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/lit/ - Literature

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6417263 No.6417263 [Reply] [Original]

What drugs make reading enjoyable? I really wanna get into reading but I get so busy with University, sports and other stuff that I sometimes go weeks without reading the books I downloaded on my tablet. Is there a way to fix this?

>> No.6417270


>> No.6417285


>> No.6417291


What is coffee?
Adderall anyone?

>> No.6417304
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>> No.6417315

You have to want to read in the first place.

Otherwise, you'll take adderall or whatever and just want to do something else.

Ya gotta want it, anon.

>> No.6417332

A pack of smokes (extra-long parliaments) and a pot of coffee (without cream-- i'm sorry we dont have any cream would you like your coffee without milk ssNifFFsNort)

>> No.6417335

Reading is enjoyable without drugs. I never get really high to finish a really great book, whereas I might go see a movie really stoned or on adderall or whatever if I know it'll be good.

>> No.6417397

Alcohol, either while drinking or recovering from it.

>> No.6417404


Vyvanse is the best by far

Alcohol has its benefits but it also has its drawbacks

>> No.6417421

coffee or marijuana imo. a little alcohol maybe but more than 3 or 4 drinks and you won't want to read anymore. I haven't read on shrooms or acid but those seem cool to try too

I don't have any experience with Adderall or nootropics but those are probably good too.

Also reading is enjoyable without drugs, maybe get a little stoned if you need to get back in the groove but who the heck wants to have to smoke a joint every time you're going to read. Like say you have a 30 minute lunch break and you want to read, you don't want to have to light up a joint just to get into it.

>> No.6417425

i think you just don't like reading, dude

>> No.6417431

i'm not in the habit of doing serious reading while under the influence, but i'd say weed, amphetamines, and maybe hallucinogens (while on the comedown) might do the trick.

>> No.6417644

what exactly are drines and where can I get them. IJ made them seem fun but no drug dealer has heard of them

>> No.6417676
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>using drugs
My god, it's pure Entertainment!

>> No.6417691

my capacity to respond emotionally to literature is made hypersensitive by marijuana. for instance, once, high, i picked up my decrepit copy of Francis Golffing's translation of The Birth of Tragedy, and reading this passage in the his (Golffing's) preface

>What makes Nietzsche's style so unique, and so uniquely disconcerting, is the delight it manages to create when, in a sense, it is at its worst: most mannered, or idiosyncratically ill-mannered; and conversely, the distaste it frequently provokes when it appears most plausible, poised, or authoritative.

was brought to tears for reasons i have trouble articulating, but have something, i suspect, to do with the succinctness of the sentence; i felt that the ratios of eloquence to legibility, of information density to brevity, were in a sort of literary golden proportion, a fibonacci sequence of concision; that regardless of the topic, a more technically accomplished, and therefore aesthetically beautiful sentence had never been written before and would never be written again. reading it now it's just academic writing, but i was emotionally overwhelmed and had to put the book down at the time.

>> No.6417697

Reading while tripping is strange. I found it was nice while on acid to read something that doesn't require too much thinking about what was going on. Illustrated books I found particularly enjoyable. Huxley talks about going through books with pictures of paintings while on mescaline in Doors of Perception, sounded nice as well.

>> No.6417712

I haven't read Infinite Jest so I don't know the context, but my guess would be benzedrine, although they are typically called bennies. And I'm pretty sure it hasn't been around for decades.

In Infinite Jest were they uppers, like amphetamines? Because that is what bennies are.

>> No.6417721

yeah I've taken amphetamines before and the description was similar to how they felt. So there's no way of getting bennies?

>> No.6417787

I think tripping and reading some of On The Road would be a fun experience.

>> No.6417827

In your defense, that's a pretty nice sentence, and I'm not even tripping.

>> No.6418012

Reading while on drugs is stupid. I never remember what I read and have to go back and read again.