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/lit/ - Literature

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6396179 No.6396179 [Reply] [Original]

Go on, /lit/, tell us all about that debut fantasy novel you're writing!

I'm sure it's magnificent.

>> No.6396185
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>The race in my novels speaks a language tha-

>> No.6396217

Mine is about a "rugged individualist" who plays by his own rules

>> No.6396253
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>> No.6397222


>> No.6397229

It's a murder mystery that blows up into political intrigue (because someone was dumb enough to leave the bard alive)

>> No.6397231

Does it bother anyone else that now, years after it would've been relevant or possibly damaging to sales and reputation, Rowling keeps mentioning "Oh well this character was gay, and this one was trans" etc when talking with fans? It just seems like transparent and vile pandering or attempts to score easy points to do it now rather than at the time of writing.

>> No.6397235

It's bullshit because she should've made them visibly ~diverse~ in the fucking books if she wants brownie points.

>> No.6397567

I like it this way around better to be honest. When they make characters obviously gay or ethnically/religiously diverse it always strikes me as something done just to make sure people KNOW they aren't discriminating against anyone.

Better to not make a big deal about it in the canon and when people whinge that there are no gay characters you just turn around and make whoever you want gay.

>> No.6397581

It's got humans and elbs (not the gay ones like Tolkien like badass ones with big swords who are also vampires) and magic and goblins and an evil lord and I even drew a map already. The story goes like this: The loveable hero Akmun has to travel with a band of different interesting characters to the land of Ak'sh'namu-hn to retrieve a magic amulet of infinite power from the evil lord Soraun.

>> No.6398024

It has furries in it.
I hate myself.

>> No.6398047

Why does it have furries?

>> No.6398050

>using D&d classes
Kill yourself

>> No.6398093

"bard" as in "professional court minstrel who sings songs and performs music in front of an aristocratic audience for a living" you huge fuckwad

>> No.6398094

It was handled pretty lame. No need to write scenes how Dumbledore tries to pick up Harry or mentioning his dildo collection but the whole "relationship" with Grindelwald was a great moment to make it obvious.

>> No.6398103
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>getting upset about weak jokes

>> No.6398109

Code Geass without focusing on mecha battles basically.

>> No.6398131

Sorta like a cross between Harry Potter and ASoIF :^

>> No.6398258

A prince of a country on land infatuated with the prince of the ocean, who marries him just to carry out his own motives but truly falls in love with the land prince eventually. The story is very allegorical for breaking free from social obligations and pursuing happiness in your own way. The writing uses visual devices based on the ocean, water, marine biology, coastal life and nature, for example, a continuous theme throughout the novel are the bottle messages the land prince sends out to sea. I don't think it'll be great, but I'm having fun writing it. I'm going for metaphysical and tounge-in-cheek vibes at the same time.

>> No.6398309

Because I already had humans, androids, and giant insects?

>> No.6398316

>gay marriage
>Implying a gay marriage would have any political value

>> No.6398324

You should use the word troubadour instead

>> No.6398330

The whole universe I'm creating is pretty asexual. They're not really gay, it's all just metaphorical.

>> No.6398340

he's more of a far away from home griot/djele anyway

>> No.6398362

It's three books which may or may not take place in the same universe.

The first is mythic fantasy at the dawn of time, the second takes place in a modern society, and the third is sci fi at the end of the universe. The characters are reincarnations/eternal recurrences of each other, and the existential conflict started in the first novel ends in the last.

Weather the stories really take place in the same universe or not is slightly ambiguous, but the first story is known by the characters of the second as a myth.

>> No.6398379

Sounds like Cloud Atlas, sort of.

>> No.6398432

Haven't seen/read that.

The first story is about Not!Alexander the great, and the Last story is about a Dyson sphere around a white dwarf star after star formation has ceased and the universe's expansion has pushed all the other stars past the cosmological horizon.

The second story will probably be like Ulysses or something. About how even our normal everyday first world problems are reflections of the same mythic struggles. I think I'd lean more on the Nietzsche recurrence than reincarnation. In a movie adaptation, they should not be played by the same actors in a movie version, and in fact would change genders. The Conquering prince of the first story returns as a boring college girl in the second, and a genderless entity in the third.

>> No.6398446

Sounds like political drama with charm spells. Get creative with some of the "geass" psychic powers and you could have interesting fights without them ever engaging in actual combat.

>> No.6398457

It's about an illusionist who uses his magic to enhance live theatre and aspires to actually direct his own successful plays. Eventually, he delves into mind controlling his audience to get favorable reviews and is thrown in jail.

>> No.6398546

Starts out in a city based loosely on ~1800 Paris. There's magic stuff in the world, but the cool wizard shit is pretty rare, and doesn't factor much into the first book.

A young man comes to the city looking for work and anonymity, discovers the theater, and decides he wants to be a playwright. While he has a good handle on history and storytelling, he lacks a certain flair for the craft, and without money to his name, he has no 'in' on the scene.

The young man meets a wealthy young roustabout who has published a few plays, but so far has not found critical respect. This rich kid has a talent for theatricality, though. Together, they manage to write some really snappy work that makes a wave.

Over the course of the next year, they become young fixtures in the theater community. Protagonist meets a woman, they get convivial (though not overtly romantic). In general, life is good. Unfortunately, the passionate rich kid gets mixed up in the revolutionary politics of the day. Rich kid gets arrested, sent to the city prison, which is a pretty nasty place by all accounts.

Protagonist, in a panic, riles up the almost-rioting citizens to attack the prison, hoping he'll be able to free the rich kid in the confusion. Things get ugly in the climax, and when the dust settles, rich kid is dead, and the protagonist finds himself the leader of a small revolutionary cell.

