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File: 27 KB, 458x475, chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6401175 No.6401175 [Reply] [Original]

Noam Chomsky is going to be speaking at my university tomorrow and I'll have the chance to ask him a question.

What question can I ask him that will really leave him stumped and unable to answer?

>> No.6401179

What is his opinion of Shakespeare?

>> No.6401184

"Why do you think OP sucks cocks?"

>> No.6401192

Could we understand the lion?

>> No.6401203

"What is your opinion on cuckoldry?"

>> No.6401212

So far this is what I'll ask him unless there is a better question on the way.

>> No.6401217

So epic. Please videotape it so we can get some new tasty epic memes ;)

>> No.6401219

Was getting dubs part of your plan?

>> No.6401223

just email him and ask him. He usually answers them

>> No.6401224

this. Dont wait for the lecture just confront him GOTCHA style and ask him boom! "Why are you a cuck Mr Chomsky?"

>> No.6401226

"Why is your name a phonetically equivalent spelling of 'Gnome'?"

>> No.6401238

Don't ask him anything, just hide a bag of tomatoes under your coat

>> No.6401298
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critique him through Marx and Lacan

>> No.6401324

OP here, I've actually done that.
I emailed lots of famous people in my "field" as an undergraduate, as well as Noam Chomsky, and Chomsky was the only person to respond...in just 15 minutes.

>> No.6401329

This. Explain that he is an Oedipus Complex through Being a Real big faggot.

>> No.6401420

Umass boston?

>> No.6401444

Ask him how he's so sure anarco coperativism is the way when there is no real documented experience before, pressure him asking if he's completely sure that he isn't just trying to sell fairy tales and if he know how much damage he has done to the left insisting with impossible alternatives instead of working for something better than the exploitative unfari system with a coating of social issues we have know. Tell him that he's responsible for the lack of new ideas in the field.

>> No.6401485

Do you think it is even appropriate to refer to America's military interventions in the Middle East and Israel's attacks on Gaza "wars"?

>> No.6401560

How to dismantle capitalism?

>> No.6401591

ask him if he enjoys being some kind of star or even cult symbol amongst middle class pseudo leftists

>> No.6401625

what'd you ask? what was the response?

>> No.6401632

Ask him why you should follow any moral principle at all

>> No.6401659

> pseudo
You mean the real leftists are worse?

>> No.6401668

Ask him how did he retain so much hair through the years.

>> No.6401683

That is Badiou I'm fairly sure

>> No.6401697

Ask him how he can justify calling himself an anarcho-syndicalist when he's a multimillionaire with several homes who takes paychecks from the Pentagon. Ask him if he has to be a sociopath to pull off that level of kike sophistry.

>> No.6402464

kek'd heartily

>> No.6402511

The worst part is that he never worked an honest day's work in his life; his entire 'career' is based on nothing but sophist arguments of circular logic and being born in a good Jewish family.

>> No.6402607

Ask him why he and his wife have financial ties to and accept payments from the Pentagon even though he called it "the most hideous institution on this earth" and declares that it "constitutes a menace to human life."

In short, call him out for being a hypocrite because as far as I know, no one has in any of his Q&A's.

>> No.6402617

Oh literal Jim

>> No.6402621

Ask him how he sleeps at night after dishonestly using his weight in academia to shit all over tons of other academics despite not even presenting a detailed, honest critique.

>> No.6402637

He did a lot of important work in linguistics

>> No.6402648


Kill yourself.

>> No.6402653

>After the book's publication, Chomsky talked to Schweizer about his creation of a trust fund for his daughters and grandchildren.[1] In Schweizer's follow up discussion with Chomsky, Schweizer reveals that even though Chomsky abhors corporations and refers to them as "fascist", Chomsky's own retirement fund is invested in large capitalization NYSE companies and the TIAA-CREF stock fund. Schweizer points out:
A look at the stock fund portfolio quickly reveals that it invests in all sorts of businesses that Chomsky says he finds abhorrent: oil companies, military contractors, pharmaceuticals, you name it.[1]

>> No.6402656


>> No.6402688


"Now listen here capitalist..."

>> No.6402689

>when there is no real documented experience before
Spanish Anarchist
Recovered Factories
Various other efforts at workers self management
But broadly speaking you're right, we don't know and will have to figure it out as we go along
And what's more realistic? Someone who can set out precisely how their theory will be applied and work, or someone who admits that we have to figure it out?

