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File: 25 KB, 921x606, facepalm-picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6409093 No.6409093 [Reply] [Original]

>writers are withdrawing their nominations from the Hugos because they dont want to be seen to have won due to politics instead of merit
>writers are withdrawing from presenting awards due to the underhanded bloc voting
Good job neckbeards.
You ruined it.

>> No.6409164

Now anon can write a gripping scifi about vote rigging and submit it uncontested.

>> No.6409213


this isn't just autism...
it's... advanced autism

>> No.6409240

>write in campaign for Mein Kampf for all categories

>> No.6409246

Literally who gives a fuck.

>> No.6409248

no, we must make peace between the two camps and remind the world of Gor

>> No.6409253


>> No.6409257

>one of the "nominees" is literally signed to a label named "patriarchy press"

Apparently George Martin does.

>> No.6409265

They literally have no evidence
It is simply an argument
It is simply that works they dont like get nominated or win, and this is proof of a conspiracy to push a liberal/left/"SJW" agenda

>> No.6409274

another 9 are published be Castalia House which is owned by Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day

>> No.6409282


Dude what?

The people behind it are outright saying they did it. There is no denial. This isn't an 'accusation' or 'conspiracy', the people doing it are proud about it.

You're a fucking retard. I don't give that much of a shit about this, but you're an idiot.

top fucking lel.

a bunch of trailer trash writing for impotent white male conservative readers to jack off to over strong white male protagonists overcoming the evil spacejews/niggers/future liberals.

>> No.6409292

Either that or you're totally illiterate and couldn't read what's happening, since you seem to think it's about people pushing a 'liberal' agenda when in fact it's people trying to push anti-liberal, anti-sjw shit.

>> No.6409307

> we must make peace between the two camps

fuck no. I say we arm them then send them out to the desert to fight each other. Then we carpet bomb the desert. Then bury any survivors.

>> No.6409310

I think you misunderstand, it is the rightwing nuts with no evidence at all merely an argument that works they dont like are nominated or win

>> No.6409315

>thats the joke.jpg
there is no sort of plot or agenda or conspiracy at all, that is simply what the nuts are seeing in works they dislike being popular

>> No.6409318

The survivors will be the strongest of the strong.

We keep them, and use them.

Isn't that self-evident? Why would it even need to be mentioned that these quacks are delusional retards?

>> No.6409328

SF has had gender and race and identity for decades
why the sudden fits of hysteria?

>> No.6409339
File: 135 KB, 720x562, chumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what sort of insular, isolated fool fed a daily diet of the right wing noise machine convincing you everyones out to get you and you are right and in the silent majority do you have to be to interpret works you dont like winning as the sole evidence necessary of a secret agenda??

>> No.6409360

Reminder that Orson Scott Card won Hugo awards years ago despite the fact he's a crackpot right-wing religious Mormon nutjob who wants to make homosexuality illegal.

Checkmate Vox Day, you scumbag piece of shit.

>> No.6409370

Best make peace with the right wing. They're going to be running things for a while.

>> No.6409384

Thankfully they are equally adept at tearing themselves down from the inside as they are at tearing down the opposition, and are rife with schisms and internal problems. Also they happen to be a black-hole of personality, charisma and any kind of leadership whatsoever at the moment, with zero individual figures that anyone really recognizes or respects. They've manipulated the situation to their benefit, but they've simultaneously undermined their ability to take advantage of the opportunity.

>> No.6409386

So the Hugos have always been right wing. What's all the pissing and moaning about if right wingers got nominated?

>> No.6409394

Da fuq?

>> No.6409401

Hugo Awards are a shit anyway.

>b-but now we wont know who wrote the best fantasy novel last year!!!

>> No.6409408

by that logic all awards are shit.

which, they are.

but they also shouldn't be used as a petty socio-political platform to push some impotent faggots agenda

>> No.6409411

if bourgeois liberals stopped ACTUALLY giving affirmative action laurels to low quality works based on identity, maybe it would be less easy for conservatives to convince people thats its something they have to 'fight against'.

>> No.6409418


>> No.6409429

Hugo awards are worthless since the 80s.

>> No.6409441


>> No.6409445

heres a link with excerpts

>> No.6409463

national book award =/= hugo awards

You do know that, right?

>> No.6409464

>The people behind it are outright saying they did it. There is no denial. This isn't an 'accusation' or 'conspiracy', the people doing it are proud about it.
Nothing was rigged and nothing wrong was done you fucking retard. No rules were broken, only your completely imaginary, made-up """""""rules""""""" about what is fair.

>> No.6409467

what does this have to do with science fiction?