>> No.6398558

>cool wizard shit is pretty rare

Just like always. Why can nobody ever write a book where there's magic everywhere and the wizards are all like "fuck you, Imma fireball and shit"?

Otherwise, your book sounds like a lot of other earnest modern fantasy that I've picked up in a bookshop, read the back and put straight back. I'm sure there's a market for what you've come up with.

>implying you'll ever write a novel

>> No.6398582

Well, the cool wizard shit comes up more down the line.

Eh, maybe there's a market, maybe not. I'm writing it because I'm having fun with the setting and the characters, and if I can sell it, that's icing.

Don't suppose i could ask you to expand on what you mean by 'earnest'?

>> No.6398600

Because that kills the suspense which we need to hold the plot together. We either need powerful, but dangerous magic, and very few wizards. Or we need less powerful and more numerous wizards. Otherwise you end up with plot holes so big you fall through them.

Like how Lovecraft, Howard, and Ashton-Smith showed magic. Powerful, but dangerous. A more modern take on it would the Bartimaeus Trilogy, even though the 'cool wizard shit' isn't common, but not rare either.

>> No.6398602

>The second story will probably be like Ulysses or something


>> No.6398652
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Don't get me started..

>> No.6398668

Is that selfdeprecating humor? He wasn't particularly nasty about being superior for having written one of thsoe great autistic experiences that are interesting as something that exists but aren't too good to read.

>> No.6398693

I posted that.

You cant take yourself too seriously when writing about jetpacks and interstellar wars and shit.
Gas Kun

>> No.6398729

It's a steampunk-horror trilogy.

I am ready for your hate

>> No.6398740

It's cool, your autism inspires us all.

>> No.6398749

A schoolgirl discovers she's the long-lost sister of a an Elvish queen. Moving into her magical forest kingdom, she discovers her powers and finds herself falling for Doran, a seriously hunky member of the Queensguard. But when the queen is kidnapped, can the duo rescue her in time to save the world?

>"Hunger Hames with magic" - Suzanne Collins
>"I love this book" - Stephen King

>> No.6398750

Hopefully it contains a unique and interesting approach to the sub-genre and isn't the same shit as everyone else pushes out.

>> No.6398755

I made it a point to write about some sort of sub-genre with a lore I've never read/cared about. Haven't even played BioShock infinite.

>> No.6398759

modern fantasy shrek

with nationalism and fireball throwing

>> No.6398763

Thanks, tool!

>> No.6398773

>natsoc ain't ogre until 'ah say it's ogre

>> No.6398797

At least he produces work..

>> No.6398823
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>> No.6398837

War hero retires, gets a plot of land and a wife. They live comfortably for a number of years, and try for a child.
Within a month of finding out his wife is pregnant, he gets called back to action.
His wife struggles with people who are only really supporting her because of her husband.
She then finds out he dies in combat, and struggles with getting further along and those around her abandoning her.
She then gives birth, and the child is stillborn.
She then contemplates what she did to deserve her lot, and decided to end it, casting herself from a cliff. Only she doesn't die on impact, and deals with excruciating pain, and finally dies of exposure and dehydration.

Fuck happy endings

>> No.6398854 [SPOILER] 
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Mine is about a man with magical powers that wants to save the world, but he can't do it alone and he needs the power of love to make it happen.

>> No.6398861

Right there with you, anon. TO make matters worse, mine is post-apocalyptic

>> No.6398863


>> No.6400586

And there's a clumsy but lovable and strong willed heroine who teaches him how to love again?

>> No.6400613

You had me until the snooze-fest about political unrest and civil uprising. That shit is done so often in fantasy these days that it's boring as hell.

>> No.6400839

Yes, Mary.

>> No.6400864

Mine is about a noble and beautiful race of elves who try to help the lower and brutish races through their own kindness. However, the lower races see this as an opportunity to take down their superiors and attempt to rise up. I won't spoil the ending, though.

>> No.6400868
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>> No.6400892

Lemme guess, hitler returns from the dead and becomes your waifu

>> No.6400912

Jokes on you, I'm writing the most autistic post-cataclysm novel of all time.

>> No.6400971

What? Why would you say that?

>> No.6400975

Literally no one has ever said this.

>> No.6400996

If I were to write anything, I'd try to make my own races and interesting creatures and fail simply because people don't want change form Tolkien fantasy

>> No.6401010

Well, it makes for some useful background conflict, and I don't plan on having the protagonist get involved with any of the ideologies until the end of the book, and then he's only in it to bust his rich friend from the hoosegow.

I liked the idea of the riots in the city, because they're a great way to have the violent rub against the mundane. You read anecdotes about riots in revolutionary Paris pausing to let a wedding come through, or vendors going back and forth between factions to sell street food. Similar things happen in the Arab Spring stuff.

Honestly, I have the civil unrest in there mostly so that it can be a pain in the ass for the protagonist, because he has not desire to even be part of it. He's got enough complications in his life.

>> No.6401013

Mine has a Standard Medieval England Setting. Because I can't be bothered.

Anyway, My novel follows the intertwining stories of two characters: A dishonored chieftain on a quest to regain his good name and a young girl who wants to kill the former for inadvertently killing her father. Chapters alternate to tell their journeys, the chieftain is accompanied by three of his cousins and an old warrior who had failed his own quest for honor in his youth. The girl sells off everything she inherits from her father to hire a sellsword to track down and kill the chieftain.
Minor adventures happen in the middle, full of allegory and shit.
Cut to the end: The sellsword is dead. The old warrior is dead. The three cousins are dead. The chieftain is dead. The little girl is dead.

