420114

Kafka > joyce

>> No.6420158

It's a fragment: if he finished the sentence the grammar would have been ok.

TBS(that being said,) it does sound like something someone from/v/ or /r/atheism would write.

>> No.6420164


I don't even have to read this thread to know everyone was trolled

>> No.6420178

tbs is a good channel i like that cartoon baby

>> No.6420203

There's very little difference between trolled and entertained on 4chan.

>> No.6420204

Wow, 'Nerd Girl' really needs to lose some weight!

>> No.6420219

the sentence doesn't even end or something -- it feels incomplete like it should be

> "Literature loving guys" are lacking in confidence to the extent to which engaging in spontaneous conversation with an unintroduced, previously unmet individual
> is very uncomfortable/unlikely/etc

>> No.6420263

Perhaps autistic anon knows better. Perhaps his original intent was to convey the sheer volume of spaghetti /lit/ suffers in social environments.

>> No.6420425

the funny thing is, if I do this around a room full of people, it really is because I'm feeling a bit dejected and antisocial

the schoolmates are right to wonder

>> No.6420626

>dfw the school mates don't come over and ask me

>> No.6420639

Why does this thread have so many replies?

>> No.6420647

I am convinced there is no easier board to bait than /lit/

>> No.6420664

Maybe it isn't baiting and /lit/ is engaging in postmodern collaborative fiction. See also: >>6420203

>> No.6420673

>We're just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.6420712

What about /pol/?

>> No.6420716

/lit/ is lefty /pol/ at this point

>> No.6421001

If only you didn't suffer from a limited intellect, amiright?

>> No.6421026

Intelligent women not wanting to have sex is a stereotype. If she's really attracted to you, she's not going to go off and read when you want to have sex (unless your expecting her to be submissive turns her off...)

>> No.6421112



>> No.6423140

Learn how to write, faggot.

>> No.6423148

>being a newfag

>> No.6423204

give up. there's no hope for you. your teachers, and your parents failed you. stop writing, now.

>> No.6424405

Beautifully crafted.
Severely underated post.