>> No.6409468


>> No.6409476

>bloc voting to push a fringe minority view
Its about Ethics.

>> No.6409488

>Its about Ethics.
No rules were broken, and they don't have to honor your "ethics". Stop throwing shitfits, pleb

>> No.6409493

Is there any actual proof?
I mean, a recording of the judges saying that they support someone because of its political views?

>> No.6409497

>gamergate cucks get mad about m-muh ethics in journalism
>these toddlers take a big messy shit in their diapers and start violating ethics
>"we don't have to honor your ethics"

i didn't realize any of that ilk were actually literate enough to use 4chan

>> No.6409499

>or ethical codes
it is deceitful and underhanded, it violates the spirit of the award

>> No.6409502

Delicious salt

>> No.6409503

all acroding to keikaku[1]

[1]the plan

>> No.6409506

>>writers are withdrawing their nominations from the Hugos because they dont want to be seen to have won due to politics instead of merit
Writers are withdrawing their nominations because either they hate white men or because they're afraid of the cultural zeitgeist
>>writers are withdrawing from presenting awards due to the underhanded bloc voting
Writers are withdrawing because fans of an author voted for that author
>Good job neckbeards.
I'm an angry SJW who is tired of white men controlling everything
>You ruined it.
You stole my euphoric, self-loathing emotions!

>> No.6409509

I regret giving you attention, but what on earth does "gamergate" have to do with this?

>> No.6409513

>a finalist - not even a winner
>for a "national book award"
>of poetry
wow you sure showed us a bunch of great examples... er, example

So much cucked sissydick white male

>this was orchestrated by vox day
are you literally illiterate?

>> No.6409514

>>gamergate cucks get mad about m-muh ethics in journalism
I'm not a gamergate cuck, I've always hated "video game journalism" because it's always been fucking retarded

None of them should have jobs, also they're fucking retarded to push SJW agendas onto a reactionary crowd

>i didn't realize any of that ilk were actually literate enough to use 4chan
As long as we're arguing against spooks, HOW FUCKING DARE you vote for Hitler? You voted for Hitler, you Hitler-voting faggot Hitler-voter.

>> No.6409516

>vox day
Okay, and what is the connection to "gamergate"? He doesn't seem to have anything to do with video games.

>> No.6409518

Hugos dont have judges, it is a popular award
And no, there is no proof whatsoever of any sort of agenda to promote a liberal/leftwing/"SJW" bias in the awards
SF has always been liberal/left with a libertarian streak
SF has been writing about race and gender and sex and identity for decades

Whats happening is a couple of obscure low selling rightwing authors have gotten it into their heads that they're not popular because there is a liberal plot to squash conservative views
Tthey have not won and works they dont like or written by the kind of people they dont like have won is all the proof they need

Last years winner was a space opera
The year before that, a Star Trek parody
And before that, a mary sue fantasy

If some winners or nominees are women or minorities, well thats because a lot of women and minorities write SF and who knows maybe they write about things SF readers like??

>> No.6409519

>it is deceitful and underhanded, it violates the spirit of the award
This is the exact argument leveraged against the Nazis at Nuremberg, it was a way to execute them for war crimes but also to avoid being hypocritical in face of the U.S.'s war crimes later on. They violated the "spirit", the made-up ghost you appeal to, while you always abide by the "spirit", because the "spirit" of honesty honestly reflects your desires.

>> No.6409523

>wow you sure showed us a bunch of great examples... er, example
which has nothing to do with the Hugos or SF

>> No.6409526

>So much cucked sissydick white male
YEAH LOL 100% ME! Holy fuck are you Nostradamus or something?

>> No.6409527
File: 383 KB, 759x582, 1389214219532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit about science fiction

>> No.6409529

The classical liberal view is that a work can have literary merit independent of its political message, if any.

Marxists and fascists, though otherwise diametrically opposed, agree that the political message in a work is the sole determinant of its merit. Even an apolitical work, by its lack of the favored message, can show itself to be problematic and thus inferior.

So we have one bloc of Hugo voters supporting treacly fanfic-tier writing for its themes of exploring societal oppression, and another bloc supporting functionally illiterate ranting because SHIT GOES BOOM SUCK IT LIBTARDS, and nobody actually votes for anything with a readable story. And the award passes into meaninglessness. So it goes.

>> No.6409531

Larry Correia and Theodore Beale went to them and told them lies about "SJW" invading science fiction and signed them up to bloc vote for their slate of nominees

>> No.6409534

it has to do with literature in general, which is what i said in my first post. if liberal academics stopped overrating shit writing to fulfill diversity quotas then conservatives would have a harder time convincing people its something they need to fight against.

