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6418037 No.6418037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We could talk about all the logical inconsistencies and fallacies inherent in Christian dogma, or all the self-contradictions littered throughout the Bible, but fuck that; just answer for me one basic, fundamental question: why is the Christian god necessary?

As in, why do we even need this concept in the first place?

>inb4 euphoric

>> No.6418062

The labor theory of value is predicated upon capacity for visualization prior to actualization. God's labor is a gift, which instills the initial value which can valorize through human labor. Without God, there would be no initial value in anything, which is of course absurd.

>> No.6418069

so people will act nice to eachother because they're afraid of hell

>> No.6418082
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this is the stupidest thing I've ever read

>> No.6418090

Overdone subject; stop finding an excuse to flex your enlightenment muscles.

>> No.6418092

Makes sense to mean, unless you're a ding-dong who has been taken in by the subjective theory of value, le this land was worthless until I made you pay me to use.

>> No.6418097


>uses the catch-all term 'God' to qualify anything

fuck off, moron

>> No.6418104

I'm using God in the Christian sense, comrade.

>> No.6418118

How is he using it as a "catch-all"? He just said it's about visualization before actualization...that's what Marx said is an important factor in labor (or else we would be exploiting wind for windmills by not paying it). The idea that the universe was created to suit a vision means God in the normal sense.

>> No.6418119


oh, so you're just into prefab ideology and sexualized father worship

enjoy it

>> No.6418123


so, in a retarded and assumptive sense

>> No.6418139
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Go with God, brother.

>> No.6418143

oy vey

>> No.6418150

>As in, why do we even need this concept in the first place?

We don't, we have an explanation of the world which makes God unnecessary: it's called science.

>> No.6418178

>which of course absurd
see relativism plz
who said the universe was created to suit a vision?

>> No.6418188

>see relativism plz
Relativism doesn't affect the labor theory of value. Relativism is like a prism, but the labor which is the light being shined behind that prism is always there.

>> No.6418200

okay, why is it "absurd" for there to be no initial value in anything?

>> No.6418208

Because things like water had value for human civilization prior to labor being applied to them.

>> No.6418225

has only has value to us because we happen to need it in order to stay alive

>> No.6418230

Erm, so what?

>> No.6418237

i.e., the value is not objective

>> No.6418240

whoops i meant to quote >>6418230

>> No.6418241

The value isn't objective, but the source of it is.

>> No.6418257

what is that source?

>> No.6418263


nice truism

>> No.6418268

oh boy another theism vs atheism thread
just what this place needed

>> No.6418270

shhh i was trying to bait him into revealing his circular reasoning

>> No.6418273

Labor, which crystallizes into mainly use value or exchange value.

>> No.6418279
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>mfw when trying to use marx to prove the existence of god

>> No.6418283


labor is bodily powered by persons, aka humans. what the fuck does the abstract 'God' have to do with

>> No.6418290

i was hoping you were going to say god, but you've done one better: he doesn't even fit into your argument anymore...unless you were referring to god's labor. either way it's still circular reasoning though

>> No.6418315

Right, and you'll recall why humans posses a peculiar kind of labor? Because they can visualize and then materialize their visualizations, which something like the wind cannot do. This is how we created in the image of God, we can materialize what we visualize. God is the original laborer, he instilled value in his creation. Things like water were valued by humans without having any human labor applied to them; that's because the *initial* value for everything comes from God; human labor can add to that.

>> No.6418317

I'm a Marxist Episcopalian, so yeah.

>> No.6418329

>I'm very easily brainwashed

>> No.6418330

>this is how we are created in the image of God

>> No.6418337

holy fuck okay read carefully

water had value before labor
because we need it to survive
so it has no objective value
>prove it
imagine a world with no organisms in need of water. POOF THE VALUE IS GONE!

>> No.6418339

Brained washed by whom? Books?

>> No.6418343


>God is the original laborer, he instilled value in his creation.

why do you say this happened? how can you possibly claim knowledge of this? are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.6418351

That's correct, the use value would be gone.

This is really very simple: not all labor creates equal value or even value at all, but *all value comes from labor*.

>> No.6418352

Because if he didn't exist we'd all be wearing fedoras, and there isn't enough fedoras for everyone.

>> No.6418355

Jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead, that's good enough evidence for me.

>> No.6418359

i'm just going to go ahead and believe this is bait

>> No.6418365

It's not. Are you going to suggest the Apostles just made it up, and were willing to be ostracized by the Jewish and pagan communities for kicks? Are you going to say that Paul, who wouldn't even accept patronage from the rich for his work as a preacher, but chose to earn money with his own hands...Paul, a man who had a prestige position of power and gave that up for one of persecution, eventually death...was just in it for kicks? Are you going to say Christ's Resurrection was put down being witnessed by four women, just cuz, even though women were considered unreliable and foolish in the ancient world?

>> No.6418367


now I know you're rusing

thread dropped

>> No.6418373
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Go with God.

>> No.6418374


you have a shitload of learning to do

I hope you're still young, for your sake

>> No.6418376


>> No.6418378

For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

>> No.6418392

>all the logical inconsistencies and fallacies inherent in Christian dogma, or all the self-contradictions littered throughout the Bible


Why don't you just talk to a priest or something instead of anonymous strangers on a taiwanese paper mache imageboard?

>> No.6418435
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>> No.6418463


that first panel was so bad I puked and stopped reading

>this big white phallic thing represents the transcendental signified I'm arguing for poorly

how original