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641516 No.641516 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/, I've got 3 stacks of books from a used book store, and I can't decide on any sort of order in which to read them. Halp?

>> No.641523

You probably don't want to read any of those

>> No.641522 [DELETED] 
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Also, I should note that all of the Ayn Rand was a gift. I did enjoy the Fountainhead, but I don't particularly care about all of her philosophy stuff.

>> No.641528

brb fapping, i mean Rand, for serious?

>> No.641530


>> No.641531

Naked Lunch first and only

>> No.641532
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Sorry, uploaded the wrong pic...heh.
Anyway, I'm not much into Rand's philosophy, but I did enjoy the Fountainhead.

>> No.641534

paradise lost, first and only.

>> No.641539

And a few of those other things

>> No.641551
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Last one

>> No.641554

Israel - no

Austen - yes

Tolstoy - yes
Milton - yes

Plato - yes

Steinbeck - meh.

>> No.641555

the one on transcendental meditation

>> No.641556

Maugham - yes

>> No.641558

Poland what?

>> No.641561

Also, the thin black book below Naked Lunch is called "Dharma: The Way of Transcendence" >>641532
The thin black one here is called "Loneliness" and is by Clark E. Moustakas

>> No.641564

A History of Poland :x

>> No.641567

Usually, paperbacks on meditative practices are scam artistry and not very helpful. BUT this is not always the case.

>> No.641571

I find them interesting, if nothing else, and I really enjoy the tone of Eastern Religous books. I loved this random Krishna book I got, even though it was a bunch of crap.

>> No.641570

which translation of Anna K is it?

>> No.641573

Yeah I'm reading Aleister Crowley's book about yoga and it is quite entertaining...he has a colonist's eye view of eastern rituals.

>> No.641575

Er lemme look...it's the Barnes & Noble version. Constance Garnett translated

>> No.641580

Ohman. His work is hilarious.

>> No.641583

meh, that one is fine but the Pevear and Volokhonsky is the way forward - just reads much better and makes it more enjoyable.

>> No.641586
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>> No.641591
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>> No.641593

I lol'd.
Eh, I don't really have the means to get a new copy at the moment, but once I do, after I've finished that one, I'll go ahead and pick up the one that you suggested :)

>> No.641605

atlas shrugged

>> No.641618

I'm about an 8th of the way through it, if you can't tell from the bookmark, and I'm liking it, thus far, but was just wondering if I should read a bunch of thinner books to kind of have less books looming over me :)

>> No.641678

so much...rand

>> No.641712


>> No.641785


>> No.641821

dem stacks

>> No.642252


>> No.642427

first picture: congratulations, you bought a shitload of rand(literally!)
the rest: dunno, envying you for the hawthorne collection

>> No.642498

read Perspectives on Argument then tell us why it makes the most sense

>> No.642519

fuck that ancient horseshit, let's start with Nietzsche.

>> No.642523


>Ayn Rand and Al Franken in the same stack.


>> No.642552


>> No.642555

>implying Nietzsche isn't ancient horseshit

>> No.642559

They were all Christmas presents from my ex-boyfriend and his brother D:
Also, I got Hawthorne for about $1.00...ha.
I have some on the computer at school, but, sadly, none in book-form, and no money with which to buy it.
Wat wat? I love Al Franken...

>> No.642661


>> No.642679

If you're male and heterosexual, read Jane Austen.
It will get you laid, because all girls read and adore Jane Austen.
You should burn the Ayn Rand, seriously.
She was basically a dexamyl (speed) addicted cult leader.
Read about her life if you don't believe me.
If you're interested in libertarian economics like hers, Hayek is better.
If you're interested in atheism like hers, Dawkins is better.
But Ayn Rand just makes you look like a pseudointellectual.

>> No.642699

Is this... trying to be poetry?

Way to fail, faggot.

>> No.642705

>She was basically a dexamyl (speed) addicted cult leader.

I rather prefer to sum her up as having a "philosophy" that was basically intellectualized sociopathy, but that works.

>> No.642713 [DELETED] 

D i D Y O u K N o w T h a T m O O t i S a T h i e f w h o H A s n O t w o R k E d A D A Y i n H i S L I f E ? H t t P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.642743

>>I rather prefer to sum her up as having a "philosophy" that was basically intellectualized sociopathy, but that works.

You're not wrong. But the speed accounts for all the Hitleresque delusions of grandeur on her part. Her claim that she was the only philosopher worth reading besides Aristotle, etc.

It is intellectualized sociopathy, but you also need to view her (if you must, I just wish people would fucking forget she existed) in her social context. Jewish girl caught up in Bolshevik revolution. Comes to America. Persuaded by organized atheism of the Bolsheviks, but wants to come up with an American-Capitalist response, i.e., a mass movement based on Capitalist values while still being insistent on atheism.

The great irony about America is that people handed over oodles of money to the bitch, and all that money was printed with the words IN GOD WE TRUST.

So it goes.

>> No.642749

>She was basically a dexamyl (speed) addicted cult leader.

Somebody needs to learn about ad hominem attacks.

>> No.642750

>>Is this... trying to be poetry?
>>Way to fail, faggot.

It was trying to lay out my points cleanly.
Almost like syllogisms, or lemmata.
And don't call me faggot.
I prefer the term "butt-pirate".
And I'm top only, if you are interested in getting fucked.
If not, fuck off.

>> No.642761

>>Somebody needs to learn about ad hominem attacks.

Yes, Ayn Rand needed to learn about them, when she "excommunicated" Nathaniel Branden from her Objectivist church. She had no rational reason to do so, except that he slept with a girl who wasn't Ayn Rand. And because she was high on speed, this made her full of rage.

Do you really think pointing out that somebody is on a personality-altering drug is an ad hominem attack? If it turned out that Bush had been dropping acid before making claims that Iraq possessed WMDs, would it be "ad hominem" to point it out? NO.

Just as it's not an argumentum ad hominem to point out the fact that someone is, say, a schizophrenic before taking their points seriously.

Ayn Rand was on a drug that leads to grandiose and paranoid ideation. Read your DSM-IV. Duh.

>> No.643112

Femanon, actually. I really hate Austen, but it seemed like a necessary read.

>> No.643191

>It is intellectualized sociopathy, but you also need to view her (if you must, I just wish people would fucking forget she existed) in her social context.
She was in the ethical egoism section of my Ethics and Values textbooks.

>> No.643192


>> No.643433


>> No.643441

>inafter moralfags starting to talk shit about rand.

>> No.643443

i envy your copy of God's Playground, History of Poland

just start with that

>> No.643449


More like systematized narcissism, but we might as well be splitting hairs when it comes to the trick-ass cunt.

>> No.643451

Why's that, out of curiosity? I picked it up just because I'd like to go to Eastern Europe (at the time, wanted to go as part of the Peace Corps...we'll see how that works out)

>> No.643577

burn the franken, srsly ayn rand is like god compared to that shit. and she kinda sucks

>> No.644522

Why don't you like Al Franken?

>> No.644529

1. Put them in a bag or box
2. Shake
3. Put hand in bag
4. First one you touch

>> No.644535


>> No.644551
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>> No.644609

I lol'd

>> No.644610

me too

>> No.644793

Naked Lunch then the rest followoed by never reading Ayn Rand

>> No.645482

But I like Ayn Rand D: