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/lit/ - Literature

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6405120 No.6405120 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We brag/complain about our field of study and belittle others for their poor life choices

Happy exams!

>> No.6405135

Freshman philosophy here, I have no clue what I'm getting into

Law, academia, and/or suicide is what I plan on afterwards

>> No.6405154

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6405253

History major at a community college. Currently living in a fantasy world.

>> No.6405286


>people fell for the English major troll

>> No.6405303

Literature grad student. Yes, I'm employed.

All I've got for the rest of the semester is to finish my thesis and a few translations.

>> No.6405317


Sociology, my rebellious years are not over, but I am

>> No.6405378
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>30 straight days into writing 2 consecutive seminar papers after/while my life collapses around me
>then i have two massive exams
>then i have to find another job in 2 days and figure out a way to not be homeless again
>almost literally mfw right now

>> No.6405390

First year biology major. I'm thinking of adding on philosophy as well.

>> No.6405403

Mind if I ask what type of job you have, how you got your job, where you live right now, and where you went for school? And how's grad school, do you like it or do you regret it? Thanks, anon.

>> No.6405404


Undergraduate Philosophy Honours

I have two term papers to finish by Thursday Night/Friday morning,for the 2nd one I need to get a rough draft done tonight, and then 3 final exams which will finish all my mandatory non Phil courses.

I'll be beginning research on my honours thesis right when this semester ends, I'm pretty stoked on it actually.

It's going ok right now.

>> No.6405507
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Don't bother studying philosophy. Shit made me an alcoholic and depressed. You're going to learn and realize that you can't change the world.

>> No.6405524
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>Start off in International Studies
>Critical Theory everywhere
>Get double major in Economics
>Drop International Studies because critical theory everywhere
>Upgrade to Honors program in Economics (more math + harder classes)
>Graduate undergrad cum laude from honors program with two minors as well
>No jobs for people without Masters or PhD
>Can't get into good Masters or PhD programs without relevant work experience
>In jobless/programless limbo


>> No.6405561
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Second year undergraduate in my uni's honor program, double majoring in philosophy and history.

>mfw my tuition is free, my parents pay my rent, and my grandfather gives me a monthly allowance because they all want me to be the first person in our family to have a successful career in academia

>> No.6405565

nuclear engineering

>> No.6405568

Pretty much summed up my experience. I have no clue what to do now. Maybe I should have changed phil fields. I just want to let go of everything and just jump.

>> No.6405576
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>> No.6405586 [DELETED] 

Me too, anon.
>Econ & Middle East studies double major. Decent GPA
>Speak arabic, computer programming knowledge, have taken grad level econometrics.
>been out of school for a year
>every job requires 2 years of experience at entry level
>sending resumes into a void of nothingness for months
>apparently I was supposed to work full time while I had a double major
>go to temp agency around december
>all smiles in interview
>3 months later no calls from temp agency
>march this year
>finally get a call
>schedule 2 interviews in one week for temp to hire work
>both interviews are all smiles
>get text from the temp agency saying they went with someone that has more experience

Literally what the fuck am I supposed to do? My parents are pissed at me and think I'm lazy. They don't believe I am applying for jobs.

I just sent my application in to be a bookseller at Half Price Books. It's been a week and no call yet.

>> No.6405589
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Graduating senior, Linguistics major, applying for an internship in Los Angeles Unified School District where I intend to teach "geoscience" in highschool. I plan on studying natural language processing in my spare time.

Linguistics is fun, but hard ass fuck to get a job that isn't completely computer science related.

Pic related, the path I should have taken.

>> No.6405605
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Me too, anon.
>Econ & Middle East studies double major. Decent GPA
>Speak arabic, computer programming knowledge, have taken grad level econometrics.
>been out of school for a year
>every job requires 2 years of experience at entry level
>sending resumes into a void of nothingness for months
>apparently I was supposed to work full time while I had a double major
>go to temp agency around december
>all smiles in interview
>3 months later no calls from temp agency
>march this year
>finally get a call
>schedule 2 interviews in one week for temp to hire work
>both interviews are all smiles
>get text from the temp agency saying they went with someone that has more experience

Literally what the fuck am I supposed to do? My parents are pissed at me and think I'm lazy. They don't believe I am applying for jobs.

I just sent my application in to be a bookseller at Half Price Books. It's been a week and no call yet.

>> No.6405614
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not b8

>> No.6405617

Lit major, in a fully funded MA program. One more year and I'll have my degree. Debating whether or not to go on for a PhD or to just teach HS.