Chomskys point in advocating this is freedom and liberty and ending tyranny and oppression

>> No.6402693

No, "war" implies combat between standing armies
This pure invasion and slaughter and occupation

>> No.6402700

Has chomsky ever advocated disconnecting oneself from society and retreating to a log cabin in the mountains?
If so then certainly he is a hypocrite. You are the sophist for for accusing people of not living up to ideals you claim their beliefs include

But instead he states an anarchist society would be industrialised and technical

>> No.6402703

>good Jewish
His family were working poor in the depression
One went door to door selling rags, another ran a news stand, his parents barely made ends meet as teachers

>> No.6402704

>academics bickering over who insulted who
>wondering why people don't take you people seriously

>> No.6402706

He works at MIT and the pentagon likes computers. His work relates to computers in the same way architecture relates to engineering. He doesn't work with them but others use his work with them.

He would argue that the pentagon work should be carried out publicly so we know what it is, if you isolate it then it goes into the dark and we don't know til it blows someone up

>> No.6402709

What? He effectively used his influence alone to try and ruin other academics' reputations. He's a bitch.

>> No.6402710

>His father was the Ukrainian-born William "Zev" Chomsky, who had fled to the United States in 1913 and his mother was Elsie Simonofsky. Both of his parents were Ashkenazi Jews. Having studied at Johns Hopkins University, his father went on to become school principal of the Congregation Mikveh Israel religious school, and in 1924 was appointed to the faculty at Gratz College in Philadelphia. Independently, William researched Medieval Hebrew, and would publish a series of books on the subject. William's wife, Elsie, was born in Belarus. They met at Mikveh Israel, where both taught Hebrew language classes.

>In 1924, he was appointed to the faculty at the country's oldest Jewish teacher training institution, Gratz College, where he became faculty president in 1932.

>Noam described his parents as "normal Roosevelt Democrats", having a centre-left position on the political spectrum, but he was exposed to far left politics through other members of the family, a number of whom were socialists involved in the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.[47] He was influenced largely by his uncle who owned a newspaper stand in New York City where Jewish leftists came to debate the issues of the day.

top keke

>> No.6402711

How many people directly control their trust, and how many leave it to the fund management business?

>> No.6402712

Yes and I just get my milk from cows on a Nazi farm, no big deal.

>> No.6402716
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>garment workers and the working class were well paid n the 20s and 30s

>> No.6402722

Yeah that's what I think too, I'm wondering how Chomsky would respond. I think it's interesting how people will change their minds depending on what suits their immediate agendas. Hawks will (in effect) say "this is a war, we can't be following all the laws!" one moment (to justify the assassination of al Awlaki, for instance), and then say "oh this isn't a war, we don't need a declaration of war, an AUMF will do" the next.

its also interesting how people on the antiwar side will echo what you said, but then use classic Anti-War rhetoric.

>> No.6402817


Only zionists are butthurt about that,stay mad.

>> No.6402926

What Zionist "intellectuals" (hue) has he personally attacked other than Dershowitz? You can't say that's been without substance, he's embarrassed Dershowitz in a number of debates.

Besides, Norm Finkelstein has already done the academic footwork in exposing Dershowitz as a charlatan

>> No.6402945

I sort of agree with Chomsky, I was playing on the things that make me wonder if those things can work.
None of your examples lasted very long, had positive long term effects or was implemented through the state. If you want to really push him you could demand a justification other than magical thinking and he might end up getting flustered and ignoring you. That was the goal, right?

>> No.6402948

Chomsky does not get stumped, sorry.


Just ask about something you're interested in.

>> No.6402953

The best part is that both could start talking with that!

>> No.6402986


What about that one with whats his face, the absurdly arrogant and pretentious guy from the 60s or so? He didn't do so hot in that one

>> No.6402990

Where I get my soap and lampshades from, as well as the manual labour that benefits me is none of my concern either.

>> No.6402991

Would you touch a poop for $20?

>> No.6403001

I'm an actual linguist, unlike you clowns. Chomsky is the worst thing to happen to linguistics since linguistics existed; he single-handedly destroyed it as a science.

The worst part isn't his hare-brained and patently wrong theories, it's the fact that he based them on circular logic and explicitly denied empirical observation as a valid method. Which, of course, puts chomskyan so-called 'linguistics' firmly outside the realm of science and into the realm of sophist crackpottery.