>> No.6409535

>im defending this position by equating it to the mistreatment of the nazis
thanks for the laugh
do you know who that even is?

>> No.6409538

>low selling
and in the literary world is the equivalent of being low test

>> No.6409541

>And no, there is no proof whatsoever of any sort of agenda to promote a liberal/leftwing/"SJW" bias in the awards
Sure there is, depending on your criteria for "proof". Generally speaking, your criteria always nominally apply to everyone, but somehow people always manage to make very general rules apply to their own benefit. Funny how that always happens.

>Whats happening is a couple of obscure low selling rightwing authors have gotten it into their heads that they're not popular because there is a liberal plot to squash conservative views
Who have a fanbase large and devoted enough to vote for them. Wow, surely a voter with a large fanbase shouldn't win awards.

>> No.6409542

Holy shit kek.
Fucking internet rightwing retards. They are giving the right wing a bad name.

>> No.6409546

>we have to hijack the hugos because of another entirely unrelated award

>> No.6409548

>thanks for the laugh
>maybe if I posture harder, I'll pressure other people into winning the debate through humiliation and ostracization!

keep posturing

>> No.6409550


>> No.6409556

>They are giving the right wing a bad name.
Too bad rightwing doesn't belong to you, kek, and too bad your opinions don't mean a shit.

>> No.6409558

You literally
just used
the nuremburg trials - and how the nazis where the -victims-
as your argument
you can't

>> No.6409560

Who do you think you are?
Are you one of the authors who are sperging over this?

>> No.6409561

>implying SJW's aren't invading science fiction

lel kek and you accuse right wingers of biased sight?

>> No.6409567

>Sure there is, depending on your criteria for "proof"
time and time again I ask for proof on forum after forum, the evidence is nothing more than "a woman/african american/liberal/leftwing author was nominated or won - what more proof do you need

>Generally speaking, your criteria always nominally apply to everyone, but somehow people always manage to make very general rules apply to their own benefit. Funny how that always happens.

chortle into your neck when you have evidence

>Who have a fanbase large and devoted enough to vote for them. Wow, surely a voter with a large fanbase shouldn't win awards.

They did not simply vote for them, they voted for a list they provided for every category

>> No.6409568

Maybe you if you "lel" and "kek" some more people won't think you're butthurt.

>> No.6409576

>large fanbase
Then... um... how come these "authors" hardly sell and no one has ever heard of them?
If they have "fanbases"....

>> No.6409577

I never said Nazis were victims--


--I said the United States used it as a charge against them, but violated the "spirit" clearly themselves, the term "spirit" is always made-up catchall for you to be right by merit of the spirit, you stupid faggot

A writer got his fans to vote for him in an honest election, don't be mad because you suck at democracy.

No, I'm an unbiased contributor who wants you cucks to shut up and stop being buttblasted that some dude won an award. Stop caring about the award and this whole "problem" vanishes

If you truly care about this, you're a pathetic faggot who cares about really trivial things

>> No.6409578

>Too bad rightwing doesn't belong to you
like SF doesn't belong to some angry rightwingers

>> No.6409583

>time and time again I ask for proof on forum after forum
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, retard

>the evidence is nothing more than "a woman/african american/liberal/leftwing author was nominated or won - what more proof do you need
It's a tightly wrapped conspiracy, but it's clearly there

>chortle into your neck when you have evidence
I do

>They did not simply vote for them, they voted for a list they provided for every category
Still: No violation of the rules, only your made-up "spirit"

>> No.6409585

>vehemently argues with us
>"stop caring about this trivial thing!"

>in a nomination-type deal where you buy the right to nominate candidates, not actually vote - and not everyone gets to vote
You don't even know what democracy *is*

>> No.6409586

i dont care about the hugos, im saying that in a way liberals have made their bed with this case.

>> No.6409587
File: 36 KB, 292x234, John_C_Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is John C. Wright
one of the obscure little heard of authors whose work has been inundated into the Hugos this year
He is a born again christian who believes there is a Gay Agenda in everything, a snappy dresser, meticulous beard grower, and euphoric fedora tipper

>> No.6409590

/b/ pls.
Also, nobody cares about the Hugo awards. It's just that those fags are shouting really loud.

>> No.6409591

>Then... um... how come these "authors" hardly sell and no one has ever heard of them?
>I haven't heard of them, therefore they aren't popular

I like every one of those authors
I'm not butthurt, I'm euphoric about winning this debate agaisnt you hacks

>> No.6409595

> im saying that in a way liberals have made their bed with this case.
well no they haven't because thats got nothing to do with it
you might as well be blaming "liberals" because you stubbed your toe getting out of bed this morning and use that as an excuse to burn down the house of your old boss

>> No.6409597

toptroll, 10/10


>> No.6409598

This can't be real.

