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File: 414 KB, 1920x1440, glass-of-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6415591 No.6415591 [Reply] [Original]

In your own words, describe this glass of milk.

>> No.6415593

Dankest glass of milk I ever saw.

>> No.6415597

glass of milk

>> No.6415598

Oak tree blossom.

>> No.6415603

>glass of milk

a windows made of liquid extracted from a mammal

>> No.6415607

The glass is more tall than it is wide, it is in the shape of a cylinder and full of milk. The milk is white and that's all I can say about the milk. When I say full of milk it's not actually full, it's an expression. A glass of milk is not something you look at, it's something you drink milk from. To drink without spilling the glass must not be full, but it must not be empty either or you can't drink from it. The resulting expression, "full of milk", shows how language changes depending on circumstances. A "full glass" is not full, it's mostly full.
When I said there wasn't much to say about the milk, I think I meant to say there isn't much to say about this milks in particular. It's plain and white, and if the picture had a lower quality you could paint over it in one click using the filler tool from MS Paint. The milk occupies the inside of the glass.

>> No.6415615
File: 450 KB, 1920x1440, glass of milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6415617

Container composed of perhaps a derivative of sand or some kind of molded synthetic or semi-synthetic organics, containing an organically synthesized liquid produced by an unspecified animal for its children.

>> No.6415622

Do you know that a glass structure flows like liquid over a long period of time, eventually turning into a glass puddle?
Milk on the other hand turns into cheese.

>> No.6415627

I fucking hate milk. I honestly don't get why people drink it after childhood. The only exception is when eating cookies. Then it's okay. But for every day drinking? What the fuck, man? I mean really. What the fuck? I have a friend. She's pretty cool, but she fucking drinks whole milk as her main drink. I honestly can't comprehend it.

>> No.6415629

a glass sitting quietly as seen by the placidity of its milk content

>> No.6415642
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That's actually not true. The origin of the myth, old window panes being thicker at the bottom (giving the impression that its running downwards extremely slowly) is actually just due to dated methods of making said panes.

>> No.6415643

The white machine of human suffering

>> No.6415644
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>> No.6415647


>> No.6415652

If we accept the metaphysical notion of language clearly identifying objects, and taking all this into account, then may we not risk the hypothesis that -- in the conditions of our language game -- this can be said to be a glass of milk?

>> No.6415653

Cow titty-cum.

>> No.6415654


>> No.6415666

Ce ne est pas le lait

>> No.6415669
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>from /r9k/

learn more about memes you dip

>> No.6415675

>naming the frog meme

>> No.6415682

Squeezed from a whore's tits for her feral child.

>> No.6415689

>learn more about memes you dip

>> No.6415699


>> No.6415707

"ceci n'est pas du lait"

>> No.6415710
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Pepe is an art movement

>> No.6415711
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so rare

>> No.6415713 [DELETED] 
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so pricey

>> No.6415719
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so deep

>> No.6415721
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x2448, 1429155181592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so good

>> No.6415724
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>> No.6415729

and then she gives me a full glass of fresh milk from her left boob i guess.
the boob has been milked too recently as it still dripping
here you go anon drink my boobs' juice, trust me you will get better soon
mmmm that's pretty warm he said

>> No.6415736
File: 13 KB, 528x424, 1425720578854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so elegant

>> No.6415737


>> No.6415888

It was an old, boring glass of silky white cow produce. Dad used to drink one every morning, but it made me sick to the point of vomit so I never liked to eat breakfast with him at the table.

>> No.6415900
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stuff that comes from a cow's teats

>> No.6415914

White puss, extracted from the breast of a giant, mutated mammal.
Pasteurized and processed so it won't kill us.
A staple of the western diet.

>> No.6415925

She gently clasped her thumb and forefingers around the hexagonal base of an empty drinking glass atop a table, lovingly securing it in the mid-morning light. The glass itself must have been fashioned in a world without friction, much like the silk gown she had just finished gift wrapping her thin mid section in; revealing that the perks of the trophy wife lifestyle may only number two. The flow of milk from its carton into its new glass home was being managed with a kind of care only found in these houses with tall ceilings and open spaces. As the white liquid leapt off the sides of the glass, its level sloshed up most uniformly until milk was no more than an inch from the circular brim, it was a smooth thick brim clearly designed for honest first sips.

Slowly sliding the glass from it's narrower base she manages to place it just a half arms length away from her body. I am obliged to step in closer and accept the offering. The tall back of a rarely used dining chair separates us as I manage a flustered first sip, slight salute to acknowledge her take-me-now eyes, followed by a brisk backwards walk out of the sliding doors I came through.. I was only over to fix the outdoor deck stairs, get paid and leave. Nothing more.

>> No.6415930

One of those tall glasses I preferred as a kid if I was given the choice. The base is hexagonal, the top perfectly circular. It lays on the table on a cloudy morning, full of a foul emulsion meant to feed the youths of a different species. The glass will probably remain untouched.

>> No.6415975

best one

>> No.6415983

wow, so original, so shocking, wow

>> No.6415999

English is not your first language, is it?

>> No.6416021

White nectar from the underbelly of the dairy cow, pasteurised to perfection.

>> No.6416032

I was always suspicious of the numerous milk glasses my brother left lying around the house. Something about his brash and self-appraising attitude indicated that he would be up to the task.

>> No.6416063

>get paid and leave. Nothing more
Nigga you gay

>> No.6416066

Holy shit I'm thirsty. God I want some fucking milk.

>> No.6416075

This is not a glass of milk.

or if it actually were:

This glass of milk


>> No.6416079


>> No.6416089
File: 20 KB, 360x480, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey baby, wanna buy me a drink?

>> No.6416091

Why doesn't the phrase "glass of milk" mean that the vessel is made of milk? Why use the name of the material as the name of the vessel?

>> No.6416094

Protein mother fucker. GOMAD with goat semen gives you a hard on for life. Fight me!

>> No.6416095

What we have here
Is a glass of milk
And it might well be

>> No.6416102

>glass of milk

Milk is liquid---->cheese is solid milk---->your glass os made of solid milk

>glass of cheese

>> No.6416113

I should first know if the milk is of cows, dogs, or even humans. Knowing it I can describe it better imagining its natural purpose.

>> No.6416416

white glass on brown table, nearly full

>> No.6416426

White substance oppressed by a clear cage.

>> No.6416436

muu-muu white, in glass.

>> No.6416441

milk :)

>> No.6417830

Líquida panacea, pálida hermosura. Violentamente arrebatada y bruscamente embutida. Avivame una mañana más. Atraviesa mi ser.

>> No.6417836
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>> No.6417838

👽ayy demons>>6416063

>> No.6417858

Cool and light, translucent container with the glare of nearby radiance on the rim—sedentary atop a bistre, ochre wavy-patterned table-top.

>> No.6417866

The white substance is obviously the universal eternal expression of the feminine. The life-giving essence of womanhood constrained by patriarchal glass. The masculine, unreasoning solid (solid after all despite claims of fluidity). The literal glass ceiling missing, offering the illusion of progress but none of the possibility. It is of course no coincidence that the patriarchal glass stands upon and oppresses the brown, natural, organic, whilst constraining another aspect of the organic.

>> No.6417871

smen melk.

>> No.6417878


>> No.6417971

sentence fragment and really pretentious prose

>> No.6418009

the farmer squeezed the milk out of her titties, and fucked her in the ass, then killed her.

>> No.6418048


The being of the glass is Glass-of-milk because his Disposition is through his Being-of-milk

>> No.6418052

>nearby radiance on the rim

are you 13

>> No.6418060

freshly squeezed concentrated bovine duds

>> No.6418078

because glass isn't see-through, if I were the photographer the only milk I could see would be the very top stretched oval part under the lip of the glass

the rest of the 'milk' in the glass is an illusion, because the depth of your visual field ends at the outer surface of the glass, it doesn't penetrate through the solid object reaching the (presumed) milk inside

>> No.6418140


It's white.

>> No.6418165

billions of little fat and protein molecules, trapped inside glass. i imagined how i would replenish my energy reserves and trigger a blood sugar response. the thought caused an emission of endorphins into my circulatory system and mitigated my constant, gnawing awareness of the earth's rotation.

>> No.6418172

Upon the walnut surface, there sat a singular glass of opalescent liquid. Though I have not tasted it, I can only assume it to be milk. Without condensation or perspiration otherwise, I have need believe it warm or at minimum room temperature and therefore append the appellate of unappetizing. I think I shall leave it there.

>> No.6418182


I'm reading this book right now, exactly halfway through. Will I never not be psychologically miffed at the loss of an eternity with the one I love? Will Robert?

Why the fuck didn't Robert just shoot him as he entered the cave?