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6407292 No.6407292 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between guilt and shame?

>> No.6407319

>i should not have done that
>i can't believe i did that

>> No.6407359

guilt is when you get caught
shame is when you don't
or is it the other way around?

>> No.6407361

No, more like:

>i should not have done that
>i can't believe someone saw me do that

>> No.6407371

Nailed it

>> No.6407396


>> No.6407410

you can feel shame whether someone sees you doing stupid shit or not. I've been ashamed of myself all on my own.

this. the words are synonymous.

>> No.6407418

guilt is what you feel when you make that post

shame is what i feel for stooping to respond

>> No.6407424

No, what you're feeling is guilt, you're just calling it shame for some reason. Guilt and shame are not synonymous.

>> No.6407431
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What does someone seeing you do something have anything to do with either shame or guilt?
Is the grasp on your own morals so shifty that the only way for you to feel any type of negativity toward an immoral act, is to have someone else point it out to you?

>> No.6407456

Guilt is muh conscience, shame is muh social position.

Also morals are for silly children.

>> No.6407468

Why do we say "I have bad hayfever" but "I have a bad headache"? Why use an article in the second?

>> No.6407470
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>> No.6407484

Guilt is feeling sorry for the other, shame is feeling sorry for you.

>> No.6407499

What I did is bad/I shouldn't have done it.

Having done that means I'm a bad person/If someone saw me they must despise me

Guilt is focused on the action and its consequences (particularly consequences on other persons) while shame is focused on self-image (you don't need another person to be present, merely the idea that someone would have found you disgusting or ridiculous if they had seen you is enough).

>> No.6407565
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>implying you have a proper argument for your morality that isn't 'muh feels'

>> No.6407571

>What does someone seeing you do something have anything to do with either shame or guilt?

It *doesn't* have to do with guilt, that's the point. Guilt comes from violating internal rules/ethics you have for yourself. Shame more often comes from exposure that you're not really the kind of person you're trying to present yourself as, hence it involves other people seeing/knowing that you did something you'd prefer wasn't known. The point is that shame doesn't require an ethical or moral position, guilt does.

>> No.6407590

If you were the last person on earth supposedly you would be able to feel guilt but not shame

>> No.6407600

>if I put "muh" in front of anything I automatically win the argument!

>> No.6407603

I done bad

I am bad

>> No.6407605

>says the person who just posted a fedora meme image as an argument

>> No.6407611

>implying I'm the same anon

>> No.6407631

>if I see 'muh' in front of something I don't have to adress a valid objection

>> No.6407648

It's not a valid objection though, it's just a lazy non-argument.

>> No.6407669

Guilt is feeling culpable for something. Shame is feeling bad about something.

>> No.6407685

If it's not a valid objection, what do you consider a valid foundation to build morality upon that is not muh feels?