>> No.6409604

>>in a nomination-type deal where you buy the right to nominate candidates, not actually vote - and not everyone gets to vote

Welcome to America faggot, we've been running the country this way for decades. Just get your head out of your ass and learn what real world politics are.

>implying I don't exclusively browse /lit/

ayy lmao

>> No.6409605
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>> No.6409608

I'm surprised this hasn't been more of an issue. Scifi has always had a libertarian/white/manchild streak

>> No.6409610
File: 2 KB, 105x121, laughing tyrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides are in orbit.

It's like someone did all of this on purpose.

>> No.6409611

no one cares about nerd drama

>> No.6409612

>a fat, old, white male wearing a trenchcoat and literally tipping a fedora
I could not have imagined a more fitting image.

>> No.6409614
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its real and its happening

>insisting on wearing a hat while indoors

>> No.6409616

Oh my God, I had no idea they were putting gays on SCIFI now too?

The liberal agenda is all-encompassing, fucking JEWS

>> No.6409619

>a petty socio-political platform to push some impotent faggots agenda
and that's not what all award shows already are?

>> No.6409620
File: 35 KB, 452x339, thats the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did

>> No.6409627
File: 167 KB, 1279x851, samuel-delany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my God, I had no idea they were putting gays on SCIFI now too?

>> No.6409629
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1428734450661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by that logic all awards are shit.
>which, they are.
awards only mean shit if anyone values them

in truth, nobody values any award that goes to niggers and women, because they're worthless people

Here I award everyone in this thread: the cuck award, for being the biggest cucks

>> No.6409634

I used to know a neckbeard who would insist on wearing his trilby, proper fedoras are hard to get, indoors
the man stank

>> No.6409637

God fucking damnit.
>and a fucking fedora
It's like poetry.

>> No.6409641

>the entire debate shuts down as EVERYONE devolves into hysterical laughter at this shitlord

>> No.6409642

Hugo awards are just popularity contests. Its like letting IMDB choose the best films of the year.

>> No.6409644

did you really just


>> No.6409646


>> No.6409648

This guy is pretty nuts tbh

>> No.6409655

If the Hugos can get gamed this easily then they deserve to be ruined.

>> No.6409658
File: 28 KB, 500x363, Burns snrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 of the 5 novella nominations
>1 short story nomination
>1 related work nomination
>Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth

>> No.6409660
File: 237 KB, 625x834, fed313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abandoned atheism for christianity
*tips fedora*

literally every /lit/ christposter right here

>> No.6409665

>Rankine’s “Citizen” delves into blatant and subtle forms of racism, touching on topics ranging from stereotypes about black women to Hurricane Katrina to the Trayvon Martin shooting case.
>Professor Aaron DeRosa is teaching Rankine’s “Citizen” for the first time this quarter. His students in English 205, a class on black literature in the U.S. dubbed “A Literary History of Ferguson, Missouri,” and English 456, a 20th-century American literature class titled “Bare Life and the Militarization of the United States,” are reading the book, which combines prose, poems, images and essays.

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.6409666
File: 187 KB, 291x293, dfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused /lit/.
So people are complaining because a right-wing author won? Or are right-wing authors complaining that they didn't won because of liberals?

>> No.6409667

would you prefer I call him an edgelord?

>> No.6409673
File: 346 KB, 500x380, 3tM9vhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer you not make any posts at all, actually.

>> No.6409674

what does this have to do with science fiction and the hugos?

>> No.6409678

Right-wingers did something mildly unethical (but completely within the rules) and left-wingers won't shut the fuck up about it, making a much larger deal out of *nothing* just because they hate right wingers that much

>> No.6409680

I'm sure they'll change the method for nominations after this, it's just that they're stuck with it this time.

Both. Nice trips.

Reasonable people are upset that a fringe quack got his crackpot followers to gang-vote for a bunch of literary hacks because they believe the homos are evil and the only reason they don't normally win awards is because there's a conspiracy against them - when in reality they don't win awards because no one but a handful of weird zealots by their rags.

>> No.6409685

>So people are complaining because a right-wing author won?
Voting hasn't happened yet.
These are the nominees
The nominees are plolitically skewered because of:
>Or are right-wing authors complaining that they didn't won because of liberals?
And in their insular worldview they could have only won through deceit, that they might not be as popular or interesting and other people are simply doesn't factor into the equation

>> No.6409688

both, satan-tan. this is what makes this threads so stupid.