>> No.6405625

Undergraduate in Women's Studies and White Privilege Theory

>> No.6405632

You guys should sue whoever told you you could sit on your ass for four years, not working, then get a good job.

Did you apply to one internship? Ever?

>> No.6405640
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>double majoring in Business and History
>am actively involved in pre-law as well
>all at a top ranked honors college at a state school that is affordable and regularly sends people to top graduate schools

outta my way plebs

>> No.6405645

look at all that ideology

fucking pleb

>> No.6405646

I'm in grad school for Urban Planning

it's pretty neat

>> No.6405647

now that's some b8 for ya

>> No.6405650

whos the most depressive you have ever read

>> No.6405652

>sit on your ass
This is the main problem.
Corporate America assumes that because you aren't already from a corporate environment that you are instead a hippie that will probably steal the furniture and stink up the place if hired.

It's like they're exclusively hiring 25-29 year old people with 2-4 years experience.

>> No.6405672

Sure. I edit books. I got it by emailing smaller publishers I enjoy, gushing to them about my love of their books, and asking if they needed any editing work done anytime soon. That was when I had completed my BA. It helps that I targeted publishers in one specific niche that I'm studying in graduate school (a national literature).

I work remotely, but live in the USA, in Texas. I went and still go to UT.

I adore it. Two years in, just had comps this weekend, and I'm still going strong in interest in the subject matter. I guess I sometimes miss getting to read exclusively what I want, but knowing how deep my knowledge is now, instead of just broad (like "oh I've read everybody major from x period") feels worth it. The constant realization that I really have so far to go, and so much more to read about to really "get" my field is often daunting, and certainly my ego is smaller now, having been around the type of people who really know their stuff. But, I'll get there.

>> No.6405676
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Double major in Environmental science and outdoor education.

I want to hike, rock climb, and read for the rest of my life. I have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.6405682

No, they think you lack real-world experience.

And you do, so they're right.

>> No.6405685
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couldn't you just go to some remote national park and live off the land?

>> No.6405687
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Freshman student at a local cc in Houston. Any tips?

>> No.6405689

Oh, and I had done an internship with a publisher previously, and worked in the university writing center for a while. I was not experience-less. But those are not unusual or outstanding credentials for an English major to have graduated with, imo.

>> No.6405690

I ran my school's political journal. I worked at an NGO and I did some IT and graphic design work.

Literally how am I supposed to get "real world experience" when people see my resume doesn't say "2 years at middling bank getting coffee for people doing actual things" and trow it in the trash.

>> No.6405691

I'd like to be able to afford a house. The outdoors changed my life, and I want to make that available to kids who can't afford to experience nature on their own. Hope to run my own outdoor ed program someday. My dad and I have talked a lot about this. He says I should continue writing my books and get published along with what I'm doing now. That's my plan anyway.

>> No.6405705
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i'm starting geophys engineering next year, which i guess is cool
>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6405714

What kind of tips? Be kind to your professors and make absolute certain all your credits are going to be transferable to the university you plan to go to. RateYourProfessors is really useful for bigger unis. Probably not as important at CC, since I don't imagine most of them have offices, but make sure you're keeping in contact with professors. You'll need them to like you and remember why you're noteworthy if you want to go to grad school.

If you advice for getting into editing, I bet the best undergrad pursuits would be two good internships, copyediting for the school newspaper and working in the writing center.

>> No.6405716

Jesus. remind me to run away screaming when that guy shows up.

>> No.6405725
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>An extrovert with social phobia

>> No.6405727

k-kinesiology m-m-masterraace here..

>> No.6405730


way to choose the plebbiest and most pointless subject in existence

>> No.6405732

>mathematics and religious studies

I hate one of these.

>> No.6405735

its mathematics isnt it

>> No.6405738

What are you going to research for your thesis?

>> No.6405739

Should I do Econ or CompSci? I might double. I want to make as much money as possible.

>> No.6405740

Outdoor ed teachers are the best <3

>> No.6405745
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why money? Its not everything.

Bachelors in Fine Art (Art & Design) and starting a masters in art history next year

>> No.6405746



>> No.6405752

my currently declared major is history but that's going to change soon.

what are some of the easier majors? i'm incredibly lazy, which makes writing papers that require an extensive amount of research difficult. i'm pretty sure i'm not going to be working in a field which is relevant to whatever i study so i'm not really picky so long as it's easy and pretty straightforward. my school offers screenwriting, which sounds interesting, but if we actually have to produce whatever it is we write then that's not going to work for me. english literature? maybe a stem degree that's all studying and exam taking, which i'm fine doing.

help a brother with poor work habits out.