I'm thinking about adding a puppy when I revise this, then have a bear maul it or something.

>> No.6401752

Now read that again.

>it's background conflict
>isn't particularly relevant until the end of the book
>is only there to be a pain in the ass for the protag

Tell me again why you're using it?

>> No.6401772
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A story about a country based cultures like ancient Turkey in the midst of a civil war, while a horde of people based on the Mongols is raiding and conquering.

Fantastical beasts like dragons are made to be realistic. No fire or flying. Dragons are more like dinosaurs than the standard fantasy dragon. Huge lizards twice the height of a man.

Magic is based off of wiccanry and actual 'real life' magic. With the added side effect of it being real. No fireballs, no magic healing glows. Just carefully prepared and executed spells and rituals. With a focus on it being hard to control, and grotesque. Unnatural. Magic isn't something human kind should be dealing with.

A notable example being a female character who dies, a warrior and member of a band of fighters. She was knowledgeable in magic, and had taught them some things over time. Foolishly they attempt to resurrect her, using a prisoner as the live sacrifice. The expected result of the spell is the prisoner to transform into her, basically. His physical body is turned into that of hers, and he ceases to exist while her conciousness returns to the new living body.

But things aren't performed perfectly, and the process only goes half way. The prisoner still 'dies', and she is brought back to life. But the physical transfer wasn't complete. Her breasts a little smaller, her shoulders a little wider, her face a little sharper, and there is a little cock between her legs instead of a cootch. She's more mentally unstable, prone to lashing out. She's a freak now, effectively.

>> No.6401776


>tfw i'm 50000 words into it and see this thread

i knew there would repurcussions for coming on lit


>> No.6401829



>> No.6401849

It's about a randy young war veteran and a randy young witch.

They are both randy.

>> No.6401857

>Turks aren't Mongols

>> No.6401865

Okay so its set in... a post apocalyptic- NO, a PRE apocalyptic... underwater... Super big bubble! of CAT PEOPLE! ..BUT! not just any cat people, these cat people have six legs! They cross their eyes all the time. They have giant dicks that are allways flopping around. Their civilisation is built on selling Electrical tape to the neighbouring race of ... Karate Master Robots.

tell me if any of these ideas grip you

>> No.6401875

sounds rad

>> No.6401914

"pre-apocalyptic" is genuinely interesting me. I want to write a pre-apocalyptic story now.

>> No.6402746

>Turks live in Turkey
>Mongols live in Mongolia
They're very similar cultures, but where the Mongols were nomadic the Turks settled in cities like Istanbul.

The idea is to make the barbarians an orc-like threat in the eyes of the defenders, but without making them evil green ugly monsters the reader can't sympathize for. There will be a perspective inside the barbarian army, an older man with a wife and three children. He's not the good guy among bad, he's a ruthless invader. But he does so because his ruler, whom he respects greatly, commands it. I want the ruler of the barbarians to be somewhat of a rougher version and older of Reinhard von Lohengramm.

>> No.6402915

>Sounds like political drama with charm spells
Pretty much. Although I make it more focused towards characters ... so let's throw some Darker Than Black in.

You had me at Paris, if you can capture the atmosphere of it, it should be enjoyable no matter how bad the rest is. Although I don't see the point of the wizards and the whole riot thing is also overdone but not bad per se, just hope it will be plausible, specially him ending up as a leader sounds lame as fuck.

>She then gives birth, and the child is stillborn.
The tension goes underground after that from what I read so far.

/pol/ the novel.

>my own races
I never got why people bother with it. Shit just ends up with unfortunate implications and cliches, even in sci fi where it would at least make SOME sense.

Eh, I don't see the big catch to read it.

Mhmm, dino-dragons. Mhmm, grotesque magic. Rest sounds alright.

How are they even close?


>> No.6402919
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>"elves in my novel suffer discrimination, as a metaphor for racism"
>all human characters are white

>> No.6402930

So is there a particular reason for it to be fantasy other than autism?

>> No.6402932

Already wrote one. Generic paladin hero has to gather a group of adventures to fight the generic skeleton king. But it turns out that killing undeads causes the evil that animated them to absorb into your own body, so by the time the skeleton king falls the hero becomes the new skeleton king.

>> No.6402933

Sorta like real life!

>> No.6402936

Well, karate-master robots would need tons of electrical tape. The dick part sounds a bit harsh for the YA market but if it's important to the plot I can't really complain.

>> No.6402959

Mine is just short stories about people becoming cyborgs.

No War, Zero action or Blade Runner shit. Just what would happen if boring, ordinary people just started opting out of flesh into machine.

>> No.6402993

I wrote one when I was just out of high school. It was told from two perspectives: Two inqisitors working for a theocracy, in charge of cracking down on heresy and illegal use of magic, who are given a particularily lame assignment because one of them pissed off the wrong politically powerful people.
The other point of view is a monk, who is targeted by that inquisition for scientific research deemed heretical and who is now on the run from the other two protagonists. He is joined by a witch who wants to save him so he can produce anti-church propaganda for them (they are pro-magic). As the story progresses, a bigger threat materialises and the two factions have to enter into an uneasy truce to save their asses.

>> No.6402998
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It's a workplace comedy similar to the office about a group of workers who impale people for a Romanian monarch. Celebrities cameo as people being impaled.

>> No.6403058

Mine is about wizar- wait, wait come back!
Okay listen
It's about wizards
are you listening?
Wizards who
get this
Wizards who are actually crystal skeletons with resonance frequency flesh who want to free all their friends because being trapped inside a corpse slowly calcifies bonecrystal.