>> No.6403003

What poetry. His family used to sell rags and Now he writes shit books so bad they're only good for soaking up cum.

>> No.6403008

>His work relates to computers
No, it does not. His 'work' is circular-logic sophistry that is explicitly and brazenly an un-science.

So much so that the people on Google Translate's team publicly brag that the reason for the success of their product is never letting a linguist touch it.

This degeneracy of linguistics is single-handedly Chomsky's fault.

>> No.6403014

Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6403015

Chomsky more like Cucksky

>> No.6403032

Lel, I looked this up too.

>> No.6403085

I came to this thread to post this.

>> No.6403096




>> No.6403103

> "I don't know anything about linguistics but I'll shitpost anyways".
Educate yourself, fool. http://www.grsampson.net/BLID.html

>> No.6403107

"How many words does you know?"

>> No.6403109


>Please stop, you're insulting the Prophet (pbuh)

>> No.6403121

Yeah, OP, ask him why can't he get jokes and how could he understand language when he can't even interact with people.

>> No.6403151

"Since ISIS is also against the evil western hegemony, will you be denying their attrocities as vehemently as you denied the Khmer Rouge's, or only half as vehemently?"

>> No.6403166

even when he's wrong he can wreck you with sheer knowledge you can't refute the obscure example he asks you about if you don't know what he's talking about

>> No.6403170

>"Do you have autism? I think your behavior is very symptomatic of it. Take your interview with Ali-G, for example; you had no comprehension that he was simply joking."

>> No.6403175

he's smiling at the end

>> No.6403181


It's an auto-response programmed into his politeness mainframe.

Noam Chomsky is a robot.

>> No.6403183

he's not as sharp as he was in the 90s and 80s. It's like he's not even trying anymore.


>> No.6403191

I met and spoke with Jürgen Habermas a while ago.
What an extraordinary man.
He gave a lecture about How Europe faces the challenge of transnationalising democracy. What included an analysis of current problems and future problems of the EU. And a thought experiment explaining how it could be solved. More democracy and more EU in his own way a system of a double sovereign and all that jazz.

Afterwards I went to him in person and asked him the question: considering how Ukraine shifted from EU influence to Russia's sphere of influence what triggered a public uprising, and made the current civil war happen. don't you think a stronger/bigger democratic EU will create more conflicts? how can we avoid tensions? he said that was a brilliant and hard question. he thought about it for a minute. Then he smiled and told me he had no sensible answer to my question. He then tapped my shoulder and shook my hand. and that was when he had to leave. ;_;

I liked the way he was humble and wanted contact with young people that attended the lecture and tries to answer their questions as good as possible.

>> No.6403205

>what he called the nationalist, he said the nationalist does not only not disapprove of attrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them. And Orwell didn't go far enough, we also have a remarkable capacity for denying them or even lauding them. Case after case.

Funny how Chomsky only comes off as noble, by his own description, if you assume his "side" is the West. But what you consider his "side" to be the Islamist barbarians he has such a hard on for and you read his words again?

>> No.6403214

The obvious answer is that Ukraine was always in Russia's sphere of influence and Europe shouldn't have pushed so hard for it to join the West. You avoid tensions by not initiating political tug-of-war with Russia.

>> No.6403220

throw a potato at him

scream JUDE

>> No.6403228

"Epic. Let's stop influencing other countries and achieve world peace!" - Infantile liberal

>> No.6403230

>Europe faces the challenge of transnationalising democracy
What does that mean? Bring about change in the remaining countries of Europe that are not democracies or that merely pose as ones, i.e. nominally?

>> No.6403237

It means making Europe one big democracy instead of lots of little ones.

>> No.6403239

>You avoid tensions by not initiating political tug-of-war with Russia.

I'm sure the dead Ukrainians will be happy to know that their blood is adequately lubing up Russia's cock to make its fucking America as tenseless and pleasurable as possible.

>> No.6403244

>t.I just call everybody I disagree with a liberal regardless of whether they fit any definition of the word

Isolationism is hardly a mainstay of liberal thought.

>> No.6403248

>thinking Russia could ever hope to match America at any point in the foreseeable future

Oh boy, that's a good one.

>> No.6403252
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>unironically using pic related as your foreign policy stance

>> No.6403257

It is of liberals, at least in the US. Many of them are total pacifists and view any act of influence as neo-colonialism.

