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File: 23 KB, 384x288, goddammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
640437 No.640437 [Reply] [Original]

What did I do in life to be cursed as a Grammar Nazi? Why do I care?

In what capacity can this obsessive behavior be put to use? Does one exist at all?

>> No.640442

As a proofreader/editor...?
inb4 fucking durr

>> No.640444

Small sample of the infuriating stuff I have to hear almost every day from the people I live with:
"Per batim" (That's an attempt at "verbatim".)
"Digilent" (No.)
"Drug attic" (A-D-D-I-C-T, goddammit.)

>> No.640456


>"Drug attic"

This is an issue of enunciation, not grammar.

>> No.640462

Me too, OP.

You know what has been driving me up a fucking wall? It seems President Bush brainwashed the entire nation into saying "nuke-you-lurr."

I heard one of my professors say it a few weeks ago and instantly wanted to crush his skull.

>> No.640463

Good thing you don't live in the South of the United States. You would probably lose your god-damn mind down here.

"Hey, where you put that beer at?"
"I ain't know, just git another un"

>> No.640464

You are correct. However, their writing is far worse. I don't have a sample lying around here to transcribe from, but I'm sure you are able to use your imagination.

>> No.640467

I feel like I'm losing my mind right now...

>> No.640469


Ugh! Where you/where it at is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

>> No.640470

Tack that on to another of his administration's failures.

>> No.640471

You know what else drives me nuts?

Nigger talk.

Shit is way worse than redneck speak.

>> No.640473
File: 26 KB, 311x270, shaniqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Lemme AXE you sumpin'"
Do anything for you?

>> No.640477



Emphasis on caps because they can't speak at a reasonable volume.

>> No.640480

I hear that in and out, every single day at my university, and yet I haven't grown accustomed to it like I did with ain't.
God, I want to strangle the originator of that term.

>> No.640479

OP here.
Honestly/embarrassingly, I don't have any tangible qualifications (aside from my high school diploma) to bring to any interview table. I'm currently enrolled in college, but that means nothing to many employers out there.

I'm not claiming to have a comprehensive and well-learned knowledge of the English language. I just grew up in a home with an English teacher, read a lot of books, and paid attention in school.

Who's going to hire me as an editor or proofreader?

>> No.640485

Becoming an editor of a local/college newspaper might be a good start.
Fuck if I know though, not much to do for that without an English degree or something.

>> No.640491

OP here.
That sounds like a decent suggestion. I wonder if I can be paid for that...

>> No.640494

I have lost two opportunities to have sex because of my Grammar Nazi tendencies (I capitalize Grammar Nazi because I am a hardcore one). Apparently women don't want to have sex when you correct their grammar.

>> No.640496

I supposed that you are doomed to have to seek out grammatically correct people.

I'm sorry.

>> No.640497



>> No.640501

Grammatically correct pussy is the best kind of pussy!

>> No.640502

Samefag here. I forgot to add: "It means she has a brain to go with her looks!".

>> No.640506
File: 30 KB, 325x409, 1264878923260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I supposed that you are

>> No.640508


Whoops, I am a little fuzzy now because of night-time meds.
Please forgive my. . . whatever thing you call problem caused

>> No.640518

>dat ellipsis with no end punctuation
Those night-time meds must be pretty strong.

>> No.640549

Hard to type correctly through the light visual hallucinations.

I'm going to sleep now, praying to not have nightmares of a red neck poetry reading.

>> No.640573

I'm with you Original Poster. I'm always correcting people's mistakes and boy do they not like it.