Have you ever seen a baby's skeleton?
Pure crystal.

>> No.6403112

Mine is about elves. I have a whole fantasy world full of elves. I'll be detailing their civilization, their rituals, the way they paint their faces and how the paint is disturbed by the colourful juices spilling out of ornate cups during very, very fun parties.

>> No.6403168

izza play, not a novel

>> No.6403187

I'm way too paranoid about you fuckers stealing my brilliant ideas to post in here.

>> No.6403201

Are you 16? Writing is about the execution, not ideas. Every faggot can come up with something fancy, almost nobody can write it.

>> No.6403218
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>> No.6403221

It's about all the animal kingdoms having a war against each other. It sucks

>> No.6403227

lol you're p look, gasman

>> No.6403231

I'm well in my 30's, and had ideas stolen and executed by other people before. Made a shitload of money too, the bastard. True, not everybody who sees or conceives an idea can or will pull through with it, but the marginal percentage of those who do can really fuck your day up.

>> No.6403324

I am seriously thinking about writing shitty fanfiction-y YA literature aimed at teen girls with a protag that has one inexplainable special thing and saves their dystopic world. I want the ez bucks and movie rights

>> No.6403339

>thinking that writing shitty YA for specific target demographic is easy

>> No.6403359
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Mine is just a simple story about the existence and duty of Death.

>> No.6403886
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Absolutely. Not really because I care what wizard was gay or whatever, but it creates a terrible interpretation tradition among laymen.
Reminder that it was Harry Potter fans that all but coined the cancerous concept of "Word of God".

> Like, they saw how scientists use facts taken from the world around them to prove or disprove their theories of How Shit Works and thought they could do the same with fandom. Unfortunately for them, fandom is less like biology and more like theology. Or rather, theology in a world where the deities who hand down sacred texts are unarguably real, everyone knows they're real, and they exist in physical form within the mortal world, which they directly interact with on a daily basis. You can argue your interpretation all you want, but if your deity tells you you're wrong, then you're wrong. No if's, and's or but's.

>> No.6403959

It's about political conspiracy that manages to stir up a war, kill several rulers and politicians in the process, overthrow dynasties. It has crazy background power struggles, assassinations and betrayals. It's about power, the dangerousness of dictators and the necessity of having them. Also it is about people who are caught in this clusterfuck and that sometimes even these "unimportant" people can via butterfly effect have huge impact on history (but one they probably wouldn't like).
Basically no magic, no alien races. It would have been more accurate to say it's "alternate world historical fiction" if that made any sense, but it doesn't, so it's fantasy. It's my first and it's in the finish line, next one is going to be a different kind of psychological detective novel.

>> No.6403994

Kid finds cave filled with this magical shadow dust stuff. When a life is in danger, the dust summons a lady that saves the life. Kid's baddy grandfather manages to capture dustlady, trades her to the BBEG wizard and gets fucked up by BBEG. Kid starts a collectathon to get powerful enough that he can save dustlady. Debating whether I want the protag kid male or female. I think male's probably the way to go.

>> No.6404006
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>debut fantasy novel

This is b8.

>> No.6404021

It's about a human kingdom (or at least it's governing powers) learning of a second breed of orcs, far different from the ones they're being terrorized by. An alliance is formed between a captain and one of these orcs (captured and found during a raid made by humans) and they go on a mission to gather intel about the far more agressive breed and how to return balance to the realm.

I'm on page one and It's basic as fuck but It's fun to finally get out so many thoughts and daydreams I've had during my childhood up until now.

>> No.6404030

>it's powers
You're not gonna make it brah. Might as well turn it into some bara fantasy for /tg/ now.

>> No.6404044

English isn't my first language, so sorry if I used wrong grammar.

Otherwise my intention is to just write whenever I feel like it and kinda build upon it, not to blast something out for print

>> No.6404128

Do you plan on writing in english?

>> No.6404148

As of right now I am, as exercise and training. It's slow though, as I have to re-read a lot of stuff and make sure it "works", but I don't know what I'll end up actually doing.

>> No.6404176

Just be sure to get an editor you can communicate with.

>> No.6404256

Standard Tolkien knockoff fantasy setting. The protagonist is a wizard who is convinced the world was created by an evil demiurge and is trying to break free of the material world to achieve transcendence. The twist is that he succeeds, only to find out that he was living in a computer simulation. Turns out, he's was hardcore gamer who paid a ton of money to live in a meticulously constructed fantasy world built by a tech company in the near future. In order to be allowed in, he had to let them wipe his memory so as to not break the immersion for himself and the other "players".

>> No.6404526
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>decided before i started writing that at some point the protag will punch the creator of their universe in the face
>finally figure out a way to make it satisfying
Writing something this edgy damn well better land me a movie deal.

>> No.6404644
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>there is a little cock between her legs

>> No.6404946
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Uh, lets see. It can be about humans who migrated from their continent because of some kind of (supernatural) tragedy, and find themselves in a new land. Here's the catch though, there is already a race of people there! Frog people in fact, can you imagine that? So essentially Jamestown 2.0 (if any of you know what Jamestown is anyways).

>> No.6405704

In an increasingly industrialised world technology begins to outpace magic as the means by which quality of life is maintained. This causes a power shift between the magicians and the humans, breeding ill-will among the humans who finally have the strength to challenge the reigning class. The inequalities of the world are reversed and an all-out conflict erupts between the factions.

It's an allegory about what would happen if modern feminists got their wish and men were the oppressed sex.