>> No.6403262

How Can We See If Our Eyes Aren't Real

>> No.6403264
File: 39 KB, 604x505, 1428999789881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>letting Russia do whatever it wants because otherwise it will create "tensions"

>> No.6403268

Oh, so it's okay to fuck over an entire country and population because it doesn't affect OUR interests!

Hope you don't mind if the cops don't feel like responding to your 911 calls in the future because your house isn't strategically important.

>> No.6403285

Perhaps it's different in the UK. The liberals I speak to can't hear about anything happening without demanding we help out. If they somehow got into power we'd be deploying across half the planet.

>> No.6403288

But it basically is, you need to read Hegemony or Survival

>> No.6403291

y'all niggers need Mearsheimer.

The crisis in Ukraine was a reaction to Western aggression. This isn't a matter of letting Russia do whatever it wants, it's about not shitting all over Russia and acting surprised when it behaves as great powers do.

>> No.6403292
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Not the poster you're replying to but this triggers me.

>> No.6403294

Regardless if it is or not, it's an unrealistic demand to place on any country.

>> No.6403303

It must be so easy to win arguments when you just make up the other person's position for them.

We are not world police. We should look after ourselves, not countries that aren't allied to us. Ukraine wasn't in the EU, it wasn't in NATO. What it and Russia do is their problem, not ours.

>> No.6403309

>muh logic
I don't even like Chomsky but you're an overly vulgar positivist cunt who should find another board to shit up

>> No.6403310

I've never understood why people are so anti-war. I think we need to invade a few countries to change their government, I don't see what's wrong with this at all. The problem is most liberals/pacifists see all cultures as equal when they really arent.

>> No.6403311



>> No.6403316


>We should look after ourselves

We are, Russian hegemony isn't an advantage for us or our allies.

>> No.6403320

I thought he died.

>> No.6403321

>I think we need to invade a few countries to change their government, I don't see what's wrong with this at all.
Because you're fucking retarded and I challenge you to find any example of this working in the past 50 years of the West doing this

>> No.6403325

You're using lines of greentext and the "muh" meme to refute arguments. Let's not cast stones about who's "shitting up" the board, mate.

>> No.6403327

Standing on a pile of dead bodies is no way to make a case for intervention. See: Virtually every American intervention in domestic conflict, most recently Libya (which is now a failed state).

>> No.6403332

>to refute arguments.
I am?
And you're somehow better than this why/how?

>> No.6403337


As a scientific adviser to graduate students and as a PhD in linguistics I have to say that I struggle with Sampson's book for several reasons. First, I have a problem with his use of hyperbole such as "most people" (p. 7), "very many people" (p. 1), "some people" (p. 11), "no one would read Chomsky..." (p. 13) and "All academic philosophers know" (p. 19). These are just a few examples I found in Chapter One. His book is filled with this type of assumptive speech once called "Dicto Simpliciter." He also seems to struggle with Hasty Generalizations. I fear that Sampson has failed to keep up with the data concerning new research in language and speech production. Technology has given us tools beyond imagination and as a result we have new insights into language production, language development, and how humans speak. Dr. Deb Roy from MIT (cognitive scientist) has done extensive research on the emergence of language in infants. Dr. Faraneh Vargha-Khadem from University College London has actually isolated the Fox P2 gene responsible for certain types of speech defects and Prof. Gary Morgan's studies into autism shows that some brains have no language barrier at all and can master all the skills of 20 languages. I just have to say that I cannot recommend a book with these types of over generalizations. In addition, it seems that Sampson is angry or acidic towards nativists in general, Chomsky and Pinker in particular. He almost rants in the first three chapters. The evidence of a language instinct is no longer thin, but rather exploding as technology allows us to look into what makes us speak. All of this to say that language cannot be purely cultural if genetic mutations can deform it. I am afraid Sampson has lost his voice.

>> No.6403343

Russian hegemony in the backend of nowhere? Not much of an empire. Relative to Russia, the rest of them collectively border on statistical insignificance. I'm not seeing why we should care.

>> No.6403358
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>France was the only Western power not to support the US invasion of Iraq
>France was the only Western power not to support the US torture programs of suspected terrorists
>Chomsky says France deserved to get Charlie Hebdo's because of US aggression


>> No.6403361
File: 142 KB, 541x541, 541px-Union_of_Soviet_Socialist_Republics_(orthographic_projection).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the borders Putin wants.