>> No.6405754
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>Australian National University
>Bachelor of Arts, International Relations/Arabic double major, Middle Eastern Studies minor.
>hoping to go somewhere in my last semester on exchange if I have enough free units to spare
>hopefully going to do an honours year and masters in international law/relations in Canterbury in New Zealand.
mfw parents are paying for my fees and rent

>> No.6405755

from what ive taken, history and sociology are pretty easy with not too much research

>> No.6405762

my upper division history classes were mostly research. i did poorly in all of them because i always turned in assignments late.

>> No.6405774
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Major in Asian Studies
Minor in Art History
Minor in Religious Studies

They wouldn't let me do 3 minors but I could swap any of the other two with Korean if I decide to change my mind before graduating

Currently have part time job making close to minimum wage at my library but better than nothing I suppose

>> No.6405776


Minors are literally pointless, and nothing to brag about.

>> No.6405780
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I'm not bragging dumb ape

>> No.6405793

Unpaid labor you FUCKING nigger. You do an INTERNSHIP and if they like you they hire you. That's how the game works.

>> No.6405796

B.sc in Applied Mathematics. Turned out to be a huge waste, would have been fine if I wanted to do data analysis for the rest of my life, turns out I get a little crazy if I have to work in an office. Instead I drive a delivery truck for a charity, I spend most of my time either driving around the city or walking through strangers homes and apartments evaluating and lugging around the stuff they want to donate. Believe it or not it is an amazing job and I've never been happier.

>> No.6405798
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>all these plebs wasting thousands of monies on lecture based degrees
>learning nothing

PBL master race reporting in.

>> No.6405799

Doctoral student in history at a top tier public institution.

>> No.6405800
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>i want to be free and careless, writing in the wild. but actually, i don't want to be completely careless. i want to help the next generation too. and my dad is completely supportive as long as i prepare myself for a real career at the same time.

>> No.6405802

Only an idiot pays for graduate school. You should be getting paid to do it.

>> No.6405811

English major BA reporting in. Big university in Canada. Graduating soon.

Any tips on getting internships with companies?

>> No.6405821

What kind of companies?

As always, showing an interest in their line of work is a great avenue. Ask them questions, show you know a lot about them.

>> No.6405825
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I should note that I'm bretty gud at writing. I've written many great analytic pieces about art and film (though I'm still working on dragging mysef out of the trenches with fiction, s-someday). With that said my gpa is piss poor because I'm literally always teaching myself shit that has absolutely nothing to do with my classes.

What do?

>> No.6405826

What college?

>> No.6405828

Publishing companies of absolutely any kind. I want that on my resume. I want to have connections in the printing/publishing world. I can edit like there's no tomorrow, doesn't matter how dry it is, I'd even be up to do business writing

>> No.6405829

I'm Bachelors student

>> No.6405834

You'll have no problem finding technical editing jobs, there's always openings there. I suppose your first step is knowing what publishing companies are based in Canada, and which of those you'd want to work with. I don't really know any Canadian ones, or I'd help. If you want to try literary editing, focus on smaller contemporary publishers. Most of them should have blogs they update; that's always a good in. If you aren't already following your national literary awards, now would be a good time to start.

>> No.6405836

Do you live in LA?

>> No.6405853

Good stuff. Thanks friend.

>> No.6405855

Yep pretty much. I never claimed to be unique like your filename suggests!

>> No.6405873

>I want to hike, rock climb, and read for the rest of my life

same, but it feels worthless and suicide seems just as likely

>> No.6405885

How would you advise getting a technical editing job?

>> No.6405892

Where would I look for technical editing jobs though? I've trawled and all I can see is editing that is concurrent with web design, or they want someone with a boatload of experience. Should I just hit up every single possible company in the area with an unsolicited email asking for an internship?

>> No.6405897

You're awesome, anon. sorry i was getting edgy there. keep doing what you're doing bro

>> No.6405912

I'm not in Canada, I'm not sure what kinds of job search features are available to you. Are there any government-sponsored type sites that congregate job listings? We have one for Texas called Work in Texas that has technical editing jobs all the time, mostly in Dallas, Houston and Austin.

Bookjobs.com sometimes has remote ones, entry level too. I don't really know much about technical editing; I just know I see openings down here all the time.