>> No.6405718

9/10, would jerk off to.

>> No.6406008
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Read some Pratchett, especially the death novels in the flowchart related.

Death is the only character thats appears in every single of his novels

>> No.6406152

kek'd out loud. Don't mess with the gasman, he's alright with /lit/.

Keep on truckin', gasman!

>> No.6406177

Kill your's elf

>> No.6406298

I've only just decided I want to try one over the summer. I've been reading back through my fantasy collection and gaining ideas through frustration and hatred.

Fuck. Elves.

>> No.6406329

Why though? It's a good plot and it's relevant.

>> No.6406434

Mine will seem like fantasy at first, but it will actually be sci-fi. Takes place in the distant future, after an alien race decides to fuck with a then-peaceful humanity, starting a century of war and war-related technological development.

By the end of the war (the beginning of the novel), humans have advanced so much technologically that the defeated aliens view us as gods with magical powers. The story is told from the perspective of several alien characters as their human masters gear up for another war.

Also, when boarding alien ships, humans of the future use cybernetically enchanced dogs with nanomachines in their saliva, even our pets are basically monsters that terrify the galaxy.

>> No.6406694

>writing fantasy
>not magic realism
Magic realism is like fantasy, only you don't have to explain how anything works. There's still so much untapped potential in the genre.

>> No.6406713

Not something that works too well with excessive world building.

>> No.6406731

It could. Maybe the defining magic realism novel hasn't been written yet.

>> No.6406775

think of dune. Dune was one of the first sci-fi stories that followed the traditional heroes journey- the first scifi epic, inspired by stories like hamlet or Lawrence of Arabia and the thing that would eventually inspire cultural icons like Star Wars. Before this time, science fiction was more about the setting as an allegory for a real issue, or the ideas presented in the story rather than the actual characters and quality of writing. Similarly I think that magic realism is somewhat lacking in terms of scope.

>> No.6406794

Dune didn't inspire star wars but the heroes journey book "hero with 1000 faces" did. I've never heard Lucas mention dune

>> No.6406832

And dune wasn't inspired by Lawrence of Arabia, which only came out after dune had been started. But you get my point.

>> No.6406835 [DELETED] 

Daily Reminder

If you are writing Sci-Fi, Fantasy, or a meme book....you will always be a failure.

I mean, you will be anyways, but you're just being a fucking complete loser neckbeard by writing elf fucking or robot galaxies or whatever the fuck you naruto nerds write about.

>> No.6406850
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I'm good at writing sci-fantasy.

>> No.6406856
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Dune is cool though. There will be a 1-2 book homage to the dune universe in my next epic

>> No.6406863
File: 379 KB, 837x1065, Floating_castle_for_the_entry_of_Henry_II_of_France_into_Lyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot comprehend fantasy.
When history and mythology is so much richer and distilled, and just generally cooler because it actually happened/actually had cultural significance and impact, why the fuck do people bother reading and writing fantasy?
There are and always will be characters and events more engaging, empathizing, complex, and interesting, that have existed either in history or folklore, that will always trump anything a fantasy writer can stir up.

Just fucking baffling.

>> No.6406869

>not the same as fantasy

>> No.6406870

Dune is the coolest.
Dune > god emperor of dune > dune messiah > children of dune

>> No.6406877

Because the surroundings and aesthetics of all fantasy and sci fi are are metaphors and speculations about the concepts already in place. You can only write so many dickenson-esque novels. I do love a good period piece and the plot development of a story in which a. Waifish girl in waiting looks out the window to spy on the soon to be fiancé of her older sister and imagines how much his carriage must have cost but we all have different tastes, chief.

Remember, it's all a ride - bill hicks

>> No.6406878
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Either b8 or retardation.
At any rate, kindly stop posting.

>> No.6406882

This is precisely why I write historical fantasy.

>> No.6406884

>Because the surroundings and aesthetics of all fantasy and sci fi are are metaphors and speculations about the concepts already in place.
Too bad it does a fucking awful job of that.

>> No.6406885

>This is precisely why I write historical fantasy.
I hope you mean a period piece. If not, it's just as shit, only it's bastardizing something that was once real.

>> No.6406893
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A deep space engineer will become marooned on a desert planet and will have to face the desert elements, ( sand storms, heat, simple navigation, indigenous predators) to recover technology that can get him home. It's not the main plot of the series but it's a progressive arc to show the resilience of the character and the cunning it takes to survive in such a place. The spice must flow!

>> No.6406898

>he really thinks that mythology isn't fantasy

>> No.6406903
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I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my jetpack. I like both but I choose sci fi

>> No.6406918
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>dune and hamlet have almost the exact same final battle

>> No.6406970
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It's a low fantasy world set at the end of the middle ages, and looks at how the characters respond to the beginning of the modern world.

There's a bit where some guy sees a mirror for the first time in his life, while other characters slowly start reckoning time with clocks instead of the movements of the sun.

>> No.6407088

Dont use prince.

It reads as male, regardless of sex. Use something else that doesnt automatically have gender ties

>> No.6407113

Write it..

>> No.6407133

While you sit here on /lit/.

Doing nothing.

>> No.6407140



>> No.6407145


>> No.6407325

Far into the future, after a great cataclysm that has reduced humankind to a small population on what was formerly Iceland, all legacy of human society is lost. All architecture, all writing, every monument gone in ashes. What more, all landmass aside from the sole populated volcanic island is toxic with radiation. A strange wanderer who travels over the island comes back to a small village, where there live two orphaned twins. It is soon revealed that the catastrophic event so long ago was Ragnarök, and that the next one is coming. The twins are given holy power to protect the last pieces of humanity and become allies of Asgard against other forces of other worlds. This summary sounds horrible, but the real purpose of the story is to wrap Asatru in hindu and buddhist concepts as to trace back the European religious legacy to its Indo-European roots. It probably is horrible.

