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6400399 No.6400399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is reading a feminine activity? and writing a masculine one?

>> No.6400409

this thread is gonna get so many replies and i can't wait to read them all

>> No.6400424

In spite of post structuralist feminists believing that they are drawing attention to disparities between gender norms by gendering concepts, all they are doing is reinforcing the gendered stereotypes they claim to criticize.

>> No.6400427

Active vs Receptive?

>> No.6400440


>> No.6400446




>> No.6400450


It's a bit like science.
Sure there are some women in the field. Sure there are some doing good drone work, some even manage to get some geniosity going.
But mostly it's still men taking the lead and the charge.

And your stupid fucking gf anecdotes "muh gf is quite smart, reads and writes poetry" don't matter.

>> No.6400455

Writing books is a substitute for having children, reading books is a substitute for having lives.

>> No.6400459

>drawing attention to disparities between gender norms by gendering concepts
that has nothing to do with post-structuralism, or structuralism. Why do you try to convince stupid people that those things are related? Only someone without any kind of knowledge on the topic could assume there's any connection to be made.
The most extreme thing you could say is that it spawned off post-modernism, but that current would actively oppose trying to exploiting power structures in that way if it dealt at such a shitty micro level.

>> No.6400461
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* ding ding ding *

>> No.6400467

Well, there are more men in STEM, so obviously more greats. More published men, so more recognized literary talent.

>> No.6400476


Buckloads of women study so they can end up in the cultural sector and in education.

Swear to god when I worked in either one of those 9/10 of my colleagues were female.
Now I work at a museum and it's the same shit.
Feminization of these fields is a bad thing, but that's another topic of discussion.

>> No.6400481

its muh oppression

>> No.6400488

feminism is just a symptom and / or also sometimes catalyst of a larger pussyfication of society.

rich ppl make the most money when there's enough stability to avoid war and enough confusion to avoid united action.

feminism is both a castration mechanism and something that complicates the previously rather simple relationship of the sexes.

>> No.6400506

Ebin meme.


How are your anecdotes related to my comment?

>> No.6400510
File: 33 KB, 539x471, feminist friendly shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say the European state formation was of vital importance to the existence of feminism.

Norbert Elias already delineated that in terms of manners and other ethical codes. The state has had an enormous impact and influence on our civilization process.

Some sociologists have stressed that the monopolization of violence in western states has led to the situation where even within the family unit the partners meet as full equals, not as one where the man can threaten with his physical superiority.
In 4chan terms: the western state ( and all its emulations beyond our Euro-Atlantic complex ) is a huge white knight and beta provider.

And I'm not even a libertarian who complains about "big gubment", but it is what it is.
Without a strong state, no feminism and no SJW bullshit.

>> No.6400523
File: 59 KB, 500x500, femaletruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just to stress that most of your unknown and forgotten female geniuses that lie abrood somewhere aren't interested in making strides into any field, but play mommies for a job.

>> No.6400527

interesting idea, but wouldnt the western state basically be the alpha, it's subjects the bps

>> No.6400530

explain gommunist russia then

>> No.6400533


Shit tier MRA redpill notion.

>oh noe le evul phephiniztz want to castrate muh gud simple values
>men on top wim,in bellow alwas bin tat way

>> No.6400537

that has nothing to do with a critical analysis of literature and communication (poststructuralism)

>> No.6400540

no. it's just a fair assumption. things don't generally make it far in recent western society unless they somehow benefit the elite. it would be ridiculous to assume feminism is an exception

i don't even know what poststructuralism means and i don't care tbh

>> No.6400543
File: 36 KB, 200x276, 200px-Anthony_Ludovici.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Capitalism led to pussification. It's true:

“Woman has no primary interest in a great or artistic man, she does not prefer him to a successful and rich soap-boiler, and what is more, she never knows he is great until the world acknowledges him as such. . . . If in the Europe of to-day, and in all countries like Europe, it is material success alone that is regarded as the highest value, and if money is the principal hall-mark of power and prestige, it is due to the ascendancy of women in our midst. Women cannot take any other point of view, and where their influence tends to prevail, as it does particularly in England and America, there you will find the worship of cash the principal religion of the community. . . . To-day this vulgarity can be detected in every aspect of our lives. Everything, every consideration of refinement, is overlooked, provided that money be present. And the man who kills most female hearts is he who can throw a rich fur round his capture and whirl her off in a sumptous Rolls-Royce. . . . Wives who have passionately loved their husbands will learn to dislike and despise them intensely if owing to some unhappy turn in their fortunes they become material failures. . . . Individually this vulgarity ramifies in woman as an inability to pursue refinement, unassisted or undirected; as a readiness to sacrifice refinement or else the fruits of cultivation, to any other sordid end, and as an inaccessibility to the finer nuances of thought. That is why the notion 'Lady' is such absurd nonsense. It is the grossest and most palpable fiction. No 'lady' has ever existed or will ever exist.”
- Anthony M. Ludovici

>> No.6400549

Those women aren't an accurate representation of unpublished female writers. How could you come to such a thinly connected conclusion?

