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/lit/ - Literature

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641642 No.641642 [Reply] [Original]

So, what do you guys think of this dude ?

>> No.641655

Not black

>> No.641652


>> No.641657

Kind of wack

>> No.641658

Certainly not on track

>> No.641660

I'd like a Big Mac.

>> No.641662

Stop that. Right now.

>> No.641666

And how?

>> No.641668

Just wow.

>> No.641669

Don't have a cow.

>> No.641670

To your deference, I'll bow

>> No.641673


>> No.641677


>> No.641682

These do not rhyme

>> No.641683

I assume there are no oppinions on Lovecraft then ?

>> No.641687


They will in time.

>> No.641691


How about you check out the countless threads already devoted to him in the backlog. It's the same thought: poor writer, decent imagination.

>> No.641696


Poor writer ? Care to elaborate ?

>> No.641699

>If I keep saying "poor writer" it will be true

You just keep telling yourself that.

>> No.641703

I like Nosferatu eh drink blood and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.641717


His prose style is way, way too flowery and Victorian. Compare him with someone like Thomas Mann and you'll understand what I'm saying.

>> No.641724

>I hate anything that forces me to pick up a dictionary and look for definitions

>> No.641726

That is a matter of preference, though. Some people like the victorian style.

>> No.641727


You've never read anything by Mann, have you? Idiot.

>> No.641731
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>complains about Lovecraft
>calls someone an idiot

>> No.641739


Mann picked up various dictionaries himself while writing his stuff.

>> No.641744


That might be the case, but considering when he was writing it was already an anachronism. And just to prove the law of /lit/, just because people like Ayn Rand does mean she's a good writer. BAM

>> No.641746


Yes, but his writing is more deliberate and confident.

>> No.641747

Just because you have shit taste doesn't mean your favorite author is a good one.

>> No.641752


That's exactly what I'm trying to say about Lovecraft.

>> No.641755



>> No.641762

The time period in which a book is written has little impact on how good it is.

>> No.641761

Says the man with terrible taste in literature.

>> No.641764


Who is your favourite writer?

>> No.641768

Can't say I have one. Im jumping from one author to another.

>> No.641765

I wonder if that thread from yesterday is still up

>> No.641770


You're telling me that if someone were to write plays in the language of Shakespeare today it would be taken seriously? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease.

>> No.641771


What a convenient response. My favourite writer is Flaubert. I must have awful taste, huh?

>> No.641772
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L. Ron Hubbard.

>> No.641773

It would be like some kind of postmodern experiment

>> No.641777

I like both James Joyce AND Stephenie Meyer

>> No.641779

And why not ? So, if someone just as talented as Shakespeare today would write just as quality a play as Shakespeare originally did, he would not be recognized as a good writer ?

>> No.641781


Anne Carson's treatment of the Greeks is probably as far as you'd be allowed to go. There comes a point when art goes from being brilliant to just plain silly, and not knowing what era you're writing in is a surefire path for the latter.

>> No.641786

Sorry, I wasnt trying to find a convenient response, but its true. It just so happens, that I dont obsess myself over one author and just read what is said to be said authors best piece, before moving on to the next one.

>> No.641787


See what I wrote below.

>> No.641799

e.g. Mason & Dixon by Pynchon

>> No.641806

Above you mean ?

Just imagine that Lovecraft lived in the victorian era if it allows you to enjoy his works.

Seriously, a good piece of literature remains good regardless of when it was written. I do not comprehend how the time is in any way even remotely relevant.

>> No.641808
File: 79 KB, 250x325, bad story bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see what I wrote
>anonymous poster

>> No.641817

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.641822


It's pretty obvious that there's only one person arguing against Lovecraft, and that's me. Just because this is anonymous doesn't mean you can't figure out who that someone's arguments are being continued somewhere else. It's called writing style.

>> No.641833


Are you honestly telling me that it would be perfectly cool for contemporary poets to write in the style of Pope again? Give me a break. It's very relevant. Style and technique changes with us, it can't remain stuck. Obviously we can admire the classics, but we can't just make carbon copies of them and say we're doing something new.

>> No.641850

Carbon copies ? If you can enjoy any other old books, this should be no different.

Okay, hypothetically speaking, what if Lovecraft had lived in the victorian era ? Would you aknowledge him as a good writer ?

Well you have not actualy said a single thing about Lovecraft as a writer, the only argument you can muster is that his writing style was not of his age, which is a very weak argument.

>> No.641853


Compare him to other Victorian writers and it will be extremely obvious that they do it better than him. The only reason why Lovecraft is in any way memorable is because of the mythos he created, that's it.

>> No.641860

Many may have done better than him, and many did worse than he did. That is my oppinion.

>> No.641999

The only people who don't like Lovecraft are cretinous negros.

>> No.642014

The Negronomicon.

>> No.642018


I'm Latin and don't like him.

>> No.642023

Poe is leagues better than Lovecraft. Poe was known for his pulpy stuff, but also excelled in poetry. Lovecraft's poetry was... mediocre, to say the least.

Although that poem about hating blacks is most lolsworthy.

>> No.642032

Everyone knows Poe was superior. But saying Poe is a better author than X is like saying you're taller than Gary Coleman.

>> No.642037


Baudelaire > Poe

>> No.642039
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>> No.642046

they're different
psychological horror vs. mystical horror

you can't deny lovecraft's contribution, just look at hellboy and it's ogru jahad or whatever ripoff

>> No.642053

Yes, it's just that Lovecraft is always compared to Poe, and wrongly so.

>> No.642063

Two different languages. Impossible to compare.