>> No.6407678

I like it.

Perhaps have the game be less game, more perfect life entertainment?

Thats just me though.

>> No.6407799

>I'm fucking dumb


>> No.6407984

Thanks. My idea is that the participants get "born" into interesting, exciting, relatively comfortable lives; usually nobles with exceptional talents or intelligence. They're also programmed to get lucky in rough situations. Of course, their lives are what they make of them; you might be born as the handsome first son of a rich duke but if you squander your wealth and make powerful enemies, there will be consequences. The commoners and people with shitty lives are just AIs.

>> No.6408019

Reminder: Fantasy is the fan-fiction of literature.

>> No.6408057

>but the real purpose of the story is to wrap Asatru in hindu and buddhist concepts as to trace back the European religious legacy to its Indo-European roots

yiss, mythology is my fetish and your book sounds like some hardcore smut

>> No.6408360

So? Fiction is just the fan-fiction of nonfiction.

>> No.6408382

and nonfiction is just the fan fiction of religion.

So /lit/, how are you doing transcribing the word of your God and living according to His demands?

>> No.6408848

Reminder: The Fan Fiction of Literature has become more important than Literature.

>Inb4 'This was never the case.'
>Inb4 'Things have never been better'
>Inb4 'It isn't Academia's fault'

>> No.6409079

Like Banner of the Stars? Only not in space?

>> No.6409133
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I'm barely 8000 words in Dune meets Gambling Apocalipse Kaiji. A young tribal lieder has to trick his way into being received as the messiah to unify his people and retake his planet.

>> No.6409168
File: 140 KB, 367x359, wonderful this is just great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have an idea about people trapped in future facebook, like so many stories already, in which you have your social gathering space in which you establish certain rules that visiting users have to follow. When the servers get taken by hackers and thousands end up trapped a group of friends have to travel the still usable spaces to reach the general net and possibly scape back to their bodies. Each room is usually taken by some sadist asshole with silly rules that they must use to their advantage to proceed.

>> No.6409332

I always thought Fukumoto could do well in literature, Kurosawa being his best example to me.
Sounds good, although I gotta say some of his sadist asshole characters are pretty flat with zero back story or explored motivations. I think if you can expand a little more on that where he failed, you'd have something real great. Good luck.

>> No.6409478

He's pretty bad with anything that isn't tricks or internal monologues that never end. Still, he makes me sweat bullets now and then.
The first story doesn't have evident rivals, it's more of a story against odds than people. The second one I aven0t started because I should dedicate a lot of time just to think scenarios. I think my premise can be interesting: each room can have three rules and each user has three rules applied to themsleves, originally designed to not be doxed or forced to be naked or whatever. So the characters enter each stage with three possible effects on themselves but no idea of what will happen inside. If I ever think three or four possible ones I'll get on with it.

>> No.6409555

this pepe is replete

>> No.6409700

>mfw when there are no elves
>mfw when it's just a depressing romp about the last embers of humanity being snuffed out on a hostile, unforgiving planet
>mfw when I go full Nabokov and write half the novel in Ottava Rima verse

I'm only 20,000 words in but still truckin'

>> No.6409732
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I would read that, great escapism.

>> No.6409901
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yeah, yeah, this thread ain't so bad, though

>> No.6409920

>meme book


>> No.6409925

>Implying Dune wasnt a political commentary on the politics of oil

>> No.6409932

Is that the hibari-kun avatarfag?

>> No.6409933

Its a Noir fantasy/horror setting and the main character is a detective in the early stages of schizophrenia.

>> No.6409941

>what's a body of water, narcissus

>> No.6409943

March on you proud garbage. I salute you.

>> No.6409950

You retard, we can see you're the fucking OP.

>> No.6409952

Holy shit...you're actually gold.

>> No.6409956

Senseless deaths are too off putting. If you're trying to be GRR, your deaths should all be for something.

>> No.6409957
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>mfw when I have no elves
>no dragons
>no orcs
>no goblins
>no dumb as fuck faux-elves
>no dumb as fuck faux-dragons either
>mfw when its not even medieval
>mfw no wizards
>mfw all the ideas in this thread are literal shit

>> No.6409961

OP, I love you.

>> No.6410020

>writin a book about a spider-centaur king
>he live in a magic cave a hee hee it fulla treasure too
>who heroes come to kill him many do, many try
>can't kill the spider king

>> No.6410138

It's going to be about the life and struggles of an unthought book character, living in the infinite metropolis of fictus.

>> No.6410149

Trying to make something that would be simple enough for YA audience that would still satisfy me.

A select few People's view of the world can be so extreme and uncut that they can force the material world to conform to it. Essentially it's telepathy by way of personal philosophy and ideology. Naturally, the people most stubborn in their world view are usually teenagers.
The series comes from the perspective of a harshly logical and calculating kid who frequently reshapes the world into almost brutalist geometry. There's a "dog in the nighttime" effect where things that are obvious to the reader aren't for the character.

It chronicles a shady government organization which collects people with these powers, either studying them or neutralizing those they deem to be threats. Obviously, it turns out the organization is actually pretty scummy.

So we have action, accessible commentary on personal belief, angry teenagers, and possibly a romantic subplot, where the protagonist may be broken out of his heartless countenance at the risk of losing his powers.