>> No.6403363


It's not the backend of nowhere when they directly border several EU nations.

>> No.6403372
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A /lit/izen that cites.

>> No.6403375


I bet if he got called out on it he'd hearken back to colonialism and justify it that way. He's such a cunt.

>> No.6403383


I'm not saying they deserved it but France is currently fighting in the Central African Republic and Mali against Islamic militants.

>> No.6403384



>> No.6403389


What goes around, comes around.

We all know what the "War on Terrorism" has become at this point.

>> No.6403405


So because France has the Foreign Legion fighting in some distant African lands, Charlie Hebdo happens as a result?

I'm not following.

>> No.6403414

Do you really think that if all European countries withdrew from Islamic countries that the violence would end?

>> No.6403424

Not that guy, but most of it would, yes.

>> No.6403428


>> No.6403429

>Noam "Empirically Wrong" Chomsky


>> No.6403440


>no one but the US has ambitions in the region

There's plenty of people in the region who want the caliphate restored whether or not the US is there, not to mention the Saudi/Iranian/Russian ambitions which would invariably flare up with the US gone.

>> No.6403449

>Slavoj "Scratch N' Sniff" Zizek

>> No.6403496

I would argue that military intervention is more likely to incite violence than quell it. The world would be a safer place if Iraq and Syria were still controlled by strongmen and not fractured hives of rebel/terrorist activity. There's more than one way to project power.

>> No.6403512

It's because of Islam, we need to destroy Islam in order to fix the middle east.

>> No.6403513

This is true even in the short term - in the context of the horrible conflict that prompts conversation about intervening. In Libya, for example, once the prospect of American intervention in the rebels' favor was presented, they have the perverse incentive of ramping up violence - especially violence against civilians - to garner international sympathy and get the U.S. to intervene on their behalf.

More controversially: In Syria, we drew the "red line" of chemical weapons, and said we would intervene against Assad if he used chemical weapons against the rebels. Then - if you agree with Seymour Hersh - the rebels used chemical weapons, the U.S. said Assad used them, and it was ready to start bombing until Putin cucked Obama in the NYT.

A total moron.

>> No.6403515


>> No.6403523

If you are on /lit/ you will never be able to come up with a question to stump Mr Chomsky.

We are all idiots. Complete idiots.

Deal with in.

>> No.6403533

Why what? Why are you a moron? Because you, like Harris, Maher, et al, look at the Middle East with an already anti-Islam perspective and with zero knowledge of the history (even in the past twenty years) or socioeconomic dynamics in these countries or in other Muslim countries around the world.

>> No.6403546

Oh, another liberal that thinks ISIS propped up because of lack of job opportunities.

>> No.6403549

Why do you think ISIS popped up?

>> No.6403556

great Breitbart talking point

ISIS popped up because there are extremists who want to establish a caliphate. They succeeded because America invaded and destroyed Iraq and toppled a major and stabilizing regional power. There has been a lot of work done on the sociology of terrorism and everything points to groups like ISIS thriving in areas where there is no opportunity for an actual life. Where there is hardly even a functional economy let alone a good one.

>> No.6403558

It's their interpretation of Islam. Wahhabism, whatever you wanna call it. But obviously their are other conditions that contribute to it, socioeconomic and perhaps due to war and support for Israel (as Osama Bin Laden said this) but to say it's only due to economic circumstances is insane because look at countries like Qatar or Bahrain. Incredibly wealthy yet incredibly islamist.

>> No.6403574

france a good boy he dindu nuffin

>> No.6403589

Ask him if matter is born of mind.

>> No.6403631


william f buckly?

>> No.6403632

>Incredibly wealthy
Who's wealthy? The United States is incredibly wealthy and we still have horrible gang violence that is arguably *predominantly* due to lack of economic opportunity.

"Islamist" is kind of ambiguous, and the way it's used in the U.S. is very ridiculous. A government rooted in Islam is not surprising in countries that are 95+% Muslim.

>> No.6403635

"Are you an enemy of America?"

>> No.6403668

He destroyed Buckley.

and I like Buckley

>> No.6403735

Gang violence isn't a big problem and it's not only due to economic opportunity.

>> No.6403742

>Gang violence isn't a big problem
On a national scale in our 300 million-man strong country, maybe not (still worse than European countries). Go to Chicago and say it isn't a big problem.

