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6406360 No.6406360 [Reply] [Original]

Is high fantasy like Malazan and Lord of the Rings the male equivalent of women's erotica and romance fantasies like 50 shades?

>> No.6406371

Daily reminder your opinions have no effect on culture.

>> No.6406394

Yes, OP, it's an inherently feminine behavior to want to have sex.

>> No.6406420

If willful ignorance a feminine trait?

>> No.6406421

Malazan is, but LOTR isn't because there isn't any epic wish fulfilment.

>> No.6406424


>> No.6406427

Surely vaguely historical action novels for scrawny teens don't have any willful ignorance.

>> No.6406436

There are things that qualify as 50 shades for dudes. Malazan, however is not one of them.
The King killer chronicles is though.

>> No.6406440

You are dumb

>> No.6406446
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no no 50 Shades of Gray is like the equivalent of Bang Bros. or something

works like The Joy Luck Club, or Fried Green Tomatos, or Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, are the female equivalent of male pandering sci-fi and fantasy

those Dinosaur Turned me Gay books are like the equivalent of those chav incest captions you sometimes see on bee

>> No.6406493

In that it's terrible and appeals to the lowest common denominator, yes.

>> No.6406502

Lord of the Rings is mid-brow genre lit.

>> No.6406517
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Plenty of men are wilfully ignorant. They've said it to my face. I paraphrase, "I don't like thinking too hard about things, it trips me out too much and makes me sad."

>> No.6406531
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Steven Erikson could have actually done something decent with Malazan. the first book was something different/edgy, he went for something in the second one and it peaked there, and then by the time he got to 3, he fell back to relying on "le kill ur darlingz" (because apparently that's good writing) and "epic convergences", which basically ran the whole series to shit. It doesn't help he signed a fucking ten book deal, as well. So much fluff. So much shit. He really did fuck the potential up.

>> No.6406534

What I mean is that you aren't engaging in good faith with op ' s question and there fore are a twat.

>> No.6406535

You know on average, women think about sex more than guys do right? Aside from jacking off and cumming once a day, most guys don't obsess over sex. Women obsess over every part of sex, not just the penetration, the touching, the kissing, the relationships.

>> No.6406541

First book was so anti-climactic at the end though and made no sense. The whole thing was like an underwhelming prologue.

Second book was amazing. I loved the massacre of the wiccans at the end. I was kinda hoping the book would lead up to that. The showdown with Laseen was kinda disappointing though, like he had travelled all that way to kill her then just changed his mind.

>> No.6406552

>second book was amazing

Exactly. But none of the others have done what Deadhouse Gates did for me emotionally. I've reached Reaper's Gale and I just dropped the series in the end. It's slow, meaningless and aimless. So much emotionless filler. He had something aback in DG, but I feel as if he failed to see what it was that WORKED and then proceeded to massively underwrite a series that had potential.

>> No.6406588

it's overly long but I think the ending was worth it. I like 1st and 3rd the most. Not a fan of Toll the Hounds.

>> No.6406607

>its overly long
you talking about DG here, or RG?