>> No.6410164

>Naturally, the people most stubborn in their world view are usually teenagers.
Don't forget that right-wing oldies can be even more so. It seems to me that a lot of elderly peoples are THE most stubborn, un-budging fanatics of their ideas - especially in the states.

>> No.6410166

>Make sure the magic system has clearly defined rules
>Make sure you have story beats
>Make sure its written on a YA reading level
>Be sure to split it up into a trilogy

>> No.6410196

this is what makes fantasy so shit and formulaic in the first place

>> No.6410214

I hadn't necessarily considered that. That could work to an extent, but one thing I try to imply is that whether you're with or against the government organization, your lifespan tends to be pretty short when your views are that extreme.

>> No.6410234

That's the point. It's what sells. If you want to write something that deconstructs the genre you're probably not going to be making a lot of money in your lifetime and your genius, that is if the work is good, will probably go unrecognized anyways.

>> No.6410248

> writing for money

>writing for recognition

This is why you fail.

>> No.6410309

One thing I've noticed about YA novels now is that it's always about some white kid who is better than everyone else for some reason (i.e. chosen one, super powers, the only one out of how many people to stand up ect). I'd like to write a novel where the central character's race, ethnicity is left ambiguous but is still a conduit for any reader to empathize with. Also, what they have isn't anything special to them. In fact, it sends their already fucked up life spiraling out of control, which makes their ethical choices all the more notable. For the most part, I still want to write something meditative that still covers classic virtues like bravery and responsibility but I want it to mean something.

>> No.6410316

anything anti-feminazi is good in my book

>> No.6410369

It's about a port town run by an ex pirate lord.

That's all I've got. I keep scrapping plot ideas for this and it keeps following me around. Must have written 40 or 50k words on this in total, but none of the drafts have survived much past 10k words.

>> No.6410442

There's a rape scene involving a dragon.

>> No.6410470

>it's all just metaphorical
all just metaphorically gay
>tumblr the novella

>> No.6410491

>Celebrities cameo as people being impaled.

>> No.6410504
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mine is about a race of fleshmonsters who are being taken over as hosts for a new race of mineral parasites who wear the fleshmonsters as clothing. it will be up to the protagonist to determine what is the essence of his people, and to confront the parasite within all of us

>> No.6410514

Magic-punk setting. Earth wants the mana back. Nature rebels.

>> No.6410527

>Kim K requests that she be impaled via the anus because she's into that

>> No.6410559

i pictured Betty white getting casually impaled.

>> No.6410578

Why don't you do a n interesting slice-of-life exploring what it's like to live in the town under this ex pirate lord's rule?

>> No.6410580

Being fleshmonsters dies nit seem necessary. Are you just adding it for edge?

>> No.6410619

>Are you just adding it for edge?
the skeleton was supposed to be spoilered

>> No.6410638

Nah, this is the problem I'm having. Nothing I've thought of has that x factor that makes a story instantly compelling.

>> No.6410650

holy fuck is this guy a thing now, i remember like years ago or something there was this 40 year old guy asking /lit/ if he was gunna make it writing during his free time at a truckstop.

that always stuck with me. can someone confirm this?

>> No.6410776
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>tfw great setting, characters, factions, etc

>can't think of a decent main plot

I'm great at all the little details, but can't decide on a good main plot. I'm so paranoid about plotholes or just a plot that doesn't make sense.

>> No.6410794

It's like Catch-22 + Fallout

>> No.6410819

Like asoiaf, but based on Sengoku Japan, and with more, less shit magic and mythical creatures, and also other humanoid species like elves etc.

But first I have to write my series of Arthurian short stories, followed by some straight historical fantasies, and read more.

>> No.6410824

If you can't derive plot from the actions of your characters and factions, then your characters and factions aren't fleshed out enough (and are bad.)

>> No.6410827

No, it's not that, it's that i like the idea of 'hard science fiction" as it is called, and am too autistic to explain away certain events as the equivalent of magic.

even though my story has very little sci-fi elements, still.

>> No.6410828

>and this one was trans"
What? Who?

>> No.6410831

I saw threads as recently as three months ago about a guy who has written like twenty manuscripts but he works in a petrol station. He posted a screenshot of some of this stuff, but it was 'accidentally' too small to make out - unfortunately for the both of us my eyes are amazing, and what he'd written was shite.

>> No.6410832

Borrow from history or myth, or just straight plagiarise.

>> No.6410836

Oh and on top of that, I'm very indecisive. Like which direction should I take the main plot, once I've chosen it.

There's just so many different choices available to me.

Nice idea, anon

>> No.6411783

Well the two characters happen to be male, and royal, so what can I do. The point isn't some gender non-conforming celebration, it's just that the characters are written as if they could be two men, two women, or a man and a woman, it doesn't matter. They just happen to be two men to evoke some nice masculine Greek aesthetics

>> No.6411808

gas-kun has been around for a while. if you're nice he¡ll send you some chapter of his stuff.
it's not too good but he refuses to edit it, it's decent if you consider it's an absolute first sketch but it's idiotic to leave it at that.

>> No.6411904
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Holy shit. thanks for the kind words guy! I've actually been editing to make it smoother so positive criticism has not fallen upon deaf ears. Im still editing if that helps.my ears were burning so I checked in.

-gas kun

>> No.6411931


Dune absolutely inspired Star Wars.

>Spice Mines of Kessel
>Desert planet, moisture farmers/collectors, sandcrawlers
>Jedi Mind trick/The Voice
>Trade Federation/Spacing Guild shipping monopolies
>Jedi Bendu/Prada Bendu
>Muh prophecy

>> No.6412263

Leto II and Jabba the hut

>> No.6412657

It has unicorns

>> No.6413682

go onnnnnn.