>> No.6400556
File: 109 KB, 850x900, leave the lady be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could see it as that, but since Hobbes' times the state hasn't been an alpha that claims all, but the dude that pops up inbetween your fist and the m'lady.


What about gommunism?

>> No.6400559


How do you know they are out there?

>> No.6400579

That quote is a mash of baseless assertions.

Just because it's in quotation marks doesn't make it true, considering capitalism occurs mainly under a male leadership.

>> No.6400590
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Yeah sure bro.
Your reading list attracts just as much women as a sports car.

>> No.6400623

But it's the men who are indulging in materialism to impress women. They clearly don't have depth to look past their cocks. Let me guess, women are conspiring to make men this way?

>> No.6400645


As society breaks down, so begins its feminizing.
Men have caused it and women capitalize on it.

>> No.6400673


>> No.6400686

Of course feminism and capitalism go hand in hand.


>> No.6400711

>Enlightenment liberal ideas proliferate and culminate with men no longer being allowed to violently subjugate women and deny their 'right' to self-determination

lel. Of course it's in the cultural logic of capitalism to arrive at a non-gendered, multi-ethnic work-force. That's why we get identity politics etc.

>> No.6400727


Don't tell the SJW movement that though.
I don't know what their endgame is after we're morally all-inclusive.

>> No.6400769

oh, so the problem are men then?

>> No.6400772

Consume products and generate garbage

>> No.6400777

lol this.

Giving women rights is now pussification. I can't believe we're responding to people who take that term seriously.

>> No.6400783


Seems to be.
Their allegiance to Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj as feminist icons is telling.

>> No.6400790
File: 29 KB, 400x265, 6a00d83451b96069e2014e8bd78829970d-400wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This bird spends days collecting the right blades of grass and the right leaves. It weaves them together carefully hour after hour. Eventually a masterpiece is created.

Now, is this bird a male or a female?

>> No.6400800

Who cares whether reading is a feminine activity? Gender is a social construct so why does it matter?

>> No.6400801

Sex sells. We learned that a long time ago.

But no no, it's some evil Jewish cultural Marxist plot!

>> No.6400805
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>Gender is a social construct

How much pussy does being a male feminist get you?

>> No.6400814

The 'male' part is redundant

>> No.6400822


>some animal is evolutionary wired to make a nest

No they don't.
And that's a shitty defense for women their capacities you retard, bill_nye.png

>> No.6400827
File: 126 KB, 783x778, 1422906051057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I kinda wanna know what happens when a man openly supports feminism.
Is he awash with pussy or not? Answer the question and don't focuss on the triggers.

>> No.6400832


It's a male you idiot. It's always a male.

>> No.6400833

I'm not the guy you initially responded to, I just objected to your inclusion of male.

He probably believes there is a distinction between gender and sex.
You frog-pictures and generally mean-spirited responses suggest you disagree. Oh well.

>> No.6400834
File: 39 KB, 540x360, Cannibalization(silk_spider).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This spider eats its partner after having done its beta provider role. Eventually the circle of life begins anew.

Now, is this spider a male or a female?

>> No.6400840


>The results of a small survey were surprising: across the board, male writers dominate submission numbers 2 to 1.

>If submissions numbers to the big publishing houses were similar to Hobart--which has the biggest print run and longest history among the journals and presses listed above--more men would be published in general.

>> No.6400842

>beta provider
>frog pictures

All we need is for you to rant about some dude called Chad

>> No.6400849

Men are probably, on average, better writers than women for a variety of reasons.

That doesn't make writing a masculine activity, though.

>> No.6400862



>> No.6400882

>Well I kinda wanna know what happens when a man openly supports feminism
You might get a sympathy lay from female warpbrained colleged aged chicks every now and then but they'll never be as attracted to you/you won't get the same subconcious amt of respect as someone who laughs at their ideas, is inflammatory & more clever than them

>> No.6400890

>That doesn't make writing a masculine activity, though.
He who holds the power of language controls everything -

I think that was barthes? paraphrased badly? who knows. anyways, writing is powerful. expression is powerful. the only thing more powerful than expression is violence

>> No.6400902

No and no.


>> No.6401024
File: 770 KB, 1024x768, Ivana - Daisies 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is anime production such a masculine activity, while anime consumption such a feminine one?