>> No.6409689

(on hearing Terry Pratchett discuss voluntary euthanasia)
>It is not the author who appalled me, it was the audience, including myself.
>I sat and listened to pure evil being uttered in charming accents accentuated by droll witticism, and I did not stand up, and I did not strike the old man who uttered them across the mouth: and when he departed, everyone stood and gave him an ovation, even though he had done nothing in his life aside from entertain their idle afternoons. Only I did not stand, being too sick at heart. I did nothing, I said nothing. Was this Christian humility on my part, or merely the cowardice of the silence good men which allows evil men to triumph?
>Had he never said a word, that audience would have been the same: a plowed and fertile topsoil ready to receive any seed, so long as the herb it grows mounts and becomes the tree of death, and the juice of its fruit ferment to venom.

>> No.6409691


Top kek. So just a normal internet fight.

>> No.6409703


>> No.6409704

>and the only reason they don't normally win awards is because there's a conspiracy against them
No, actually, this is YOUR argument, verbatim, retard.

>> No.6409710

There are no words.

That last line.. I could not envision a greater self-parody. Every word is exactly what you'd expect that kind of idiot to write.

Yeah, because they've got such a big fanbase, right? The fanbase that buys all those books of theirs, right?

>> No.6409713
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, lucas in computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/, this is just too funny.
A bunch of people whining over something irrelevant and a fedora tipper on the other side.
It's poetic.

>> No.6409720

What are you even talking about? You're literally saying a black, gay author didn't win an award because of a white racist conspiracy against her. Literally, THAT'S your argument, retard, stop accusing the other of it.

>> No.6409730


What the fuck are you even talking about?

I haven't once been talking about whatever woman was mentioned regarding the National Book Award.

The fuck are you even smoking?

In fact, no one is saying that. No one has ever said that. You're either totally illiterate you or you're just purposefully misconstruing everything being said because your position is completely indefensible.

>> No.6409738

he sure is a master of purple prose and hand wringing

>> No.6409744

Yes, you've articulated almost the exact thing you should be told in regards to this whole thing. Your position is indefensible and your arguments are fallacious. I win.

>> No.6409751

10/10 you had us going for a good while

>> No.6409753
File: 6 KB, 231x218, grasping at straws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, actually, this is YOUR argument, verbatim, retard.
They have no evidence
They simply argue "a work written by a woman with gender neutral terminology won - its a conspiracy!"
That is literally all they have

>> No.6409755

I sure did. But seriously though, it would be awesome to stop bumping these retarded Hugo threads, it's a retarded topic and literally no one who's not dogmatically for or against the right wing cares.

>> No.6409757


Fucking hypocrite

>> No.6409758

>STILL going on about the National Book Award
See whats going is, asshat here cant argue about SF or the Hugos so he is going to drag the discussion kicking and screaming into an entirely unrelated topic and proceed to demolish that

>> No.6409764
File: 33 KB, 389x340, strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debate the topic at hand, stop going off on a tangent

>> No.6409772

That is the topic at hand, cuck

>kicking and screaming

just like you about a completely legitimate vote?

>> No.6409779

>That is the topic at hand, cuck
National Book Award is not the topic

>> No.6409797
File: 50 KB, 437x359, 1393519168153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book awards are not related to book awards

>> No.6409812

National Book Award =/= Hugo Award

>> No.6409817

Why not make a new thread for the National Book Award since you feel so strongly you have to derail other threads to talk about it?

>> No.6409832

this sort of literal thinking, belligerent insistence on his way, incapability to discern nuance, unaware of the effect his behaviour has on others - it is the hallmark of autism and their lack of social mores

>> No.6409846
File: 141 KB, 256x256, heavy_reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaking logic this hard because you don't like what logically follows as fact

how does it feel to be so delusional you can't function, libtards? still relying on those bamaphones to browse 4chan?

>> No.6409949

>breaking logic this hard because you don't like what logically follows as fact
I've never read anything stupider than this on /lit/

>> No.6410119

you don't read your own posts?

>> No.6410144

yeah you're just a fucking idiot

>> No.6411265

OP is a fucking retard

>> No.6411333

holy mother of god

>> No.6411344

>retarded drivel
all in one post!
congrats! please pick up your 4chan meme award at the front desk.

>> No.6411349
File: 76 KB, 750x600, doubleface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a tightly wrapped conspiracy, but it's clearly there

>> No.6411366

I like how when someone puts a million quotation marks you can tell they're incredibly angry because they know they're wrong.

>> No.6411545

Fuck off, Reddit.