>> No.6414279

A guy unintentionally insults the hero of a nation, then accidentally kills him in the ensuing duel out of pure dumb luck. He is expected to take the great hero's place at court, being that he managed to kill the other man and is thereby obviously far stronger.

He's not very good at being a hero, but he gets better as time goes on.

>> No.6414750

Basically it's a fantasy retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with werewolves and lesbians. I know, but I enjoy it so whatever.

>> No.6414882

A Star Trek like adventure romp about a ship and it's crew exploring the remnants of the once great empire of gay niggers in outer space.

>> No.6415440
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>tfw no ginger trans gf

But did you draw a map? :^)

lennart-svensson blogspot se/2013/09/lennart-svensson-agajan-aventyraren-2009.html
lennart-svensson blogspot se/2011/02/agajan-som-e-bok.html

>> No.6415470

>not making a map with bits from google earth
Though you certainly have a cute handwriting, anon.

>> No.6415537


>> No.6415581

>The ocean is to the west
Every time

>> No.6415599

i bet your stories even has vampires in them.
YA sci-fi master race here.

>> No.6415613

About 17k words in.

A good idea for a few more plotlines and a solid ending.

Then all that's left is to self publish on amazon I guess.

>> No.6415929

A kind of prehistoric African setting. The main character is a member of a small tribe who unwittingly becomes their warrior chieftain after discovering a living sword made out of fibrous biological matter. It talks and is absolutely FUCKHUEG. It also has a massive eye on it. It fuses itself to him via several creepy vein-like tubes from its haft to the base of his skull. Anyway, he starts rolling in bitches and riches after he conquers numerous neighbouring tribes and invaders and creates the first true 'nation' in this universe. It's basically a big adventure story where he fights various eccentric warlords and defeats them in comedic and unexpected ways with his horrifying shit-talking brain sword, up until the sword's creator arrives. The creator is mass of leech like creatures the size of a human head and has travelled the cosmos seeking a world with life on it that he can appropriate. He has an incredibly weak immune system and so created the sword to extract and convert the DNA of a terrestrial organism so he can merge with the sword and assume the form of the organism attached to the sword. He does so and now the protagonist needs to find a way to get the sword back because he's piss weak and cant lead his new nation without it. But obviously, the leech man alium won't give it back without a fight seeing as he's finally found a home amongst the stars and can't survive without it.

>> No.6416010

I'm almost finished with my trilogy.
Book 1. Teenage girl writes a computer program called Minion that can assimilate other programs and even read them, interpret them and make clones like it using new code. She unanimously wins her high school science fair, gets her name in the paper, and even an article in popular science magazine. Head of MIT tech division and visits to see if the rumors are true. He gives her a highly sophisticated encryption program to see if it can be broken. Minion hacks in in under three minutes. He talks to the parents about possible full paid scholarship. He then goes back and calls a friend who works for the NSA and tell his old college friend about the program that can decrypt the pentagons security in under five mins. The story goes on from there about the girl just trying to live her life while the agent dries everything he can to acquire her or the program that's based on P vs NP math problem. the girl doesn't hand it over and the agent does everything in his power to keep her from letting minion out of its confines. Minion is also slowly becoming sentient and talks to the girl when they're alone. Books 2 and 3 have bigger arcs

>> No.6416023

>story about a boy literally coming out of the closet and discovering a magical new world where people accept him for who he is instead of shaming him for it
>not inherently a gay-friendly story

>> No.6416241

That is a fantasy story.


>> No.6416506

I'm actually trying to create a world with as much depth as Middle-Earth, except with all my own creatures and them with their own histories and languages - and powerful same sex couples can have children, and there's a trans character, a genderbender, gays, lesbians, and none of them care about each other's preferences because they know they have better things to worry about. Like developing technology, defending it from other governments, and going to war for it to find that the underlying hostiiis just old racism. - and I've no idea how it ends.
Think I wrote short stories with elves and stuff when I was little, but after reading Tolkein, why imitate him when you can be inspired by him to make something as massive? (Currently, all I have is 300 pages of lore and back story outlining governments, important historical figures, language systems, etc.)

>> No.6416515

Sounds like a prequel to Digital: A Love Story

>> No.6416524

Nice troll, a solid 8/10. You even misspelled Tolkien's name, nice touch.

P.S. Tolkien's 'world building' is abysmal. For example, try to image what kind of economic system would have to exist to support the comfortable technological society of the hobbits; it can't be done.

>> No.6416544

Ah sorry, his name always trips me up, u know I have a copy of the LOTR trilogy on my desk and I still fucked it.
Not a troll though, real thing. My story doesn't have hobbits and technology though, it has no hobbits... all my own stuff. I don't even have any particularly short races yet except for the animals. But his world building was amazing for what it did at the time. Remember, he was a pioneer - before him, building a secondary world wasn't something popular and pretty rarely published and he didn't have tons of inspirations aside from the old myths. I think he did fine with what he had.
And I don't need a particularly amazing ecosystem since the technology in my world is pretty small but powerful; there's no industry based on technology like ours. I just wanna play with Sci-Fi and Fantasy since a lot of Fantasy, starting with Tolkien, thinks that technology can kill magic, but I wanna have both of them in moderation.

>> No.6416556

9/10, you're improving your mad ruse skillz.

>> No.6416565

Also Hobbits don't have a very technological society... the most they have is like water mills.
Why do u think it's a ruse?? I want to be a creative innovatooooooor.