>> No.6405926

>see at least homies taking arabic
Sabahul Khair motherfuckers

Anthropology/Middle Eastern Studies double major

>> No.6406017

Hoping to study physics and philosophy at King's College London.
Big up London fam.
Anyone here have any stories \experiences about KCL or London uni to share?

When I visited, I picked up a copy of the union "roar" magazine. Of I went solely on what I read in the newspaper, KC is either full of rapists or crazy hysterical feminists. Apparently they were being about getting a rugby society banned for singing rude songs... Wondering what I let myself into at this point.

>> No.6406021

Okay. I will.

Enjoying the outdoors is far from worthless. You should check out A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. He talks a bit about that.

>> No.6406110

Is there a point to anything at all?

>> No.6406124

>because they all want me to be the first person in our family to have a successful career in academia
imagine the disappointment they will have when you fail. a "successful" career in academia? that's a one in a million shot. I know brilliant people with PhD's from the top schools in their field who have enormous trouble finding tenure track positions

>> No.6406127

>all at a top ranked honors college at a state school that is affordable and regularly sends people to top graduate schools
do you honestly believe what your program tells you?

and why do all the faggots here brag about being in an honors college. i was in an honors college too and most of the people were dumb as fuck gooks and indians trying to go to med school

>> No.6406130

LSE student here
Feminazis are at every uni in London

>> No.6406131

>Of I went solely on what I read in the newspaper, KC is either full of rapists or crazy hysterical feminists. Apparently they were being about getting a rugby society banned for singing rude songs... Wondering what I let myself into at this point.

Currently at Oxford which also has a reputation for this sort of people (it was the OUSU women who made the news recently for trying to ban clapping because it triggered them).
Honestly I have never run into anybody expressing support for this kind of nonsense in day-to-day life. I would assume they keep their delusions to themselves when not behind the screen of newsprint, so I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.6406134

hospitality management

>> No.6406136

>Any tips on getting internships with companies?
my tip is not to ask for tips on 4chan

surely your university has resources to help you find an internship. my old english department had a 2 course series that basically guaranteed you an internship. look into something like that. talk to your professors and the department advisor. they can give you much better tips than we can

>> No.6406140

graphic communication … Ph.D :(

anticipating unemployment in September

>> No.6406143

is that something you really need a phd for?
please tell me at least they paid for you to do it instead of the other way around

>> No.6406160
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Bachelor of Arts and Teaching, double degree

I actually really, really enjoy it and I will actually be able to USE my arts degree for my future career, unlike most of the plebians in this thread

>> No.6406174

had funded masters then funded Ph.D. No way i'd self fund.

Not a subject you need a Ph.D in, no. But after my BA I didn't want to do graphic design as a job. So i did a funded MA … and now i'm on third year of Ph.D

>> No.6406178


>> No.6406180

you are constantly changing the world.
The first philosophical thought you have,
at early stages of self awareness will be your most insightful.
As you go along the information decreases in worth because you have already figured out some thing.
It is about a habit of reading and meditating.
Only through this can you bring about your own salvation.
Philosophical thought is above all other sciences because it does not confine itself to doing some thing with out reason.

>> No.6406233


KCl's got a great reputation for its phi department, and living in London is always fun.

As for people getting mad about stuff, it basically won't have any effect on you. The worst that could possibly happen is that you'll meet someone who has much more radical opinions than you at a party and you'll have a slightly awkward conversation.

>> No.6406275

I'm going for an English Literature and Teaching double degree, excited to condescend to my students.

>> No.6406297

Film/Creative Writing, rising senior.

Having some fun. Completing a few short films and stories. Getting my first story published soon. Won a college writing contest, which isn't that remarkable, but still something. And I'm currently looking at a paid internship in documentary production. So shit's cool

>> No.6406325
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Yo, where at? Also, what age are you hoping to teach? I'm hoping to teach year 10-12

>> No.6406341

I hope there aren't too many of them. I find them juvenile and annoying. I heard LSE was pretty bad. Didn't they recently pass a blasphemy law?!

I have a friend who's been accepted for history and politics at Oxford. He's really excited. Personally I'm not due I could manage such a shut in sort of town. To many upper class wankers ;) same reason I didn't apply to UCL: too much blue blood haha.

Thanks. I really loved the KCL physics dept. When I visited. The facilities weren't quite as awe-inspiring as the ones at UCL but I hit it if far more with the trial bro-tier tutors. I hope I made the right decision... Don't really know all too much about the Phil department, but I think it ranks quite highly internationally.