>it's not only due to economic opportunity
That's not "predominantly" means.

>> No.6403816

Actually ask this, I don't understand why this is still a mystery. Is he just embarrassed that he only knows English? He must know other languages, right?

>> No.6403850
File: 144 KB, 720x720, semantics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Why do you still hate corpus linguistics when it's been objectively proven to be the best methodology?"

>> No.6403885

yeah. I'm sure the linguist is going to have no response whatsoever. And you'll be totally satisfied by his stunned silence at your cleverly crafted question that would catch a linguist off guard.

>> No.6403982

This is ironic because Chomsky spouts the same exact logic to dismiss entire academic fields he's barely verses in.

>> No.6403996

the chick on syntax somehow looks cuter after than before...right?

>> No.6404000

It isn't predominantly though at all, who gives a fuck about Chiraq

>> No.6404012

Isn't Google Translate often mocked, though? Whenever someone has a wonky translation, the joke is always "Yeah, he got it from Google Translate."

>> No.6404018

loled hard

>> No.6404019

Yeah, he did have a response already. It was "hurr durr, muh native speaker introspection, muh I-language, I am better than everyone else because I am a socialist". Yes, this is verbatim.

>> No.6404055

stop thinking the US is the World police

>> No.6404634

>He single-handedly destroy it as a science
Why? Because his theory of UG?

>> No.6404662

There's literally nothing relevant you could ask him that would stump him. Either he'd know about it and answer you, or you mention something he knows nothing about and he'd probably just be like "lol idk anything about that." Even if everything he says is wrong, he's so much smarter and more knowledgeable than you that you wouldn't be able to stump him, and if you tried you'd just come out feeling like an ass.

>> No.6404683
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Ask him which 2hu he wud fug

>> No.6404732

do it

>> No.6404748

You can't stump him, he'll find a way to not answer your question while going in depth about something that's related closely enough to your question as to not make anyone think he's a super genius. He's gotten kind of sloppy in his old age

>> No.6404770

OP here yet again
So I attended the event earlier today and ended up asking the question about cuckoldry (refer to: >>6401203)

Both the question and answering stunned the audience, and I think /lit/ would be very shocked to hear the response as well.

A video of all this will be uploaded somewhat shortly so you all can be for yourselves.

>> No.6404774

Excellent, can't wait.

>> No.6404776

>so you all can be for yourselves.

>> No.6404788

Other kids could be cruel, they'd call me names: dweeb, chimp, honky, dweeby-chimp, honky-dweeb, and worst of all: chomsky-honk.

>> No.6404791

No fucking way man...
I hope this is true, seems delightful

>> No.6404809


>> No.6404820
File: 317 KB, 517x738, man-reading-a-newspaper-1928(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

""member when Foucault steamrolled ur bitch ass? Have u found them fancy little innate in-brain mechanisms u postulated must exist yet u old fart? Or have u finally come to accept what ol' Fuckboi was sayin to be true in the first place?

>> No.6404826

>implying I'll be surprised when you upload the vid and Chomsky stands up to say, whispering yet also loud, "Little imperialist dicks."
>impying I'll be surprised when teh audience starts booing
>implying I'll be surrpised when he follows it up with "Big oppressed cocks," or that I'll be surprised when the audience shrieks in ecstasy

>> No.6404827

This is too good to be true. As a NEET who loves dank memes this is as good as it gets.

>> No.6404923


>> No.6405029

Did Gnome Chompsguy use his Jewish sophistry to plant some kind of delayed action "killword" into OPs head?

>> No.6405035
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>> No.6405041

Scratch that, "killphrase" rolls off the tongue better

>> No.6405052

Ask him if he's a true American.

>> No.6405095

Waiting for OP

>> No.6405103

>2 hours
>somewhat shortly
U r 1 cheeky kunt OP

>> No.6405104
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It's happening.

>> No.6405107

For fuck sake

>> No.6405109
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>> No.6405115


>> No.6405123

You fucked up OP. Not censoring the link was a mistake. Everybody go home. Thread's over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qynemLuwJs&feature=youtu.be

>> No.6405129

That might be fun too

>> No.6405142

he could have atleast used a real chomsky interview to give us a shred of hope

>> No.6405151

I am very sad now.

>> No.6406409

He seems like a marisa fan.

>> No.6406454

You are pretty stupid

>> No.6406468

Mr. Chomsky, do you think that Mr. Foucault was hot?